Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2371: Condor Mysteries

In this regard, Elder Mu is not optimistic.

I said it plainly, they were drilling holes in the rules.

But desecrating the gods and disrupting their cooperation are two different things. That is, he used this as an excuse to attack the forces that started, and he could not save the cooperation between the Presbyterian Church and the temple.

"Well, let's forget it."

He now only regrets why he couldn't be more careful.

But after Lin Mengya inspected the Condor, she made some unexpected discoveries.

"This condor is not a living creature."

Elder Mu was stunned by this remark. Later, he thought it was Lin Mengya talking nonsense and whispered to Long Tianyu: "Mrs. Zun, this is ... oh, there is no regret medicine to eat, we still have to look forward."

He did not want Long Tianyu to just hook his lips, and said calmly, "Elder Mu is at ease, my wife is not an ordinary person."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Elder Mu would never easily believe her words.

Then she let a person put a piece of fresh fish on the outside and sprinkle a thick layer on top of it with her refined medicinal powder.

After a while, I heard a meowing meow from outside.

"This pouting kitten is coming very fast!" Lin Mengya sighed.

Then she opened the door and hugged the little black cat who was eating fish.

He clicked on the little black cat's nose and said softly, "I'll see you soon!"

The little black cat licked his little claws, and licked her with a small head of melon: "Meow!"

The moment He entered the room, Lin Mengya put Xiaohe down.

The little guy jumped to the table lightly, and Elder Mu immediately said anxiously: "Oh, where is this cat?

Lord Hall and Madam, even if the condor is dead, he will bring it back to the Presbyterian Church.

If I really let this little guy eat, then I'll just wait for my sin! "

Zhe Lin Mengya said with a smile: "My cat pouts very well, this dark thing, it has no interest."

Xi Zheng said that Xiao He shook his little nose and smelled around the condor.

Finally, it suddenly showed off its sharp little claws, and caught the condor's stomach fiercely with a thunderbolt.

Elder Mu Mu shouted, "Stop!"

But Xiao Hei is just a cat, he doesn't understand what he said.

The sharp pointed claws digged in the condor's belly, and finally he retracted his small paw and suddenly shouted at the condor.


Although it was only a half-large black cat, the sound was shocking.

Elder Mu Mu was wrong, and saw the transparent condor who had just died, and suddenly stood up!

Suddenly his eyes widened and he looked at the Condor in horror.

"This ... is this?"

Xiao Xiaohe bored with his claws and pulled the condor's wings, and "pushed", the condor suddenly unfolded its wings.

The unprepared little black cat was frightened by this guy and made a fierce meowing sound. If I translate it into an adult, I'm afraid it should be scolding.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded in satisfaction with Xiao Hei.

It is indeed her obedient cub. What the little fish did was not for nothing.

Seeing the two men still confused, she immediately explained: "This condor is controlled by a kind of tapeworm. Do you remember those zombies?"

The following sentence was asked to Long Tianyu.

He narrowed his eyes, and some weird pictures appeared in his mind.

"Do you mean the time when the Xiancheng Army attacked the city?"

"Yes," Lin Mengya continued.

"It seems that this condor was not poisoned by people, but it was premeditated."

As soon as she said this, Elder Mu's face sank immediately.

"Dare to ask Madam, what is a beast?"

Zhe Lin Mengya replied: "It was originally some birds and beasts controlled by maggots, but we have seen something special before, and this condor is half dead.

Once the tapeworm in its body lost its activity, the condor died. "

What good and bad, I am afraid that someone is manipulating in secret.

Elder Mu Mu clenched his lips: "They are too brave, so aren't they afraid to be discovered if they act so arrogantly?"

At this time, Elder Mu apparently took it as if someone secretly embarrassed him.

Gao Linmengya glanced at Long Tianyu, who lowered her eyes and thought for a moment before she said in a deep voice: "This condor is probably just a means."

一旦 Once this matter is controlled, the so-called condor becomes a display.

Elder Mu Mu also knew this, but he was unwilling to admit it.

"I'm going to question the Presbyterian in person, what are they doing for this!"

But Lin Mengya stopped Elder Mu, who was angry and difficult.

"Even if you go now, who will admit it, then maybe they will bite you back and say that you are disrespectful to the elders, then you will be in trouble."

Elder Mu Mu also sighed heavily.

"Unexpectedly, the elders' meeting turned out to be like this!

到底 What are they thinking in their heads? The ancients are now in danger, and they are invincible everywhere, can it be that they must be willing to see all the ancients extinct? "

Elder Mu Mu's anger was difficult to say.

I want to come, he is also the group who really care about the fate of the ancient people.

But now they have lost the opportunity, and through the matter of the Condor, Lin Mengya has thoroughly seen the meaning of the ancient Presbyterian Church.

I'm so, I'm afraid the other party will be in trouble.

"Elder Mu is calm and impatient."

It was at such a critical moment that Long Tianyu also remained calm.

"The Condor's peculiarities should only be clear to a small number of people.

老人 Your elders have said before that there is a faction in the Presbyterian Church that supports you.

Let's send the news back first and see what they say. "

Lin Mengya nodded in agreement: "I guess the secret of the Condor should only be known by the senior members of the Presbyterian Church.

If this is a decision they made together, my temple will not be afraid of them.

But if this is something that some people do privately? "

Internal fighting can never be said on the table.

Their attitude towards the temple is closely related to their own interests.

If Elder Mu was preemptive, he could take the lead.

The key to all this is how the person behind Elder Mu decides.

"That's the only thing. I immediately repaired a book so that I could quickly send it back to the Presbyterian Church."

"Slow." Long Tianyu called Elder Mu, and then he ordered some special trained homing pigeons.

"Now that you have been followed by them, I am afraid this letter will not be delivered.

These two homing pigeons are left for your use for the time being. "

Elder Mu Mu left with gratitude.

After he left, Lin Mengya looked at the Condor's

The corpse came to mind.

"What are you thinking? Frown so deep."

Xiaolong Tianyu's gentle voice came from behind him.

Now that there is no outsider, she can say her doubts unscrupulously.

"The maggots on this condor seem to be more powerful than those of the maggots.

Isn't it possible that this ancient presbyterian church has nothing to do with Xiancheng? "

I said that there had been no news from Xiancheng for a long time.

As if overnight, Xiancheng was silent again, no longer anxious to expand outward.

But Lin Mengya thinks, can they really stop their footsteps after so long?

I am afraid that these people may have any big plot.

Nine Dragons Tianyu thought for a while and said, "Although we don't know the connection between the two for the time being, their inheritance is as old as possible. I think it may be because of some common inheritance."

"Is that so?"

She seemed to be asking questions and talking to herself.

Chen Longtianyu held her little hand: "What's the truth, we can get a piece of water out sooner or later."


She bent down slightly and smiled flush with Long Tianyu's sight.

"No matter what kind of demon those people want to be, I will kill it in the bud state!"

Chen Long Tianyu tickled his lips and gently shaved his little nose.

"Yelang is arrogant."

"I'm clearly confident."

The two smiled at each other.

I was directing the Condor on the table, and Xiao Hei, who was almost doing radio gymnastics, was completely confused.

Human is really too difficult to understand!

The letter from Elder Mu Mu flew out of the temple that night.

At the same time, as a cover, he still wrote a signaler with other content and quickly sent it back.

Soon, the person responsible for delivering the letter was robbed halfway.

Fortunately, the man had been ordered by Elder Mu in advance, and he fled the letter at a critical moment and fled, which saved his life.

I just waited until the messenger fled back to the temple.

Since Elder Mu's main faction has not been approved by the Condor, the hostile main faction has also come to the door provocatively.

I just surprised them, let alone provocation, they didn't even enter the door.

I used Lin Mengya's original words to say, come to visit, and do n’t even bring a gift, still want to take advantage of her?

For a few days, they both dealt with the mess left by that person before.

I finally took a breath and Lin Mengya received a real letter of help from the Lelang people.

As long as Long Tianyu had anticipated, the Leqi tribe was cleansed again.

Fortunately, she had secretly sent a lot of people to help before, so that the loss of the Le Dai people was minimized.

Even so, a small tribe of hundreds of people has been hit hard.

The people who beat them brought the survivors back.

Lin Lin Mengya personally went to meet at the foot of the mountain.

The people who heard it wrote back and said that only dozens of young adults were rescued this time, and the others were old, weak and sick.

Most young people died in the cleansing to protect their families.

Looking at the sadness on those people's faces, Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling heavy.

If one day, their palace family is also falling behind in the battle with all parties, then, just like today's Lelang tribe, they can only be slaughtered by others.

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