Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2319: Rejection of marriage

In the Changsheng Hall where she met foreigners, she met the junior family.

He is headed by a raw face, but according to himself, he is one of the clan elders of the Jun family.

And in his hand, he also held the voucher of the monarch's house.

After the killer got tea, she asked: I do n’t know if the clan is coming, but what's the matter?

Nowadays, there is nowhere to go. If there is no urgent matter, who would choose to go out at this time?

The old people of the Jain ethnic group just smiled awkwardly, but just said a few words in a vague manner.

Zhe Lin Mengya originally had a lot of things. Now when she sees that the Jun family is always taking care of him, she reveals that she wants to give off guests.

Seeing that the old people couldn't hide away, they had to sigh heavily.

I really don't hide it. Lao Shi is here to send relatives this time.

Send a kiss?

Lin Lin Mengya could not understand for a moment.

I saw the old veteran girl who had been standing behind him pulled out.

叫 Her name is Junxian Wei, the niece of our homeowner. In terms of generations, it was Wu Zhao's little aunt.

Xu Wenyan said that she also looked at the other party intentionally.

Regardless of appearance or temperament, young girls are considered outstanding.

What's more rare is its demure and elegance, and you can see that it is from everyone.

Hexuan Wei, I haven't seen his wife yet.

The old man next to him said, winking.

Xun Junxian saluted her immediately.

Xu Xian has seen his wife slightly.

Girl Junjun doesn't have to be polite.

At this moment, she was even more confused.

Until the Jun family was old, slowly took out a dark red document from the sleeve tube.

Alas, in fact, since the young master returned last time, he has warned us sternly and never allowed to mention the marriage contract between the temple and the monarch's house. but

The Junjun family always feels that this errand is just to die.

I do n’t know who is in the world, Temple Lady Gong Ya, that is a powerful character who can say nothing else.

And the owner of the palace loved her so much, that she could tell the people in the world that she would walk side by side with him.

In this way, I am afraid that the situation of my own little lady will be difficult.

The Qiang old gritted his teeth and unrolled the red paperwork.

Lin Lin Mengya saw clearly that the thing turned out to be a marriage book.

The above names are Mu Rongxi and Jun Xianwei.

How is this going?

Mrs. Xie, our junior family has already known something wrong. Therefore, as evidenced by this marriage book, we only wanted to let Xuanwei be your side room. If you really don't want to, make her a servant. In short, I hope that you can take care of the love of the old lady's daughter and give our lady a bite to eat.

That said, she is not a cannibal tiger.

Bai Su, hurry up to help people. What is going on with this marriage book?

From the attitude of the Jun family, it is clear that they don't want to be what they are now.

The Xunjun family always looked at the simple and innocent young lady, Shen said, "This marriage book is for us by the elders. They said it was settled with the old temple master of the temple ten years ago.

Lord of the Old Hall?

Lin Lin Mengya immediately realized that it was not so simple.

Then why did n’t you say it before, but you took the life of Jun Wuzhao's sister for nothing?

的 The death of the little girl who was already weak was still vivid.

If it was not for the so-called

Uncle's marriage contract, how could Jun-Jun start poisoning that girl?

The Xunjun family is also a little remorseful.

We did n’t know the existence of this marriage book at the time.

If I had known, I would rather sacrifice myself than let the child be hurt like that.

Xun Junxian opened her mouth slightly.

From her tone, Lin Mengya could hear a little sadness.

Now is not the time to investigate who is responsible, I tell you the truth, I will not agree with this marriage, nor will Your Highness agree. Jun Wuzhao should tell you my temper, and now I can be deceived as you and not be held accountable.

But if you are entangled, don't blame me for being rude.

Neither she nor Long Tianyu can tolerate sand when dealing with emotional issues.

Madam Yun, please think twice, we don't mean that!

The Junjun family is a little old.

We didn't want to bother you two, but Elder He would say that the matter was settled by the old temple master with them. If we fail to do so, we are violating the rules of the Presbyterian Church. They are going to punish my monarch!

I am afraid that this is the root cause of the Jun family so rampant.

They can't mess with the Presbyterian Church; she can't even fight it.

But she was even more reluctant to listen to this.

What about the elders, that's your own business, what's the matter with our husband and wife?

Slang words are not all angry words.

This matter, does the Jun family think that she will look at the faces of their old and young, and give them a way to live?

The old Jun family suddenly got into a dilemma.

Wu Wuzhao called the child back and said that his wife had a kind heart and would certainly not embarrass us.

That's what he thought, I didn't say that.

Seeing the woman in front of me indifferent, the old Jun family almost did not cry on the spot.

Then you said, what do we want us to do before you are willing to help?

The entire Jun family is now in panic.

If it is to open the Temple of Sin and the Palace again, then there is really no way out.

I want to live, it is very simple.

Suddenly, a soft voice came.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the door in surprise.

Qing Fox, who had not seen him for a long time, suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Seeing his little girl's eyes widened, she looked at herself in surprise, and he hooked his lips, revealing a seductive smile.

Then he said coldly and proudly to the old man of the clan: This marriage book has since been abolished, and the clan must not talk about it in front of anyone, let alone living in the marriage of the temple. If there is a violation, I will personally bring someone to the door to discuss it!

The old Jun family is old.

The man in front of him looked like an enchanting male and female, but every move was imposing.

Obviously, it is not an ordinary character.

Lin Mengya refrained from refuting, the Jun family always bite their teeth and stomped.

Well, you can do as you say, what about my lady?

Wu Qinghu glanced at the other side casually and said casually: Can't afford her a meal because the temple is so big? In the future, she will be a little girl beside my sister.

Ms. Qian Cong became the servant girl who waited.

Don't say how Junxian Wei feels, even the Jun family always feels unreasonable.

怎么 How can this be done? Anyway, this is also Miss Jun from my family! How can it be a messenger?

What's wrong? Not satisfied? OK, either stay; or, just

滚 Get out of your way!

Qi Qinghu's impatient tone suddenly closed the Jun family.

Zhe Lin Mengya has not interrupted, not because she is soft-hearted, but because she knows that Qing Fox has to do so for his reasons.

Seeing the unwillingness of the old Jun family, she was annoyed.

The meaning of Brother Xi's is what I mean. Zuo Lao and Miss Jun can think again, deputy chief of Qin Dynasty, seeing off the guests.

Squinting at the departure of the Jun family, she couldn't help but pulled Qinghu into the inner room.

怎么 Why are you here? How is it at home? Where are the two babies, who is taking care of now?

Faced with a series of questions from her, Qinghu replied with a smile: Didn't that stinky kid from Long Tianyu go to fight with others? He wasn't assured of your safety, so Flying Pigeon Biography let me come to accompany you. Little girl, I have n’t seen you for so long and do n’t know about me. Come on, hug my grandpa and see if I am thin?

Lin Lin Mengya immediately knocked off her shameless hand.

Did you make my three year old baby? Hurry up and be careful!

She raised her fist and trembled.

Qi Qinghu immediately raised his hands, exaggerating his head for begging.

I'm wrong, I'm wrong, please ask the female king to forgive me.

Alas, after teasing her for a while, she still reported on the situation at home with little detail.

I heard that a group of people wanted to attack her old nest while she was away, but they were beaten by Bailu to lose their helmets and armors, crying and yelling at her father, she couldn't help but settle down a lot.


From the bosom, Hu Qinghu carefully took out two envelopes of some thickness.

On the cover, I was immature, but I had already seen it.

The most beautiful mother kissed her.

The smartest mother-in-law kisses.

I saw at a glance that it was the two little babies at home who wrote to her.

Alas, will you still write a letter?

She can't wait to take it apart.

I first spoke of Mo Yan.

This little thing is a little bigger, and there are some sweet words on the paper, coaxing her mother-in-law's heart into full bloom.

What mother should take care of herself outside, otherwise I will be distressed!

And if anyone dares to bully his mother, please be patient, I will grow up quickly, and then avenge my mother.

Even in the end, she gave her a big fragrance for my favorite and most beautiful girl!

When Xiao Xiao was young, he had a lot of nonsense, just like his father's temperament.

Alas, this kid must be a monster when he grows up!

I just don't know how much love I have to harvest.

I can't wait to open Ning's letter.

Su Ning'er can write a few words, and there is no special openness in the words.

At best, it's a mother-in-law caught in it. I miss you and the like. The rest are greetings and urging her to take care of herself.

Nevertheless, she can still see how much Ning Er misses herself.

Persistently read the two letters over and over again, and finally, Qinghu gently wiped her tears.

I'm a mother, and I still cry. He teased.

She covered her face with her arms and said dullly: I'm not a good mother.

But Qinghu took her hand and said softly but firmly: No, you are the best and most competent mother I have ever met.

遗憾 She was sorry because she hadn't been with the two babies since she was a child.

I missed many moments when they grew up, these things, she could not make up for anyway.

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