Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2372: Want to dig a corner

Those Lele people first came to the temple, and could not help but tremble.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not venture forward to indicate her identities and did not take them back directly, but she was placed at the foot of the holy mountain in a small village completely controlled by the temple.

They have just been frightened too much, and now the most important thing is to rest first.

The wolf guard who was responsible for saving people led her to an old man.

The latter is the current chief of the Lehu tribe.

那 Under the introduction of the man, she learned that she was the lady of the temple, and the old tears were excited.

He is like a natural dumb, like other Lehu people.

When she saw her, the old man would kneel down to her, and Lin Mengya stopped immediately: "What does the old patriarch do?"

The old team leader yelled with excitement.

Finally, someone took the pen and ink. After the old team leader's mood calmed down a little, he took the pen and paper and wrote quickly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lord, for your life-saving grace! These great gratitudes are not worth the reward. I am willing to act as a cow for the temple. I just ask the temple to give the remaining children a place to breathe. Old children are grateful!"

He said this very humblely.

It is hard to imagine that the prosperity of the Lelong tribe would have become as lingering as it is now.

"The old patriarch doesn't need to say that. I promised your clan before and I will help you when necessary."

She looked around for a moment and asked, "I wonder who are those who have dealt with me before?"

I heard her say, the old patriarch was even more sad.

"They were killed to protect me and the dolls. I am sorry for them."

The old patriarch's mood was extremely excited.

Zhe Lin Mengya was afraid of touching his sadness, so she had to temporarily stop talking to him and instructed her to make sure she had enough necessities for the people of the Lelang tribe to ask her staff what happened.

"Mrs. Qi Qi, was the hand of those clients who had introduced them to the killing mission before."

"Can you find out anything? What liveliness have you left?"

The other person shook his head and said, "These people are trained professional killers at first glance.

The method was neat and clean, and after retreating, we quickly retreated without any flaws. "

It seems that the other party can't wait to kill.

"Protect them and don't let anyone find them."

"Yes, ma'am, don't worry."

She returned to the temple with a full heart.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Long Tianyu trying to get up from the wheelchair.

But his lower body didn't have any consciousness at all. One was careless, and when he saw it, he would fall to the ground. Lin Mengya shouted immediately, "Be careful!"

I took three steps and ran in two steps, using her to support Long Tianyu's crumbling body.

The latter has a sense of embarrassment after being captured, and 讪讪 smiled with a smile: "It doesn't bother you, just want to try to stand up."

Zhe Lin Mengya did not blame, but first helped him to a wheelchair.

"If you want to try, you have to keep yourself safe," she said.

Then she pushed Long Tianyu to the corner.

"Here you try to hold the window sill up."

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, grasping the hard window sill with both hands, and as soon as his arm was strong, he supported himself from the wheelchair.

"Slow down, don't worry."

Lin Lin Mengya has been behind him, ready to rush forward to support him.

Although the arm soon became sore, Long Tianyu was eager to stand up.

She knew that the other party was dying, but she didn't have the heart to break through him, but waited silently for Long Tianyu.

Long Tianyu, who had reached the limit, fell back to the wheelchair the next moment.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately took out a clean and soft cloth towel to wipe his sweat.

"It's hard, right? When I'm free in a few days, I'll make some rehabilitation facilities for you.

You just have to promise me that everything must be done within your means, and you must not force yourself too much. "

Listening to her little explanation in her ears, Long Tianyu suddenly felt that it was not that important to him.

Gently wrapped her little hand in the palm of her hand: "I listen to you, okay?"

Qi Lin Mengya nodded with satisfaction and said, "You should have been like this for a long time, do you have to follow your doctor's advice? I am not only your wife, but your doctor in charge.

Only by obediently listening to the doctor can you recover as soon as possible. "

Chen Longyu took her into her arms.

"Tough work for you."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head immediately.

"Nothing hard, taking care of you is my responsibility."

Chen Long Tianyu said softly, "It's not just your care for me."

好像 Since he was injured, he seems to want to understand a lot of things.

In the past, he could set aside life and death, and felt that this was his mission.

But after this incident, he felt that when he was injured or even died, outsiders would at least say a few benefits to him.

He truly bears the pain but his dear and beloved.

He may not be as selfish as that person, but he will put his safety first.

People in the world can live without Murong Xi, but Lin Mengya can't live without Long Tianyu.

He is just the yearning of those people, but it is half the world of their little home.

Lin Mengya can feel the unexplained meaning of Chen Longtian Yu even if she doesn't say it.

"You know, if you encounter this situation again in the future, don't be stupid and rush up!"

Murmured her fiercely.

Chen Long Tianyu knows very well that his wife is hard-hearted.

"Observe, I will always keep my life first!"

He was almost rested, and then with the help of Lin Mengya, he stood aside for a short while holding the windowsill.

Sting his two legs, now just furnishing.

It would be too strenuous if it were supported entirely by the forearm.

Although he doesn't know if the rehabilitation in Yaer's mouth is useful, he will never give up any hope of recovery.

The people of the Yi and Le ethnic groups were properly placed, and the people of the ancient Presbyterian Church were also impatient.

This time they finally learned the politeness of civilization. They first handed the worship post up the mountain, and then they were invited to the temple.

Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu sat on the main hall.

The husband and wife are both good-looking, and they have the power of the superiors.

一次 The person sent by the Presbyterian Church in the main battle this time is a young man with red lips and white teeth.

When the man saw Lin Mengya, his eyes suddenly lighted up.

I truly deserve to be the first beauty in the family.

年轻人 The attitude of young people today is even more polite.

"Under Yuan Bo'an, I've seen the owner and his wife."

"Mr. Yuan doesn't have to be polite."

I didn't expect that even the sound was so nice, Yuan Boan couldn't help thinking a little bit of reverie.

I am as stunningly beautiful as Gong Ya, I should n’t have spent my whole life on the demise of Murong Xi.

The young man is like a male peacock anxious to show off his gorgeous feathers.

I tried to impress the beauty with her perfect appearance.

"I heard the manner of His Highness and his wife as early as in the clan, and today it really deserves its reputation.

Despicable men were ordered by the Presbyterian Church to discuss with His Royal Highness the marriage with the monarch's family. "

She looked at Lin Mengya with a little regret.

"Please don't be sad, Madam."

Sad? Why is she sad?

Lin Lin Mengya actually never looked straight at Yuan Boan.

In fact, she has been totaling just now, what kind of rehabilitation facilities will be built for Long Tianyu at that time.

His lower body can't move, and the upper body's limb strength will be slightly stronger.

But Lin Mengya doesn't want Long Tianyu to exercise a pair of unicorn arms, and at the same time, he should try to get his lower limbs back to work, so as to avoid muscle atrophy.

But Long Tianyu saw Yuan Bo'an's thoughts at a glance, and a little bit of dissatisfaction accumulated under his heart.

I even gave him a little wife, but he was still trying to dig his corner.

Huh, what a shame!

At the moment, Long Tianyu said with a smile on his face, "I should have made it clear to you last time, and my marriage to the Jun family was innumerable.

If you have to be strong, you can blame my temple for being rude! "

Before the talks were about to break down, Bowen immediately made a remedial gesture.

"The Lord of the Palace, everything is easy to discuss. It's my fault. I shouldn't raise it so abruptly. I haven't taken into account the feelings of the wife, and I ask the Lord and the wife to forgive me!"

After saying that, he looked at Lin Mengya with an apologetic look.

But the latter is thinking now, do you want to do some underwater training?

Although it is a bit more troublesome, you can ensure safety by making a simple version of the swimming ring.

And the buoyancy of water can also reduce the burden on Long Tianyu.

Yeah, just do it!

In her own mind, Lin Mengya, who has formulated Long Tianyu's rehabilitation plan in the next few months, is finally at a loss.

Ask the man next to him with his eyes: Where did they just say?

Chen Long Tianyu just looked at her gently.

夫人 My wife ’s habit of taking a walk is really cute.

"Is there anything else?" She asked the two.

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head, Lin Mengya got up immediately, but did not forget to say to Yuan Boan before leaving: "He will never marry a little wife in this life, let your ancient elders die."

I turned and left.

Yuan Boan only reacted at this time, it turned out that this lady had long been well-informed.

But he just wanted to catch up to explain, and by the way, brushed a wave of goodwill in front of the beauty.

I was stopped by two beautiful and pretty women who seemed to be very hurting.

"My wife is very busy, so it is inconvenient to meet VIPs." Cai Rupi said with a smile.

Bai Su directly picked up his sword, so it seemed that as long as he dared to take a step forward, the long sword would pass through his body without mercy.

He seemed to be nailed to the ground, and he did not dare to move and watched the three beauties leave.

After a long time, the man behind him listened quietly and said quietly: "My wife is the master of our family. If I understand, I will get off immediately."

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