Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2290: Mysterious patriotic

Lin Mengya did not easily forgive this guy.

The clay figurine still has three points of fire, let alone her.

The whole man was shrunk in the bed, not even talking to him.

This is so bad that Long Tianyu almost did not wear the floor in front of the bed.

雅 "Ya'er, I really know what's wrong. You don't have to forgive me for nothing, but don't be sullen by yourself, it's not good to anger yourself."

I do n’t need to look, she also guessed that this guy was frowning.

She was wronged, but she didn't really intend to make a lot of trouble with Long Tianyu because of this little thing.

I turned my head and only revealed a pair of eyes, but it was enough to see Long Tianyu's pitiful look.

"Ma'am, please forgive me, okay?"

Your Highness, who is not always a sacred Lord, is humble at this moment.

Gao Lin Mengya raised her head with one hand, but the other hand was poked on his forehead, preventing the handsome face from approaching.

"Your brothers have a good discussion, one by one, play a bad temper with me. Long Tianyu, don't you think I married you, you can do whatever you want?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu really wanted to slap to death.

He held his wife's little hand with both hands and said sincerely, "Nothing! Who bullied you, but whenever my wife says his name, I will give him a lifelong lesson!"

"Oh." Lin Mengya pulled back her hand and gave him a cool glance.

"I'm afraid that people have already run away for a long time now, you, you will fool me."

Nine Dragons Tianyu immediately understood that what she was talking about was nothing.

Suddenly, his brows were tangled.

"I knew it early, I shouldn't let him go so happy!"

Lin Mengya glanced at him, but did not continue to "complain", but said thoughtfully: "I have a clear idea of ​​what Baili Dust is, he never minds you. The reason why he would blame me for this, sure It's for some reason related to you. "

I heard this, but Long Tianyu became more guilty.

His wife has always been like this, and even if he is full of grievances, he will never do anything he can.

In the words of outsiders, the overall situation is paramount.

But he just wanted to let his own woman do whatever she wanted without worrying about anyone.

He embraced people tightly, his voice was low.

"It's true that some rumors came to their ears, but I can't believe a word."

Lin Lin Mengya lay in his arms, but her heart was a little dull.

She thinks she is not a good person, but she has done a lot of good things over the years.

It doesn't matter if she's really sincere, but she shouldn't be stigmatized after all.

She doesn't care how others talk about her bad things, but she can't be wronged.

"Those things, I did not do it." She rarely did so coquettish.

Nine Dragons Tianyu hugged the person more tightly, and drew in her ear, said, "I believe in you."

No need to explain or prove anything.

Thaksin believed her enough.

"But I can't let others abuse me."

In Lin Yanmeng's eyes, there was a bit of stubbornness.

Xiao Long Tianyu hesitated, "I won't sit idly by, but this is a strange thing. I have sent someone to investigate, but unfortunately there is no clue."

She frowned slightly, "You can't even find out?"

You know, Long Tianyu is now more than just a famous temple without authority

Lord of.

With the power in his hands, no one in the entire Patriotic State can stand alone.

This was the case for the uncle, and the master behind the scenes could not be found, and it made the matter a little unusual.

Lin Lin Mengya turned around and regarded him as a pillow.

"Those things that Liang Jing said before he died may be a good starting point."

Until now, among the families in the Wei Kingdom, all the families that met Liang Jing's characteristics have been checked by her.

But in these families, there is no single woman named "Liang Yawei".

Qi Liangjing's hate came so deep that she didn't think it was fake.

Jiu Long Tianyu used her chin to gently rest her shoulders, but her eyes flashed a little Jingliang.

"Actually, we don't know enough about Weiguo. I remember you talking to me before, is that boy named Frost Flower?"

It was almost instantaneous that she thought of the young man who seemed to be short of words, but was actually very brave.

"I remember that."

"After freeing up my hands, I have ordered people to inquire about the news related to him. However, he is like a man who appeared out of thin air. What he said about the" Ice Family "is unheard of, unseen. As for No one has ever heard of the mysterious 'Guzhu'. "

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head, stared at his eyes, and said blankly, "Do you suspect I'm writing a story?"

Long Tianyu shook his head and whispered, "I believe what the young man said because your judgment is quite accurate. It is not easy for him to get confused in front of you. I mean, assuming these are all It ’s true, but we do n’t know anything. This does n’t mean that we are incompetent, but that this continent is really too strange. The hidden secrets may not be fully graspable even if we have spent our lives. ”

I had to say that this remark indeed followed her hair.

Lin Mengya voluntarily put her face in his arms, and said for a while: "I don't fear any unknown possibility, Long Tianyu, we are here to change our own destiny. So even if they hide deep , I'll take them out. "

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words, but a gentle smile appeared on his face.

He pressed his lips to her forehead.

"I knew you would choose this way, my wife, always with the courage to go forward."

The unpredictable future is like an unknown field shrouded in dark mist.

Maybe someone will be afraid, curled up where the light is.

But some people choose to move forward bravely.

His Yaer happened to be such a mover.

And he was willing to be the beacon behind her forever, doing whatever he could to illuminate the way for her.

"As long as you know."

Lin Lin Mengya yawned and closed her eyes with a small whisper.

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at the snooty kitten funnyly, and after placing the person properly, he hid his deep concerns.

On the second day, Lin Mengya plunged into research.

The amount of medicine stored in the Sanctum Temple is considerable, and there are a variety of medicines, many of which are strange medicines that she has never heard under the mountain.

If her teacher is here, she will definitely cry out.

But with a large supply of drugs, she finally touched a little direction.

That's how it is, and it's enough to make her look so tired.

"Madam, come down."

Cairu stood back at the door.

In the past few days, she and Bai Su have been kicked out, and they dare not go in easily, so they can only see stitches.

I reminded my wife that it was time to eat, drink and sleep.

Xiao Long Tianyu waited for a while before seeing the little workaholic in his own house, holding a large book of medical skills in his hand, and went forward without looking at the road.

He's a little worried, what if he falls?

But his wife is special.

Ming Ming focused his attention on medicine, but he had eyes like his forehead, and he could avoid obstacles in front of him.

Everyone else was surprised, only he could guess an approximate.

Maybe it is the magic of the "system" that exists in Yaer's mind.

He put down his heart, it seems that this "system" is really good.

"Just put down the book and eat something before you read it."

Nine Dragons Tianyu put out the contents of the food box he brought with him.

Gao Lin Mengya nodded unconsciously, but her gaze was still sticking to it, and she remained indifferent.

He thought it was a little funny. When he had a clever idea, he raised the bowl and fed her with a spoonful of spoon.

I was surprised.

Not only did his wife refuse, but she also opened her mouth actively. After a while, she took his hand and ate a lot of things.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also became addicted and found the joy in it.

I waited until I thought she was almost full, and then stopped.

Then, he looked at his wife again, holding the book and leaving.

He smiled, fed himself quickly, and looked forward to the next "feeding".

After a few days like this, Lin Mengya collapsed and put an end to her research.

After studying the corpses, she and Xiaoyao found that this kind of spinal disease is irreversible.

That is to say, people with this kind of blood will gradually get sick even if they take dragon blood fruit for life, but the degree will be reduced.

But dragon blood fruit is not so easy to use.

At least some younger corpses showed that their symptoms were heavier than the old ones.

这一 At this point, it also coincides with Li and Jun's illness.

The younger the younger generation, the greater the chance and severity of the disease.

It is really hard to imagine what such a family would look like after several generations.

"Master, it's getting late, haven't you got up yet?"

Bai Su's voice came from outside the door.

Lin Lin Mengya rarely lay on the bed, but now she has almost used everything on hand, and it is unnecessary to study it further.

She propped up her severely overdrawn body and said weakly, "I want to take a good rest today."

After speaking, people slept again.

Outside the door, Bai Su and Cai Ru smiled at each other.

Wu Cairu whispered quietly: "Let the master sleep, these days, I almost exhausted her."

With this feeling, Lin Mengya slept until dusk.

When I woke up, my brain was still groggy.

I finally woke up, she just felt hungry.

"Bai Su, Cai Ru, is there anything to eat?"

Cairu's response came immediately outside the door.

"Just wait a minute, I'll get you something to eat."

At dusk, Lin Mengya managed to move herself to the door.

She has been working with those medicines for the past few days. Her keen sense of smell almost didn't make her sick. Now she smells a lingering medicine no matter what she smells.

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