Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2361: Secret negotiation

Originally, because of the accident of Long Tianyu, those people of Lelang have abandoned the plan.

Sui Nai was so fatal that this made them want to get back to work.

After signing a lot of heart-breaking treaties, the deputy Qin Lord finally agreed to continue to cooperate with the other party.

However, the premise is that he is only responsible for the timing of creation. When it is really time to start, he must be under the control of God. He will not care.

With this condition, Master Shengong swears in the heart that Deputy Lord Qin is an unscrupulous dealer!

But whoever let them be on the string, had to send.

After a long time, the magic worker finally stopped, and then he made a more vicious plan.

The preparation of the Qi Qing feast was very smooth.

多 A lot of things have been prepared in advance. Although the news came, Lin Mengya did not return and ran away, but in order to ask for a good prize, the deputy master of the Qin Dynasty continued to handle it.

Now, it comes in handy.

夫人 "Mrs., here is a list of guests sent by the two homeowners Ma and Cheng. Please look over."

He said, the list came in Bai Su's hand.

打开 She opened it and looked at it, and handed it to Long Tianyu.

"The two homeowners, did they say anything else?"

圣徒 The saint responsible for delivering the message replied: "The rest are small things, but there is one thing. The two homeowners want to know, what should those who do not pass the review?"

The so-called people who fail the audit are the happiest handful of trouble before.

The proportion of these people is not high. The trouble is that they are still in the family and have a little status.

The Ma Ma family and Cheng family are not afraid to offend people.

But the person who manages this matter is the temple after all.

何种 What method they want to take, they must first get the consent of the owner.

In this regard, Lin Mengya gave the answer without hesitation.

"They go where they like, no matter what."

Even if she wasn't afraid before, she just didn't free her hands to clean them up.

If it's really so hard-hearted, it must have been long after Long Tianyu returned.

当 I want to be both at home and at the same time. I want to take advantage of everything. There is no such cheap thing in the world.

Xun Long Tianyu was sitting in a wheelchair and looked at her with a smile.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed to see: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

But when he saw Long Tianyu's face seriously, he said, "I was too busy in the past, and I never had time to appreciate the beauty of my wife like this."

Her heart is a little smug, but her face is a bit "harsh".

"What do you mean? Am I just a vase with no appearance?"

Xun Long Tianyu shook his head with a smile: "Mrs. is a vase, and it's the only one underneath that day. It's a precious vase."

"I find that you are more and more able to speak."

He bent down, Lin Mengya's face was examined.

But Ke Long Tianyu frankly reached out his hand and touched her cheek.

不是 "It's not that I can talk, but that I finally have more time with you now."

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and smiled happily with her hands on his shoulders: "Sometimes I think it's better to let you be like this forever."

Nine Dragons Tianyu spoke very well: "I listen to your wife, I will do whatever you want me to do."

In the end, she still couldn't resist his "goodness".

"Fun for you! I'll make you better soon, don't worry."


Lin Mengya, who is very good, is going to do the last inspection before the celebration party.

很多 Many people are coming tomorrow, and there are definitely things that can't go wrong.

She originally wanted to take Long Tianyu with her, but the latter said that she was inconvenient and had to bother others to come and help him, so he might as well just wait for her.

She thought about agreeing.

I was not afraid of his drag, but didn't want to make him too tired.

I waited for the person to leave, Long Tianyu slowly gathered his smile.

"Light night."

The latter appeared silently behind him.

"Take me to see him."


Although carrying a big man about his height, Ling Ye's movements are still dexterous and free.

Soon, they reached an unmanned palace.

Xiao Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Don't be impulsive for a while."

Xun Ling nodded at night and carried him into the palace.

This is a dilapidated palace room. Because of this, no matter whether it is day or night, it is empty.

I waited for them to go in, but thought of a somewhat unpleasant voice inside.

"Unexpectedly, the famous saint turned into this.

要 If this is spread, will those who submit to you feel shame? "

These words are ridiculous, they are mocking Long Tianyu.

Xiao Long Tianyu just glanced at the other person coldly and asked, "Why didn't he come?"


The other side deliberately made a startled look and asked: "If I didn't guess wrong, Your Highness should be asking your father?

Alas, such a filial son, how can you treat your father like this? "

"If you come just to say this nonsense, then our conversation is not necessary, at night, we go."

Despite his inconvenience now, Long Tianyu is not lost to the other party.

When the man saw that Ling Ye really turned around and left, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "Don't you even want your son?"

This sentence, Ling Ye successfully stopped.

Chen Long Tianyu said coldly, "To make a long story short, otherwise you can't get out of here."

He threatened him, so that the other side had to put away the attitude of dangling.

The man touched his two beards, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and he stared at each other deadly.

"Honest Lord, is this your attitude to cooperate with us?"

Chen Long Tianyu raised his head and said indifferently, "It is you who want to cooperate with me."

The implication is that the success of cooperation depends on his mind.

The other side sneered: "Very good, it is indeed the Lord of the Palace, then I will speak straight.

Mr. Xun Lao hopes that you can announce a gentle relationship with him in the presence of people all over the world. "

的 The old gentleman in this population is his father.

In this regard, Long Tianyu refused without hesitation: "Impossible."

This is that he publicly acknowledges the relationship with that person, then neither he nor Yaer will be subject to each other.

He can never let the other party step on them to complete their ambitions.

The mustache man's eyes changed, and he changed to a very friendly attitude.

"The Lord Lord, please don't be so stubborn. Although you have had many misunderstandings before, you are relatives with blood thicker than water.

Break bones

He is still connected to muscles, how can there be indissoluble enemies?

Mr. Xun said, as long as you admit wrongly, Mo Yan is his grandson. He certainly does not hesitate to treat his grandson. "

Although Long Tianyu was also very worried about Mo Yan, doing so would be tantamount to pushing their family of four under the man's butcher knife.

He evoked a sneer: "I had told him at the beginning that I and he had long been indifferent.

No matter what he threatens, I will never compromise. "

The stiff attitude of the man made the beard man feel a little tricky.

Alas, he is not the only one.

Squinting his eyes, the moustache man followed suit.

"The old man told me that these are all misunderstandings in the past.

But if the Lord Lord really does not want to agree, then we might as well change a condition? "

Chen Longtianyu looked straight at him, and the moustache man felt a lot of pressure.

"As long as you can help the old gentleman to join the temple hall, then the old gentleman can keep Master Mo Yan safe and sound, how do you think about this condition?"

On the surface, this remark seems to be the second beggar's request.

Actually, his purpose from the start was this.

He clearly knew that Long Tianyu would never expose all his wife and children to danger, so he deliberately used a small routine.

怎么 How can this means hide from Long Tianyu's eyes?

But now he was silent, as if he was carefully considering the gains and losses of this matter.

There was a touch of golden light in the mustache male's eyes, but a embarrassed look appeared on his face.

"Lord Lord, don't make the old gentleman too embarrassed.

Also, as far as I know, you and the inner palace don't seem to be too kind.

Mr Lao is your father in the end, if he joins the inner temple, it will also be a retreat for you. "

Saying those words that he later said, Long Tianyu was when he was farting.

The old guy wouldn't be so kind-hearted, he just wanted greater power.

And let him join the inner temple, but actually became a knife hanging on his head.

In theory, Long Tianyu would not agree anyway.

But what made the beard man not think is that Long Tianyu seemed to think for a while, then nodded and said, "I can help him join the inner hall, but I must first know what is wrong with Mo Yan, otherwise we will All transactions are free. "

Nine Dragons Tianyu's words were decisive, and there was no room for negotiation.

Although the moustache man is not quite satisfied, it is an unexpected surprise for him to achieve such a result.

But he still chose to hide his emotions well and said to Long Tianyu with a smile: "Great, I know that His Royal Highness is a man of affection."

Don't worry, I'll go down the mountain and tell the old man the good news! "

The man turned and left, but in the middle of the night he vacated a hand and held his sword against his throat.

On top of his head, Long Tianyu's cold voice came.

"You just promised me compensation?"

After getting closer, he felt more oppressive, and the beard man even felt a kind of scalp tingling.

But the mustache man is not a bad stubble.

He smiled and said very slickly: "Since I promised your Excellency, I would say that I could do it.

But now we and we both have no guarantee. Of course, I do n’t doubt your character, but just do business. You have to have contacts? "

Xiao Long Tianyu squinted his eyes and said, "Do you want to cheat?"

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