Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2338: Looking for clues

Chen Long Qinghan's eyes were full of his deepest hatred.

But this time, Long Tianyu didn't choose to glared at him.

He just looked at him calmly and asked, "Do you really hate me?"

"I wish I could kill you!" Long Qinghan said with gritted teeth.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at him quietly: "Then you kill me now."

"Do you think I dare not?"

Xiaolong Qinghan pulled out a long sword almost immediately and reached Long Tianyu's neck.

"If you want to kill me, you can do it now, but if you don't kill me, you must listen to me."

"I will never listen to a liar, you die this heart, no matter what you say I will not believe it!"

His resentful Majesty said this, Long Qinghan turned and left.

The moment I stepped out of the house, I heard a sigh coming from behind me.

"Light cold, I can't hold you back. I shouldn't leave you alone. If you blame me, I have no complaints.

But I just want to ask you, follow your own heart, and don't be fooled by everything in front of you. "

Xiao Long Tianyu lowered his eyes, the sincerity in his tone did not seem to be fraud.

Long Qinghan's hands trembled in the corner he couldn't see.

Eventually he walked out of the room.

I just stood in the yard, but Long Qinghan's face was full of struggle.

Although everything his father told him was so familiar, some places still felt a little offensive after all.

The reason why he wants to stay at all costs is not only because he doesn't want this woman to leave his sight.

More importantly, when Gu Pan was there, he felt that the wall blocking the memory seemed to gradually show signs of loosening.

感觉 This feeling disappeared after Gu Pan left, until Long Tianyu's arrival.

He felt the tremor again.

True or false is no longer important.

He will find out all the truth and give himself an explanation.

Until then, let everything stay the same.

After Lin Mengya's decadence, she gradually invigorated her spirit.

虽然 Although they rushed day and night, they did not forget to probe the news everywhere.

When they rushed outside the city of Longdu, Lin Mengya did not let Qinghu immediately identify himself.

He took them directly into the city, and then turned outside a gambling house that was not eye-catching.

"Bai Su and Cai Ru, the two of you are waiting here. I'll go with Qinghu."


The two immediately took their horses and waited.

After entering the casino, Lin Mengya did not care about the gamblers around, but went straight through the lobby to a quieter back.

Behind me, there were a few strong men who seemed to be able to fight. When they saw that they had walked in by themselves, they immediately surrounded them with evil spirits.

"Who are you? This is not a place for you to come anywhere!"

She said nothing, but took out a small pendant from her clothes.

The jade pendant is purple-gold with an overbearing "town" character above it, and below it is a fledgling, robust physique.

壮 The look of those brawny men suddenly changed.

They put away the arrogant attitude just now, but immediately invited them in respectfully and respectfully.

As soon as the two of them got inside, a man who looked very smart and greeted greeted him.

"I don't know if the two of them have arrived, they have lost their lives. The villain's name is Ding Hui, who is the branch owner of the branch of Zhenlongtang."

拿 She is holding the Purple Dragon Order, which symbolizes the supreme power of Zhenlong Hall.

There are only two talents in the whole town Longtang, one is her, and the other is Xie, the church owner who has been missing for a long time.

And she immediately made people block all news about Xie 晗 ’s disappearance, so the people in their church did not know that the church owner had disappeared.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't intend to reveal her identity, she just asked, "Can you have the news of the Lord of the Temple here?"

Ning Dingzhen didn't dare to be vague, immediately turned around, rummaged on the table for a moment, and then sent a document to him.

"According to the instructions of the church owner, we also helped a lot before the Temple Army of Dragon Capital entered the city.

He was only in the accident of the Lord of the Temple. So far, no trace of him has been found. "

She saw only four words about Long Tianyu on the document-whereabouts are unknown.

"What does it mean that the whereabouts are unknown? Doesn't it mean that he just caught the palace wall explosion before he fell?"

"It's true, but our people unintentionally found a secret passage outside the palace wall."

Ji Dingxi took out another paper and handed it to her.

"Look, this secret road leads straight out of the city.

If it was not for the sudden collapse of the palace wall, this secret passage would definitely not show up, and our people found some pieces of armor inside.

He confirmed with his brothers in the Temple Army that these fragments belonged to the Temple Lord.

And we searched several times along this secret path without seeing the Lord of the Temple, so we guessed that someone might take them away. "

The reason why Ding Ding said these words was not to comfort Lin Mengya, but after all, no corpse was found, and he maintained a strict attitude.

I didn't know it was his words that made Lin Mengya anxious.

"Did you find any trace of others?"

Ji Dingji thought for a while before answering, "It is true that at both ends of this secret passage, we have found traces of someone opening it.

Alas, these may also be left by the rebels.

If the Lord of the Temple falls into the hands of the rebels, I am afraid that there will be more evil. "

This is true.

Murong Ming has now been captured by the Temple Army.

If the rebels really captured Long Tianyu and Murong Yan, they would definitely use them in exchange for Murong Ming.

After coming out of the casino, Qinghu whispered, "Where are we going now?"

In fact, they should go to review Murong Ming.

After questioning the last secret positions of the rebels, I inquired one by one.

But Lin Mengya wants to go to the scene in person.

And she didn't want to get anyone's attention.

So the four went to disguise and dress up.

Outside the palace, there are still traces of the previous rebellion and the temple army.

That palace wall has completely collapsed.

Whether it is inside or outside, there are heavy temple guards.

Lin Lin Mengya just went to glance.

I took out the map and found the location of the secret passage that Zhenlongtang found by accident with Qinghu.

There are no heavy guards here.

From the appearance, there is nothing abnormal here, but according to the information given by Zhenlongtang, after bypassing a low wall, they saw a ruined cellar.

The secret way is in this cellar.

Probably because of the explosion at the time,

So the wall between the cellar and the closed road collapsed.

They carefully went down the cellar.

The ravioli has a thick smell of dust inside.

Wu Qinghu first took the lantern and walked a few steps forward.

After be sure that the air inside can let everyone breathe freely, he beckoned and let them all follow.

"Master, be careful!"

Ji Cairu followed behind Qinghu, while Bai Su followed behind her, cutting him off.

There are lanterns in the hands of four people, one inch by one inch, and they are carefully searched in the tunnel.

I walked to about the middle of the tunnel, and found that there was a lot of sunshine here.

This is part of the outside collapsed in, maybe it may be a large pit from the road.

Besides, there are many woods and stones covering it, so it was not discovered by everyone.

She looked around, and Xiaoyao worked hard to maximize the search function.

After a while, she heard the exclaiming of the small medicine in the system.

"Master, there is the blood of Dad Dragon!"

This name is actually changed by Xiaoyao.

Xiao Xiaoyao felt that since Long Tianyu already knew his existence and accepted it, he was like a father to Xiaoyao.

"where is it?"

Zhe Lin Mengya was surprised and asked.

"Just mixed in this dirt!"

Because a long time has passed, and the soil leaks in constantly.

Cause all the bloodstains of Long Tianyu have been hidden deeply.

However, Lin Mengya still planed the soil by hand.

Inadvertently, she felt a dirty little purse from the deep soil.

"This is the medicine sachet I prepared for him!"

The pattern on it is still a practice that she has practiced for a long time but still twists and turns.

The peony luggage has now been penetrated by the blood, and it has lost its delicate and elegant fragrance.

But the existence of this thing made Lin Mengya more sure of the information given by Zhenlongtang.

"He's already here, but he doesn't know who was taken away!"

If Long Tianyu and Mu Rongyan were dead at the time, there was no need for the other party to spend a lot of time to transport their bodies out.

Especially when the rebels were at the end of the crossbow, their remaining strength was very weak.

I ca n’t even escape, so why bother with the bodies of two enemies?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at a big stone in the heart of the medicine box and bag, and it finally counted as a drop.

"He must not be dead, he is already waiting for me somewhere!"

Although she can't be 100% sure that Long Tianyu will be all right, the fire of hope in her heart is still ignited.

They then carefully searched from the secret road, but this time found no clues.

But Lin Mengya was not discouraged by this.

After they came out of the secret road, they found that it could directly lead to a small hillside outside the city.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the surroundings while adjusting to the light outside.

"Do you think the people who took away Long Tianyu are the rebels?" She asked Qinghu.

The latter shook his head and said, "At present, it is not certain who it is. I don't think it is likely to be a rebel.

If they really knew this secret way, then Murong Ming should have planned early that day, instead of being captured by the temple army at the last moment. "

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