Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2356: Meet the inner palace

The delicious hot porridge was carefully cooled by her, and spoonful was fed to Long Tianyu.

Although he is not used to it, he prefers to see his wife's serious expression.

As if, this is what matters.

Soon, the porridge in the casserole reached the bottom, and she brought the medicine herself.

"Although these medicines cannot get you up, they can still clear your muscles. If you have a good method in the future, you will be able to restore your previous ability to act."

Although she knows that her words are for the sake of reassurance, he is still willing to believe.

Hope is better than immersion in despair.

What's more, he still has her around.

After a while, Lin Mengya got another bucket of hot water and added a lot of medicinal materials to it.

Gradually, the thick herbal fragrance overflowed.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at her with amusement and asked, "Are you planning to cook me as a medicated diet?"

Zhe Lin Mengya stretched out her hand and tried the temperature. Then she said, "This is a medicine for clearing meridians. You can rest assured that with me, you will definitely not have other conditions on your legs."

Xun Long Tianyu smiled, beckoned, and let her come to her side.

不用 "Don't worry, I've got enough mental preparation. Just because I can't stand up all my life, I can protect you and your children."

Alas, he was a little worried when he thought of what the man in black said before.

He has ordered Ah Da to them, no one is allowed to bring this up to Yaer.

She has already worked hard enough. If she knows that the other party is likely to hurt the children, she will be reckless.

This is his responsibility.

She knows that Long Tianyu doesn't like being served by others, so she always has to do things herself.

Although they sometimes let Ada help them, they are still few in the end.

In the past few days, the two have remained inseparable, and many tacit understandings cultivated in the past have also played a very important role at this moment.

She is one of Long Tianyu's eyes, and she knows what the other person wants.

Invisiblely, the two loved by Da Xiu almost blinded the eyes of the single dogs.

Is it popular to lie to dogs and kill them?

These two people are too inhumane!

咳 "Ahem, am I convenient to come in now?"

Senior victim No. 1 Barry Rui stood at the door, knocked on the door silently, and asked a little awkwardly.

Lin Lin Mengya just put a soft cushion on the back of Long Tianyu.

方便 "Convenient, teacher please come in."

She lowered her head and patiently determined whether Long Tianyu was comfortable and her back pain was not painful.

的 The teacher sitting on a chair that was cold and boned was a little sad.

Alas, when the student is raised, it is someone else ’s home.

However, Lin Mengya finally had a little conscience.

I poured a cup of hot tea for the teacher and asked, "How can the teacher go well?"

When he mentioned the business, Barry Rui also looked right: "Yinglong still saw me hard, but I always felt that he didn't want to say it, but he didn't dare."

Turning the cup in his hand, the teacher lowered his voice and then said, "He has suffered a little bit every so often because he used the wrong acupuncture. I encountered it once before he couldn't hold himself out. , Once told me to make sure to stay away from the inner temple. "

What does Tong Yinglong mean?

Zhe Lin Mengya was also confused, and had to be puzzled and said, "Isn't the teacher related to the temple before? Have you heard of this inner temple?"

He mentioned this, and Barry Rui was silent for a moment before he slowly said, "The inner temple has not been exposed to people for at least a hundred years. If he didn't mention it, I would have died in the inner temple."

The inner palace was originally a place where seniors of the temple were retired.

But after several twists and turns, it slowly developed into a decision-making machine similar to Secret Court.


When the Lord of the Temple was incompetent, or when there was an accident that could not support the overall situation of the Temple, the inner temple would appear and take over the affairs of the Temple.

After the smooth transition to the next competent person, the inner temple will retreat again.

"It is rumored that each session of the inner temple is ruled by an elder. The other elders must be viewed by their horse heads. The master of your husband, according to the rules, will also enter the inner temple to live in seclusion."

"But Master Dian did not go to the inner temple?" She said.

He Baili Rui nodded and said with emotion: "This is his greatest strength. If he enters the inner temple, you two will become lonely widows.

I want to know that even the old guy has a very high status in the inner temple. It is said that he may still be the candidate for the next elder.

And the reason why he did not enter the inner temple is to give you an opportunity to take the initiative. "

"What opportunity?" She asked curiously.

"Do you know why all the elders or the temple masters have to enter the inner temple?"

Long Tianyu, who was on the bed, had clearly thought of the answer.

因为 "Because the people who inherited their positions were promoted by them, then after they entered the inner temple, people outside would naturally listen to them, so that the inner temple would have control of the temple."

Bali Rui sighed and nodded.

"The old boy didn't want you to be restrained, so he dragged him out of the inner temple.

The situation in the inner temple is more complicated than that in the temple. Once he enters the inner temple, he will definitely join one of them, so even the two of you are passive. "

When there is a struggle for power, there will be a dispute over interests.

Although the inner palace holds the supreme right, most of the resources are still in the temple.

So if the master of the old temple enters the inner temple, it will cause all parties to compete.

Gao Lin Mengya thought, and then asked, "Is it because of the six law enforcement elders who came before?"

Teacher Wu shrugged and said, "I don't know much about it, your old guy is very good.

I also got some clues by tapping side by side, and then inferred it myself.

Alas, if something goes wrong. Then who can decide the next temple master is also in possession of the temple. "

I heard these things, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I was lucky, Long Tianyu returned in time.

If she was a little later, I was afraid that the other party would use some means to master the temple, which would make her overwhelming.

Looking at these two young couples who were immersed in the whirlpool, Wu Bairui couldn't help but mention a few words.

"Don't be too happy first, I don't think they will admit it so honestly.

After all, the current temple does not look like it used to be there.

Then before that, all the rights of the Emperor will temporarily take back the temple.

This is big fat, I'm afraid there are a lot of people in mind. "

In fact, according to Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu's previous conceive, the position of the Emperor is naturally to be inherited by Long Tianyu.

But now he needs to rest, and it is not appropriate to make any big moves in the recent days, so this matter can only be stranded temporarily.

But without a decision, countless eyes will be staring here.

For a moment, they had a hot potato.

Chen Longtianyu knows: "Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention to you and Yaer."

"Thank me for what I can do," Barry said, waving his hand.

"Yes, girl, if nothing is going on here, I plan to leave in the last few days."

Lin Lin Mengya was also made a little hairy by Ying Long's words.

内 Does the inner palace really want to be bad for the teacher?

But why didn't they do it before?

"Yes, I've been busy with things outside recently and my family is willing

I must have missed you.

Just this time you pass back the news of Yu Ping An by the way, so that the great ancestors will be happy. "

When referring to that big and harmonious family, the teacher could not help narrowing his eyes and smiling a little.

"I blame you for your two boys. These two boys are much better than you in terms of talent. In 20 years, the names of my two grandchildren will resound across the river!"

I was beaten by my own baby. Lin Mengya was not unhappy or not happy.

She stomped her feet and said with a good taste: "Well, you both like those two stink boys! What's so good, isn't it the son-in-law of others?"

Bali Rui almost laughed after hearing the words: "What's so good about having a daughter, isn't it someone else's wife?"

After saying so, she hadn't angered her eyes.

Lin Mengya, who knew she had no reason to lose, did not turn around on this issue, but smiled and held the teacher's hand.

"Oh, I know you are Aiwu and Wuwu.

I also blame the two stupid boys, who have been away for so long, I don't know if they have forgotten my mother-in-law. "

Although she was joking, she missed the two babies.

Teacher Yun patted her hand gently.

"I look at those two boys, the most I want is you.

I'll wait until the matter here comes to an end, and you two will take the time to come back.

I am not only them, but the family also miss you. "

Lin Mengya nodded with a smile.

Neither the teacher nor the apprentice saw Long Tianyu's clenched fist quietly.

After Teacher Xun finished Yinglong's trial, that person was useless.

Sugawara originally wanted to give this person to the teacher. After all, the person he was most sorry for was the teacher.

But after all these years, Barry Rui has already seen a lot of things, plus the physical condition of Yinglong is getting worse.

I mean, let him live well, and he will not have a good life for a few years, and over time, his injuries will become more and more.

I was just tortured in vain.

"I'm at heart, what he wants to do is up to you.

However, this person's heart is fierce and tricky. If you let the people in the inner hall know that you will imprison this person, I am afraid it will cause some trouble. "

Teacher Yun said something very vague, but Lin Mengya already understood.

老师 "Teacher rest assured that this person will never die in my hands if he wants to die."

I heard that the three law enforcement elders would be back soon. Before that, she had to dispose of Yinglong.

After Long teacher left, Ying Long's temper became increasingly irritable.

Finally, on a stormy night, Ying Long stunned a person who served him food and escaped from the dungeon.

He has iron chains on both hands and feet, making it difficult to move.

So Yinglong's purpose is very clear, that is, to find the law enforcement elders in the temple.

His face was vulgar and vicious.

He already thought of a way to get away, and before that he could stir up a battle between the inner temple and the temple.

But what he didn't expect is that this layer is empty and there are no people.

And he couldn't tell the direction in the rain curtain.

A thunder fell and Ying Long seemed to see a step ahead.

He ran over in a hurry, but he didn't expect that when he stepped on the steps, he felt a numbness under his feet.

Another thunder struck, and the thunder sound seemed to burst in my ears.

But this time Yinglong looked at the road ahead in horror.

Lin Lin Mengya closed the window.

He turned and moved the small incense burner filled with herbs to the two of them.

"The room was full of water when it rained. I had a few charcoal stoves next to me, and it was just fine."

I said, she took out a few small rectangular cloth bags.

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