Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2362: Before the banquet

The mustache man waved his hand and said, "Of course I don't mean that, but I'm just a errand. The real decision maker is still the old man.

However, rest assured, I will honestly convey your sincerity to the old gentleman, and will try our best to cooperate with this cooperation. "

The so-called two armies fight, do not cut to come.

Although the moustache man didn't look as simple as he said, Long Tianyu let him down the mountain intact.

Ling Ling carried him back.

The room was the same as when he left, and it seemed that Yaer hadn't returned yet.

He placed him carefully in a wheelchair, and Ling Ye stood by his side, waiting for his next order.

"Have you contacted Qinghan?"

After he returned, let Ling Ye bring people into contact with Qing Han secretly.

He didn't rest assured that this was handed over to others, but only in the middle of the night growing up with them.

After all, he knew the cold like that himself.

Xu Lingye shook her head and said, "His Royal Highness has not been contacted yet.

He just found that His Highness Qing Han should have known our intentions, but it may be due to the surveillance of some people that His Highness Han cannot contact us at will. "

In my opinion, Qing Han was suspected by that person.

For that person, a son who does not listen to him is rebellion or a traitor.

I don't know if the light cold will let them off, this person will not be good for light cold.

"You then pay close attention to it, and don't let him hurt the cold."

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

Xu waved and Long Tianyu let Ling Ye leave.

I looked out of the door, Long Tianyu sighed quietly.

From the current point of view, he seems to be subject to others, but this game will not be played to the end. Who knows who is dead?

Lin Mengya, who was examining the preparations for each part, narrowed her eyes and looked at the stage erected on both sides of the road.

"What do you mean?" She asked, pointing to those stages.

The person in charge next to Xun came out immediately and said respectfully, "If you return to the house, Mrs. Lord, this is the idea that the street artist we invited last time.

They said that they would do a broken song, and wait until the banquet day, and those artists would dance and perform on the high stage, which can highlight my temple, magnificent style, and magnificent vigor can also deter Xiao Xiao, and make those who are not in good faith dare Have a heart! "

Obviously, the proposal from the other party made the person in charge extremely satisfied.

The other party is also searching for intestines and stomachs, praising the other party with all the words they can think of.

She couldn't help but ask suspiciously: "But just a few stray artists will dance and make a song, how can it be as powerful as you say?

No, what benefits did you take? "

The person in charge was frightened and immediately knelt down: "Mrs. Observation!

Xiao Xiao has always been responsible for this matter, and dare not neglect the slightest negligence.

Xiao Xiao didn't believe it before, but after watching their rehearsal, Xiao Xiao believed it.

夫人 If the wife is uneasy, you can also take a look with the younger. "

When I heard this, Lin Mengya showed no interest and waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I don't have that much time to watch these useless songs and dances.

If something went wrong tomorrow, either you, or those people, especially blame me. "

The person in charge immediately wiped the sweat on his forehead and nodded again and again: "Mrs. wait and see, small will certainly not let you down."

Everyone, when they are talking about broken songs and dances.

But the two people who seemed so strange just now, secretly communicated a look that only can understand each other.

She looked around once more, and then said, "Okay, I think I'm almost ready. I've worked hard for everyone these days.

After tomorrow, I will certainly not treat everyone wrong. "

Everyone is tightening their nerves to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the celebration party tomorrow.

Before Lin Mengya left, she thoughtfully looked at those high platforms.

But in the end, she did not continue to embarrass those people.

The group of stray artists hidden in the crowd was proud of their eyes.

I'm afraid of these stupid people. I'm afraid I don't know what kind of "celebration feast" they will face tomorrow.

After a busy night, in the early morning of the next day, the gate of the temple had just opened, and people kept pouring in.

They are all little families who have obtained the certification of Ma Family and Cheng Family.

But they know very well that all the seats must have been arranged in advance, but if you come earlier, you may get some unexpected gains.

For the people of these little families, there is no neglect to go up and down the temple.

Zhe Lin Mengya said before that all those who can come to the feast this time are partners of the temple.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible to favor each other.

有 Some of these little families came to the temple for the first time.

You must know that before this was the top ten family, or a family comparable to it, the holy place where you can come.

Today they were lucky enough to see how they could not be excited.

The Sanctuary of Temple has arranged guides for each family.

These people are responsible for verifying the identity of the guests and then sending them from the door to a place that can be used for temporary rest.

On the way, they also introduced the scenery and rules of the temple.

This way, we can guarantee that every guest who comes to the temple for the first time will not make a big mistake.

However, in order to let everyone enjoy more freely, this celebration party.

Lin Mengya also arranged a lot of people in the places where everyone can see.

No matter what problems you encounter, guests can ask these people for help, they will definitely help the guests.

Such attentive and considerate service makes everyone feel a little more true love for the temple all at once.

They seem to have come here to enjoy the mountains and rivers, without the fear of those trembling.

This is also the couple's expectations for this celebration party.

Although God can be looked up, he cannot be regarded as his partner.

The current situation, the temple is no longer suitable for the high and cold routes.

At least let everyone understand this place, love it, and truly accept the temple. This is their future goal.

As the protagonists of this celebration party, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were invited out of the room by the saints who were responsible for dressing them up.

After a lot of tossing, Lin Mengya looked at the magnificence in the mirror, but this woman was very satisfied with her charming charm.

What I want is this "human" feeling.

Rinse instead of standing high forever like a Buddha, always cold and numb.

"Let's go and see how the temple master is packing up. Forget it, let me go alone!"

He said, Lin Mengya raised her skirt and went out.

Fortunately, all the saints in the temple knew that the lady liked the style of doing everything herself.

She waited until the palace of the palace owner, but she saw that many saints were shut out of the door.

"What's going on? Why don't you go in and serve

Your Highness? "

She frowned and asked.

After training, Nine Dragons Tianyu can already do some preliminary moves.

I mean, as long as it is not a particularly complicated daily behavior, he can do it on his own.

But today's dressing and grooming is obviously a bit difficult for Long Tianyu now.

Lin Lin Mengya thought that the guy was embarrassed, knocked on the door and asked, "Your Highness, can I come in?"

What she didn't expect is that the door was actually blocked by someone from the inside.

She frowned.

I'm wrong.

Squinting at the sight of those guests coming, Long Tianyu will definitely not lose his temper at this festival.

Could it be that

"You all step back, Bai Su Cairu opened the door for me!"

She let everyone back down because she didn't want them to see the scene of Long Tianyu's howl.

Maybe it was the guy who fell or had some other problem, so he closed the door.

Because she was worried about Long Tianyu, she didn't notice the irrationality.

If Long Tianyu really had a problem, how could he have the strength to close the door?

"Bangdang", the heavy door was completely opened with the full blow of two martial arts masters.

Zhe Lin Mengya rushed in immediately, while Bai Su and Cai Ru kept right at the gate.

"Long Tianyu, you"

I'm okay, three words, Lin Mengya went down at night.

I saw her man in a ragged shirt sitting in a wheelchair, and at his feet was a woman lying in a messier shirt than he was.

Seeing that his wife was here, Long Tianyu grieved and said, "Yaer, you are here at last, she wants to take advantage of me!"


Gao Linmengya almost did not spit out old blood.

Even if they become disabled, the combat effectiveness of their Highness cannot be underestimated.

As far as the situation is concerned, I am afraid that the girl is dead.

However, Lin Mengya still came forward, first to check if his man had any problems.

She determined that Long Tianyu was only relieved when she was interrupted while changing clothes, not because of some "overlord's hard bow" accident.

"Okay, don't be afraid, am I not here?"

She feels that little heart has become extremely fragile since the man was injured.

After Xun appeased Long Tianyu, she could not help looking at the women on the ground.

The girl was dressed in men's clothes.

I seem to be a saint pretending to be waiting for Long Tianyu to change clothes.

"What's wrong with her?"

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help asking curiously.

I recalled that scene, Long Tianyu was still uncomfortable, like 10,000 ants crawling on his body.

"she was"

突然 He suddenly couldn't say anything.

He turned around and saw his wife's face playful. He could only sigh helplessly.

"I just knocked her out."

This is true.

But the girl's life was terrible.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not interrogate immediately, but asked Bai Su and Cai Ru to come in and drag the girl down.

With this change, Lin Mengya dare not let those saints get along with their men alone.

I didn't mean she was small-minded, but in case a non-long-eyed one popped up again and again, I am afraid that today's celebration party will be delayed.

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