Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2289: Little quarrel

In the system, Xiaoyao was also almost at the same time, giving her a positive answer.

不是 "Not blood, it is the fruit of a plant whose color and smell are very similar to blood!"

Gao Linmengya agreed with him.

The fruit on the needle tip has dried up. It should be left for several days, and the juice in it has leaked out.

At this moment, Xiaoyao cheered and called up a page for her.

"Master, look!"

青 Since the last upgrade, the decoding of Qing Zheng's spectrum has continued, and to this day, there are also new discoveries.

"Dragon blood fruit can delay the disease caused by bad blood vessels."

Bad blood? What is this again?

Fortunately, she has become accustomed to the unsystematic decoding results in Qingzheng's spectrum.

Although she didn't know the meaning, now she probably understands that the so-called bad blood is the blood that can bring serious consequences.

Obviously, old 嬷嬷 they should all rely on this to delay.

She thought for a while, and pierced the body's arm again.

At this point, although blood no longer flows, it is sufficient.

She put that little dragon blood fruit on the wound of the female corpse. The monitoring results of the small medicine in the system proved her guess.

"Dragon blood fruit can detoxify the poison in her blood."

She finally figured out why those people were crazy.

It turned out that their bodies were not "more", but they were missing dragon blood fruit!

She turned over everyone's clothes again, and she did not find any traces of dragon blood fruit.

No wonder everyone was crazy for a while. It turned out that the dragon blood fruit they brought was not enough.

"Bai Su, Cairu, follow me."

As long as she finds the trace of dragon blood fruit on that little 妾, it can prove that she is with these people.

She was on her way to the room where she was being held, and Long Tianyu was looking for her.

I just staggered, and he emptied.

Nine Dragons Tian Yu's mood was a little gloomy, and her wife was in urgent need of comfort.

"Where's Madam?"

The servant of the doorman replied, "The lady just went out, should you be back soon?"

Long Tianyu, who could not find his wife, decided to wait at the door.

He wants his wife to see him at first sight when he comes back.

It didn't take long for Long Tianyu to find a corner not far away, and a figure probed his head to look here.

某 Someone who is not in a good mood doesn't like this insignificant voyeurism.

The moment, sneer disappeared in the yard.

Then, the figure hiding in the dark was kicked out by him.

"Oh my mother! Who, dare to plot Miss Ben and don't want to live?"

Xiao Long Tianyu looked down at the guy dressed as men in the ground, his face was gloomy.

The other party reacted immediately and trembled up.

"You, Your Highness?"

Tong Ming knew her identity and chose to peep at his woman.

I'm fine, it seems she has enough.

The woman hurried to straighten her dress and saluted him.

"Do n’t misunderstand, I am not malicious. I just want to ask my wife if you can let my little sister-in-law go.

If the woman blindly denies, Long Tianyu can immediately throw people into the dungeon.

Chen Naihe's opponent was still acting brightly, so he just lost three words coldly.

"she is not here."

Raised his leg and left.

He Naihe was so daring and embarrassed, and walked around the gate of the ghost door, even before he was afraid of death.

"His Highness, my little sister-in-law is innocent! All these are the methods my eldest sister thought of in order to win the favor. Could you please interrogate my wife and let her return to us?"

For women other than their own wives, Long Tianyu wanted to come back without hesitation.

He glanced at each other without glancing at him.

"His Royal Highness!"

The young girl was still not afraid to follow her. The two were noisy and caught the attention of many people.

You must know that although their current temple master looks handsome, his temperament is indifferent.

Apart from their wives, no woman dares to move forward so unobtrusively.

For a while, some people couldn't help moving their minds.

Zhe Lin Mengya locked her up in a small, quiet courtyard. After she entered, the woman who had washed her was looking very soft and moving.

When I saw her, she bowed down and thanked her for her help.

"If there is no wife, I am afraid that Yingshuang's life will be gone."

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head and said lightly, "I didn't do anything, but I didn't want this to involve the temple."

说 She said, watching the woman in front of her.

She amplified the function of the five senses before, and she really smelled the same dragon blood fruit on the woman's body.

The blood smell is very light, but the flavor of the medicine is stronger than that of dragon blood fruit.

I should n’t be the one who takes the fruit directly.

It seems to me that this person's identity should be something special.

But what is the purpose of the other party to keep her?

"Mrs. said very much that people like me can never let the reputation of the temple be ashamed of me."

When Ying Yingshuang said this, his face was a little bitter.

Gao Linmengya turned her gaze and asked indifferently: "What are your plans for the future?"

Ying Ying's eye circles suddenly became red.

"What can I do without a rootless person like me? It's nothing more than returning to the Wu family and letting anyone bully."

梦 Lin Mengya knows something about the Wu family.

大 The eldest son of the Wu family is the wife's husband, and they are not very harmonious.

Because the maiden of the Wu family is jealous, and her personality is overbearing, the maiden of the Wu family has always hated it after welcoming the door.

This time, even when the Wu family father and son were ill, they were anxious to deal with Yingshuang.

If I return to Wu's house now, I am afraid that it will be another sheep.

Gao Linmengya thought for a while and said, "Your husband and father-in-law's illness is not good yet. I have sent someone for treatment. When they are well, you can go back."

Wu Yingshuang was moved to tears, and she knelt down and gave her a hoe.

"Thank you, Madam, for saving your life!"

"No need."

She took a deep look at Yingshuang and left.

I commanded to go down to guard the small yard tightly, and after no one was allowed in, he hurried back to the yard.

She wants to study the effect of dragon blood fruit on bad blood.

Perhaps, this will be the key to save her and Yan's family.

Because the research she conducted was special, Lin Mengya temporarily opened up a very secret place for her research.

The number of dragon fruit is very small. Those dried fruits are only a dozen or so.

What she had to do was find a formula that could replace Dragon Fruit.

Then, try tests on those corpses to find prescriptions to slow down bad blood conditions.

But she is again

I do n’t know if the solution to each bad bloodline is different.

Thinking like this, it seems that if she wants to solve the matter, she must go to Jun's house and Li's house to take a look.

But at the moment, her work is not difficult.

After a long time of being alive, she dragged her tired body back to the dormitory.

At this point, Long Tianyu had been waiting for her for a while, and was entangled by the guy who was not male or female, could not help but ask with a bad voice: "Where have you been? Why not so long come back?"

Zhelin Mengya's high concentration, coupled with supporting the operation of small medicines in the system, is already a bit overloaded.

So she just rubbed her eyebrows and said, "I have something to do."

If it was normal, Long Tianyu would definitely notice her abnormality.

Sui Naihe Today, he seemed to be hit by Baili Dustless and entangled by others, and there were still many documents sent to crumble Lin Mengya at night.

Therefore, my temper is a bit bad.

哪 "Where are you going, shouldn't someone tell me? Or am I in your eyes a dog that's coming and going?"

"Long Tianyu, what's the matter with you?" She asked helplessly.

But the latter's voice was getting higher and higher.

"I still want to ask you! In your heart, I don't matter!"

Lin Lin Mengya stared at each other.

She was accused of nothing for no reason, and she was already in flames.

Now she was sore all over, her head was "buzzing", and Long Tianyu was making trouble here unreasonably.

"I don't have time to mess with you."

She stumbled to the bed, but Long Tianyu felt that she didn't care about herself at all.

At the moment, he calmly said, "Yes, everything is unreasonable to me. Lin Mengya, you are the most important to me, but I am never the first in you!"

I finished talking and fell away.

On the bed, she took a few deep breaths, but couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes.

What happened to her? Will they make them, one or two, so dissatisfied?

She obviously wants to make everything better, but the result is getting worse.

She curled herself up in the quilt. She didn't want anyone to hear her cry and see her fragile side.

Xiaolong Tianyu rushed out at once, but immediately regretted it.

"This is me"

There was a bitter smile in the corner of his mouth and he shook his head.

Should not be.

He should not vent all his anger on his wife.

Probably because he's been under too much pressure recently, that's why he's so out of control.

When the cold wind blew, he was quite awake.

I turned around and tried to push the door in, but when I heard it, there was a slight weeping sound.

At the moment, no face or bones are needed.

Nine Dragons Tianyu rushed in immediately, kneeling in front of his wife's bed.

"You, aren't you gone?"

Zhe Lin Mengya was crying sadly. She turned around and saw the "culprit" with a big face beside her.

"Sorry, sorry, ma'am, ya'er, heart, you beat me and scold me. Don't cry, I'm going to die."

Chen Longtianyu looked at the tears on her face and regretted that she could not wait to kill herself.

怎么 How can he do this to her?

Yun Mingming, this is the person he wants to spoil his whole life.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and turned her head back.

"You go out, I don't want to see you now."

Chen Long Tianyu sank in his heart and continued to speak softly.

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