Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2349: Very strange

"You also heard Song Yingkui say that this man was arrested many years ago by the inner temple.

Whether he said true or not, would the prescriptions stolen by this person fall into the hands of the temple? "

This is just Lin Mengya's guess.

After all, if according to Song Yingkui, then Yinglong is simply a sword.

Qiu Nai Dian is so righteous, why did he keep his life to this day?

Unless he is of great use to the inner temple.

That ’s why he has the opportunity to contact the temple staff, he can escape under the heavy care of the inner temple.

Wu Qinghu raised his lips and said coldly. "I've seen these human-faced guys look displeased for a long time. It seems they are really nasty."

Lin Lin Mengya also thought of this after recognizing the identity of the person.

Wu Yinglong is not trustworthy, and Song Yingkui is even less trustworthy.

The reason why she chose to detain Yinglong privately was not to oppose the inner palace.

She wants more information, at least not so passively.

Long night, in another corner of the temple, Song Yingkui and other law enforcement elders were sitting together to discuss how to capture Yinglong's plan.

"If you want me to tell him what to do, just kill him."

One of the law enforcement elders with a hawk-nosed nose said, "All these years, his life in the inner temple has been nourishing.

Alas, and we have almost all of his prescriptions, I think it is best to get rid of people. "

The words of Elder Eagle-nosed nose were approved by the other two elders.

But the other three elders headed by Song Yingkui did not agree with him.

"It's true that the things in his hands are almost the same, but this person knows too many secrets in the inner temple, and even if he wants to get rid of them, he will take him back to the inner temple and say."

"The elder with a hawk-nosed eagle's eyes squinted and said," Now there is only a woman outside Gongya, what are you afraid of? "

看 I think she's just a little clever and not afraid.

Lao Song, you are really upholding her too much "

Song Yingkui heard the dissatisfaction of his companions, but he did not dare to take it lightly.

Twenty-six law enforcement elders respect him, not because he has the highest reputation in the inner hall, nor because he is the most capable.

It is because he looks strange and will reduce a lot of trouble when going out to do business.

The responsibility of law enforcement elders in front of the palace is to hunt down various prisoners outside.

He can't do anything blindly, so he has also gained a pair of golden eyes with years of accumulation.

This weak-looking lady is probably the deepest hideous character.

"Okay, didn't the elder have ordered us before we came out, so don't conflict with Gong Ya easily."

Although their opinions were not unified, they chose to follow Song Yingkui's suggestion in the end.

"Yes, that man named Qinghu." Song Yingkui lowered his voice and said to his companion, "If you have the opportunity, take him back to the inner temple together."

"it is good."

The two people are afraid of each other, and they also calculate each other.

This situation also appeared on Long Tianyu's side.

After the last temptation, although Long Qinghan's attitude towards him has not changed significantly, he can still feel the looseness of Qing Han.

This is a good sign.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also persuaded Gu Pan several times.

I came, but this was a relationship problem between the young couple, and he, the elder brother, couldn't say it directly.

Twenty-two years ago, Gu Pan was worthy of matching his wife and sisters. No one could guess the idea in his head.

He is not good at this kind of thing, and it ’s just a few lines of truth, so how can he convince people?

And the maid has always been dedicated to him recently.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was so annoyed by it that at some point, when she had to change her clothes, she took it out.

I ca n’t stop it.

I didn't say anything.

I hope that every day in order to protect my brother-in-law's chastity, I see some clues.

She really doesn't have a cold for this woman.

I always wanted to find a chance to take her away.

She knocked on the door of Long Qinghan's room, and planned to use the rare initiative of the Lord to let Long Qinghan take away the annoying girl.

I didn't want anyone to agree.

"Dragon light cold, if you pretend to die again, I will leave"

She intentionally threatened each other.

Suddenly the door was moved. When Gu Pan was proud, but saw the girl, her face was flushed, and her head came out.

"I've seen Miss, Master Er is inconvenient now. If you have any things, I will come back later."

Gu Pan narrowed his eyes.

Even this fool knows this kind of state. I'm afraid that something unharmonious happened between the two people.

But Gu Pan didn't cry and ran away, as Jun Xianwei expected.

He held her arm and looked up and down.

"啧, Long Qinghan is so useless

Alas, sure enough, as people get older, they are useless.

I don't think that when we two were young then I would not be able to get up the next day. "

Xun Jun Xianwei was stunned.

Holding her clothes over her chest, she looked at each other stupidly.

This topic, she can say so frankly

Isn't she even more shameless than her?

Gu Pan pushed it away and said coldly, "Let me go. You ’ve used this trick a few years ago. Long Qinghan is useless to you. The same trick can actually make people count. Second time, you're so stupid. "

Sure enough, she found the sleeping Zhengxiang guy on the bed.

Gu Pan was also rude, chuckling her lips cold and smiling, holding up two hands, arching left and right, and fanning the face of Long Qinghan fiercely.

I only heard it for a while, making my face crackle with pain.

Xiaolong was cold, and then he woke up quietly, looking at the girl in front of him with a look of ignorance.

"Paner, why are you here"

Gu Pan took a sip.

"If you do n’t have any money, if you do n’t come, your chastity will be lost, you know?"

This time the dragon is lighter and colder.

"I'm not a woman, where does chastity come from"

Who knows to hear this, Gu Pan, immediately raised his voice.

所以 "So men can have three wives and four wives and can come outside, because you have no virginity, do you not have to keep the festival?

现在 I think what Ya said is true now, men are big pigshoes

They are all kind of greasy and greasy. I do n’t want to eat them after eating them, and they have nausea. ”

轻 Long Qinghan, who was scolded and covered his face and scolded, didn't even have time to get angry. When he saw the girl who had scolded him, he ran away.

"Paner, don't go, you speak clearly"

But when Long Qinghan chased to the door, he saw the untidy Jun Xianwei.

At this time, Long Qinghan was also slow to react, and he was actually accounted for by this woman.

Frown his frown, and finally show his fangs to Jun Xianwei.

He clasped Jun Xianwei's wrist and pressed it against the wall.

"I told you, don't make my idea"

女人 The woman came to him the first day and mentioned it, but he refused without thinking.

Xun Jun Xianwei did not give up, she cried pitifully at the other side.

"What can I do? Your brother just ignored me

Besides, I just want to borrow from you, and it will not affect your feelings.

And the girl may not have a real affection for you. She saw me come out like this just now, and she was not too excited.

Grandma, do n’t you be fooled by a woman? ”

Long before she finished speaking, Long Qinghan squeezed her jaw violently.

Squinting his eyes and saying, "How long have you known her before you dare to play with her in front of me?"

I tell you, no matter how she treats me, I ’m so happy. A woman like you is n’t worthy of being compared with her. If I hear any word that degrades her from your mouth, I ’m welcome to you

Xian Jun Xianwei's eyes widened and she almost said, "Are you two crazy?

Don't be kidding, how could there be a caring man in this world

Men are just like the new and hate the old, this is nature, can not be changed. "

Xun Jun Xianwei made a look that knew herself very well.

"Crazy or not crazy has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Long pulled away his hands coldly and coldly, and there was only disgust in the eyes of this woman.

"At least a woman like you, I don't even want to look at it."

After speaking, he threw the other person out of his room.

Regardless of Jun Xinwei's fault, Long Qinghan is now nervous, but she is nervous.

He didn't know if Gu Pan was angry.

If the other person is jealous, then he is naturally happy, indicating that Gu Pan has him in his heart.

But he felt that Gu Pan didn't believe himself, and could not help but be a little angry.

If Gu Pan wasn't jealous, he might have believed him, but he was more likely to care less about him.

Xiaolong Qinghan was almost tormented by these, completely opposite thoughts.

I didn't want to, his door rang again.

"Go, if I let you see you again, I will kill you"

"You still want to kill my dragon Qinghan, you are really prosperous"

Move faster than the head.

When Chen Long Qinghan didn't return to God himself, he quickly opened the door.

In front of him, Gu Pan went back.

"You, what are you doing"

Xiaolong Qinghan didn't know what happened to him, but he didn't speak at all.

Gu Pan raised his eyelids and glanced at Long Qinghan.

Then, when the other party did not respond at all, she stomped her feet, hugged Long Qinghan's neck, and bite his lips severely.

After the other party felt a pain, he kissed him softly like a feather.

"Look after you still be careful. If you make the same mistake for the third time, I won't ask you."

Chen Long's light cold brain was blurry, but he still didn't forget to ask, "Why don't you want me?"

"Because you're stupid, you can't ask"

Gu Pan gave him a glance.

This fool

I turned around, holding back the smile on the corner of her mouth, and quickly slipped away.

Anyway, this fool knows to defend her.

Then give him a probation period, Sister Ya seems to say so.

的 For those who work in the palace's old house and inside and outside the college, Sister Ya will give a one-month probation period before they are officially hired.

If it ’s good, consider turning right, and if it ’s bad, leave.

Chen Long Qinghan this fool, I don't know if she can pass her test.

"I said two young people, people have gone far, you can wipe that spit."

Chen Long gently wiped the corners of his mouth subconsciously before realizing that he might have been tricked.

I turned my head and saw Murong Yan smiling and looking at herself.

"Are you looking for death"

He was like a stupid little wolf cub who grabbed his bag and exposed his fangs to Murong Yan.

I can but each other, but smiled and waved.

"Second young don't get excited." Murong Yan smiled at each other with a smile. "I just thought it was fun."

Chen Long Qinghan stared at each other desperately, half angrily, and half alert.

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