Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2300: Design to lead the enemy

"What are you doing? No one here!"

Qi Jiangying gave the other side a glance and pushed the man's hand down.

The latter was still cautious. After looking around, he lowered his voice and said, "Did I tell you when you did it?"

Minjiang Yingshuang proudly took a small paper bag from her arms.

"Don't worry, the medicine is here. As long as the old thing drinks a little bit, it will return to the west immediately."

The man then nodded, but still reassured her.

"Elder Mu shouldn't have followed along. I think he has a good relationship with those two people and may hinder our plan. This time, we must get rid of him first."

Minjiang Yingshuang nodded, and a little bit of resentment appeared in his eyes.

"If it weren't for that old guy, why would I have to spend so much effort. Neither the father and son of the Wu family is a good thing, I am really hard.

In the eyes of the man, there is not much affection.

"Okay, there are no less benefits to you. Remember, you must succeed this time."

"Got it."

Seeing that the other party was so uninteresting, Jiang Yingshuang also lost his interest in flirting with him.

After the two men conspired, the man returned along the same path.

And she went to the tea room.

When he appeared again in front of the man, Jiang Yingshuang pretended not to know him.

"I brought tea to the three elders."

The man nodded, and exchanged a gaze with him calmly.

Subsequently, Jiang Yingshuang delivered the tea to the houses of the three elders.

Before the Tatars came out of the courtyard, they heard a crisp sound in Elder Mu's room.

The disciple in charge of the gate immediately rushed in, only to hear the exclaim of the disciples in the room.

"Come on, there is something wrong with the elders!"

Suddenly, all the disciples ran in.

The other two elders also heard it.

Minjiang Yingshuang secretly raised his lips and became!

But when she wanted to leave, she was blocked back.

"Where is this girl Jiang?"

Wu Cairu looked at her with a smile, and pressed her hand on her hilt.

Minjiang Yingshuang's smile was a little stiff, but still calm.

我 "I, of course, I am going to find a doctor for Elder Mu."

"Oh? What happened to Elder Mu?"

"He" Jiang Yingshuang immediately responded and asked: "How do I know what happened to him? I think 80% of the people in your temple moved their hands and feet! Go away, I'm going to find someone!"

She reached out and dragged Cairu, but the other side blinked, leaving her hand to fall.

When Jiang Yingshuang turned around and left, Lin Mengya took Bai Su and arrested him.

"Are you looking for a doctor? I'm the best doctor in the temple. Let's go, girl Jiang, let's go and see."

Zhe Lin Mengya's attitude was so calm and weird that Jiang Yingshuang could barely resist and was forced back into the courtyard by three girls.

At this time, those disciples were inside and outside the house.

With a turn of his eyes, Minjiang Ying shouted out loudly: "Poisoning is impossible. Do you still want to kill our elders?"

At this time, those disciples also looked at the three of them.

But Lin Mengya didn't rush to distinguish it, just glanced at Jiang Yingshuang, and said loudly, "Elder Mu, how are you now?"

There was no immediate response from the elder, and just when Jiang Yingshuang wanted to continue to play tricks, Elder Mu said.

"I'm sorry husband

Damn, the old man accidentally wetted his clothes just now. Wait a moment for me, and see you again when I change clothes. "

"Everything, Elder Mu, please."

Elder Mu's voice was full of vitality, and there was no sign of poisoning at all.

At this moment, Jiang Yingshuang and her associates were panicked.

Shouldn't Elder Mu Mu be poisoned?

After a while, Elder Mu changed his clothes and appeared in front of everyone.

Elder Mao Mao's head was tangled into a paste.

到底 What is going on here?

"Please come with me, everyone."

Elder Mu sent invitations to Lin Mengya and two other elders.

The three of them nodded, and Lin Mengya also gestured Bai Su and Cai Ru with his eyes, and brought Jiang Yingshuang.

Unconsciously, the outside had been surrounded by the guards of the Temple Guard.

For a moment, the people inside can hardly fly even with wings.

As soon as Elder Mao Mao sat down, he whispered, "I said Lao Mu, what the **** is this? I just heard them say that you are poisoned?"

Elder Mu Mu glanced at his old friend and sighed.

"Old Mao, this time we were all pecked by little sparrows."

"You make it clear, what is going on."

Elder Mu Mu glanced painfully at Jiang Yingshuang.

"Girl Jiang, I think there is nothing that offends you, so why do you design me over and over again? You pretend to be the Jiang family, and let us mistakenly think that the master and the wife want to be bad for the ancient people; You have used my trust to try to poison me, and to marry the temple. Why do you have so many vicious thoughts when you are young? "

Seeing his own camouflage uncovered, Jiang Yingshuang had to weep poorly.

"The elders are wrong, why did the younger people do such a thing? There must be someone who will frame me!"

At this point, Lin Mengya was not afraid that she would not admit it.

She chuckled and smiled.

"So, girl Jiang won't admit it, you just poisoned that cup of tea just now?"

Minjiang Yingshuang clenched his cuffs nervously.

I still gritted my teeth hard.

夫人 "Ma'am, you do n’t spray blood here here! Tea is what I brought, and all that is available in your temple! Maybe, the poison was originally brought down by you!"

"But I remember, didn't you take three cups?"

She looked at the other two elders.

The two men came to understand immediately, their faces turned black.

"Damn girl! Are you planning to kill the three of us?"

He said, Elder Mao was about to rush over to teach Jiang Yingshuang.

But Ke was stopped by Cairu.

"Elder Mao, don't be too busy teaching her. This time, she can't do it alone."

"What do you mean?"

Elder Mao Mao stared at her angrily.

Lin Mengya smiled and explained without hesitation: "She's a girl's house, even if you are helpless except for you. But she dared to take action on the three of you, she never thought about her own future What about the road? "

After a few words, I woke up Elder Mao.

虽 Although he is impulsive, he is not stupid.

For the moment, a pair of eyelids looked around coldly.

"It seems that some of us old guys are getting in the way."

Elder Mu Mu waved his hand to make Elder Mao calm down.

"Ma'am, what should you do with this matter?"

Lin Lin Mengya sat at the table and glanced at Jiang Yingshuang.

要么 "Either she confessed herself in exchange for a way of life; or she changed her life for her own cup of tea."

The tea cup was broken, but there was some tea soup left in it.

Xi Cairu carefully collected these tea soups into another empty cup, but there was also a cup bottom.

As a poisoned person, Jiang Yingshuang knows the power of this poison best.

As long as you enter the mouth, half a mouth can kill a person.

不要 "No! Elder Mu, Elder Mao, Elder Chang, you must not be deceived by this woman! Gong Ya, it is your poison that you are going to murder three elders!"

Despite Jiang Yingshuang's splashing and rolling, the people around him are still hard-hearted.

Elder Mu Mu sighed without saying a word.

This time, Jiang Yingshuang completely lost his support.

In Hayakura, she looked at the man who had connected with her before.

"I said, I say everything, please, please let me go!"

He didn't want the man to frown, and immediately stepped forward and picked up the tea cup, coldly yelled: "You poison woman, dare to murder the elders! My ancient people, I can't stand people like you!"

He said, his hands were holding Jiang Yingshuang's chin vigorously, so that she could no longer speak a word, and drank the tea soup unceasingly.


Min Jiangying's eyes widened and he looked at each other stubbornly.

The man's face was cold, and his men exerted all their strength.

"It's really amazing."

Lin watched Lin Mengya watching the whole process, but her face was a little ironic.

"Elder Mu, the situation is now clear, how to deal with it, that is the matter of the three of you. But the accusation of my temple, can all be washed away now?"

Elder Mu Mu nodded weakly.

"Well, it's all my troubles caused by the ancients themselves. Madam, this time I owe you the ancients."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and shook her head slightly.

"It's not that serious, it's just that we cooperate."

With this remark, everyone around them seemed to be in the dark.

But the most astonished should be the disciple who is in pain and wants to cut off the roots.

I saw Jiang Yingshuang who should have died of poison immediately, but now he just covered his throat and kept coughing.

At this time he realized that they had been tricked.

The man's heart was cruel enough, and now he was going to Yingjiang's neck.

Who would have expected that Bai Su and Cai Ru had a faster shot. They each had one hand and they only heard the sour "gaba" sound. The two arms of the man were twisted off by them.

"Ah-" The man screamed, and everyone collapsed to the ground with pain.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced and said coldly, "I still want to play this trick in front of me, this is just a little lesson for you."

Elder Mu Mu just felt dull.

But for the woman in front of her, there is inevitably some new surprises in her heart.

"I still have a vision for my wife. I will definitely check this out and give you an explanation."

She nodded. "Then there is labor, yes, my dungeon in the temple is a good place, and it is a good place to force confessions. If they are not obedient, I can lend you the place."

Even before Elder Mu refused, Jiang Yingshuang, who escaped from the dead, held a hoarse voice and shouted, "I said, I say everything! Elder Mu, please, give me a way to live!"

Lin Lin Mengya looked disappointed.

"Oh, it's a pity that several sets of torture were added in the dungeon. Elder Mu, do you really stop thinking about it?"

Elder Mu Mu immediately shook his head and refused.

I thought to myself that this palace woman is really not easy to mess with!

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