Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2487: Fall of the shrine

I sent away his wife, Ji Fangcun, and sat silently in the room, with his tools at hand.

锄 Those hoees and hammers can be used by Song Jian to exploit them, but they can also be used as weapons against these invaders.

I do not know how well the palace owner prepared.

The agreed time is in the evening. When they meet inside and outside, Li family will be rescued completely.

I just don't know why, he always feels a little uneasy today.

"Brother Ji, Song Jian's dog hybrid brought a person over, let us all pass!"

的 The youth who had a good relationship with him ran in and said anxiously.

Ji Jifang village turned his mind.

俭 Song Jian will return to his place at this time every day, this time, how come so suddenly?

Isn't that what I found?

He remembered his wife's entrustment with the housekeeper, took a hoe, and whispered, "Go and see what happens first."

Within a few days, there were more than a hundred people missing. Fortunately, the area of ​​the Lijia Ancestral Hall is not small, which is equivalent to a small football field. When these people are gathered together, it is hard to see.

Song Song Jian was embarrassed and stood in front of them in a tone of anger that had never been before.

"You listen to me! From now on, you will hold the door firmly to me. If you dare to let people in, you will be dead!"

After saying that, he hurried to the backyard with Liugong and his party.

Twenty-six sons did not look at these people, but dragged Li Xian with his own hands and went to the backyard.


"I am the owner!"

"You let go of the housekeeper!"

厉 All Li family members' eyes are red, and the Li family owner's breath is in front of them, and the corners of his mouth are still bloody. At a glance, I know that I have suffered a lot of abuse.

But Ke Liu's brutal kick broke Li Xian's left arm.

With a snoring sigh, the owner's breathing became quicker with pain.

"If you want him to die, you can continue to make trouble!"

The son-in-law's behavior was so fierce that even Song Jian was afraid.

The people in Shili's family were also shocked, and they could only grit their teeth and dare not come forward.


They watched Song Jian and Liu Gongzi take people away, but there was nothing they could do.

The young man looked at the owner anxiously, and whispered, "What can I do? The owner is still on their hands!"

Wu Jifang Village was also a little upset.

With his too barren wisdom, it is really difficult to think of effective ways to travel.

When he was secretly anxious, there was a man in the crowd and he sneaked out while more people were secretly.

After receiving the news that Liu Gongzi and Li Xian were in the shrine, Zhe Lin Mengya rushed over with Long Tianyu.

She was not undeployed before, but Liu Gongzi's behavior with Song Jian was too weird.

In this case, they didn't rush to escape, but came here with hostages.

Perhaps, there is something more important here!

"Master, shall we rush in?"

Wu Baisu whispered.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the closed door, and she already had a plan in her mind.

"Ada, you take someone into it first and join with ours. If you have a chance, follow the original plan."

A Da nodded, nodded several people and disappeared in front of her.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked around and looked at the shrine.

She didn't know what she thought, but she walked a short way for the shrine.

Chen Long Tianyu kept watching her.

He knew that the system and Xiaoyao existed, and he had long been accustomed to the "strange behavior" of his wife.

I wasn't sure. With the help of Xiaoyao, she could not find any clues.

When Lin Mengya returned to him again, she spoke of her findings.

"Yu, the fields of the Li family are concentric circles. I just found on the map recorded by Xiaoyao that the centers of these concentric circles of different sizes are this shrine."

When she first came in, she felt strange. Generally, the fields on both sides of the road were easy to cultivate and divided into shapes and sizes.

But here are just one perfect circle.

Maybe if you look down from the air, you can see the problem more intuitively.

It's just that they don't have that condition now, she can only see the simulation diagram of the system.

Xiao Long Tianyu heard the words and looked around.

好像 "It seems so."

Does this have any special meaning?

Suddenly, when the two were uncertain, a shout came from the temple not far away.

只 She just felt like an earthquake under her feet. In a hurry, she grabbed Long Tianyu's wheelchair tightly, for fear he might be injured.

I did not expect that when the voice stopped, the shrine collapsed in half.

"Go and save people!"

She led the crowd and went to the ruins of the temple to find the survivors.

Fortunately, the building of the ancestral hall is not high, and when the incident happened, most people were in the square in front, so everyone just stepped in a panic and caused more injuries.

And because of this sudden change, Ji Fangcun and his party barely had any effort to subdue the person left by Song Jian and Liu Gongzi.

By the time Lin Mengya joined them, the situation was already under their control.

"House owner!"

The narrow-eyed Ji Fang Village found her first.

Gao Linmengya gave Long Tianyu to Asan, and he asked a few words uneasily, and then went to check the situation.

"What the **** happened?"

She frowned and looked at the temple that suddenly collapsed.

季 And Ji Fangcun is obviously a look of doubt.

"I don't know, just fine, somehow the backyard actually collapsed!"

"Well, the owner and the clan are still inside!"

The young man who has been behind Ji Fang Village screamed on the thigh.

Zhelin Mengya did not dare to delay, and immediately directed the young and middle-aged to go to the backyard to check the situation.

What I didn't expect from her was that all the houses in the backyard disappeared.

Instead, it was a large circular pit with a diameter of 20-30 meters.

Everyone was anxious around the pit, but no one dared to go down.

Lin Lin Mengya was pulled by Bai Sula, and she glanced into the pit.

It is at least fifty or sixty meters deep inside.

And there are a lot of house debris inside. The main thing is that the situation inside is not stable at all, and there are still things that leak from the surrounding.

No matter how good the masters are, they don't dare to go down. Besides, they don't know the situation in this pit at all.

In Jifang Village, they have searched the backyard and found only four young people lying unconscious in a small house on the east side.

Coincidentally, these four people turned out to be subordinates who had previously lost contact with Long Tianyu.

Gao Linmengya learned through their mouths that they were assigned to take care of the homeowners and the clan elders.

They only know that Song Jian imprisoned these people in order to force them to ask for the existence of something.

As for what such a thing was, they didn't know it at all.

Alas, they were unconscious after drinking a bowl of water poured by the old man this morning.

Zhe Lin Mengya listened to their words and looked at the sudden appearance of this large pit.

The old Dai people obviously did not want to drag these four people down.

I'm afraid they are less ferocious.

She asked Ji Fangcun to drive most of Li's family to the front yard.

After a while, Li Ao hurried over when she heard the movement.

"House owner, how old is my father with a few uncles?"

Gao Linmengya didn't know how to tell him, in the end, he could only take people to the big pit in the backyard.

"this is?"

Li Liao was also dumbfounded.

"You heard the movement just now, I don't know why. After we arrived, things will become what they are now."

She's a bit guilty.

I was negligent because she agreed with Ji Fang Village to do it tonight.

Whoever thought that Song Jian would not run with Liugong, he killed a return carbine.

If the owner of Li's family really suffers any misfortune, I'm afraid she won't be upset.

Li Li proudly looked at the big pit.

"How could this be?"

He said that he was about to jump in. Finally, Lin Mengya stopped him.

"I'm going to save my father and them! Gongjiazhu, you let me go!"

"No, it's still unstable and dangerous! I know you want to save your father, but you have to keep yourself safe and they need you!"

Lin Lin Mengya pointed to the helpless Li family.

It was just a moment ago that they experienced a life of death.

Li Liao stopped moving freely, kneeling on the edge of the big pit, crying silently covering his face.

"I look here for you. Once it stabilizes, you go first."

She comforted softly.

This incident is so sudden that even she feels incredible until now.

She arrogantly and reluctantly sorted out her emotions, stood up and asked her sincerely.

"Please inform me immediately!"

"okay, I get it."

Under the heavy dust, Li Ao turned to face his people.

And Lin Mengya retreated to a relatively safe position, and kept monitoring the situation inside the collapsed pit.

She could hear a very slight noise in her ears.

After more than half an hour, there was no movement inside.

The smoke and dust in the air slowly dissipated, and she took a deep breath and discerned the taste carefully.

No smell of gunpowder, but a moist earthy smell.

说明 This shows that the formation of this big pit is probably because the bottom is hollow.

But this shrine of Li's family has not existed for hundreds of years.

In the past 100 years, no problem has appeared, and from the performance of her family, it seems that everyone is not clear about the situation under this shrine.

A preliminary idea was already in her mind, but it had not been proved.

After another hour or so, she personally went to the edge of Dakeng to check.

A relatively stable situation has formed around the puppet, as long as it is not damaged by great external forces, it should not continue to fall.

Bai Su tugged at her with a rope, and murmured in his mouth, "Master, please be careful! Otherwise, let me go down!"

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