Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2512: Love girl heart

Master Gan Er suddenly sighed.

At that moment, Lin Mengya suddenly felt that the other party gave her some familiar feeling.

Grandpa Er in front of him, it seems that Kong Wu is powerful, even in the Gan family there are many forces.

But as a father, he will spend his life in anxiety.

Only because he has a daughter who cannot take care of himself, and he loves her very much.

Through him, she seemed to see the figure of her father.

Perhaps at the beginning, my father was like the second old man of the Gan family, fighting desperately on the battlefield. The merits he received were merely hopes to give his daughter a refuge.

Brother is the same.

At a young age, he went to fight the enemy. A large part of the reason was that he hoped that he could grow up and protect himself from the wind and rain after his father grew old.

Although she didn't agree with Master Gan Er's approach, his love for her daughter couldn't help but give her a little bit of indifference.

Probably because of empathy.

"Actually, if the 2nd Master wanted to find a way for Miss Dan Dan, he might not have to use this method. Once, I also aggrieved her. Secondly, this is not safe, which means that you deviate from your original intention."

She sincerely persuaded Mr. Gan's family.

This ridiculous idea is really necessary.

But it's hard to guarantee that the next time, Mr. Gan's second family still has such thoughts, and it will only be his daughter who suffers.

"This thing is really negligent."

Master Gan Er cheered up again.

Only the next moment, the man sullenly said lightly, "Since this is the case, then you are useless."

Lin Mengya just felt cold all over.

This guy, don't you plan to cross the river to demolish the bridge?

She smiled unnaturally, pretending to be calm.

"Yeah, so please have a lot of adults, please let go of the small one. That thing is really just a misunderstanding. I don't know Miss Dandan, how can I treat her suddenly?

But Mr. Gan Er obviously has his own plans.

He hugged his shoulders and looked at her carefully up and down.

"You are very clever and you can be considered upright. If you stay with Dan Dan in the future, I will be more at ease."

Lin Mengya's expression was stiff.

"Master Gan Er, don't laugh at me. I'm so stupid and stupid. Besides, I'm a man, inconvenient."

"This is true."

Master Gan Er nodded, but his eyes fell on her waist, which was too slender for a man.

"So, you make a price. If I hope to stay, I can arrange it for you."

"Ha" She didn't react for a while.

"Although castration will leave you with a lifetime of disability, I can give you more than you get with your highness."

"Go, castrate"

It took Lin Mengya several minutes to figure out the other party's intention.

Although she is not a man, this trick is too bad

At the moment, she refused.

"If it doesn't work, absolutely it won't be done. Please ask Gao Ming, I can't do it."

It's a pity that the stubborn people don't care about her thoughts at all.

"I'm not bargaining with you."

His face was somber.

"You know, if I want to keep you, even my highness can't save you. This is the Gan family, not the temple."

Lin Meng Ya immediately felt that his so-called sympathy was simply superfluous.

Grandpa Er is simply a stubborn and selfish paranoid

She pressed her anger and tried to reason with the other party.

"I know you are for your daughter, but I also have my own parents and relatives. Do you love your daughter, can you hurt me for this reason?"

Master Gan Er sneered.

"Oh, in fact, you should thank me. In our eyes, you foreigners are just God's abandoned children. I can give you a new identity. If you can take good care of Dandan, I can even let you get the ancients Official status. Since then, you will no longer be a humble foreign slave. You should know what choices you should make. "

The other party's powerless and arrogant attitude slapped her hard.

Lin Mengya also put away a harmless gesture.

She should have been clear.

Except the Li family, what kind of xenophobia is there.

In their eyes, foreigners like themselves are simply not human.

No wonder Mr. Gan Er will put forward such conditions.

Oh, she should kneel on the ground, thank him for his "alms".

"Maybe I'm just a humble servant in your eyes. But second lord, I can only decide if I want to stay. No one can force me."

Shocked God's kung fu, before he made him feel a little shy, but actually changed his appearance.

She was still thin and ordinary, even letting him feel that he could squeeze to death.

But her eyes are quiet.

In the dark eyes, there was no panic at all.

He narrowed his eyes, faintly felt that he was looking away.

Perhaps the young man in front of him was not a well-behaved little dog.

But what about that?

Here, everything is here.

Even if her master comes forward, she can not give this face.

He slightly raised the corner of his mouth, his smile was cruel and cold.

"Then take a look, will you listen to me in the end?"

Finally, Mr. Gan Er swept away.

In the room, Lin Mengya couldn't help but frown.

Master Gan Er has made up his mind, I'm afraid it's hard to convince him.

Now, the only one who can stop him is probably the old owner of the Gan family.

But she was very worried that as the real power figure after the homeowner became ill, even if the homeowner would intervene for her, the second person would not listen, it was still unknown.

**** it

Had known for a long time that she would get in trouble like this, and she should have revealed the truth of being a woman for the first time.

Now that if she is clear, I am afraid that Mr. Gan's second family will ask her to stay with her daughter more justly.

While she was moaning, the door was faint, and a voice came.

"Miss II, this is not the place you should come, you should go back, so as not to worry about the second master."

"I do not"

Dan Dan pouted, rarely playing with her own temper.

Since Master Gan Er found out the truth that the maiden had abused her daughter, your greedy you A Niang was secretly removed.

But for a time, he did not find a suitable person to take care of his daughter.

First, I was afraid of finding another wrong mind, and continued to make Dan Dan suffer.

The second is Dan Dan ’s special situation. It is not enough just to have a good character. You have to be patient and loyal to Dan Dan.

This article is down, people who can meet can not be found, but in a short time, it is really difficult to achieve.

So these days, most of the time he put

Daughter placed under her eyelids.

It was only today that he came to see Lin Mengya, and he had to give Dan Dan some caretaker as a last resort.

Didn't expect that those girls really couldn't control Dan Dan, coupled with the sudden loss of tits, Dan Dan was very insecure and could only be her father's little tail.

Today, she woke up in a nap but did not see her father, so she was looking for someone.

At this point, she was very smart.

She knows that if she can't find her father everywhere, then others are probably here.

In the moment, he dragged a few people to find it.

"Dad, I want daddy"

Dan Dan was stopped by a horizontal bar, and his big eyes were unconsciously filled with water vapor.

This group of people really hates

Knew that his father was here, and would not let her in.

The person in charge of the caretaker was accompanied by a smile, but he felt helpless.

They were too aware of the second son's favor with this daughter.

If you really make people cry today, it ’s their luck

"Go in, find, find dad"

What she said was unfavorable, and now she is even more anxious with red eyes.

Crystal clear teardrops hung in the corners of the eyes, but it was enough to startle the two people in the gate.

This little ancestor is really terrible

In their helpless effort, there was a clever girl who whispered to the two of them, "Two elder brothers, please let Miss Two go in and see."


One of them scolded her and said impatiently: "You don't look at this place, you want to go in, don't kill yourself"

Girl shrunk her neck, obviously full of fear here.

But Dan Dan's crying was also a knife hanging on their neck.

The maid tried to coax with a bitter face, but unfortunately all the tricks that were used in the past actually failed today.

Dandan is just going to have to go in.

This made them all sad.

In the end, it was still the girl, suddenly a flash of light.

"Otherwise, you can let Miss Er go in and walk around casually, we just wait outside. Just wait until Miss Er does not see the master inside, wouldn't she stop doing it?"

This proposal made the two people at the gate hesitate.

Although the second master did not let others in, he did not defend against Miss Dandan.

Dan Dan also seemed to see their loose attitude.

She blinked Shui Ling's eyes and looked at them eagerly.

"Then, that's okay. But first of all, except for Miss II, you are not allowed to come in."

How many girls can't stay away.

Quickly agreed to come down, and then stepped back a few steps, only to look far away.

The two gatekeepers are also difficult to do.

However, they still opened the door and only allowed one person to enter.

"Miss Two, please go in quickly."

The other one asked me as gently as possible: "If you don't see the second lord, you will hurry up and come out, if there is anything, you will call us."

Dan Dan burst into tears and smiled, fearing that they would regret it, nodded and rushed into it.

The two of the gatekeepers looked at her back and could not help whispering to each other.

"Let Miss II just go in like this, is it really okay?" One asked with less confidence.

"It's okay, there's no one in it. And the important rooms are locked, even if the second lady goes in, she can't see anything. Seeing it, she doesn't understand."


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