Sure enough, if they knew this secret way, then they could attack and retreat.

And even when the Templars are not paying attention, they can be caught by surprise.

"But if it wasn't the rebels who took them, who would they be?"

Lin Lin Mengya muttered secretly.

She glanced at the secret passage behind her.

At that time, there was a mess of horses and horses in the city and outside the city. In addition to the people and horses on both sides, were there any third parties joining in?

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was high and low for a while.

She hoped that it was not the rebels who took away Long Tianyu, and she did not know whether those who took away were enemies or friends.

Wu Qinghu also knew her mood.

I patted her on the shoulder and said, "No matter who took them away, if Long Tianyu and Murong Yan can wake up, they will definitely find a way to help themselves, you don't have to worry too much."

"That's what it said, but they must have been seriously injured. I'm afraid they won't get timely treatment."

But as long as a person is alive, she will not be afraid even if there is a disability to fall from then on.

Nine Dragons Tianyu, we must persist

Long Tianyu, who was closing her eyes and recuperating, opened her eyes suddenly.

Just now, he seemed to feel the call.

Actually, he was still a little worried.

The girl looks strong, but in fact is a very vulnerable person.

He still remembers how Yaer was so sad when her brother's ex-fiancee passed away that she broke her heart.

I hope Yaer can cheer up this time and don't torture herself.

He touched his legs.

Since the day he woke up, he found that there was no consciousness under his legs.

In fact, he has been prepared for this situation.

But I still can't help expecting something in my heart, I always think it is because I haven't recovered well.

I just had a few days passed, and his injuries had been effectively treated, but his legs had not improved.

His heart sank to the bottom.

Maybe he can't stand up again in this life.

When thinking of this, Long Tianyu sighed with regret.

Why didn't he hug his wife when his legs were fine?

I'm afraid he won't be able to do it again in the future.

When Zheng Zheng felt some emotions, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the window.

"Who" he asked a heavy question.

I heard Mu Rongyan's voice outside the window.

"It's me, are you okay"

Wu Mu Rongyan seemed to recover better than him.

This makes Long Tianyu can't help but relax the points.

Fortunately, although Qing Han has lost his memory, he still has the same nature and listens to him.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"Is that your brother?"

After hearing his question, Xun Long Tianyu could not help but smile, and said, "Yes, he is my brother."

"Your temper is really like that.

Although I and Mu Rongming are also half-brothers, I feel that I and him do not seem to be as good as you. "

After going through a life-and-death porch, Mu Rongyan also seemed to let go of some of the burdens in his heart.

Even if two people are still in prison

In the state of confinement, he was still able to joke with him in pain.

轻 "Qing Han has been under my mother's lap since I was a child. I grew up with him."

When referring to the childhood of the two brothers, Long Tianyu's voice was also softer.

"He has always been a very well-behaved child, and even my mother-in-law is more partial to him.

知道 I know Qing Han's heart has always regarded me as a goal and idol to be surpassed.

He listened to my elder brother very much. Even when I didn't want the throne, he abandoned his leisurely life and took the burden for me.

In this life, I owe him a lot. If there is a chance of compensation, then I must let him be a relaxed and wealthy son like he was a kid. "

It is rare to hear Long Tianyu say such sensational words.

Even Murong Yan, who was standing outside the window, was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be such a good brother, but I really envy the dragon to be cold."

Mu Rongyan's gaze fell on a corner of the wall inadvertently.

There, even the owner revealed a hint of moon-colored clothes without knowing it.

Wu Murongyan hooked her lips.

Since this is the profound friendship of brothers and friends, if the parties do not know, it should be regrettable.

"But now I look at your brother, not like you said.

Otherwise you don't want this brother. "

"No, I can't leave him here alone.

你 My father, you know, if you continue to let Qing Han do it, I'm afraid he will put his life on it, I can't watch him die. "

Tong Murongyan lowered her eyes.

"Although we are cousins, our fate is similar.

虽然 Although my father was suddenly awakened at the last moment, my mother would not have been driven crazy if he had not given those people an opportunity.

In the final analysis, it is all because of his ruthlessness.

I can understand you and want to save your brother from the sea of ​​bitterness, but he doesn't seem to appreciate it. "

He didn't have to let Long Qinghan listen to these words, but he wanted to make the other person understand that not everyone is good for him.

"It's his fault that he doesn't appreciate it, but he is confused, but my brother must be sober.

You Murong Yan, can you promise me one thing. "

Mu Murongyan stood upright at once, and her face became more dignified.

"You said."

"I hope that if the two of us go out, you don't tell anyone anything light."


"He did these wrong things only when he was deceived by others. I don't want people in the world to have any misunderstanding about him."

"Did he save us?" Murong Yan didn't quite understand what he said.

"Do not."

Long Tianyu in the window was a bitter smile.

"I taught it by myself, and I don't know his style very well.

Even if he was hesitant about what I said, he would save us. But now, he must want to take us to accomplish something.

These things may hurt you and me, so I can only plead with you as an elder brother, I hope you forgive him for all his mistakes, do not preach this matter. "

All these words fell into the corner of the wall, Long Qinghan's ears.

He was shocked again.

He really wants to make

Nine Dragons Tianyu and Murong Yan surrendered what the father had been looking for.

Alas, he also wanted to use them both to do something else to ensure that he could easily get away in the future.

But I did not expect that all his calculations had already fallen into Long Tianyu's eyes.

Chen Long Qinghan covered his head.

Is it really like Long Tianyu said, everything he owns is taught by his own hands

But, his father clearly said that it was Long Tianyu's mother. Because he was jealous of his mother's favor, he killed his mother and took the child.

But if he is really just a dispensable person, why should Long Tianyu take the time to teach himself these tricks of conspiracy?

After all, even his father couldn't guess what he did, Long Tianyu was able to accurately grasp the context of his actions.

For the first time in Long Qinghan's heart, there was a shock that could not be masked.

I ran out of the yard in a panic.

After Mu Murongyan was certain that the little guy had left, he smiled and said to the people in the window, "You're a terrible move. I'm afraid this kid is a mess."

In the room, Long Tianyu lifted his lips easily.

"The little bunny was originally taught by me. If I can't figure out his little intestines, I will even teach him nothing."

Chen Longtian Yu only felt that his brother was still too immature.

No wonder, that's what he said.

If I put it in the mouth of any one person, I'm afraid that Long Qinghan will just sniff and don't even believe it for half a word.

"It ’s a terrible confrontation between your brothers, I still do n’t mix it, yes, what Long Qinghan is looking for, will it be the thing I gave you?"

Bian Long Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "I think it should be, but this thing can cause Mu Rongming and Long Qinghan to snatch. The big secret must be hidden in it.

Before the death of Jihouzun Niangniang, you mentioned this to you. "

When I mentioned this, Murong Yan said with regret: "I can remember this little ball, which was hidden by my mother when I was five or six years old.

母亲 My mother just told me that if one day she died unfortunately, I could take this ball to seek refuge in the temple.

As for my mother never mentioned it again, I almost forgot the existence of such a thing.

If it wasn't for Murong Ming's purpose this time, I wouldn't remember it. "

Before Long Yu entered the city, he had put that thing in a very secure place.

The reason is that if something happens to him, the ball will not fall into the hands of others.

"Just give me that thing, and I'll take care of him."

Wu Qinghan is in chaos right now, but they are all the same in their bones. They can be extremely focused in order to achieve their goals.

I believe that Qing Han will figure it out soon.

In the case of confusion, the best way is to set aside things that disturb you.

一旦 And once Long Qing's cold calmed down, it was time for their brothers to actually confront each other.

He would like to see if the light cold has grown in these years.

As for the location of that thing.

As long as Ya'er can't rest assured that he comes to Longdu in person, that thing will fall into Ya'er's hands.

He thought about all his plans before and after.

Whether it's Long Qinghan or his father.

Fight the three of their father and son, he will be the final winner

I randomly found an inn to settle down, Lin Mengya always held the medicine sachet in her hand.

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