Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2477: Seduce failed

"Master, Madam is one with you. What she has is naturally yours."

Wu Ling said blankly.

But Ke Tianyu raised his head and looked at him lightly.

"I never knew that you had so many thoughts in your heart."

I can't hear whether it is slanderous or derogatory.

In short, the atmosphere before the two was very delicate.

He froze for a long time, Ling Ye lowered his eyes.

"It's a subordinate who talks a lot."

"No, I know this is what you really think."

Xiaolong Tianyu sighed, seemingly helpless, sighing.

"If before I met her, I would definitely choose the way you said without hesitation.

But now, she is my life. I can live without this world, but I can't live without my life. "

Over the years, he always felt that he seemed to live a lot better than before.

He can also soberly jump out of all the disturbances, examine everything he has, and at the same time, know more clearly what he wants.

Ling Ling Ye didn't understand.

"Subordinates are not asking you to betray your wife, but your subordinates think that if the wife can really make those weapons, then this world, isn't it the thing in your pocket"

Xiao Long Tianyu could not help but smile.

To be honest, it is like Lin Mengya trusted Qinghu.

If he can only choose one person to deliver behind his back, then that person must be midnight.

They grew up together, and Ling Ye has not counted how much danger he has blocked for him.

Even, in his opinion, Ling Ye is more like his brother than Long Qinghan.

"Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat. Even if I create these weapons, I will gain the upper hand for a while. After that, there will definitely be man-made things stronger than this. You have not thought of such consequences."

Is like driving a tiger out of a wolf.

He must not only make the tiger obedient, but also prevent the backlash of these beasts.

If only the immediate benefits are sought, then when the bitter fruit is brewed, there is no way to remedy it.

Xun Lingye did not know whether he was really convinced by him, or whether he obeyed his orders habitually and stopped talking.

Chen Longtianyu understands that everyone will have his own starting point for thinking.

No matter what Ling Ye thinks, as long as Ling Ye can do what he said.

The conversation between the two was interrupted by footsteps outside.

Xu Lingye fled and hid again.

However, Long Tianyu still maintains his posture of facing away from the door, but he can listen sensitively, but always pay attention to the situation outside.

The sound of lame footsteps is very light, but not as regular as those who practice martial arts, but without rhythm, like thieves.

Is someone mixing in here?

Nine Dragons Tianyu gently rubbed the handrail of the wheelchair.

He is his inconvenience, but it is not easy if someone wants to assassinate him.

He held his breath and waited for his actions.

He could only hear the door behind him opening.

刚 As soon as he wanted to open the institution, he could hear behind him a surprise voice from a woman.

"I have seen His Royal Highness in the body, and wish His Highness Chang'an."

The opponent does not martial arts, but is only a weak woman.

He easily turned the wheelchair in a circle, only to see the door, kneeling a beautiful and poor woman.

"you are"

"I am in charge of Song's orders, and I am here to take care of you."

Woman secretly carried

Looking up, when he saw the handsome appearance of a man on a wheelchair, his face became rosy for a moment, and his shame became more exuberant.

She managed to find an opportunity to approach Her Royal Highness.

She never wants to go back to the oily kitchen again. Today, she will seize this opportunity to let her Royal Highness leave her.

Therefore, he spared no effort to show his beauty in front of Long Tianyu.

It's a pity that the man in front of him is the same as any woman except his wife. There is no half-heartedness in his heart.

Even, a little precaution was taken.

哦 "Oh, Song Song was here. Why didn't you hear it from your wife?"

He deliberately asked this because he felt that the other person must have approached him with purpose.

Who knows, the woman listened, but Lihua cried with rain and said, "I was here a few days ago, but Madam said, there are enough people to take care of you. How can we, such lowly people, be qualified to serve you?

So, the lady sent us to the kitchen. You see, my hands are rough. "

She deliberately displayed her pink jade fingers.

In fact, Lin Mengya didn't make things difficult for them, not to mention such an important place in the kitchen, how could she be assured to give these strangers.

So, what these four beauties do is just a few small things.

These four people, even when they were in the clan, were also served.

I now feel that I have been wronged and come to Long Tianyu to sympathize with him.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not see.

哦 "Oh, it's the wife who decides everything at home."

So this is over

The woman froze for a while, then raised her head and blinked at Long Tianyu's eyes.

应该 Shouldn't it be this man who scolds his wife for jealousy and comforts and protects himself?

"Doesn't your Highness feel that it is inappropriate for the wife to do this?" She said tentatively.

Who knows, Long Tianyu said rightly, "My wife has always been justified in doing things. If you can't understand her meaning, then just do it."

"But we are not here to do rough work either"

The woman never saw a man who was more incomprehensible than him, and couldn't help raising the volume slightly.

Then, she suddenly remembered that she was still selling miserably, and she made a look of being low and low.

"I know that I am clumsy, and I can't do these things, which makes my wife angry. But I think about His Highness for a long time. If my Highness wants, I want to serve His Highness for life."

"I do not want to."

The tears that the woman barely squeezed out had not fallen yet, and Long Tianyu's rejection simply went to the end.

He shook his head.

"You listen to my wife, I don't need anyone to take care of me."

Just kidding

If it wasn't for his injury, how could he get the chance to get along with his wife day and night?

In contrast, he felt that he was blessed by misfortune.

If someone really took care of himself instead of his wife, wouldn't he be hurt in vain?

Seeing that the woman was not dead, Long Tianyu frowned slightly and said, "No need to mention this, the girl should go back soon."

He shouldn't add a person who doesn't matter to the deep affection he and his wife have had.

Ye Ke woman is not dead.

She gritted her teeth, crying, and took a few steps on her knees.

"His Royal Highness is really so cruel, isn't there anything wrong with Pinu, as long as His Highness says, Pinu will definitely change.

Your Majesty also invited His Royal Highness to give Binu a chance and let Binu wish to be paid. "

Nine Dragons Tianyu refused.

I must not let her succeed, otherwise she will not have the opportunity to let her wife feel soft towards herself.

"Please leave quickly, otherwise I will be polite."

Gao Binnu was crying sadly on her face, but she was gritting her teeth.

She never saw such a cowardly man

Among the twenty-four, her pose is the best and the means is the most superb.

So before coming, Song Jian had personally ordered her, and even gave her something that could seduce a man into submission.

"His Royal Highness, I really feel ruthless towards Binu."

She bit her lip, but quietly took out a small box of balm, drew a thick layer of cream, and stunned her wrist early.

Gradually, a scent of fat powder radiated from Binu's body.

She sat paralyzed on the ground, with a drop of tears in her eyes, which made her glamour and a bit of beauty.

"Binu does not ask His Royal Highness to remember me, even if you have only a moment of mercy for me, it is a lifetime wish for Binu."

She bit her lip and looked up at each other.

No man can refuse such a woman, besides, what she asks for is just a spring breeze.

Who knows, Binu is ready to undress, but the man in the wheelchair frowned.

Finally, he covered his mouth.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you"

Nian Binu wanted to step forward, but unfortunately couldn't wait for Long Tianyu to hide quickly, and instantly made her save.

"Go out for me"

He scolded dissatisfied, his face became more ugly.

怎么 Why is this smell so bad, and even makes him want to vomit

The writhing of the tail made Long Tianyu's tone even colder.

Minbin still got up and grabbed his pants. Long Tianyu couldn't help but whispered, "Throw me out, by the way, wash me clean."

This smell makes him uncomfortable trying to kill

Nianbi Nu only felt a flower in front of her, and then she was like a **** who was caught on the back of her neck and was vacated and left.

"Oh my ass"

As Binuo's doctor drank it, there was a cold water directly deducted from the sky.

The beautiful beauty who was so charming and charming turned into an instant chicken, and with it, Long Tianyu in the room couldn't help vomiting.


Nianbinu had never suffered such a humiliation in her life, and was suddenly angry and rolled her eyes.

In the room, Ling Ye immediately opened all the doors and windows to ventilate, and then gave him a cup of light tea.

"Master, it's better"

Nine Dragons Tianyu rinsed his mouth and finally dilute the sour taste in his mouth.

He rubbed his tumbling stomach, he couldn't help it.

"What awful thing is she carrying?"

Until now, he was unwilling to recall the taste of women.

I really feel a little nauseous when I think of it.

"Did she want to blame you?" Ling Ye started to kill.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was not sure.

I thought about it for a minute, but he didn't seem to have any other reaction besides nausea.

"Forget it, let's wait until my wife comes back."

Even if the other party wanted to poison her, there was nothing terrible in the presence of his wife.

At this time, Lin Mengya did not even know how much she had suffered when she tried to dig her corner.

After a few days of hard work, the foundation of the house has begun to take shape.

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