They are here to see Murong Yan.

Since the last time he retired in the palace, Murong Yan took the people whom Long Tianyu had hidden him.

Alas, and they are not idle.

According to Mu Rongyan himself, these days, they have discovered a lot of news.

Tonight, the sudden attack by Long Tianyu's side has put a lot of pressure on the rebels.

Even in the past, the dragons, such as iron buckets, were temporarily in a panic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Murong Yan took those people to sneak out of the dragon to meet him.

The meeting between the two brothers was quite harmonious this time.

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at Murong Yan who had recovered his spirit, and was somewhat relieved.

For Mu Rongyan, the death of Ji Houzun has always been an insurmountable obstacle.

But as long as he faces himself, he can come out inside.

Wu Murongyan trusted and helped herself unconditionally to her brother, and was very moved.

The two met directly to the topic.

"Murong Ming is now looking for me in the city like he's gone crazy. I think he should have discovered that I took something from the palace."

Xu said Murong Yan took the ball out of her arms.

In fact, the little thing is not conspicuous at all, it is the size of longan, and the shell is metal.

Wu Murongyan gave things to Long Tianyu without hesitation.

The latter held the ball in his hand, but for a while he could not see any mystery.

"Where did you find it?" He asked.

There was a complex look in Mu Rongyan's eyes.

"It was in my mother's dormitory. Mu Rongyan had turned it over once, but he didn't know where my mother hid things."

Actually there is a secret between him and his mother.

小 The little box was a gift he gave his mother in his teens.

My mother once said that he would use this small box to display the most important things, because it was her only son who made it for her.

To be safe, my mother hid the little box in the most hidden place, and nailed it little by little by herself.

Apart from him and his mother, no third person in the world will know this secret.

I didn't expect that my mother would really hide the most important things there.

I also escaped the rumours of Murong Ming's group.

Xun Long Tianyu also knows that Murong Yan is not feeling well, he doesn't ask too much.

He just took the ball back into his arms and asked, "What are you going to do now?"

当然 He certainly wants Murong Yan to stay.

But one time, it may involve Emperor Zun.

He is too aware of the feeling of being hostile to his biological father, and can't bear to tolerate difficult situations.

Wu Murongyan is more free and easy than he imagined.

"Of course I want to stay and fight with you."

"But the emperor ..." Long Tianyu said hesitantly.

"From the day he drove my mother to death, he is no longer my father!"

Wu Murongyan's words were loud.

Although the mother was not killed by the father, the root of everything is because of the father's greed and selfishness.

So he would never let those people trample on everything his mother had upheld during his lifetime.

虽 Although he has no interest in the honor of the Emperor, he must not allow a murderer to kill his mother to seize that position by such dirty means.

Chen Long Tianyu patted his shoulder.

"You can say anything directly."

Wu Murongyan also nodded with a smile.

"This is my serious brother, the little **** in Longdu, I will take his own life sooner or later!"

The so-called brothers are united, and their profits break.

Xiao Long Tianyu immediately brought Murong Yan back to the camp.

Many of the generals present at the scene knew the former dragon prince.

After seeing how he got along with Long Tianyu, everyone's heart was a little more confident.

Whoever has something is who he is. He can't become a prince if he wears a dragon robe!

With the first defeat of the rebel army, the other general suddenly seemed to have lost his mind, in an attempt to revenge the temple army frantically.

的 The approach taken by Long Tianyu was to fight steadily. For a time, the Dragon Rebels retreated.

Soon, the temple prince forced him back to the city of Longdu.

The victory she saw was just around the corner, and Lin Mengya, who was in the rear, was quietly relieved.

Vice-minister Wu Qin brought the latest battle report to her in person, and said with a smile: "Follow this trend, I am afraid that it won't take me more than half a month to return."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

The pressure on her back is not small.

But the most important thing is that her husband is coming back safely.

I looked at the battle report in her hand, and she was very happy.

"Please ask the deputy to tell you, arrange the temple up and down, and when the army is returned, let's celebrate it."

"Yes, wait and see!"

Now one after another, the temple is filled with joy.

He leaned back in his chair, but madly missed the guy who had fought bravely on the battlefield.

Wu Qinghu also got the news, with a few smirks on his face, came in.

瞧 "Look at your unpromising look, why can't you stand it after he's been away for so many days?"

Lin Lin Mengya gave him a white look.

"Single dogs are not qualified to speak!"

"You don't make sense anymore, I'm not a big single being alone! Besides, I didn't want to find it, but I couldn't find it!"

Tieshu single man talked hard.

Lin Mengya snorted coldly: "Do n’t you think I do n’t know, how many times did they even help Zhang Luo to date you when you were at home? I wo n’t tell you if you are unsuccessful. The key problem is that you are crying How many girls are there?

Do you know? Because of you, our matchmakers are noisy about changing careers! "

Qinghu didn't take it seriously, and poked his lips: "That's because their own business level is not good, what's it to me?"

"Ha ha!"

Qi Lin Mengya sneered: "Your old man is enough! If the girl is really in bad condition, it will not matter. As a result, you think that the girl has a pair of small eyes!"

画像 I've seen the portrait, a pair of big eyes with watery eyes, even I look at it. I really do n’t know what your old man ’s standards are for size. Cow eyes are big. If you like it, I ’ll do the wedding for you tonight! "

In fact, Lin Mengya was angry, but it wasn't that Qinghu didn't care about girls.

The main reason is that this stink fox is too foolish. Several girls cried for a while and they didn't say, but they still ridiculed the matchmakers.

I made the whole non-Yecheng marrying industry treat him as an anxiety.

For a while, single men and women who were not Yecheng surged.

She, the city owner and the house owner, has no face at all.

Qinghu knows that he has to blame, and he has to say with a smile on his face: "Isn't this just a fun! Even Mrs. they have nothing to do now, I'm afraid they are really panic, so I want to find something for them."

"I really want to thank you for Lien!"

She said angrily: "Now even 婶婶 does not want to be a matchmaker for others, there is no way, the blow is too great."

Pu Qinghu's eyes flashed, and she continued to joke with her with a smile.

In fact, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with another woman.

I just didn't see her for too long. He wanted to find someone to be his substitute, so that his thoughts would not drive him crazy.

Fortunately, he now returned to her again.

He didn't ask much, as long as this continued to stand beside her so quietly.

Both the upper and lower temples prepared ahead for victory.

一次 The triumph of the temple army this time is a relatively large promotion for the prestige of the temple.

This is also a good opportunity for Long Tianyu to stand out in front of everyone.

So Lin Mengya prepared extraordinarily grand.

Although the guards were taken away a lot, they were barely enough.

On this day, she was entangled in Qinghu, and went with him to taste the wine prepared for victory.

The two men disguised themselves and went down the mountain.

There are many bustling towns at the foot of Mount Shengshan.

She was originally in the city, and she also liked the wine in several wineries.

Chennai He Qinghu heard that the owner of the distillery said that in a small town not far from the city, there was an old man who brewed wine and had ancestral skills.

Jain wine is sweet and mellow. It is said that once the lid is removed, the wine smells like a mile.

So the wine is also called "Yilixiang".

I heard the story of this wine, not only Qinghu, but even Lin Mengya himself.

If you can have such a fine wine at the celebratory feast in the temple, it would be a good thing.

The two of them were almost in a hurry, they placed an order from the owner of the distillery, and then got the place where the old man lived.

By the time the two men hurried to the small town, it was a little dark.

However, neither of them is afraid of being late. If it is too late to rush back, just find a place in the town for one night.

Unfortunately, when they found the old man's home, they learned that the old man had visited relatives and friends. It would take about two days to return.

Qi Qinghu was originally for her safety, and wanted to send her back first, and then come back to order wine.

But Lin Mengya said that she was also suffocated enough in the temple, and it would be better to play around in the past two days.

When the two of them hit it off, they ordered someone to send the news back to the temple.

That night, the two of them just found an inn in town.

I just unfortunately asked several companies in a row, and they were all full.

I finally found an inn with a vacant room at a corner of the street.

I opened two rooms, Lin Mengya and Qinghu went back to the room to wash.

The temperature below Laoshan is slightly higher than the temple.

After opening the bath, she opened the window to ventilate.

At night, she saw that there seemed to be many people on the street.

And these people all came in from outside the town, not much like locals.

At this time, Qinghu just took some supper from the kitchen.

"Why is this town so lively tonight?"

She asked casually.

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