Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2511: Funny forced marriage

"Hurry in, don't bother, no one here will protect you anymore"

Lin Mengya, who was taken away by the second grandfather of the Gan family, tried to leave some marks along the way.

But the group of young people who had pulled Yu's coat before suddenly came out again.

Then, she seemed to be tightly caught in the middle.

The pace is a little slower, and someone will immediately push her forward.

Narrowed her eyes, she hid her anger.

Very good.

Few people have dared to treat her like this.

Grandpa Er did not look back at her, but took her to her courtyard.

"sit down."

To her surprise, Master Gan Er neither made her kowtow to admit her mistakes nor accused her violently.

Although her face is still not pretty, but at least she did not feel how dangerous.

Lin Mengya looked around and sat down in the last place.


The group of young people thought that they had come to exhale Dan Dan, but Master Gan Er's mysterious attitude also made them somewhat unexpected.

Master Gan Er looked up at them calmly and waved his hand.

"You go out first."

The group of guys wanted to say something, but in the end they couldn't withstand the majesty of the second master, and grumbled back with dissatisfaction.

For a time, she and Master Gan Er were left in the lobby.

Although she was suspicious, she still hung her head and stared at her knee in a regular manner.

"How old is this year"

"Ah" Soon, she realized that this was the beginning of a cross-examination, and it was very likely that Lord Gan Er wanted to find Long Tianyu through her.

At the moment, he had a spirit of 120,000.

"Return to the second master's words, just seventeen this year."

"May have been married"

Although she felt that this trend was a bit strange, she still replied carefully.


Master Gan Er was silent again.

A pair of eyes as sharp as an eagle, scraping around her body.

In the end, he stared at her closely and said, "You can go into trouble, but after marriage, you have to sleep with Dan Dan. If you can do it, then after 100 years, you will get half of Dan Dan's dowry. But If you dare to deceive Dan Dan, or covet the other half of her dowry, even if I die, someone will ask you to crush your bones. "

Lin Mengya is stupid.

She was stunned by the shocking remarks of Mr. Gan Family.

"Master Gan Er, I think your decision seems a bit too hasty. I and Ms. Dan Dan have never been in life, are you really good like this?"

Actually she couldn't understand it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, she still bears a crime

If today ’s thing was not her, but was replaced by another person, did this decision of Mr. Gan ’s family not push their daughter into the fire pit?

As a mother of a child, if someone hurts her child, then she has to work hard to get justice for the children.

But now, what is Lord Gan Er doing?

"Hmph, you think I want to make you cheaper"

Grandpa Gan's face was cold and frost.

"I wish I could cramp your bones, so that you will always regret life for what you did."

"Since this is the case, why do you want to do this?"

Lin Mengya is even more incomprehensible.

Who knew that Mr. Gan Er clapped the table and slammed and asked, "Either marry my daughter or die, you choose."

"No, hey"

Lin Mengya is really wrong.

She also wanted to continue her complaint, but she didn't give her this opportunity at all, and she was put in a small black room directly.

Looking like that, she seems to have to force her to agree.

Apart from the four walls, there is only some straw.

Lin Mengya sighed while sitting on the haystack.

What's the matter?

Seeing the courageous action ended like this

She is really bitter

But after calming down, she gradually figured out some joints.

Grandpa Gan ’s ardent love for his daughter should not have been so urgent.

Perhaps, what happened to the Gan family made him have to make a decision.

Is this difficult, is there any trace before?

The second son of Gan Family's son-in-law, even if he can only get half of Dandan's dowry in the future, that should be a lot.

This is enough for some people to take the risk.

It's a pity that Dan Dan, if Lord Gan Er really had a long-term plan, then Dan Dan might have suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

Thought of this, she could not help shaking her head.

Parents' love for their children is always blind and deep.

But when she thought of her situation, she could only sigh heavily.

It seems that the Gan family's 2nd master is determined.

Mother, does she have to marry a wife in her life?

Lin Mengya called Tian Tian should not be called, the ground is not effective, Long Tianyu was about to turn the entire Gan family upside down.

"Ada, what do they mean they can't get in touch"

The handsome man's eyebrows are closed, his thin lips are tight, and the coldness in his eyes is compelling.

Since returning, he has found enough time for two hours.

Wherever the Gan family could find it, he sent people to turn it over.

Did not expect that there is still no trace of Ya'er.

Long Tianyu, who has always been calm, almost got out of control.

Fortunately, after he has been overly emotional, he will have a relatively calm period.

But everyone who knows him knows it.

Once they haven't been able to find their wife during the cooling-off period, it will be a runaway lion who greets them.

And bear the anger, not just them.

"Our people found the traces left by Ada, but they didn't find anyone when they chased it."

This time when I came to the Gan family, it was considered by all parties, and they only brought Ada.

Although Long Tianyu is very clear, Ada will definitely not leave Lin Mengya's side, but the thought of her being likely to be taken away by someone, his heart is like burning on a hot iron plate.

"Why is there no one"

He glanced over, and his men shook immediately.

Due to his amazing coercion, several people could only gritt their teeth and answer.

"Yes, it should be that he hid. We did not find him leaving a mark indicating that he was taken away. However, it may also be because the situation was urgent at that time, so there was no time to leave traces."

Long Tianyu wanted to get angry, but he resisted.

This is the Gan family.

He has the same advantages as he does not have the same advantages.

And Ya'er is likely to still be in their hands, so he would have to cast a mouse.

"Continue to find, even if digging the ground three feet, you have to find me out"


The people under him quietly retreated.

Anxious Long Tianyu sat in the house, his head flashing

After a series of guesses.

In fact, it is most likely that the Gan family detained Ya'er.

However, he just reached an agreement with the Gan family head.

If someone is dealing with Ya'er now, it is forcing him to break the contract.

The Gan family should not be so stupid.

If it is not made by the Gan family, then

As soon as he thought that Ya'er fell into the hands of those in the Presbyterian Church, he couldn't calm down.

Others are not clear, but he knows that they have been coveting something in the hands of Ya'er.

If they were really taken away by them, that would be really troublesome.

Thinking of this, he felt he could not wait any longer.

Walked out of the house with a wheelchair.

"I want to see your housekeeper." He said to the Gan family at the door.

The man had long been asked by Gan Pei, knowing that he must not be neglected.

So, Long Tianyu, who had met only a short time ago, appeared again in the courtyard of the Gan family's head.

This time, the issues they want to talk about are much more important than the previous ones.

"Let me go out, second lord, your melon called forced marriage is not sweet, I will not be happy with Miss Dandan"

All night long, across the door, Lin Mengya had to say all the good things.

However, the other party is not loose at all, and is very persistent.

"Second Master, are you confused?"

Lin Mengya is also stupid.

Faced with such a stubborn old antique, she felt that the other party was not worthy of her respect.

"It's not that I don't speak badly, Master Gan Er, you are really big-hearted. What kind of person am I? Not only do I lose sight of the meaning, I am also a mean and shameless person. In fact, it is not bad to marry Miss Dandan , When your eyes are closed, what I want to do, you can't even manage to do it. Miss Dan Dan will be miserable. How much bullying I have been with you, I will leave it intact Her body. What's this called "report"

Lin Mengya was stupid, and her words were sharper than words.

"As a father, you are really a bad daughter who has been bullied. Instead of venting her, you have to give her a hand to the perpetrator to bully for a lifetime. If I were Miss Dandan, I wouldn't recognize you as a father"

"咣 当", the door was kicked open.

Lin Mengya, who had just returned her sharp teeth and sharp teeth, immediately changed her mind after seeing the sullen Gan Er with a black face.

"Look, all of what I said can happen. You can't think that your decision is not wrong because I am a good person."

Who knows, the other party is staring at her coldly and condescendingly.

Lin Mengya couldn't help swallowing.

She just said that her heart was straight-forward, oh my god, this person would n’t just screw her head down to kick the ball.

The throat was bitter, Lin Mengya had to clench her teeth tightly.

Losers we can't lose

It's just that as men get closer, finally, Lin Mengya can only cover her head and admit aloud.

"Stay under your head to discuss everything"

However, for the person she didn't expect, Mr. Gan Er really stopped half a step away.

She patted her beating heart.

so far so good.

She had fastened the organ of the miniature crossbow just now.

Grandpa Er's precipice, she also relieved herself of the embarrassing situation of bloodshed.

The best moral self-control of mankind makes them all happy.

"The ones you just said"

"Well, I said it casually, and you just listened casually." She kept busy explaining.

"That's right."

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