Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2318: Posthumous relic

Mu Murongyan thoughtfully, glanced deeply at the closed door, and said coldly, "Don't let him die."


He left from the palace of the old emperor, and returned to the palace of the emperor.

Inside, the broken tables and chairs scattered randomly on the ground.

It was clear that the inside had been changed by the rebels.

"You are waiting for me here."

He walked into the inner temple alone.

Regardless of touching the scene, he walked straight to the messy bed.

He squatted down and reached out under the bed for a while.

Finally, he couldn't care about getting dirty, lying on the ground and looking inside.

肯定 It must have been searched in here, but probably because the gap here is relatively narrow, so those people didn't find it. In fact, a small wooden box was hidden under the floor board near the wall.

He broke the box directly and heard only a crisp sound. The contents of the box fell to the ground.

立刻 He immediately picked it up with the hilt.

He saw an inconspicuous ball, about the size of an egg, in his palm.

Is this what the rebellion is looking for?

Besides that, he didn't think there was anything else in his mother's dormitory they could not find.

When I met this person, there was a movement from his men.

"Son, let's go quickly. It's not safe here."

Wu Murongyan responded and immediately took the ball into her arms.

Lastly glanced at her mother's room, and then disappeared outside the door.

怎么 样 "How? Mu Rongyan, is there any news?"

In the temple, Lin Mengya asked anxiously.

In fact, in addition to Mu Rongyan's own security, whether he is safe or not is also related to whether the undercover agents buried in Longdu have been discovered.

When fighting between the two armies, the most important thing is to know ourselves.

If their dark lines were completely removed, wouldn't they have become blind?

Fortunately, Long Tianyu brought good news.

"Murong Yan is all right, but they are inconvenient to contact us now."

"That's great."

I heard the news that she could finally let go of her heart.

After a while, I remembered another thing.

"Murong can't leave, how can you leave?"

This Murong Li doesn't do anything serious every day, just to talk to them for various reasons.

In the past few days, Long Tianyu has been pestering him to tell him about the customs of the various nations.

He made it clear that he didn't want him to leave the temple.

Alas, in recent days, he has frequently harassed Wushuang.

However, it was probably that Bai Su's threat was too useful, or Li Wushuang really let it go.

In short, Li Wushuang became more and more calm.

I have to say that humans are really adaptable.

"I will leave tomorrow morning." Long Tianyu whispered.

Now, the two armies are tempting each other.

No small conflicts, but also one after another.

不到 His coach is not reached, after all, it is difficult to settle the army.

"Either way." Now, she was looking forward to him leaving.

Only by ending this ridiculous war earlier can he return to her earlier.

"Leave that Murong Li to me."

But Long Tianyu said: "No need, he will leave today."

When he said this, Lin Mengya was surprised.

"What have you done?"

Chen Longtian

Xi Yu shook his head: "I did nothing, it was his own reason."

Gao Linmengya thought she was joking with his own man, but before dinner, Murongli sent someone to resign.

Although she could not wait for Murong Li to disappear from her eyes now, she did not expect it to be so fast.

"What the **** is going on?"

Her head is full of question marks.

But Long Tianyu sold off Guanzi.

I looked at her with a mysterious smile, but just didn't speak.

Suddenly, her heart tickled.

Hugging Long Tianyu's arm, he kept shaking.

"Your Highness, tell me if it's okay? Whoops, just tell me. Otherwise, I won't sleep at night!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu this time, it seems "iron heart".

While enjoying the gentle petitions of his wife, he dealt with the urgent military affairs at hand.

I waited until the paperwork was almost answered, and her patience finally reached the limit.

He lied at the table of Long Tianyu, stared angrily and asked, "I asked you one last time, did you say it?"

Xun Long Tianyu shook her head with a smile, trying to touch her hair, but opened her hand disgustingly.

"Long Tianyu! I warn you, my limit of patience is limited! If you hey hey, what are you doing?"

Tatar, picked up by Long Tianyu.

Her subconsciously caught her neck, and a low laugh came from overhead.

既然 "Since the wife wants to know so much, it depends on her sincerity."

"What do you mean?"

勾 He tickled his lips and fell to her ear.

"Mrs. Xiaobie won't get married."

"Fart!" Lin Mengya said ruefully, "You haven't left yet!"

"I'm not afraid you're in a hurry, do you practice in advance?"

The man was still shameless, and Lin Mengya really wanted to bite him fiercely.

走 "Go, go back to the house with your husband to practice. I'll tell you if it's good."

Listen, this is what serious people say?

Although she was angry, she was obediently brought back to the room by Long Tianyu.

After doing a very harmonious and loving sport, she was so tired that she never had the strength to lift the bar with the man.

Seeing her own lady still looking at herself with condemned eyes, Long Tianyu could not help but kiss her sweaty forehead.

"In fact, just like the people in Xiancheng, the celestial beings cannot stay away from their retreats for a long time."

"Hmm? How do you say?"

They can meet every day for a few days, she naturally knows that the other is a healthy adult man.

But Long Tianyu said, "Thanks to Wu Shuang."

"Did he find out?"

"Well, do you still remember that Murong Li has a heavy sandalwood fragrance?"

She nodded.

Because the five senses are more sensitive than the average person, the more intense the flavor, the more impressive she is.

Long Tianyu pillowed his hand and explained in a low voice: "Li Wushuang said that he had never smelled such a heavy sandalwood scent among the heavenly people before. But everyone who comes back from the outside to do things will have With this flavor. He met several times while performing songs and dances for the Celestials. "

所以 "So, you mean, it's very likely that all of their heavy sandalwood is because they can't stay outside for too long?"

"Li Wushuang told me his guess, and I let people steal all the incense from Murong Li."

Gao Lin Mengya frowned, and asked anxiously: "What if Murong Li finds out?"

But the man just raised his eyebrows.


Wu Rongli will never guess that I did it. "

How could he be so sure? She expressed doubt.

But soon, she thought of another possibility.

"You can't, you do this, can you deserve the little fat dog?"

He took things without being suspected of having them on his head.

Must be done by the people around Murong.

And the only one that can't be controlled by Murongli, isn't there only that puppy?

I said yes, although the smell of the dog was a help, but the puppy was still very cute.

"Rest assured, Li Wushuang said that the puppies have a special status in the heavenly people and no one should be easily killed."

She felt relieved.

However, if it's not really important, Murongli would not have someone specifically hold it.

"You are really prosperous, now even the dogs are spared!"

She pinched his tall nose bridge with anger.

He was laughed by Long Tianyu and pressed back into his arms.

"Why use it up."

Huh, this ridiculous, still a set.

Lang Tianyu couldn't help sighing at her bulging look.

Now his value has fallen really badly.

I picked up the big mouse a few days ago, and now even the puppy is showing signs of crawling on his head.

If he fails, he must revive Fu Gang!

The couple's "night talk" was staged fiercely again and endlessly.

On the second day, Long Tianyu took someone while she was still awake.

He woke up awake, and the bed next to him was cold.

揉 She rubbed her sore waist and dressed herself first.

Blushing, she turned to find a gauze in the cupboard.

"Is this a dog?"

The red marks on the neck were a little more ambiguous against the white snowy skin.

After finally covering up the conspicuous marks with a gauze, she only called in.

Wu Baisu and Cairu served her to wash and dress, and she also asked about the situation of Long Tianyu when she left.

"His Highness left the night with the night and they left, as if something had happened on the front line, waiting for the Temple to proceed."

I heard Bai Su's words, she could not help but worry.

Although Long Tianyu is not the first time on the battlefield, and thanks to the help of his brothers, there is no need to worry about safety.

But the situation on the battlefield is changeable. In order to win, the opponent must be doing everything.

What if there is a special situation?

采 "Chai Ru, have I let Zhenlongtang prepare the medicines already delivered to them?"

"Well, I deliberately asked people to follow up with them, and now these medicines have reached the hands of our general."

"That's good."

Qilong Tianyu was absent, and everything under the temple was under her shoulders.

As soon as I was busy, she ignored other things.

In the afternoon, while discussing with Vice-President of the Qin Dynasty, how to appease the people affected by the war on both sides, Bai Su walked back and forth and said, "Master, there are a group of people outside who claim to be the monarch, and they have something to ask you."

Ye Jun's house?

This is really strange.

Among the ancient relics of the hermit family, she is only familiar with these two.

When Li Lishuang's front foot arrived, why did the Jun family come along.

I thought for a while, and said to the deputy of Qin Dian: "Let ’s discuss the good things and do what you want. Whether it is lack of money or lack of people, it is easy to solve."

The main look of Fu Qin Vice Hall was relaxed.

There is a wife of a giant coward who backs up, no matter what is done. twenty one

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