Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2510: Gan Er threat

"Master Gan Er is right!"

Long Tianyu smiled and agreed.

"Master Gan Er is indeed more open-minded than I am, but my person has always been stingy, no matter whether it is a person or a ghost, I can't disturb my good dream."

Master Gan Er picked a corner of his mouth, realizing that this was the other party warning him to withdraw them from those secretly sent.

But the holiday between them, can not be settled by the other two or two sentences alone.

'S eyes darkened. In the past few days, he secretly investigated some tits, which turned out to be enough to ignite one of his daughter's hearts.

Didn't expect that the woman who loved Dandan on the surface, but in the background, often punished Dandan's things.

Even for this woman, in order to make Dan Dan obedient, she often shut her in the cupboard when she was very young and punished her.

When he knew that he heard these things, he wished to slap the vicious woman to death.

But he wanted to know more about this little tit, why did he have the courage to abuse Dan Dan?

Is this old good looking for money, or someone behind her instructed, these he must check!

As for the little animal in front of him, he would also give Dan Dan an explanation.

It ’s just not the best time yet.

The two attacked the front.

Finally, Lin Mengya did not meet the Gan family owner.

But this is not the intentional blame of the Gan family's 2nd master, but it is because the Gan family has received several uninvited guests in the past few days.

"Have you seen the Presbyterians at the Gan Family?"

The person in charge of monitoring the Gan family's 2nd master went back and forth, saying that he had seen the suspected elders in the Gan family.

The other party replied in detail about the news they found.

I heard that the people of the Presbyterian Church met with the owner of the Gan family several times in private, and only a few of them were present every time. Even the lord Gan family was not eligible to participate.

Lin Mengya could not help but have some bad associations.

"You said that the elders would suddenly send people, would you want to join the Gan family against us?"

Lin Mengya is not afraid of them.

It's just that, if they want to enter the ancient clan in a fair and decent way, they have to think of other ways.

Although they can mix in, they represent the temple and palace this time.

If you take some shameful means, it seems to be inferior.

this point is very important.

Even if you want to fight against the Presbyterian Church, you must not lose your momentum first.

Long Tianyu was also unsure.

The only advantage they have in hand is the poison of the Gan family owner, which the Presbyterian Church cannot temporarily replace.

Know that Mr. Gan ’s owner must first seek help from the elders.

But after so many years, he is still suffering, which is enough to show that the elders are helpless to the poison.

But everything must be cautious.

The next day, Mr. Gan Er personally sent someone to spread the word, saying that it was Gan family who mainly saw them.

They were taken to the backyard.

For some reason, Lin Mengya only felt that the temperature in the backyard was much lower than in the front yard.

Long Tianyu touched her hand, frowning slightly.

"Why is it so cold?"

Finished, and took off her coat to her.

"I'm fine, probably because there is nothing about the sun here."

She didn't want it, but she insisted on taking him.

Took clothes with his body temperature away from the faint chill.

The unique medicinal scent on his body seemed to become a wall, and she could inadvertently feel safe.

Lin Mengya grabbed her clothes unconsciously, her eyes soft.

"The homeowner has been waiting for a long time, please please."

Long Tianyu nodded, but Lin Mengya, who wanted to go with him, was stopped outside.

"He couldn't enter, our homeowner said, only to see the next man."

The janitor looked at her up and down, don't look at her mouth is polite, but his eyes clearly showed her contempt for her.

Lin Mengya was frustrated for a moment, so she had to meditate in her heart, and then she remembered her discomfort, which was all written on the real bastard, Dan Dan's king bastard.

Long Tianyu was somewhat dissatisfied, but he whispered and said: "Then you are waiting for me here, don't leave in one step."

"it is good."

She nodded and agreed.

Who knows, Long Tianyu didn't have long to go in, not far away came a group of half-joking teenagers.

Lin Mengya leaned to the side, the group of teenagers had no relationship with her at all, but when they were about to walk over, I do n’t know who it was, and they pulled the coat off.

"give me back!"

She turned and wanted, but the teenagers ran fast.

Relying on the advantages of terrain, people disappeared in a blink of an eye.

She only ran a few steps, and after determining that she couldn't catch up, she didn't chase it.

Long Tianyu told her not to leave without permission.

What's more, Mr. Gan's 2nd family might not have dealt with her thoughts.

Was thinking about returning to the same place, but in the door, he walked out of two men who kept the door.

"Hey, dare to stand at the door of my old owner?"

They didn't look at her directly, as if she was personal garbage.

The other one was even more excessive, pushing her vigorously.

"Go away! If my homeowner smells the smell of your scum, I may not be able to get more serious."

"Oh, when the time comes, our Gan family will not let you go out alive!"

Threatening, one sentence is more scary than one sentence.

It is a pity that it is actually not very useful for Lin Mengya.

First, she was conscientious. Second, she knew that the other party was just taking the opportunity to vent her anger.

Even if someone wants to move her, the two guys in front of her are not enough.

Seeing that she still doesn't leave, the two have no choice.

Just glared fiercely at her, then turned around and went back again.

This time, she is more certain that these people are trying to get away from the mountain.

She couldn't help being anxious.

Instead of worrying about her own safety.

I am afraid that Yu is in it, because she will be troubled by the Gan family.

Soon, there was movement inside again.

Only came out this time, but it was Mr. Gan's 2nd master himself.

"You, follow me."

That person's cold tone, and her large physical advantage also brought her some pressure.

But she hesitated.

"My Highness told me to wait here, and I also asked the second master to forgive sins."

The other party raised the corner of his mouth, laughing at her self-control over her arms.

"Your Highness is still insecure, do you think he still has time to care about you as a small character?"

The danger revealed in the other party's words made Lin Mengya frown.

"Second Master, what do you mean by that?"

"You follow me, maybe your lord still has a little life."

Finished, the man turned and left.


Although the other party may be scorning her, Lin Mengya did not dare to gamble.

Gritted her teeth, anyway, she had the cards in hand, the big deal was just shameful, and would not die too badly.

It is Long Tianyu.

She stood on tiptoe and looked anxiously at the closed door.

I don't know what Yu is doing now.

Lin Mengya clenched her teeth and followed Master Gan Er.

But she didn't know that, not long after she left, Long Tianyu was sent out of the door intact.

"This time, thanks to His Highness for your trouble."

Came out to give him, is the confidant of the Gan family's homeowner, is also one of the homeowner's most trusted stewards, Gan Pei.

Presumably the news brought by Long Tianyu made his master extremely satisfied, so he treated him with respect.

But Long Tianyu's sight has never fallen on him.

Looked around and around, Ya'er was not there.

There was a bit of frost on the beautiful face of.

Gan Pei is a personal elite. Now he can see that the other party is absent, and he quickly asks, "What is His Highness looking for?"

"My little drug boy is gone."

He was not sure if the person left early or was taken away.

In short, based on his knowledge of Ya'er, the latter is more likely.

Gan Pei did n’t know about Dan Dan ’s thing, so he just said casually: “It ’s probably a long wait, so go back yourself. By the way, have you seen His Royal Highness medicine boy?”

He asked exactly the two people who drove Lin Mengya.

Glanced at each other thoughtfully, and then shook their heads together, concealing the truth that the second master took the people away.

Gan Pei believed it, and smiled and comforted Long Tianyu.

"I'm not sure now that the medicine boy has returned to your room, let's go, I will take you back here."

Long Tianyu shook his head and rejected Gan Pei's kindness.

Looked around the two muscular men, who only felt like they were scratched by a steel knife, and they couldn't help but burst out of their hearts.

"Since people are not here, I will not disturb. Be willing to trouble, please tell your homeowner, I promised him that he will do it. Then he promised me, not one cent.

Long Tianyu cares about Lin Mengya's safety, so he's more blunt.

The squirting Gan Pei, at the moment, dare not breathe.

But he witnessed this young man with his own eyes, confronting his old man one by one.

Although no smoke was seen, he was deadly.

Finally, even if the old man of his family did all he could, he couldn't get out of the distance he planned.

Even in the end they suddenly found out that they actually fell into the trap designed by the other party from the mouth of their father.

This strategy just made them tremble with fear, and dared not give birth to a slight contempt.

"That's what it is, please rest assured, my homeowner is extremely committed. I will never regret your promises."

"That's the best." The imposing man said lightly.

Gan Pei kept a respectful smile and watched the other person leave.

"You two, really didn't see His Royal Highness?" He glanced at the two of them and asked suddenly.

The two were shocked, then shook their heads vigorously, but they could not conceal their guilty conscience.

"Humph! I think you are perfectly seamless, I hope you understand that some people can't afford to offend."

Gan Pei went back to the yard after speaking.

After he knew that his homeowner was ill, some people became restless.

Then let them kick a terrible iron plate, and they should know how powerful it is.

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