Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2354: Soldiers fall from the sky

"No, I have to go and see!"

After saying that, she was about to run outside, but was stopped by Bai Su crying and laughing.

"My lord, they all went all night. Where do you go now?"

"But I can't wait like this, right?"

Bai Su pulled her hand and said, "Please wait here for a while, I will send someone to inquire about the news.

If you are going, you also need to know where they are? "

She also knows that Bai Su is right, so she can only hold her mood temporarily and wait for her to come to inquire about the news.

After about a few minutes, Bai Su said with a heavy expression on his face: "The news from Wolf Guard said that when he was trying to rescue Master Yan, he encountered a group of men in black.

The martial arts of those people are extremely high, and even if the wolf guards join them, they can only fight and retreat.

Now they're rushing here, I've gone to get in touch with the guards of the temple. "

Lin Lin Mengya's heart tightened.

"How about Murong Yan? Have you found your Highness?"

Wu Baisu shook his head: "There is no specific news for now."

Now she couldn't sit still.

"Murong Yan and His Highness must have been injured. I can't wait here, we must rush over immediately."

Although anxious, she did not lose her mind, and in the shortest time, packed up some things for healing.

Fortunately, she has the habit of carrying injury medicines with her. This time, she will rush to his side in time!

"Your Highness, how are you, can you hold on?"

Ada and A Er were standing beside Long Tianyu. During their lifetime, the wolf guards guarded several people in the middle, and they were sitting comfortably with the black people outside.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Xiao Long Tianyu looks a little embarrassed.

After he and Mu Rongyan found someone to follow, the two discussed a number of ways.

He and Gu Pan quietly got out of the car under the cover of a wood, and Murong Yan drove them away in an empty carriage.

He is inconvenient to move, and hopes that a woman has little strength, but he has no choice but to find a place to hide first.

He originally came to Mu Rongyan after meeting with Ada.

Who knew that this group of black men had been killed halfway, and by looking at their appearance, I'm afraid they came for themselves.

Although the wolves were brave, they could not resist the sinister means of the black man.

The other person just wants to take the life of a person, so every move takes a ruthlessness that will cause death.

Chen Longtian Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "You will break out with Gu Pan in a while, remember, you must take her back to the temple!"

"Yes, Your Highness, how about you? Madam has been waiting for you for a long time." Ada asked in a low voice.

When I mentioned Lin Mengya, Long Tianyu's heart could not help but a little softness.

"Just tell Yaer, I will definitely find a way to go back so that she doesn't worry."

He doesn't know his life and death, but for Yaer, he will definitely come back alive.

Squinting at those black men occupying an absolute advantage, the guard circle of Wolverine is shrinking.

Chen Longyu said, "I can go with you, but only if you let them go!"

Hearing his voice, the man in black stopped his hand immediately.

He saw a leader who came forward and said, "His Highness rest assured, as long as you can obediently follow us, we will never embarrass these people."

All wolf guards are standing beside Long Tianyu.

He whispered: "Protect Gu Panmu Rongyan, and let them return to the temple safely."

The Jackal came to perform his orders, and nodded when he saw it.

"Help me over," he whispered.

Ada and Aer immediately lifted up Long Tianyu.

The man in black also showed full sincerity, and they deliberately opened a gap to signal that the wolf guard could leave now.

"Brother-in-law, you can't go there, Sister Ya is still waiting for you!"

I hoped to be guarded in the middle, and shouted with red eyes.


Wu Tianyu shook her head slightly towards her.

Gu Gu bit his lips tightly.

She must not cry to let the other party see the joke.

As soon as the three were about to step into the range of men in black, they could hear the wrath of a woman suddenly coming behind them: "Long Tianyu, if you don't go home again, I will take your son to remarry!

Let others live in your house, spend your money, and beat your son! "

When Xiaolong Tianyu heard this voice, he looked shocked.

I saw the woman who was facing the splendid rising sun and made him think about it, and the woman who couldn't sleep at night, hurriedly rushed towards him on horseback.

"You listen to me, no one is allowed to leave today, dare to rob my man, I won't get tired of living!"

Xun Longtian just felt like a drum.

Ada and A Er pulled him back quickly, but the man in black did not expect that victory would be in sight, but he suddenly killed such a person.

What troubled them was the temple guards in silver-white armor behind the women.

The black-headed men immediately winked at their companions, and saw that they were very shameless and attempted to attack Long Tianyu.

Ye Ke Ada and A Er are not vegetarian, they have been defending each other for a long time.

They retreated quickly, and the wolf guards behind them immediately came forward.

Instantly, the three were surrounded by the remaining wolf guards, as if wearing a layer of solid armor.

Nine Dragons Tianyu leaned on Ada's body.

He knew that his wife was the most powerful person in the world.

Gao Linmeng was angry and angry, pointing at the group of people in black and yelling, "Have me listen, catch these people, and live or die!"

The people in black immediately panicked, and now they are really suffering from the enemy.

Not to mention that those wolf guards are hard to entangle themselves, the regular templar army behind them are all like wolves and tigers.

Everyone in black wants to retreat if he doesn't have good knowledge.

Lin Mengya, who had already seen through the other party's intentions, shouted to her own side: "If you run one, I will punish you all for half a year!"

The temple army immediately rose in power, looking a little bit angry in the eyes of the man in black.

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded with satisfaction, and continued, "Catch one alive, double the silver grain, and die one, one hundred and two more silver per person!"

Hearing this, the eyes of those Templars glowed green.

People in black then knew what fear was.

不 In this world, we are not afraid of many enemies, nor are we afraid that our enemies have high martial arts, but that our enemies have more money than ourselves.

And also willing to spend money.

He only looked at Lin Mengya's order, and all the temple troops seemed to be stupid wolves who had strayed into the flock.

It's a pity that there are too many monks and too few porridges, and those in black were swallowed up by the silver temple army.

Lin Mengya dismounted, and rushed towards Long Tianyu with no consideration.

"I knew you would never die!"

Lin Lin Mengya did not cry.

She smiled desperately, but that smile made Long Tianyu feel distressed.

Big hand stroked her cheek again, and even he shivered slightly without realizing it.

"Sorry for making you suffer so much ..."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, and plunged into Long Tianyu's arms.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can come back."

Chen Long Tianyu hugged her waist tightly.

Although his lower body is still unconscious, his wife has become his most solid pillar.

Gu Pan next to him watched the two of them cry.

Lin Mengya looked at the girl with amusement and asked, "I didn't blame you for stealing medicine. Why are you crying so much?"

"No, it's not ... I just watched you very hard, just moved!"

I couldn't explain why, obviously the meeting of the two people was not accompanied by any tears, but Gu Pan felt his eye sockets were sour.

Maybe it was because Sister Ya showed strength and persistence when she lost her Highness's news.

Maybe because

Alas, His Royal Highness did not have any inferiority or cowardice when facing Sister Ya.

Isn't that how two people love each other?

They trust each other, knowing that the other party will never give up and support each other, even if the other party has an irreparable disability.

They are one. When there is a problem on one side, the other side will help the other without hesitation.

Maybe that's what a couple means.

Since the man has returned, no matter what, I'll wait to go home and talk.

Gao Linmengya asked Ada to help Long Tianyu together, and greeted Gu Pan, who had not forgotten Murong Yan who had passed out.

When they left, none of those in black damned and wounded, and no one fled.

Standing on the carriage, Lin Mengya said to the crowd: "Everyone will go back with me. The temple will hold a banquet tonight, and everyone will not be drunk!"

The shouts of the generals were loud.

They also found their own generals, and the victory has become complete, and there are no longer any regrets.

On the way back, Lin Mengya deliberately let the temple army open.

Looking at the people around her, either wrong or suspicious, she couldn't help but laugh three times.

"Let you want to take advantage of Lao Tzu's illness!

Let ’s go down and see how you guys jump! "

Sitting in the carriage, Long Tianyu smiled and looked at his wife's face.

"It seems that these days I was away, but I've ruined you."

Lin Lin Mengya moved and sat beside the man.

抱着 Holding the man's arm, she leaned her upper body in the arms of the other.

"Why don't you think I'm dirty now?" Long Tianyu also didn't like her approaching, but now she was covered with dirt, old leaves and everything.

He saw that she was holding his arm vigorously, and said fiercely, "What? I like it, you control me!"

Xiao Long Tianyu shook his head with a smile: "I'm happy."

The low voice made Lin Mengya's ears unconsciously.

"Since you like it, you should come back early. I am so worried for nothing. Why do you pay me?" She muttered softly.

Xun Long Tianyu was sorry, "After you go back, you can do whatever you want, I listen to you."

He saw the girl pouting her mouth and said, "Everything you own is mine, what else can you pay me, hum, treacherous!"

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes were more gentle.

"Then I will pay you back for the next life, okay?"

But Ke Mengya shook her head unexpectedly.

She reached out and tangled with his fingers.

"Your life is mine, no one can change this thing!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was in my heart for a while, but it was incredibly tender.

"it is good."

They returned to the temple and received the news.

"Dear Lord, you are back, and I will be relieved to see you are safe!"

Chen Long Tianyu waved his hand and said gently: "Ya'er told me what happened in the temple, Qin Lao, it really troubles you for a while.

I said that only in need can we see the truth.

After this accident, Long Tianyu was also able to tell who was genuine and who was false.

Fortunately, most of the people in the temple did not let him down, especially the deputy leader of the Qin Palace in front of him, and after he left, he tried his best to let Yaer take charge of the temple.

Yun Guang is this, he has been grateful to the other party.

The deputy director of the Vice Qin Palace wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes and said, "The Lord of the Old Palace treats me like a mountain, and you trust me a lot.

My old bone, even death will protect you and your wife. "

Zhe Lin Mengya also got out of the carriage and said with a smile: "Now, you can finally sleep well.

Look at the last few days, you've been a lot! "

The deputy chief of the Qin Dynasty shook his head in embarrassment.

"Oh, I am so old that I can't stand it anymore. Come on, Lord."

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