Parting was reduced, but the attitude of the two seemed very calm.

Gao Linmengya packed his luggage for him. Although Long Tianyu may not be here this long, who can tell?

After all, it is better to prepare more.

He rushed back from the front hall, Ping Xing and Dai Yue. All he saw was his own wife, who was busy in the inner hall.

I could not help but slow down and walked over, grabbing her waist.

Zhe Lin Mengya stopped the movement on her head, struggling softly and said, "Okay, let go of me, I have to help you clean up."

"What's the hurry? I have a few days to go."

Nine Dragons Tianyu hugged her.

She was really troublesome but he said, "Anyway, I have to prepare for you first. There is no more inconvenience than being at home, after all."

But the man took her hand and smiled, "Leave them to Bai Su and do them. Sit down, let's talk to each other well."

Lin Lin Mengya had no choice but to admit fate: "Well, what are you going to say?"

The man touched her cheek, apologetic in his voice.

"Sorry, I have to leave you alone."

But Lin Mengya said, "Don't say silly things, it's not you who left me, but you want to protect me outside."

"You are always so understanding." He smiled with too much affection.

"Isn't there any other way? I wouldn't be able to make a splash and roll, just accidentally, I easily become a prisoner of others. I like freedom most, I'm afraid I can't stand it."

Xun Long Tianyu talked blindly by her.

Actually, he understands that when she said that, she just hoped that she would not be under pressure.

"Don't worry about Gu Pan. I heard the news from them that her current position is a temporary landing place for that person. I think Qinghan should want to bring Gu Pan with her."

When Lin mentioned that person, Lin Mengya's brow could not help but frown.

"What is the purpose of his doing these things?"

At this point, she never guessed.

He hated Long Tianyu, she could understand.

He was nothing more than because he felt that Yu had taken his place and that the son was out of his control.

But what about dragon light cold?

At first, Qing Han had no foundation in the Patriotic State, and even the people did not even know that such a prince existed.

Twenty-two years later, he put Long Qinghan on the opposite side of Long Tianyu. Whether he wanted to set up an enemy for Yu, or whether his brothers had broken hands.

No matter which one, she didn't think it was reasonable.

But that person has been plotting something behind her so that she can never relax.

After another two days in a hurry, Gu Pan heard the news again.

I was just surprised by the news this time.

"Gu Pan has contacted our people secretly, she said, that person wants Long Qinghan to marry a woman."

She said to Long Tianyu.

The latter also felt a bit ridiculous.

"Who marry?"

She shook her head. The news from Gu Pan was very brief. Only these.

At the same time, another group of men and horses approached the temple.

The person in charge of guarding the mountain only saw a short, not far away, a very large and spacious carriage.

Strangely enough, those steeds were blindfolded, relying on the driver's orders to find directions.

The horse-drawn carriage stopped in front of the door, and then a young girl in a white dress jumped out of the carriage.

"Trouble to inform you, Miss My Family, to see His Highness."

The guards in charge of the guards only felt that the carriage in front of them was afraid that it would not be available to ordinary people.

I dare not neglect and went back to my superior directly.

The message passed layer by layer, and finally reached the hands of the couple.

"Did they say, who is the woman's dependent?" Lin Mengya asked curiously.

The deputy Lord Qin, who was in charge of reporting the news, shook his head, wondering.

"The other side didn't say anything, but they said that His Royal Highness and the wife saw them and they understood."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Long Tianyu in doubt.

Seeing or not seeing it is a problem.

"No." Long Tianyu refused without any consideration.

Lin Mengya thought about it, and felt that she could come to the door at this time, I'm afraid there is a lot to come.

"Let ’s go, Vice Lord Qin, please take a look for us first. If it's okay, then it's not too late for me to see you again.

The deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty felt very reasonable and went to the reception first.

It didn't take long for people to return.

Also, his face was a bit ugly.

"What's wrong? But what rude request from the other party?"

The head of the Deputy Hall of the Qin Dynasty shook his head, but when he looked at her, his eyes seemed a bit loose.

I couldn't help but ask again and again, the other party had to speak.

"The lady said she wanted to pick you up this time."

"Take me away? Where do you go?"

"Go to the gathering place of the ancient relics."

Lin Lin Mengya is even bigger than the first two.

It wasn't long before she was ready to cooperate with the ancient relics. How come someone came to take the initiative?

After thinking about it, she and Long Tianyu decided to meet each other.

But when she saw the other person's face, Lin Mengya exclaimed subconsciously.

"Liao ?!"

No, it's not him!

Although her arrogant face can be regarded as male and female, she can easily distinguish whether the other party is male or female.

The person in front of me is clearly a woman.

Is just age, looks a lot older than Li Ao.

When I saw her, the other party saluted immediately and said, "Li Jia Li Wushuang, I have seen His Royal Highness, Madam."

"Dare to ask who the girl is Liao?" Lin Mengya asked.

Wu Lishuang smiled, "I'm his eldest sister. I'm sorry for your visit this time."

I turned out to be the older sister.

Suddenly the atmosphere eased a lot, but Lin Mengya still remembered what the former deputy chief of Qin said.

"Miss Li, I don't know why you had to make such a joke with the deputy leader of my house, Qin?"

I saw Li Wushuang sigh.

"It's true, I'm out of nowhere."

"What's wrong? But what happened to Li's?"

Wu Li double screen back and forth, with only three of them, but suddenly kneeled in front of her.

Lin Lin Mengya was startled, and immediately went to help people.

But Li Wushuang, but said nothing.

"Ma'am, please save me Lijia!"

"You get up quickly, what's the matter, you say it well."

Li Lishuang insisted on his knees and explained, "I heard Li Ao said that you are resourceful and smart, but I'm afraid this time, only you can solve the crisis of Li's family."

Pulling for a long time

Alas, Lin Mengya pressed the person on the chair.

It was only after I heard that she talked about the ins and outs.

It turned out that the Presbyterian Church of the ancient relics was originally in a semi-retired state.

Originally there were a large number of ancient survivors, and their supplies were scarce. Each household had already gone for a living with the acquiescence of the Presbyterian Church, and the intensity of natural control had declined.

Who knows, about a year ago, the elders would suddenly rise.

They do n’t know where to get a large amount of supplies, and then take these things and regain control of most ancient people.

Of course, there are still a few families that are already out of the control of the Presbyterian Church.

After that, after taking control, the elders began to clean up these families.

Although Li Li's family is not the toughest, but because the owner is a hard bone, it is a headache for the Presbyterians.

In this case, after Li Ao brought back the news that she would cooperate with her, there was a more powerful conflict.

"They asked Li Ao to find a way to get you out, but Li Ao didn't comply. They caught the crime and arrested more than 20 people in Li's family. Because I was married far away, I escaped. Li Ao said that you are kind-hearted. Can you help me? "

Looking at Li Wushuang, who was crying with pears and rain, Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed.

From this point of view, the hostility of the elders to the temple is really not small.

She originally thought that she might increase the number of chips through the Li family and the Jun family to talk with the elders in the future.

Now it seems that it is a bit difficult.

"Miss Li, I know this. I will definitely go for the ancients, but not now."

I heard her say she was going, and Li Wushuang suddenly showed a reassuring look.

"Well, as long as the wife goes, it will save my life and I will guarantee your safety."

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded, and let the deputy leader of Qin Dian Dian take the person to rest first.

Nine Dragons Tianyu has been thinking, he said, "Do you really want to go?"

"of course."

He frowned, saying, "In fact, we can send someone to check Li's affairs before making a decision."

But Lin Mengya said, "No need to check, it's fake."

"How do you know?" At this moment, Long Tianyu's turn wondered.

因为 "Because, she is not Li's sister at all, but Li's brother."

"Brother?" Long Tianyu was not calm now.

Although he has no idea about women other than his wife, he can clearly distinguish between men and women.

That person, obviously a woman

"I was just like you at first. I was all fascinated by him. Although the Li family members have always been male and female, the characteristics of men are still obvious, and I heard Li Ao said that although their tribe are not As for hating your looks, very few people like to wear women's clothing. "

If it is a personal hobby, it is understandable.

I was forced to become a big lady in dress, that's another matter.

And if the other party is really awesome, there is no need to cover up in front of her.

Because Li Ao will surely tell the other party that he doesn't mind at all and will not laugh at the other party.

But this is unparalleled.

No matter how he looks, how he dresses, or even his voice, he is no different from a girl.

I only had one point, but he ignored it.

Men receive feminized training unless they are young, such as male dan in opera performance.

In that way, the muscles and bones will be as soft as women, and will not make people play, even women than women.

But he was not of this type.

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