Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2326: Defeat the enemy

"Dragon light cold, you walk away for me"

Gu Pan screamed in horror, and his small face was already frightened.

The man in front of her eyes is not her beloved lover, but a selfish, domineering, and even want to greet her with a ferocious beast.

Chen Long Qinghan held her hands and feet lightly, and her eyes were flushed with anger because of anger.

He only knew that she was leaving herself.

The next moment, he was torn by the raging anger in his heart.

No, she can't leave him and never allow it

"I hate you"

Gu Pan bit his tongue, roared angrily, with no love in his eyes.

Xiaolong Qinghan's heart suddenly burst into confusion.

Before Ye could wait for him to say anything, the person suddenly lost his strength and fainted on her.

"Long Qinghan, who killed Qiandao, waits for your memory to be restored in the future, and my mother will never forgive you again"

I escaped the hope of a disaster, then shouted in a cry.

It took a lot of effort to push people down.

She fled immediately from his side, panting heavily.

明白 His obsession she understood, but it was also because of today's various things that she finally saw clearly that it was not the love she expected.

Long Qinghan is just a stranger trapped by fictional memories.

Uncle felt embarrassed, she walked over again and slammed the guy's butt.

Then she walked to the window and looked out quietly.

The courtyard was empty.

She knows that someone has been monitoring her here in recent days.

People suddenly disappeared now, for fear that it was because of what happened just now that those people heard it.

She bit her lip and looked back at the fainted man.

Fortunately, she has Sister Ya's medicine to defend herself, otherwise today, I am afraid that she will be bullied to death.

"Hum won't play with you asshole"

She angrily announced, then jumped out of the window, let out the bird to contact the person who has been with her to protect her.

Soon, Gu Pan disappeared from the yard.

I did not wake up until the top of the moon, the attacked dragon Qinghan.

现在 He only feels numbness in his hands and feet, and he doesn't listen to any part.

But dragging his body, searching inside and out began to trace Gu Pan.

she left.

On the dresser, there was the new box of rouge that he sent yesterday.

I just disappeared from here without the master opening it.

He just felt that his heart was empty.

He stood at the door in despair, like a big dog abandoned by his owner.

Behind me, footsteps came suddenly.

He turned violently, only to see his father's servant.

"His Highness Seven, Lord, please come over."

The man is no longer the master of a country, but he is still in the previous pomp.

Xiaolong lightly squinted his eyes, his momentum became more cold.

"I see." He responded coldly, but in his heart he felt a little bit resentful towards his father.

If it was not the persecution of his father, maybe he and Gu Pan would not have come this far.

But when thinking of their common plan, Long Qinghan had to bear it for the time being.

If he can really help his father, maybe he won't force himself to marry another person.

Gu Pan, the one who has occupied his heart from the moment he appeared

Hey woman, he must get her forever

A few days later, Lin Mengya also received Gu Pan's letter.

Yu Xin said that the girl had been secretly following the father and son, all the way to the southeast.


Then, the map of Wei Guo unfolded in the system in an instant.

Dongnan is a good place, where not only the seasons are like spring, but also various resources.

However, there are often natural and man-made disasters there.

The most recent, about ten years ago.

I do n’t know why a plague suddenly broke out there, and the number of people who were just recuperating had just increased by half.

Therefore, although there is a fairyland on earth, there are very few families in Wei Guo who have taken the initiative to move there.

What are they going to do with their father and son?

She thought about it and wrote a reply to Gu Pan.

Of course, the most important thing is to remind her to pay attention to her own safety. At critical moments, people can come back for help. Don't act recklessly.

I thought about it, she is still the same, write the medicine and the precautions and the precautions again.

Looking at a thick pile of stationery, Lin Mengya couldn't help sighing.

She's really an old mother's life, and she always has the heart to finish.

Gu Pan finished the matter over there, and she received the battle report from the front.

她 After she sent the broken song, Yu secretly found a few confidants who are good at music.

Although the process was very funny at that time, when those people played the simplest instruments, such as flute and flute, those unconscious wounded really showed signs of waking up.

Even the military doctors shouted magic.

Of course, the Dragon Dragon Yu only claimed that it was a batch of secret medicines transported from the temple.

I just, but this illustrates a problem.

Zan originally belonged to the Lei tribe, but now appeared in the hands of others.

Assuming that the people of the Lelang tribe are telling the truth, the truth is a bit chilling.

According to the Yue people, the illusions can only be controlled by their people.

In general, this situation is due to the need for extremely special and complex control techniques.

And if you want to achieve this effect, one or two people cannot do it.

Even the existing members of the Lelong tribe are counted, they may not play such a large role.

An idea emerged from her mind.

If those people who were taken away were not dead?

Or after they were arrested, they could not withstand the torture of the other side, and leaked out the control technique of the Lei tribe.

So what happened to frontline soldiers today is the product of these people's conspiracy.

I thought of this, and she couldn't help but have a little more pity for the people of the Lelang tribe.

I lost the illusionary Lei people and became a tool that some people used to get rid of the enemy.

Even their situation may be more miserable than they thought.

She shook her head.

大陆 This continent is indeed magical, but at the same time, how many creepy facts are shrouded in this magical

Since it is initially determined that it is the cause of fantasy, there will be a corresponding cracking method on Long Tianyu's side.

I just didn't choose to fight the grass and scare the snake, but ordered people to temporarily block all the news.

Magic 虽然, although it sounds weird, it only works within a certain distance.

When the two armies fought, someone was behind them, but they had no eyes and no one would have the heart to play any music.

The only possibility is that in the battlefield, some people use some way to play music to achieve the effect of controlling the illusion.

Lin Lin Mengya's speculation coincided with Long Tianyu.

On the fifth day of the role of Po Zhenqu, the temple army that had not heeded the other's provocation suddenly sent a team of soldiers and horses.

The rebels sent out this time are also some small characters.

The two sides started to fight when they did not agree, and Long Tianyu stood in the camp with Ling Ye and observed the enemy situation on the battlefield.

The yellow sand billowed, and the sound of shouting and killing was loud.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the rebel side.

As usual, there is nothing special about it.

Only after he listened intently for a while, he said to Ling Ye, "Did you feel it, their drum sound seems to be a problem"

Ling Lingye knows nothing about rhythm.

But then the drums of war commanded them to act on the battlefield.

So he knew a little bit about the drums of war.

After listening to it for a while, he said in a deep voice, "It's totally different from ours. Their rhythm of drums seems to be more brisk."

Is not just brisk.

Although Xun Long Tianyu is not very good at music, he has been influenced by this since he was a child.

That's the rhythm of a piece of music disguised as a drum of war.

He rode out of the camp.

He covered his face and disguised himself as an ordinary soldier.

No one could notice his trail in the chaos.

I saw Long Tianyu take the lead and broke out of the chaotic war circle.

The battle drum was on the front line of the two armies, and Long Tianyu easily found the drums of the rebels.

He pulled out the feather arrow behind him, and bent his bow to the opposite side.

The action was crisp and clear, in one go.

Suddenly, the sound of orderly drums of war suddenly rang.

此时 At the same time, the rebels who were with the army of the temple were also in trouble.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the generals in charge of this squad immediately shouted and ordered their men and rushed towards each other.

Originally, the two sides were evenly matched, and they immediately separated.

Squinting as the rebels were beaten to death, Long Tianyu turned back, pulled out a long knife around his waist, and yelled.


He had been defeated one after another in the past, and the fiercely rising temple army burst out of the camp like a tide.

Xiaolong Tianyu also lifted the camouflage on his face and rushed into the enemy camp with his sword.

The opponent was caught off guard by a surprise, and at the same time Long Tianyu took another chance to shoot three arrows in a row.

The drums of war on the rebel side were completely disturbed, and they suddenly appeared defeated.

Finally, in the evening, this happy assassination got a result.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was surrounded by all the generals and returned to the camp.

Although he was covered with blood, he was not tired at all.

All the soldiers worshiped him like a god, and the worries of this half-month have been swept away.

"Reported that the rebel camp was besieged this time, killed 5,000 enemies and captured tens of thousands of rebels. The enemy camp was broken and our army won a great victory"

Everyone who has not participated in the battle has a happy look on his face.

Long Tianyu, as the general, praised the performance of all the soldiers today without arrogance.

After that, he ordered the army to repair in place, and must pay attention to precautions, not to be negligent for victory.

After that, he and Ling Ye ran quietly out of the camp while night was out.

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