Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2355: Only you know

Because of the high profile when they returned, now almost everyone knows the news of his return.

I am happy and sad.

Those who have been embarrassing before and want to embarrass Lin Mengya are now completely panicked.

Originally, Gong Ya was not easy to deal with. Long Tianyu has returned now, which is really powerful.

Oh, no, it should be said that the two swords are combined, and the pearls are combined.

These people immediately bought some expensive gifts and ordered them to be sent up the mountain to pay tribute.

But for this kind of behavior, Lin Mengyali ignored them and ordered people to throw out those gifts directly.

Do you really think she is a child? A slap to a sweet date can coax it.

But there is one more important thing right now.

As soon as I arrived at the temple, before my breathless Barry Rui, I was drawn to their room by my apprentice.

"I said girl, slow down, my old bones can't stand your toss!"

Although Bai Lirui complained, her heart was still happy for her apprentice.

I finally do n’t have to be a widow!

After letting him know the news, the worried teacher day and night was very relieved.

He is not to say that widows are not good, but that he is a young apprentice, and if the man really has anything to do with it, he is afraid that his little girl may not think about it.

Alas, God is finally pity.

"Teacher, please help him!"

When I entered the door, Lin Mengya couldn't wait for the teacher to help Long Tianyu take a look at her legs.

Chen Long Tianyu apologized to Bai Lirui: "Teacher is troublesome these days."

"No trouble, no trouble, all family!"

For this son-in-law, Barry Rui is quite satisfied.

Of course, he was not so polite because his little apprentice was staring at him.

Only after his careful examination, the expression on his face was not so good.

He groaned for a moment and said softly, "Girl, come out with me."

Long Nayu smiled and said, "Just say it here, teacher, I can bear it."

Bari Rui glanced at him and sighed leisurely.

"You are indeed a wit for practicing, but I'm afraid that from then on, you will never get involved with those advanced martial arts."

Although Bai Lirui does not know how to martial arts, he knows very well what this means to a master of martial arts.

He is like him. If he can no longer use poison after that, it will be more painful than letting him die.

Unexpectedly, Long Tianyu's response was very indifferent.

"I have already known this result, but Ya'er has never accepted it."

He said helplessly, reached out and patted her hand.

"It's okay, I'll use a wheelchair to move in the future."

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't hide her disappointment.

She doesn't care if Long Tianyu is healthy or not, she just doesn't want him to lose what he is proud of.

"Teacher, is there really no way out?"

In fact, this result was as expected.

Before the teacher came in, she had already performed a full body examination for Long Tianyu.

Teacher Yun thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible, but ..."

The rest of the words, even Barry Rui himself was not sure, but had to say: "I remember a medical book that describes the treatment of this disease, you can allow me for a while, I will go back and check."

I heard here, Lin Mengya could not help but rekindled hope.

"Okay, I can wait no matter how long! Until then, I will do my best to keep his body active and not let him shrink!"

Hearing this, even Barry Rui could not help moving slightly.

As his student, Lin Mengya should know this, which is basically an unrealizable luxury expectation.

But this girl still believes.

He sighed, and secretly made a decision.

Anyway, he also has to find a way. Even if Long Tianyu can't recover exactly as before, he can't delay the happiness of his young apprentice in the second half of his life.

Bian Rui, who wanted to leave, suddenly knocked on his head.

Alas, why did he come this time?

I turned around and asked the girl whose heart was full of that stink man.

"Don't you say you caught Yinglong?"

Lin Lin Mengya just remembered that, right, there is one more thing to do.

I immediately told the teacher about Yinglong's situation.

Although many years have passed, the teacher's mind is inevitable.

He sighed sighing.

"In the beginning, I not only had a relationship with him, but also a rare confidant and friend, but I didn't want this person to conceal mischief."

I just have a lot of relief over the years.

After adding this little girl in front of him, his life has been enriched a lot.

Now, he is only thinking about how to train his young grandson to become the next poison master.

As for Yinglong, even if he broke off with the past life.

"People are locked in the dungeon. Would you like me to go with you?"

Gao Linmengya asked with concern.

Bali Rui waved his hand.

"You can stay with him here, I'll go by myself."

When he didn't see it? The girl's heart was all tied to this stinky boy.

Alas, as an old man, don't wait to see others.

Only two of them were left in the inner palace, Lin Mengya diligently asked Long Tianyu if he was thirsty, hungry, hungry, cold or cold.

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head, reached out and patted himself next to him, and whispered, "You've been busy for so long, sit down and rest."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and set aside the tea cup in her hand.

She took off her shoes, like a little animal who finally found her home, curled up beside him.

Xun Long Tian Yu's heart gave birth to infinite love, and her big hands held her gently.

别 "Don't be afraid, I'm really back, this is not a dream."

Suddenly, the woman in her arms was shocked.

Immediately after, a depressive cry came from the arms of Long Tianyu.

"Did you know? Everyone told me that you were dead, and everyone said that you would never survive the explosion.

I even believe it. "

声音 The voice was muffled, with fear that broke his heart.

"But I don't believe it. No one will tell me until I see your body."

Nine Dragons Tianyu tightened his arms again.

Trying her stubbornness must be painful.


The incident happened suddenly, if it wasn't for a secret passage there, I'm afraid he won't be able to return this time.

If ... when thinking of her sadness, Long Tianyu could not help but feel cold.

"I don't need your apology, I just need your guarantee."

I looked up from his arms, she was like the most ordinary woman in the world.

"I want you to assure me that you will never let me be so frightened."

Chen Long Tianyu hugged her waist tightly.


He can't guarantee whether this situation will happen again, but the only thing he can guarantee is that he will take more care of himself.

Lin Lin Mengya is like a tapeworm in his stomach.

I only knew instantly that he didn't say anything.

She thumped desperately in the arm.

"You big liar! You promised me to stay with me forever!

But almost, you can never do it again, you know! "

The thumping turned into a bite.

Zhe Lin Mengya used her full strength.

His lips and teeth soon filled with the smell of his blood.

Lin Lin Mengya did not relax.

Tears kept falling, diluting the red blood on her lips.

He didn't move, let her bite her arm without escaping.

The other one patted her back gently.

"Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid."

He whispered softly, as if coaxing a child.

She cried out wow, holding Long Tianyu's arm in a grieving cry and complained: "I'm really scared, afraid I will never see you again ..."

At this point, she was really positive, venting her accumulated negative emotions of fear, worry, and so on.

In front of outsiders, she must be strong and confident, and in front of her own people, she must not be indifferent.

No one knows, she is suffering from her heart almost every moment.

What happened is her favorite of her life. He is better than anyone to cry, shout, or even be in pain.

But she didn't.

She just left it all to her lover.

Lin Lin Mengya cried so hard that she stopped gradually until her throat became hoarse.

Chen Long Tianyu said nothing, but kept pecking and kissing the tears on her face.

I held her all in her arms, letting her hold her neck, and tears kept flowing through her clothes, imprinted on his shoulders.

It's his carelessness, his irrationality, it's all his fault.

But it is his favorite girl who bears the consequences.

"Yaer, be good, don't cry." He coaxed as softly as possible.

Lin Mengya ignored it, and didn't stop until she cried.

It's just that she is exhausted.

I was like a little baby. He was in his arms and fell asleep.


Chen Long Tianyu placed her carefully beside her, and watched his face tenderly.

I stretched out my rough fingers and wiped away the tears that still hung around her eyes.

In this life, he never wanted to see Yaer look so sad again.

Some things, once experienced is really enough.

Although it was in his sleep, Ke Lin Mengya grasped Long Tianyu's sleeve tightly.

He didn't move or move, just stayed beside her half-lying and half-lying until her eyes wet with tears opened again.

Opening his eyes is Long Tianyu, his affectionate eyes, which makes Lin Mengya a little embarrassed.

"I, how long did I sleep?"

"It didn't take long, I heard Bai Su said you didn't sleep last night. Would you like to sleep again?"

Even though Long Tianyu's arm had been sore for a while, he still didn't snor, but asked Lin Mengya.

"Never sleep, would you like something to eat? By the way, I ordered them to boil you a very digestible porridge, and you are waiting for me to bring it to you!"

I said she got up and ran out.

Looking at the vibrant back of his wife, Long Tianyu also raised her lips.

Then he gently moved his arms.

Since he couldn't stand up, he strengthened his arms control.

Fortunately, he had deliberately exercised before him, which would not be jerky at all.

Lin Lin Mengya returned quickly.

She has a small casserole in her hand.

"You have n’t healed yet, and you should n’t eat something particularly nasty.

This is what I asked them to make for you. I added some green vegetables and meat foam in it. "

In order to conceal the soreness of his arms, Tianlong Yu had to smile and said that he would eat again later.

But she brought the porridge over.

"What are you doing when you get home? I don't know if you don't feel well."

I have maintained that awkward posture for so long that my body is not numb.

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