"Your Highness seems to be upset?"

湘 Wu Xiang's words are soft and gentle. If you listen carefully, you can notice the concern.

Nine Dragons Tianyu originally wanted to be the same as before, but could not help his wife's severe warning.

She should let him sell his hue at a critical moment!

His beauty, isn't it for others to covet?

It's a pity that Madam's punishment measures really made him a little dazed, but he had no choice but to humiliate and alleviate his stinking face.


Wu Xiang was a little nervous, but Her Highness's attitude towards her was quite mild.

This gave her an illusion that seemed to be different from everyone else.

虽然 "His Royal Highness hasn't known me for a long time, but in my heart, His Royal Highness is the most heroic and honorable man in the world. If you have anything, you can tell me."

Her period of Ai Ai opened her mouth, and she also had deep expectations in her eyes.

Chen Long Tianyu finally looked up.

Fuck those cold eyes, and brush her gently.

Just a glance is enough to let Wu Xiang's heart completely fall.

"No need."

"No, I am willing!"

湘 Wu Xiang slightly excited, stood in front of him.

Crimson's little face showed the woman's coyness, but she made a bolder move.

"Whatever you want me to do for Your Highness!"

探 She leaned out, and seemed to want to be closer to the oracle in her heart.

He saw the cold man, and suddenly his lips drew.

At that moment, Wu Xiang felt his heart and almost jumped out.

"Really do everything for me?"

湘 Wu Xiang focused his head and almost cried.

I thought that I would go one step further with the man, but did not want the man who had just been gentle with her just now.

"There is nothing for you to do here, you go back first."

"But Your Highness" Wu Xiang was a little confused and a little wronged.

His Highness just wanted to say something to her. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

"Come here and send Miss Wu back. I still have nothing to do with me."

Nine Dragons Tianyu has reached the limit.

Although in order to achieve his goal, he also used various camouflages.

This time it was too difficult, he didn't even want to be in the same room with this contrived woman.

Wu Xiang wanted to chase him, but was stopped.

"His Royal Highness! I am waiting for your call anytime, anywhere!"

I was separated by people, but Wu Xiang's confession made Long Tianyu's footsteps faster.

Unsuccessful, he had to bargain with his wife.

This kind of torture is too difficult. The remuneration he asked for must be doubled.

Wu Xiang also told Ying Shuang about Long Tianyu's change after returning.

Ying Shuang, who thought he had a plan, didn't know, all these were the two couples' plans.

The atmosphere of the temple is getting stranger.

But in just a few days, the wind changed.

It seems that everyone knows that the master of the palace no longer only favors his wife, but has a special fondness for Miss Wu.

They even saw Miss Wu's family spreading in the courtyard side by side with the owner of the palace, and they even ate at the same table.

Even Miss Wu's can now freely enter and leave the main hall.

Everyone doesn't say it, but it's all spreading. Maybe it won't take long for the temple to welcome a new mistress.

"Master, rumors outside

Jingjing is so powerful, when do we close the net? "

Rather than running around, from time to time, he has to deal with all the people who come to test people, and Lin Mengya, Bai Su who hides in the yard, is more worried.

Lin Lin Mengya held up the tea cup and blew.

"Hurry up, Big Fish hasn't hooked yet."

"But when is this the head? You don't know, then Miss Wu's house has been sent to the room now. I'm afraid it will happen if this continues."

Wu Baisu's worry is not unreasonable.

Now there are rumors that Her Royal Highness has adopted Miss Wu's house, and she is waiting to give her a formal status.

Although he said this, His Highness found a severe punishment from the head.

But also because of this, everyone thinks that this is why His Highness values ​​Wu Xiang.

Are they all blind? Bai Su thought a little speechless.

"Don't you believe in Long Tianyu?"

Lin Lin Mengya was not in a hurry.

Not only because she trusted his family's love for her, but also because of the resentment of a man who climbed the bed every night with a star wearing a moon.

For the past few days, she has to fight hard every night, listening to her man's spit.

Plus "exercise" to comfort the injured heart of her man.

She just couldn't refuse, otherwise the guy would blame her in a resentful tone.

In order to be quiet, she had to step back.

"I don't know what that means, our Highness is naturally guarded like a jade, but some people can't stand it, and the means are frequent."

That's the idea.

The rumors of these days are disturbing, all of them are directed at her.

If she didn't say anything, wouldn't it waste the efforts of these people?

"Let's go, let's go for a walk in the yard."

As soon as the two went out, they heard many whispers.

Bai Su is a terrible man, and he shuts them up with a stare.

She was too lazy to listen to these people chewing their tongues and took Bai Su to go directly to a rockery to rest.

Not long after, she heard not far away, and a woman's admiration came.

"It's still good for His Royal Highness. Look at the texture of this pendant. There is no such good thing outside."

"Don't make fun of me anymore, but it is your Highness's free reward."

A small group of people approached head-on, the two headed by Jin Daiyu, with a charming smile on their faces.

Although there were not many people behind him, they all held their breaths, not even a single person.

It seemed that the two women were deliberately showing off.

They obviously saw Lin Mengya and Bai Su. After looking at each other, they came to her uninvited.

"Wu Xiang has seen Sister Gong."

Lin Mengya thought it was funny.

I saw her a few days ago and called her wife, now she calls her sister.

It seems that in the past few days, Long Tianyu was very “hard”.

Gao Baisu stood in front of her, and Gao Leng said, "I have no sisters or sisters in my house. The girl still calls her" Mrs. "

Wu Xiang, who was soft and hard, took a nail and was not angry.

In her eyes, Her Royal Highness is now obsessed with her.

Sooner or later, she and Gong Ya will serve as husband.

Although she doesn't like each other, she can barely endure for her Highness.

Therefore, she stopped Yingshuang, who wanted to make an effort for her, and said politely, "It is Wu Xiang who has crossed over and met his wife."

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her, and asked gently: "Is there something wrong?"

湘 Wu Xiang is also the daughter of Qian Jin who was brought up in the house. Where can she get used to her prickly attitude?

The tolerance is just the bottom line, but now I can't hold back my temper.

"I met my wife so coincidentally today, then Xianger was also rude. You are of noble origin, but since you are married, you should respect your husband. Now you are like this, but you have no consciousness of being a wife and occupying your Highness That good man. "

Lin Lin Mengya almost didn't laugh.

Who in the end gave Wu Xiang the confidence? Really think her mother is everywhere on earth, do everyone have to live with her?

么 "Related to you?"

Her tone angered Wu Xiang again.

"His Royal Highness matters are related to me! In the future, I will never let your Highness be mad at you again!"

Huh, she felt that the goods might still be a little overwhelming.

But now she can only show what a **** woman should be.

"I said that when I went out early this morning, I saw the crow screaming on my finger. It turned out that something obscene came to the door."

She stood up.

The woman who was half head taller than Wu Xiang was imposing.

For a while, even Wu Xiang felt the pressure from his face.

"What the **** are you? You dare to teach me!"

湘 Wu Xiang bit his silver teeth and voiced for love.

"I sincerely admire His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness also accepted my will. Gong Ya, I am not as good as you, but Your Highness, I will not let you spoil!

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her, and raised her lips coldly.

"Is it?"

Her disdain and contempt made Wu Xiang's blood surge.

At this moment, Yingshuang, who had been standing by and watching the battle secretly, took the opportunity to smash fire.

夫人 Madam, although my second lady is young, her heart is true. Her Highness likes her and it is natural. Even if you are not willing, your Highness has spoken, and you can only obey.

According to the script, now Lin Mengya should be irritated and do something unreasonable.

Sui Naihe was very angry, but she didn't do anything.

Wu Yingshuang was secretly anxious.

"He likes it, then let him tell me. Otherwise, even if he gave you Jinshan Yinshan, I wouldn't care. Our palace family is rich, but we don't need the reward of others."

I didn't want Lin Mengya's words to make Wu Xiang excited.

"what did you say?"

湘 Wu Xiang narrowed his eyes and went directly to her.

Wu Ying double-minded, and at this moment, she quietly stretched out her feet and tripped Wu Xiang.

The latter was stunned, and suddenly lost his balance, and Huarong pounced towards Lin Mengya.

At a critical moment, Bai Su moved her owner to the side.

He heard a bang, Wu Xiang's head fell on the stone, his face covered with blood.

"Wonderful, the lady of the palace shot and hurt someone!"

Wu Ying yelled by pulling his neck, and immediately attracted many people.

Just now those people just followed, and no one could see what the specific situation was.

事实 And the fact happened that Wu Xiang was injured, Lin Mengya was unscathed.

So, I preconceived Yingshuang's words.

喂 "Hey! What are you shouting blindly, obviously--"

Xi Bai Su was anxious to tell the other side, but Lin Meng Yala pulled the corner.

She glanced at Wu Xiang, and found that the other party was not light.

And the edges of the rockery are sharp, fearing that it will be disfigured.

After a while, the deputy chief of the deputy Qin hurried over.

When Ying Yingshuang saw someone coming, he immediately cried and fell at the feet of the Lord of the Qindu Palace.

"Please make the decision for my second lady!"

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