Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2294: Who counts who

Xu glanced at Long Tianyu fiercely. The man accompanied him with a smile and used actions to show his goodness.

The "mutual complaint and heartfelt instinct" of the two people outside the ramparts is still lingering, and even eachother has begun to promise each other the future.

Nianlong Tianyu's face grew darker and darker.

Lin Mengya was a little more leisurely, and even quietly pinched him with his elbow.

"Do you know how I feel every time you tell me those loveless words?"

She made fun of him on purpose.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was deeply disgusted by this, and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not as disgusting as him!"

Lin Lin Mengya laughed while covering her mouth.

I dare not dare to learn those after seeing him, and let her hear the sweet words of goosebumps as soon as she hears them.

Who would have expected Long Tianyu next to her to be determined, and had to go further in the love story.

He dared to compare his true words with this kind of perfunctory perfunctory. His wife was a violent thing.

"Xi Lang, I love you and am willing to stay with you for life. But your original wife is not a good person, you have a clear personality, I am afraid that it is necessary after I pass through the door Bullied by her. "

"She dares! What she relies on is just a noble birth. But I have been tired of living with such a high person like her, Xiangmei, do n’t worry, if you dare to disrespect you after you pass through the door, I will rest she was!"

"Xi Lang, I don't want you to offend the palace family because of me. I heard that the family is very difficult to protect each other. If it is because of your preference for me, let them fight against you, I am more sleepy."

"Hmm! I already have a solution, you wait, I will deal with them when I make my hand! Then I will rest the woman, and you and I will fly together!"

Lin Lin Mengya listened more and more wrong.

不必 It is not necessary for a man to say that he is standing beside himself.

But the "Wu Xiang" is not very consistent with the girl's usual speaking style.

Although the sound quality is similar, the tone is too delicate.

She quietly gazed at his own man, then pointed to the direction of the sound, and used his eyes to signal that he secretly went to see.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was disgusted by the voice, and walked darkly.

After a while, he came back and put it in his ear and said, "There is only one person."

What I said was so lively was actually a one-man show!

Lin Lin Mengya had to admire the master behind the scenes, where did she find the play?

The man talked to himself, performed a complete drama of "The conspiracy man and the goblin conspiracy, set up a poison plan to frame the original wife," and then left without taking advantage.

Xiaolong Tianyu waved his hand, and immediately a hidden wolf guard followed.

Lin Lin Mengya and he returned to the room. The two did not light up and did not alarm anyone.

中 In the dark, Lin Mengya said quietly, "What do you think?"

If it wasn't for the system to recognize Long Tianyu's voice, or if Long Tianyu came back a little late, there would be a misunderstanding between them.

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned slightly.

"It was Long Qinghan who told me to tell me and wanted to talk to me at midnight today."

She exhaled softly.

"It seems that Long Qinghan should be with them?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded.

"No wonder he started delaying time after I went. I thought he was playing with me again, so I left early."

It's all calculated by people.

But, the purpose of the other party is just to stir up the relationship between the two of them?

Oh no!

She remembered the news revealed in that man's words.

If according to their plan, no matter what happens to the palace family, she will count on Long Tianyu's head.

"They want to deal with the house?" She asked.

应该 "Should be the case, I'll let people talk to the palace."

Nine Dragons Tianyu stepped out and called people.

Lin Lin Mengya was also a little uneasy.

Xie Xie's disappearance, the tricks against the palace family, and the small contradiction between her and Long Tianyu.

These things didn't seem to cause much trouble to her, but they actually fell down from the sky and worried her.

It seems that everything has penetrated into her weakness.

That was a kind of inscrutable, even creepy malicious, like a sacrifice of bones, making her unable to break free.

She exhaled deeply, calming her emotions again.

I ca n’t panic or mess.

The more sloppy it is, the more conspiracy and calculations it hides.

She will never let her eyes be confused by fear.

On the second day, Lin Mengya had a big fight with Long Tianyu.

Almost everyone saw Long Tianyu walk away, while Lin Mengya thanked guests behind closed doors.

I had loved two people who had been inseparable, but broke up into a pair of spouses overnight.

The saints who are in charge of the service are taking care of 120,000. No one dares to touch the mold of the two masters at this time.

Alas, however, this secretly broke the Wu family.

"I said a long time ago that this method definitely works."

After receiving the news, Ying Shuang was proud to invite the father and son of the Wu family for credit.

At this time, the Wu family's father and son have been completely blindfolded by the fantasies of benefits, and praise the "magic plan" to welcome them.

大 The eldest son of the Wu family laughed and embraced her shoulders.

"Yingshuang, you are really my good helper! If my sister becomes the lady of the temple, I don't have to worry about that tigress's maiden house anymore, I can help you right!"

Wu Yingshuang smiled charmingly, covering the contempt in his eyes.

Wu's homeowner was a bit uneasy.

"Is the person you're looking for reliable? In case he leaks the wind, wouldn't we give up all our achievements?"

"Father, don't worry, that man went down the mountain early in the morning. And he didn't know our plan at all. Besides, what he said, who would believe it?"

Ying Yingshuang thought that it was seamless.

I want to know that the Lord of the Hall did leave at midnight last night, and it was he who quibbled, and would never believe the woman's belly.

The Wu master will be relieved and start thinking about the next step.

"After all, what happened last night was fake. We have to think about making your sister become the owner of the temple as soon as possible."

Wu Yingshuang smiled and said, "It's all up to me, husband and father, you are waiting to be the in-laws of the temple."

"Dangdang", the prison door slammed to both sides, Lin Mengya walked in aggressively.

"I asked you, was the Lord Lord with you last night?"

Long Qinghan, who closed his eyes and raised his eyes, looked up at the woman who was burning in jealousy, sneering in his heart.

After all, the beautiful woman is just a gorgeous appearance.

In my heart, it's all ugly.

怎么 "What? Your husband and wife quarreled?"

"I'm asking you!"

Chen Long stood cold and leaned back, and said lazily, "If it can make you feel better, you can think so."

This modern ambiguity naturally caused her dissatisfaction.

"It seems he lied to me!"

Long Qinghan looked at her and taunted, "Aren't you two really in love? If so, then you should believe what he said. Besides, men are the same. If you want to continue, you have to learn to open Close one eye. "

Gao Lin Mengya glared at him and scolded, "I don't need you to teach me! Long Qinghan, what do you think you are qualified to talk about these? You are nothing but"

She looked at him with an extremely disdainful look, which made Long Qinghan somewhat unhappy.

"It's worthy of being a father, it's all scumbags. Long Qinghan, do you think you forgot, that thing can be over? Tell you, delusion!"

After she warned him, she left angrily.

In the dungeon, Long Qinghan's expression sank again after she left.

Stinging her words did not unexpectedly evoke his curiosity.

Because in his opinion, this is Lin Mengya's unspoken words after being provoked, and her credibility is naturally high.

Stepping out of the dungeon, the anger on Lin Mengya's face turned into a calculated "treacherous" in an instant.

Mock up, play psychological warfare with her, then see who is better at it!

The "cold war" between the couple and his wife has become the best opportunity in the eyes of a caring person.

Wu Xiang soon learned about this in Yingshuang's mouth.

However, the reason became "Gong Ya" 's willfulness and unreasonableness, and then there was some unpleasantness with the palace master.

In the description of Yingshuang, Lin Mengya obviously became a greedy and arrogant woman who did not know contentment.

I don't know if Wu Xiang's own brain tonic is too strong, or if this kind of brainless and rich beauty has a Mary Su heart.

In short, Wu Xiang regards himself as the incarnation of justice, a flower of interpretation that should be placed on the bedside of Long Tianyu.

But Long Tianyu, who was in the main hall, was doing his official duties, but he was furious.

He was born in the morning by his wife.

Alas, is it really because of the day-to-day relative, so her husband is so impatient with him?

He said that Xiaobie won the wedding, and he probably lost his attractiveness to his wife because of the long time.

How difficult it is! Coaxing a daughter-in-law is a science worth studying for a lifetime.

At this time, someone obscured, "Dear Lord, Miss Wu Xiangwu."

"No!" Long Tianyu waved and said impatiently.

Her Majesty did not dare to say more, but Long Tianyu remembered this morning that his wife's ears were dead.

"Forget it, let her in."

虽 While he is not tired of dealing with this woman, his wife is right.

I have to look at them, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

湘 Wu Xiang is inevitably a little nervous.

He just couldn't help heartbeat when he saw the man sitting high.

He keeps frowning, and he does seem to be in a bad mood.

Gently shook his hand and thought he would show the most beautiful and dignified manner in front of him.

"Wu Xiang has seen His Royal Highness."


Chen Long Tianyu did not even raise his eyelids.

As soon as he heard this voice, he remembered the words that he heard under the wall last night.

Suddenly, my mood worsened.

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