Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2320: Homeowner's Relic

But she didn't feel regretful.

Perhaps she was destined not to be an ordinary mother, to accompany them around the clock day and night, witnessing their growth. But like other mothers, she will always love them.

She carefully folded the letters and put them in a small drawer near her bed.

Qing Fox has been watching her movements gently, only after seeing her adjustment, she said, "That kid is like you, and his mouth is so sweet. The women at home are coaxed by them. I Look, there is no need to worry about finding a wife. "

Lin Mengya laughed, "That's not necessarily true. From your family to their five concubines, which one will make girls happy? I see, in the long run, even the most powerful talents have to be affected by you. Hey, think When I get up, I worry. "

Xie Qinghu suddenly put on an exaggerated expression, holding her heart to "accuse" her.

"It's nothing to do with me, it's obviously their own waste. Just say that your elder brother, what a good daughter-in-law, was run away by himself."

When I mentioned the affair of these people, Qinghu was one after another.

However, Lin Mengya still saved his face and did not tear him through on the spot.

之间 Between them, that is half a catty to eight two.

No one is better than anyone else.

对 "By the way, when you left, what did Zeng Zu have for you to bring me?"

Mentioned the matter, Qinghu face less frivolous.

"Father Gong said that the ancestor of the former palace family had explained it before his death. If one day the palace family owner became the master of the temple, he would be required to hand over the relic to this descendant. When I came, Father Gong specifically ordered If you are free, I hope you can go back as soon as possible. "

"The relic of the old homeowner? Did your great ancestor tell you what it was?"

Wu Qinghu shook his head.

"Mr. Gong covered the thing so tightly. When he told me this, there was no one beside him. He also explained to me that he must not tell the second person about it."

好 What good would be so mysterious?

However, she could not help but have a headache when she remembered the previous style of her old homeowner, that is, her great-grandmother's usual style.

Isn't it an unfinished debt?

"These things will wait until you go back, I see the current situation, you can't walk away at a short while."

Qi Qinghu's tone was somewhat helpless.

Although, he has no obligation to protect his little girl.

But the man is too troublesome, and he has to be implicated by his little girl every time.

Suddenly, some of the dissatisfaction that had been suppressed in his heart began to stir again.

If it wasn't for the right time, place, and atmosphere, he would definitely encourage his little girl to run with him.

Xun Wenyan Lin Mengya could not help but defend Long Tianyu.

"I know that you feel bad for me, but this time we are really free from disaster. That emperor's illegitimate child is attacking us like crazy. Is it possible that he thought he could hit us?"

Wu Yuan didn't say that she dare to guarantee that when it comes to logistics, those people are definitely not her opponents.

But Qinghu reminded her: "Maybe it's not that he thinks he can beat you, but someone makes him think he can."

"You mean, that illegitimate child is also an exploited cannon fodder?"

She also feels impossible, even if the people behind the scene are more powerful, but this is an out-and-out war.


The heart beats violently, she suddenly realizes

I have reached a possibility.

Wars are going on, labor and people are hurting their wealth, and the affected people will be displaced.

Even, the strength of the defending country will be greatly reduced because of this war.

If this is a conspiracy of heaven and man or fairy city, wouldn't it be that the clams compete for the fishermen?

Qing Qinghu watched her hold on, shaking her hands in front of him.

"What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

She should believe in Long Tianyu, such a simple matter could not hide him.

So this should not be as simple as she thought.

"Speaking of Long Tianyu, this kid was quite honest before. Why is he still causing such a bad peach?"

As the main team member of her maiden group, Brother Qinghu has always pursued the policy of "slamming and slap to death".

I can say that, if Long Tianyu has a second heart, then he is not derailing, but he is riding a high-speed train to the death line.

When I mentioned this, Lin Mengya couldn't help but feel a headache again.

"How do I know? This Jun family is like crazy one by one. I don't understand. Why do they recognize it and marry Long Tianyu will have a way out?" She said.

However, when I remembered that Qingxu had to leave Junxian before, I couldn't help but ask, "Why did you just leave me?"

Originally, her impression of the Jun family has improved a little because of Jun Wuzhao.

I just found out that some people are really not worthy of pity.

"It's not like Mr. Gongjia said, let me advise you, don't make yourself enemies recently. After all, judging from the current situation, there are still many friends and multiple paths." Qinghu looked rather helpless, but he The topic shifted immediately.

"But what do you say about the way out of the Jun family?"

Lin Mengya sighed and explained: "The relics of the ancient family of the monarchs have some inherited diseases. If these diseases can not be stopped in time, they may not live long. The Presbyterian Council in charge of the affairs of the clan He also claimed that as long as they could give birth to a child belonging to Yu, they would be able to suppress this genetic disorder. It is simply the people of the Presbyterian Church who have opened their mouths. How can there be such a thing in the world? "

According to her knowledge of that genetic disorder, this genetic disorder is irreversible.

Unless the problematic bloodline inheritance can be completely eliminated, the next generation will still have more or less problems.

The problem is that even if they gave birth to a child belonging to Yu, the blood of this child is still defective.

病症 When the time comes, the same symptoms will appear.

But she too underestimated the Jun family's desire for a cure for this condition.

君 On the second day, the Jun family did not come.

Zhe Lin Mengya originally thought that they had figured it out, but the delusional delusions of Jun's family caused a bigger storm.

The temple was like an iron barrel. After the addition of Qinghu, there was nothing wrong with safety.

夫人 "Ma'am, we have captured many enemy spies at the foot of the sacred mountain."

The captain of the guard who is responsible for guarding the temple faithfully reports.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

This is the ninth episode of this time.

"Is there anything you can interrogate?" She asked.

"They are very stubborn and refuse to say anything, but their subordinates found a letter on them."

Your servant presented the letter.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced and found that

The mask is actually a long poem.

I am really interesting. When I am a spy, I have to bring my favorite poetry.

But other than that, they didn't find any effective clues.

At this point, Qinghu returned.

He has taken over the security of the temple in full power in the past few days, and led people to check for omissions everywhere.

"Can you find any problems?" She asked.

Wu Qinghu said: "The big problems have not been discovered at present, but some minor problems have been eliminated in time."

In fact, they still have some guarantees.

The location of the temple is very important, so in the construction expenditure, we have to consider one day how to resist in case of possible attack.

Wu Yu discovered the secret of Houshan Cliff in time, which was really the last scourge of the temple.

"Look at this."

She put the long poem in front of Qinghu.

The latter looked and looked, and just felt that this was an ordinary letter.

"However, this was found on the spies who were captured."

I heard the guards responsible for the matter said that these arrested spies were all trained experts.

Alas, and they all had their tongues cut off.

This is an extremely cruel training method in order to make spies a living weapon.

If such a person finds a letter with a long poem, the function of this letter will never be so simple.

"Look, let's review those people?" Qinghu suggested.

Lin Lin Mengya felt wrong.

These people must have been extremely professionally trained, and their words and deeds are part of their training.

她 And her ingenious means of coercion are based on the fear of those people.

"I think we might as well have a plan."

She blinked her eyes, and spoke her plan in Qinghu's ear.

In the stratum dungeons of the Sanctuary Temple, the appearance of Qinghu, a real face, immediately caught the attention of those spies.

Staring at an inconspicuous face, Qinghu's daily work is to shuttle between cells and send all the prisoners some shabby food.

Moreover, he deliberately showed reticence and never looked at or spoke to any prisoner.

Every time after the meal was delivered, he immediately left in silence.

After a few times like this, those people in the dungeon regarded people as air.

Until one day, while Qing Fox was delivering meals to one of the spies, he found that he was sitting at the door of the cell and knocking on the fence at the door.

Clear Fox used both the heart and heart, and soon discovered that the opponent's percussion had some special rules.

But I didn't knock anymore soon.

Later, he told Lin Mengya about it.

The latter felt that this might be the way for spies to communicate with each other.

Who knew that the next day, the spy who hit the railing was found dead in the dungeon.

"Dead? Why is it dead?"

Lin Lin Mengya asked a little angry.

He who is responsible for guarding is equally wondering.

To prevent these people from arbitrarily, they are binding people.

It stands to reason that they don't want to die easily.

了解 In order to understand the truth of the matter, she decided to go to jail for herself.

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