Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2350: Daddy raid

Murong Yan spread his hands and said helplessly: "Er Young doesn't need to guard against me so much. Now, both Murong Xi and I are on your hand, and he is still injured, because our two brothers want to run and can't run either. How far. "

I heard Mu Rongyan say that he and Long Tianyu are brothers. Long Qinghan's heart passed unconsciously a little.

The look in the other's eyes was even worse.

Mu Rongyan didn't care about it. Instead, he just talked in a natural tone, and said softly: "I just want to know. Since Er Shao decided to use my brother, why did he have to be in the circle of defending the country. You are not afraid of Did anyone find out? "

Xiao Long Qinghan squinted his eyes, and he was completely stunned.

"I urge you not to waste your thoughts and cooperate with me, I can save your life. If you are impatient, I will naturally send you on the road."

Wu Murongyan hooked her lips and shook her head, "Of course, I'm still alive."

"Hum, if you're afraid, just give me an honest stay!"

At this moment, Long Qinghan's confidant hurried in.

Mu Murongyan stepped back with interest, and the man immediately whispered, "Young master, the old master came in person!"

Chen Long Qinghan's heart tightened.

Isn't Dad planning his marriage to that woman? Why, come here?

Did he know that Long Tianyu and Mu Rongyan are in his own hands?

Hey, he obviously blocked all the news!

He glanced at the room behind him and quickly commanded: "Send someone to transfer both Panpan and them to a safe place, remember to kill the thing. Whoever dares to leak, I will kill!

He immediately took his order, Long Qinghan exhaled deeply, and quickly walked towards the front yard.

Inside the carriage, Gu Pan kept looking out the window with some worries.

When Chen Longyu saw this, he softly explained, "Don't worry, you can cope with light cold."

Gu Pan insisted, "Who is worried about him."

She said so, but Gu Pan's anxiety was obviously not in line with what she said.

Beside him, Murong Yan also kept looking out the window.

But he is seizing this rare opportunity to see if he can find an opportunity to communicate with the outside world.

The carriage brought them to a more remote house.

When Nine Dragons Tianyu got off the bus, he also carefully observed the surrounding environment.

The surrounding area is very empty and is full of farmland.

With his present skills as Mu Rongyan, I'm afraid it would be difficult to escape.

He couldn't move, but Murong Yan's internal injuries were not healed.

I could only keep my eyes open and watch this rare opportunity slip away.

After waiting for them to be properly placed, those sent by Long Qinghan were scattered around the yard, guarding them without dead ends.

Gu Gupan, in the name of looking at the wind for them, sat in the yard and kept looking out.

The two people in the house were also discussing countermeasures.

"I heard that it was your father who came, what did he do?" Murong Yan asked in confusion.

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head.

He said honestly, until now he did not know what his father was going to do.

It's clear that Qing Han's problem is obvious, and he hasn't got any useful information in his routine.

This makes Long Tianyu, who has always been stable after the injury, can't help but feel a little impatient.

"No matter what you are doing, since Qing Han sent us away, it means that his arrival is definitely not good for us."

Wu Murongyan also couldn't figure it out.

"I really can't understand you little brother.

He said that he treats us as enemies. He not only saved you and our lives, but also sent us here when your father came.

He Keruo said that he treats us as his own, and he put on a stinking face every day and monitors us. "

What is confused is more than Murong Yan.

Even Long Tianyu feels that the current light dragon is simply a contradiction.

A combination of tadpoles.

With a frown and a slight frown, he said, "Qing Han's child has always been carefully considered. Don't look at him on the surface before, but no one can guess what he thinks."

Coupled with the wrong memory guidance, the child's temperament is afraid to become more and more distorted.

Alas, it's a headache.

I waited in the room for an afternoon before Long Qinghan heard the news.

Seeing himself about to be tossed back, Long Tianyu couldn't help but be anxious.

But they were about to leave, and several people suddenly appeared at the door.

At first, Long Tianyu thought that they were sent by their father, but they didn't want to. Those people were wearing the temple clothes.

This made the dragon light cold people immediately alert.

But a few people just passed by, just drooling.

Xiaolong Qinghan's confidant made a look towards his men, which meant that he probably didn't want to have branches outside the festival. As long as Long Tianyu didn't do anything special, they could let them go.

I thank the saints who know nothing.

I just feel weird. People in this yard are guarding one of the houses. Is there any big man in it?

"Little brother, what kind of business are you doing?"

圣徒 One of the saints couldn't help asking about the other curiously.

Suddenly he looked at each other alertly, with a cold attitude: "Nothing."

The talking saint apparently felt the resistance of the other party, but out of kindness, he reminded: "It's not very peaceful near here recently. I heard that there is a skinning robber. Be careful when you go out."

He heard his words and nodded.

The saints also drank the water, so Zhang Luo was leaving.

In the room, the three did not make unnecessary movements.

However, Long Tianyu had a clever idea and engraved a code in the obscure corner of the wall.

He learned that from Yaer. Only the two of them in the world knew the meaning of this trace.

The reason why he did not act lightly just now is that even if he alarmed those saints, those who were lightly cold, would not let these saints leave alive.

But it reminded him.

Maybe other saints may pass by here, and even come in to see this code.

He believes that Ya'er is afraid that he has already found something.

Otherwise, with his wife's temper, he must have been upset.

"Master, we should go."

He was very kind to them.

Xiao Long Tianyu nodded, obediently followed his confidant and left.

After Yingying Long was arrested, it was a little bit unwilling to disclose the news.

In the face of such a person, Lin Mengya cannot deal with him by conventional means.

Fortunately, the teacher worried about him before, and now he is on his way.

After the teacher arrived, Yinglong's good day came to an end.

Twenty-six law enforcement elders in front of the temple almost secretly turned over the temple, but they could not find the hiding place of Yinglong.

This made them have to wonder whether Yinglong took the opportunity to run down the mountain.

In this regard, Lin Mengya still adheres to the attitude of cooperation and non-participation.

This made the six more and more determined, Yinglong must have run away, and maybe he has found a new hiding place now.

It was not too late for the matter, and the six were immediately divided into two groups.

The three remained in the temple and continued to search, while the other three descended the mountain overnight.

However, due to the complexity of the personnel at the foot of the mountain, even if they investigate one by one, it will take a lot of time.

Taking advantage of this gap, she asked the teacher to dig up Ying Long's secret.

The three elders were not as honest as Song Yingkui was.

He not only disrupted the normal activities of the temple, but also tried several times, trying to provoke her.

夫人 "Madam, those three elders are really not alive!"

的 The saint chef in charge of the kitchen,

I held out the bright scoop, and begged to see her.

The people regard food as the sky, and this chef happens to be the head chef who is responsible for the operation of all the kitchens in the temple. His status is extraordinary.

Even when Lin Mengya saw him, she had no choice but to give face.

The usual fat-hearted chef is very close. Today, how can it be like a burst of charcoal?

"Master Chef, are you?"

Wang Wangfu waved a large spoon and Momo accused: "Ma'am, our cooks already have a lot of work, and they have always been understaffed. I managed to mix up and down, so that everyone would not eat.

But now, the elders of the three shit, come up to me and point me.

I also said that we should put all the kitchen and ingredients together so as not to be poisoned.

I bother! Who are they talking about?

He said again, if there were so many people up and down the temple, if all of them were cooking together, it would have been so cold when it was delivered to the big guy. How can this food be eaten? I see, they are just making trouble! "

Chef Wang's anger is visible to the naked eye.

Lin Lin Mengya hurriedly soothed a few words and asked him to go back and prepare the meal first, so don't delay the lunch at noon.

He immediately approached the deputy of Qin Dian and asked what was going on.

The deputy leader of the Vice Qin Qin sighed and said, "To put it bluntly, they are just holding feather arrows. In my opinion, it is false for them to find someone, and it is true to reduce your control."

She felt the same way.

In the past few days, I haven't complained to her alone.

I'm going on like this, I'm afraid no one will obey her orders anymore.

After all, she gave those three rights.

Everyone, she just feels she is incompetent.

"Where are they now?" She asked angrily.

Deputy Qin Lord Wu Qin replied: "It seems that at the entrance of the first floor, there is a secret order. Whatever comes in, no matter who comes in, you must first investigate the secret order, otherwise, you will be arrested and interrogated."

"What a courage!"

She shot up and frosted.

I just want to test her floor again and again

Then she let them see clearly, who is in charge here!

At the entrance of the first floor of the temple, three elders Ma Jindao sat in their chairs and stared closely at the people.

Not long after, some people were stopped by their people because they couldn't tell the secret order.

The man also explained with a puzzled expression: "I went out to do things under the order of my wife. When I went out, I didn't say there was a secret order?"

He saw the elder with a hawk-nose standing up and said indifferently: "No matter what order you take, as long as you can't make a secret order, it is suspect. Take it away, and I will interrogate it myself."

Yan Wenyan said that their men would start.

The man naturally wanted to rebel, but when the two sides were in conflict, he could hear a woman's voice behind him.

"Stop it for me!"

人 The two men and horses about to smash into a ball immediately separated.

I saw Lin Mengya and came over coldly.

The other two law enforcement elders saw her coming, but they didn't get up, especially the hawk-nosed man, even sat down directly, showing that he looked down on her.

"How can such a small matter startle your wife?"

"All matters concerning the temple are under my control," she said politely.

When Ying Ying heard her nose, she laughed, "Well, it is indeed Madam. Sesame and mung beans are worth managing. But please rest assured that we will take care of these things later."

He said so, but it really made her hands itch and wanted to slap people.

Lin Mengya's eyes narrowed, and she sneered, "Although trivial things are annoying, not everyone can take them. I am the person who dislikes the strongman the most. The deputy leader of the Qin Palace removed all the useless levels here. "

Wu Ying said with a somber nose, "Madam, inner palace, who dares to stop!"

But Ke Mengya did not budge at all.

"Here is the temple, everything, I have the last word!"

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