Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2299: Cause and effect

For a moment, even Elder Mu's face was wrong.

Zhe Lin Mengya was a bit surprised. Is it still a secret?

"I learned this because of some chance coincidence. But I can guarantee that I have absolutely no bad intentions towards your people. Just two friends asked me to let me find out the cause of the illness. It ’s a good medicine. Since I promised them, I will naturally keep the promise. If Elder Mu is convenient, can I tell me the specific reasons for some of the symptoms. If I can solve it, it will be a benefit to the ancients. "

Elder Mu Mu looked a little excited.

"Do you mean, I asked you for this thing from the ancient relics?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

"I know that as an outsider, it's not appropriate to get involved in this fact. When my two friends also suffered a lot because of this, I really can't bear to see them suffer as a result. The rules of the clan, also asked Elder Mu not to hold them accountable. I'll take care of myself. "

But unexpectedly, Elder Mu shook his head, then looked at her with a serious look.

"No, I don't mean that. If so, then the lady should not be someone who wants to hunt down our people and take blood."

回 This time, Lin Mengya's turn frowned.

怎么 Why did she suddenly clear the suspicion?

"Elder Mu, what do you mean?"

"It's true, those who hunted down my bloodline have always refused to believe that there is a problem with the bloodline of my people. And the wife must have done something before allowing my ancient people to tell the secrets of the people. So It seems that the wife must not be the kind of heartbroken person. "

Lin Lin Mengya felt that she seemed to be rescued by Li Ao and Jun Wu again accidentally.

But Elder Mao didn't believe it, and kept staring at her in a huff, and murmured in her mouth not to be fooled by her.

"Okay, just say a few words."

In fact, the deeper reason is that the information leaked out of Lin Mengya's previous words was seductive enough.

If she really has a way to solve the hidden problems of the blood of the ancients, for the people of the ancients, her kindness is like regenerating her parents.

It is risky, and Elder Mu also feels worth the risk.

Suddenly the atmosphere became friendly all at once. The deputy master of the Qin Palace wiped the sweat on his forehead, and secretly his wife handed an admiring look.

He is indeed a woman praised by the owner of their old temple.

Here, Elder Mu's eyes looked at her, apparently warming like a spring breeze.

"Mrs. no matter what she wants to know, she will cooperate in the next. If it is convenient, can I ask if there is any solution to the blood diseases of the ancient people?"

She thought about the dragon blood fruit, but was afraid to cause any further disturbances, so she had to be careful.

"It's only a little bit of direction at the moment, oh yes, you should have a way to slow down the bloodline disease, right?"

"It's true, it's true after so many years of research. Unfortunately, this method can only cure the symptoms and not the root cause, and it will also damage our bodies. Therefore, we will never use those unless we have to. Way to treat. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and considered it.

"Elder Mu, I want to talk to you about something."

From the current attitude, Elder Mu first came to be sensible, and secondly, because she had old relationships with her and the master of the old temple, it was more reliable.

As for others, she couldn't believe it.

Elder Mu Mu struck a consensus and bombed everyone away.

For now, only her and her man and Elder Mu were left.

"You have nothing to say," Elder Mu laughed.

Lin Lin Mengya hesitated repeatedly before she said quietly, "Do you know, dragon blood fruit?"

Elder Mu's face changed slightly.

"Dare to ask Madam, where did you hear this thing?"

"I came across these corpses by accident, and this thing should have a deferring effect on your blood vessels."

Elder Mu nodded and lowered his voice and said, "Fortunately, you drove the old Mao away. Madam knows that this dragon blood fruit is the only holy medicine that can be used to delay the blood vein disease of my family. The planting method is recorded in Nanting Ji. Now there are very few dragon blood trees in my tribe. Therefore, the talents of my tribe are so interested in Nanting Ji. "

Lin Lin Mengya now fully understand.

I was probably out of luck, and this time I came to Elder Mu who had a good impression on her. Otherwise, she would not be able to wash even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

"Elder Mu, believe it or not, before that, I didn't even know what the dragon blood fruit was. It seems that someone should have intentionally framed me."

Elder Mu Mu revealed a look that gave her peace of mind.

夫人 "Mrs. don't worry about it. In fact, I know better than anyone. You are definitely not the enemy of our ancient people."

Lin Lin Mengya did not quite understand the meaning of Elder Mu's words.

But Elder Mu just laughed and said nothing, and she was not good enough to keep asking.

It was his words that seemed to give her a reassurance.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also listened to these words.

He rarely spoke.

既然 "Since Elder Mu trusts my wife so much, I can also guarantee that I will help you at least to the extent that I can do it."

Elder Mu Mu overjoyed.

"Thank you for the main body shirt of the palace. It is really an honor for my ancient people to meet you!"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and the words turned around.

既然 "That being the case, then I will open the skylight to speak brightly. Elder Mu, I think that Jiang Yingshuang has some problems. It is better that you don't trust her too much."

At this point, they are not too passive.

Elder Mu Mu heard the words and felt something.

"Even if the wife didn't say it, I felt the same way. After we went back yesterday, she found it again, crying all about the so-called guilt of the wife. But she didn't know that the Jiang family owner who had moved out was I have had several relationships with me. I tried her questions and it turned out that she was indifferent and didn't dare answer me positively. "

For a moment, Lin Mengya had to sigh, what is luck?

"Unexpectedly, Elder Mu is still my blessing."

He saw Elder Mu shook his head gently.

"I just want to see her descendants. Now it seems that this is a worthwhile trip."

谁 "Who" is self-evident.

The three of them smiled at each other, and there was a little tacit understanding in them.

"The people behind Jiang Yingshuang are afraid that they will not stop." She said.

Elder Mu Mu also said: "This is the truth, in fact, there are spies among our ancient people, and I have heard other elders say. This time, I came out to 'fish'.

There was also a problem with the Laogu tribe. Lin Mengya shook her head and was a bit sorry.

Whether it is the Patriotic State or the Ancient Clan, it has been around for too long.

A tadpole is like a thousand-year-old tree, no matter how leafy it may look, but tadpoles are still inevitable.

She naturally gave back to the kindness of Elder Mu.

"If cooperation is needed, Elder Mu must tell us. I am very interested in the mysterious ancient people. If I have the opportunity, I would like to visit some!"

Elder Mu Mu immediately said cheerfully: "Okay, my ancient people must welcome my wife."

Xiao Long Tianyu watched the young and old talk speculatively, but couldn't help but interrupt them.

"I'll talk about the visit later. Now, think about how to find out who is behind the scenes."

The two people also make sense.

The three of them whispered, and finally came to a conclusion.

Before Elder Mu Mu left, he officially bowed to them both.

"It is a pleasure for my ancient people to have your help. I also ask them to help me in the future when my ancient people are in danger. I am grateful Endless. "

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu solemnly agreed to each other's request.

After treating others to leave, Lin Mengya leaned on Long Tianyu's shoulder and exhaled softly.

"I didn't expect that traits could have such benefits."

Chen Longtianyu heard her rejoicing.

"Thanks you have a good ancestor, I have a good master."

Lin Mengya smiled softly, "It is true, but I think this should be the cause and effect of the Buddhists. Long Tianyu, I am the 'fruit' planted by my family members, and now it is time to return these 'effects' 'It's up.'

As her partner, Long Tianyu knows these things.

The elaborate arrangement of the ten generations of homeowners, plus the sacrifices made by all people over the years.

After all, it's the day of cause and effect.

He held the woman in his arms tightly.

"You, my 'cause and effect'."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and leaned her entire body on him.

Hopefully, they can all get a good result.

When Elder Mu Mu returned, he called all three elders together.

The disciples are only responsible for keeping the door, and they do n’t know what the conversation is about.

After a while, Elder Mao and another elder came out with a heavy face.

"This old thing, really can not be considered as the boss? I will not listen to him, I see what he can do!"

The elder Mao, who was hot-tempered, stood at the door, and whispered a few words into it.

The other elder was pulling and took him back to the house.

I saw such a scene, and although those disciples had doubts in their hearts, they dared not speak much.

After a short while, there was a disciple who was tall and thin and whispered to his partner that he would get some tea for the three elders.

His disciples also saw the dispute between the three elders, so there was no obstacle to his actions.

弟 The disciple left quietly, and then walked to a quiet corner.

"Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

As soon as Qiujiang Yingshuang appeared, she complained to the other side.

The latter immediately covered her mouth silently and pushed her into the empty room next to her.

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