Thanks to the previous experience of Qinghu, she has studied some unseen things.

Some people use a medicine that can make boys and girls more feminine when stocking prostitutes.

This medicine has been used for a long time, and it will also make people flavour.

But when this medicine hurts one's body, it gets worse as you get older.

In the second place, this medicine is rare, and it is not affordable for ordinary people.

From the looks of Li Wushuang, he is indeed Li family.

He is just weird because he wants to conceal his true identity.

Before long, Cai Ru told her that Li Wushuang wanted to see Long Tianyu alone.

"Well, let him go."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little curious, what Li Wushuang wanted to do.

I just arrived in the evening, and before Long Tianyu came back, she was a little curious.

I asked Bai Su to inquire about the situation, only to know that after meeting Li Wushuang in the afternoon, the two did not come out again.

Wu Baisu said with some worry, "That Li Wushuang looks evil, lord, should we go and see?"

Lin Lin Mengya also felt puzzled.

When the three of them arrived in the inner hall, they could hear the sound of blushing and beating inside.

Wu Cairu frowned with Bai Su, and immediately had a bad feeling in her heart.

Lin Mengya calmed down, as if she hadn't heard it, and walked straight in without a footstep.

The front hall is where Long Tianyu handles business, and there is only a place at the back for temporary rest.

The gurgling voice came from here.

"Master!" Bai Su bit her lip, and secretly stopped her with some worry.

I saw her face still calm, but only motioned to the two of them to enter.

With a bang, the sturdy door couldn't help the two girls who had practiced martial arts for many years.


There was an exclaimed cry from the woman Jiao Di.

Later, I saw Li Wushuang dressed neatly sitting at the table thinking, with a little surprise on his lips.

Lin Lin Mengya walked in, Long Tianyu was not here, which surprised her a little.

Wu Shuang's eyes stared straight at her.

This is the first time he has seen such a calm and decisive response.

Lin Lin Mengya did not talk nonsense, and sat directly opposite him.

"Where is my Highness?"

After Li Wushuang sorted out his emotions a little, he smiled.

"You have to ask him, I don't know."

She raised her eyelids and said, "What do you mean?"

Provocation, or is there another purpose?

He saw the man covering his mouth and laughing with trembling flowers.

"Li Ao said that you are funny, I didn't believe it. But now it seems that you are just an ordinary woman."

He raised his lips and seemed to ridicule her.

"It's just an ordinary person who gets jealous."

Lin Lin Mengya had the thought to kill him.

Fortunately, it is her, as long as it is placed on someone else, she must die today.

She held back her anger and said coldly, "You are wrong. I am not out of jealousy. Instead, I believe that the man in my family will never do anything wrong with me. Otherwise, you are now a dead man."

Li Wushuang did not take it for granted and nodded.

"It makes sense, now I'm more interested in you."

He blinked at her in an ambiguous way, but no one knew he was sent off with a cold face.

"If it's okay, I'll go first."

Since Long Yu Tianyu can leave him here alone, he must have his intention.

What's more, it looks empty here, but actually there are many dark guards hidden.

Forgive him for being here alone, and there will be no storms.

Seeing her leaving, Li Wushuang said, "Before he left, I made a bet with him. Now it seems that I lost."

He had a little regret in his tone, but she said, "He doesn't have the spare time to bet on you, but you just talk to yourself."

Li Liwushuang was stunned enough, a face on the face can no longer sustain.

"Oh, both husband and wife are of the same virtue. Okay, let me lose."

Then he straightened up again: "Now, can you talk to me?"

Zhe Lin Mengya stood by the door, turned back and said blankly, "I have nothing to say to you."

"If it is about the origin of the ancient people and the temple, would you be interested?"

With that said, she stopped her successfully.

"what did you say?"

Xi Cairu and Bai Su called people to clean up here briefly, and after they ordered tea, they stood by the door.

Lin Lin Mengya sat with Li Wushuang, who looked at her generously, and finally had to sigh.

"The lord of the palace is so beautiful."

"I don't have time to talk to you nonsense, I have something to say."

Seeing this, Wu Li could not help but chuckle.

One or two were so unemotional, alas, I wasted my pains.

"Which paragraph do you want to listen to?" Li Wushuang returned to the topic.

"Anyway, if I think you're talking nonsense, leave immediately." She said blankly.

This time Li Wushuang, but just smiled, there was no other emotion mixed in it.

"You're almost the same as your man. He warned me like this and told me not to play tricks."

Unbearable, Lin Mengya only gave him a slight glance.

"You don't have to do those useless things in front of me, I know you are just like Li Ao."

By saying this, Li Wushuang's face changed slightly.

"You know? You can see?"

"Although Mei Gu San is not common, I have also seen it. So you don't have to think about lying to me anymore."

She thinks he should be more honest after breaking through each other.

I didn't want this person, and my eyes widened.

"Do you really know that thing?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked a little strange to him.

知道 "I know, what happened?"

I saw Li Wushuang's face suddenly became strange.

"Who told you? Where did you meet?"

She was a little impatient with his general tone of questioning.

"I think it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with what you want to say to me?"

"Are you heavenly!"

She saw Li Wushuang's voice go up and became a bit stern.

Suddenly his eyes were a little frightened and angry.

"What a heaven and earth, Li Wushuang, if you don't say anything else, I will leave."

She's inexplicable.

该 Isn't there something wrong with his head? Say something she didn't understand.

But the man was blocked in front of her, his face full of twisted hatred.

"If you are heavenly, I can't let you leave here alive!"

Ji Cairu and Bai Su blocked at once

He held her in front and stared at her alertly.

The two sides are working on stalemate, and from the outside, walk in again.

"What are you doing?"

Upon hearing this voice, Li Wushuang turned around and yelled, "She is also a heavenly man! Kill her, or we will all be finished!"

After Lin Mengya saw Long Tianyu coming in, she was relieved.

"What the **** is he talking about?"

Seeing Long Tianyu's frown, he scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, she is not a heavenly man."

Wu Lishuang pointed at her and said, "But she knows Mei Gu San! This kind of thing is only in the place of heaven and earth! Don't be confused by her appearance!"

Chen Long Tianyu walked over and sat beside Lin Mengya.

"She is the descendant of the medical fairy, knowing that these things are normal."

Qi Wenyan, Li Wushuang widened his eyes.

"She is really the descendant of the medical fairy?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded firmly.


Whatever man, doctor, and immortal, what they were talking about, confused her.

Seeing the doubt in her eyes, Long Tianyu could not help but sigh.

"Master Mother-in-law is the medical fairy I just said."

Hearing these two words, Li Wushuang's tense mood suddenly eased.

He breathed a sigh of relief almost instantaneously, and then said a little sorry to her: "I'm sorry, but I didn't figure it out. If you are really the heir of a medical fairy, then it's no wonder that you know these things . "

The more Lin Mengya listened, the more confused.

等等 "Wait, who are you to tell me, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Wu Lishuang looked at Long Tianyu.

The latter sighed quietly.

"I didn't want to let you know so soon." His tone was helpless.

After all, he is ready, he is not ready yet.

现在 But now, I'm afraid I can't hide it anymore.

Holding Lin Mengya's hands, he slowly spoke.

"A long time ago, this place was not called the temple but the Temple of Heaven."

This history is not even recorded in history books.

It only exists in an unnamed book deepest in the temple.

"The record in the book is not complete. We only know that at the beginning, this world was originally ruled by heaven and man. And then one day later, a group of people from the ground suddenly appeared. They fought against heaven and man and plundered heaven. Human resources. But both sides are very powerful, each has victory and defeat in the war. In the end, the two sides really did not want to continue fighting, so they sat down and negotiated to discuss re-division of the site. In the end, they chose Handle the dispute with your own relatives. "

Lin Lin Mengya listened and suddenly remembered something.

"You said the legend of the Manchurian King?"

Long Tianyu nodded and said, "Whatever the legend is, it doesn't matter anymore. But the family from the ground does bring the ability similar to the control of the concubine. The medical treatment of the heaven and human family is the peak. Among them, many are passed down, even if they are only incomplete, it is enough to shock people now. "

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but think of the copy in her head, which was incompatible with the world of her current world.

She seemed to have guessed what she thought, Long Tianyu nodded slightly, signaled that she did.

This made Lin Mengya take a breath.

She had long guessed that Qingzheng's spectrum is extraordinary, she didn't want to, it would be like this.

Alas, she quickly thought of another thing.

"But according to legend, isn't that everyone is destroyed, are the rest of the people hiding in the fairy city?"

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