Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2478: Second plan

Her original intention was not to build a house, but Li's people were really capable and turned the drama she wanted to be fake into a reality.

This makes Song Jian relax his vigilance.

A few days ago, his people kept walking around here.

Especially those who are among the hundred people are tempted everywhere.

These two days, these people will always be lazy under various names, even not even eating.

In this regard, Lin Mengya felt good.

It seems that their next plan can begin.

It was time for dinner again, but this time, Cai Ru did not leave.

"Please find some people to help me with some work."

After she ordered it casually, the people sent by Song Jian to monitor immediately came up.

"I don't know what the girl asked them to do"

Yun Cairu glanced at the other side and said casually, "The owner of my house is not used to the soil here. You want to change to a new bed. We don't have enough staff and we need to move a few people."

The man remembered Song Jian's instructions, and after thinking for a while, five people were called.

还有 Two of them are Lin Mengya who they had identified as traitors.

"I don't know if they are enough," the man asked.

Xi Cairu nodded and took five people into the courtyard.

The courtyard is not big, but at this moment it is piled with furniture.

Wu Cairu greeted five people at will.

"You move all this furniture in, remember to be careful, you can't afford to break it."

Tone is not too obvious.

Twenty-five people did not dare to complain and had to move.

After a while, someone came again.

A tall driver with a double-handed slap, yelled at the door and shouted, "Two people help me, the stone table and chair your host wants are here."

When I heard this, the two guys who came to spy the news turned dark instantly.

The owner of this palace does n’t think of them as people

The two of them looked at each other and ran out together. By the way, they also took out to find someone who used to pretend Lin Mengya.

After a short while, five more people came in.

五个 These five people were not idle, they just started to lift the furniture in the yard, they looked very busy in and out.

The people in charge of surveillance outside stared for a while, and found that there were no abnormalities, and then spread out.

此时 At this time, the strong man had been brought to Lin Mengya by Cai Ru.

"Brother Huo, how are you"

I could see Huo Xiao here, but she was very surprised.

She thought that Huo Xiao's knot was afraid that it would take a while to untie it, but he did not expect that he came in person.


She looked funny at Hu Zixiao's mouth.

"Who posted it for you doesn't match your temperament at all."

Huo Xiao was originally tall and tall, but this beard seemed a little bit of a bastard.

He touched his head, and uncomfortably explained, "Isn't this for disguise, yes, what happened to Li's situation?"

I mention this, she shook her head helplessly.

"You've all seen it. Now Li and his family are under the control of the Presbyterian Church. Are you planning to come this time?"

Huo Xiao was silent for a moment, and his eyes were full of complicated emotions.

"I want to help. You are right, since I want to know the truth, I should ask it myself.

What's more, the Li family now is the same as the original

How embarrassing we are, I must not look at those people in the Presbyterian Church and do all kinds of evil things. "

"I'm so happy to hear you say that."

Lin Lin Mengya was so happy.

She knew that Huo Xiao was a real hero

"Then I want to stay at Li Family and thank Brother Huo"

Huo Xiao at this time was amazed by her smile.

After a long while, he returned to God, then unnaturally tilted his head, and whispered "You, how are you different from before?"

哪里 "What's different"

She looked at her dress in doubt, and in the latter's other dodging attitude, she remembered that she didn't make any disguise on her face.

"You mean my face"

Huo Xiao didn't dare to see, he always felt too superficial.

In fact, she was very beautiful in the past, but she has n’t seen her for a few days. Why does he think the other person is more beautiful?

But as a man, how can he judge people by their appearance

I really should n’t

At the time when he was blaming himself, Lin Mengya said a little bit embarrassedly. "Actually, this is how I was. I used to cover up my appearance in order to get closer to the identity I pretend to be."

She just adjusted her facial features to make her look more like the Song family.

But she's clever, she can't see the flaws in it.

Wu Huoxiao raised her head, but stared at her eyebrows for unknown reasons.

"What's wrong," she asked.

He clenched his lips and thought, and then whispered, "Will you please also adjust it for me?"

"Ha" Lin Mengya was a little confused.

But Huo Xiao said, "It's true, there are many people in the ancient people who know my face. But I don't know these methods, and at most I will wear a beard."

I was like this.

Lin Lin Mengya naturally agreed, and she immediately asked Bai Su to get her own tools.

Huo Xiao looked at the sharp knife in her hand that was short of his fingers, but could not help swallowing.

"It may hurt a little, but I will try to be lighter," she ordered.

Huo Xiao's eyes were closed tightly, and I just felt that I wouldn't call out when I was in a meeting, lest he be ashamed.

He just feels numb on his face, for a while it's cold and cold, and it's hot and itchy.

Hold a pair of dexterous hands and keep walking on his face.

Blowing breath is the only medicinal fragrance in her body.

Huo Xiao didn't mean anything, but he was quieter than ever.

知道 He knew he was hopeless in this life, so he was willing to bury the first throbbing.

But now, he understands that he can already give his first love and continue a happy ending.

He will remember the beauty now and cherish her in his heart.

好 "Well, you can look in the mirror."

Her soft voice sounded in her ears.

Huo Xiao immediately opened his eyes, and at first glance fell on the strange face in the mirror facing him.

"this is me"

He touched his face, some incredible.

The man in the mirror is not ugly, but the sense of exoticness is heavier and the features are deeper and more prominent.

Even if he can see that the five senses are his, he still feels unaccustomed.

As soon as she wanted to make a few expressions, she stopped them.

"You are not suitable for some big expressions at the moment.

slidely different. I used a special method to adjust the muscles on your face.

But you can rest assured that you can recover in the future. By the way, you can also exercise your facial muscles. "

She put the mirror on the table and took out a few small bottles from the skin care products she had with her.

"Every time you rub these things, you can make your face muscles softer and more elastic."

And the things I used on your face, don't worry, they will not cause damage to your skin, and will be absorbed by your skin slowly in the future. "

Huo Xiao didn't care if he was disfigured, but he didn't know at all that what Lin Mengya gave him was a good thing enough to make those who love beauty crazy.

Huo Xiao, a straight steel man, is now more concerned about another issue.

"You asked me to ship all the concentrates here, but I took a look and there is no place to make iron."

The car he arrived was full of iron ore.

Judging from the law of the ledger, their original transaction is usually once every three months.

According to time, they have less than a month.

By then, they will definitely be exposed.

Concentrate is so important, I'm afraid those people won't give up.

Lin Mengya also knows the importance of things.

"One month is indeed not enough for us to go to war with them, so we must let those people take care of themselves within this month."

It's so mysterious to hang on to Yashan, the other person wants to come out because the other party doesn't want to be exposed there.

恰 As it happens, Li's is the closest member of the ancient clan.

So, once Li's family messed up, those ancient people who secretly controlled the fine iron ore would have to suspend the transportation of iron ore for safety, that is, to win time for them.

Huo Xiao nodded.

"Okay, what do you need me to do, despite the orders. This time I brought a lot of brothers, and I will definitely help."

She thanked Huo Xiao for his kindness.

It's natural to have more people, and more is better.

In the end, Huo Xiao stuck with the two mustaches and left.

Lin Lin Mengya took the opportunity to go to the backyard.

At this time, Cai Ru and five Li family members are already waiting for her.

"Have met the housekeeper."

Seeing her coming, the five were very excited.

She waved her hand and said, "Time is tight, I asked you to come here, I hope you can help me to transport some things inside the shrine."

Among the five people, there is Ji Fang Village.

采 At the mention of Cai Ru, Ji Fang Village became the first beneficiaries.

Not only is he more than half healthy, but even his wife's family is slowly recovering.

Therefore, he is sincerely convinced of Lin Mengya.

"The owner of the palace, please say, we will do it"

Lin Lin Mengya asked someone to move things out.

It was a brown-black pill, and it smelled like sweat.

The twenty-five people did not show their disgusting expressions. They all mentioned secretly from Ji Fangcun, and they were also grateful to Lin Mengya.

"These are actually the medicines I prepared myself. Last time I went to the shrine, I found that many people have the symptoms of wind chill. If you continue this way, I'm afraid you will get sick.

A few people heard that it was medicine and almost didn't rush on.

Their relatives and friends were more or less affected.

连 Even before they came here, they felt faint symptoms.

所以 "So, I hope you can bring these medicines into the air without knowing it," she said.

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