Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2486: Forced to do

But things have come to this point, and Song Jian can't help it.

Twenty-six sons grasped his future, thinking of this, he could not help but bite his head and continued to dig into Long Tianyu.

"Your Highness, please forgive me, please, come and bring the child out!"

Want to come hard?

Lin Lin Mengya sneered secretly, without using her voice, Bai Su and Cai Ru held long swords, blocking each other's way.

"You, you"

Ji Song Jian was so angry that he gritted his teeth and was even more angry.

的 What he hated most in his life was being despised.

In the past, he had to yield to Li Xian in order to climb up.

I did not expect, now this one or two, still look down on him.

When he arrived, he added a little bit of grudge to his heart.

"Sorry for two people, this child, I must take them today!"

He said, and signaled his men to break into it.

At this moment, Long Tianyu just raised her eyebrows gently.

The next moment, I heard several sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground. Those who Song Jian brought were flew out and landed on the ground.

"My wife hasn't spoken yet, Song Song. Don't be too impatient."

Song Jian was dumbfounded.

人 The people he thinks he brings can at least have an advantage in number.

But Long Tianyu, who is full of elites under his hands, re-taught him to be a man.

At this moment, Song Jian did not dare to act rashly.

Zhe Lin Mengya also thought about the powerful relationship at this time.

Song Jian jumped off the wall because he was afraid it had something to do with the elders.

If she refuses to surrender the children, I am afraid they will use the people in the temple to operate.

She has to find a way to get time for those people.

She squatted down and talked to Long Tianyu in a low voice.

"I'll take the child, you take someone, ready to answer me."

The latter didn't want her to take risks, but she respected her decision more.

好 "Okay, with me, I will keep you safe and sound."

He is behind her.

I could let him go with him when he was there.

"it is good."

For now, Lin Mengya is confident.

She stood up and looked coldly at Song Jian.

看来 "It seems that today, if I don't give this child to you, you will be like flies and harass me endlessly."

Qi Song Jian's face was ugly, but he dare not refute.

She raised her lips.

"Also. This child is Li's family. It would not be appropriate for me to stay forcibly. So, I will send him back in person and hand it over to his parents, so I have an account. In case What ’s wrong, do n’t you blame me? ”

Where is Song Jian willing? But he didn't dare to refuse.

After a brief moment, he nodded reluctantly.

What I thought in my mind was that Sixth Son was much better than him anyway, and maybe he could punish this unkempt girl!

At the moment, my mind is alive again.

"The owner of that palace, please come with me."

垂 He lowered his eyes, covering his vicious thoughts.

But where does he know? His careful thinking has already been scrutinized by the couple.

Nian Long Tianyu sat in a wheelchair and watched his wife silently leave.

On Jun's face, his expression was gradually faint.

"Come down and surround the entire Li family. No one is allowed to be released without my order."


Lin Lin Mengya led the child and calmly followed Song Jian.

She knows that this direction is not to go to the shrine.

The child has just eaten sugar cake, and it is very good to not cry or make trouble.

When she reached the door, she bent down and hugged the child.

不 "Not afraid, your aunt will protect you later."

Whispered her soothing.

The child also cleverly hugged her neck and nestled her small head in her neck.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged the child and entered the door.

"Six sons, six sons! The little one brought you!"

Ji Song Jian faced with a flattering smile, and diligently went inside to invite people out.

Lin Lin Mengya only saw a young man who looked like a mixed race came out.

His features are deep, but his hair and pupil are dark.

This situation shows that there is a difference in the blood of one of his parents.

It's strange to her.

Wasn't the Shangxu tribe of the ancient Gu ethnic group prohibited from marrying with the outside world?

Or is there such a distinctive family within the ancient clan?

With a question in her mind, she couldn't help but glance at it more.

I did not expect, but caused the other party's dissatisfaction.


Twenty-six sons stared at her fiercely, but their eyes were filled with pride.

"You are Gongya?"

When she heard the other person's polite question, she nodded.

"What is your name?"

"I'm still a woman who is the head of the palace family, but that's all. It seems that the palace family is really down."

The satirical way of the son of Liu Liu was disdainful.

Lin Mengya was not very angry.

She has seen too much of this situation. From her gender to her age, it can be an excuse for those people to attack her and deny her.

In this regard, she would like to ask those "seniors".

Does your face hurt?

I glanced back, she responded lightly.

"What about the palace family, I will not worry about your Excellency. I am here to send the child, and I ask your child to invite the child's parents out, and I will return early."

Twenty-six sons sneered.

"Just send the child to me, you can go now."

I said, just turn around and go back.

Who knows, she refused: "I will only return the child to his parents. Since they are not there, I will leave."

Yin Liu's face had a dark face, and her eyes looked a little violent.

"Gong Ya, don't toast or eat fine!"

"I also honour Your Excellency, our family members are never subject to anyone's demands."

Suddenly, she suddenly became deadlocked.

只 She was only with Bai Su by her side, but when the girl faced the enemy in the courtyard, she did not shrink back at all.

The sword in his hand pointed directly at the sixth son.

As long as her master ordered, she was the sharpest sword in the master's hands.

"Oh, interesting."

Twenty-six sons narrowed their eyes, and the corners of their mouths slowly cracked.

"Everyone said that your palace woman is different. Today I want to see how different you are from other women when you die."

He said this, but Minghuang's death warned.

But Lin Mengya just held the child's small head tighter in her arms.

"I want my life too many, I'm afraid it's not your turn."

Twenty-six sons lost patience.

Holding his arms tightly, he looked at her evilly and said, "Then I'll take a closer look. You can just cut off her hands and feet. I will cut her throat by myself."


Lin Lin Mengya looked slightly cold.

The next moment, the people in the entire yard rushed towards her!

"Another dead! Today is the twelfth, it's so bad!"

Inside the ancestral hall, the person responsible for carrying the corpse outward could not help complaining.

厉 Since the death of the first girl, these Li family members have suffered from the same plagues, one after another.

They didn't feel anything at first, but later, they just felt the cool wind blowing back.

If there is a plague, aren't they also very dangerous?

I just said this, nobody dared to talk to Song Jian.

"Okay, hurry up and throw people out. If it's rotten, it won't work."

As soon as the number of puppets was large, they refused to carry it by themselves.

Later, the death of someone's family was made, and it was let them come.

They drank the husband of the deceased and let him act quickly.

The tall man kept his face calm.

的 When the surrounding companions met, I could only sadly keep my eyes open.

Who knows, the man's daughter-in-law has been sick for a long time.

He worked hard to make his wife live longer.


The uncle was silently carrying his wife.

The woman who seems to have only a skeleton is very light, but his movements are very careful.

Finally, he carried the man out of the temple.

Not long after he walked away, he could hear someone screaming at the two people who were looking at him behind his back.

"You two! Come with me, someone is going to make trouble!"

Suddenly the two men's faces changed, and they urged the man to let him throw his wife's body beside the road.

Xi Hanzi gently placed his daughter-in-law on the grass by the road. Before they could take a final look, the two rushed forward and punched and kicked him.

"Hurry up! Don't grind! Otherwise, let you die with her!"

The uncle was silent, and pinched his wife's hand with nostalgia.

Then, they returned to the shrine again with the two.

He looked around for a week and found that most of the rest were relatively physically fit.

When Song Jian was busy charming and searching Li Family's wealth, the most reassured people here were already dead.

He obscuredly stared at several of them.

In the eyes of those people, stars glowed like him.

He looked not far away, and closed the backyard door, and clenched his fist quietly.

On the other side, Liu Gongzi was just getting started, and there were more than twenty outstanding masters falling from the sky.

But unlike the Wu He people brought by Song Jian, Liu Gongzi's men do have two brushes.

After that, the guy was very chicken thief, and when he saw that the momentum was not right, he slipped away.

Ji Songjian also clasped his thighs and disappeared with them.

Those under the command of the six sons and daughters are fierce and absolutely do not stay behind.

As long as I don't die, I can still bite them.

As a last resort, Long Tianyu's people took a lot of effort to kill them all.

I was delayed for a while, and Liu Gongzi and Song Jian have disappeared.

He disappeared with him, but also with him.

"did you find it?"

Lin Lin Mengya was escorted to meet Long Tianyu.

The children have been tightly protected, and they are not afraid of their surprise attack.

But strangely, these people walked quickly, as if nothing could be taken care of.

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head.

"Strange, they had to take away the children before, so why did they leave these children behind?"

She's not trying to use children as bait, but she feels strange.

Long Tianyu gently nudged the handle of the wheelchair.

It didn't take long before someone went back and forth.

"His Royal Highness, Madam, those people went to Lijia Ancestral Hall!"

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