Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2488: Pit exploration

The situation inside the Tai Hang is a bit complicated.

If you look at it with the naked eye, you can only see the mess inside, the remains of the house everywhere, there is no place to stay.

She ate a bite of dust before she signaled Bai Sula to come up.

I took the water from Bai Su, she rinsed her mouth, and barely spoke.

告诉 "Tell everyone, don't come near first, no one can go privately."

Bai Su nodded, and immediately ordered to continue.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood in the front yard and looked worried at Dakeng.

According to her estimation, if someone falls without accident, it must be a dead life.

I am nothing more than a proud relative.

I presumably no matter what, he also wanted to check it out.

"How's it going?"

Long Tianyu's inquiry came from behind him.

Gao Linmengya turned and gave him a glance, shrugged helplessly, and whispered, "Not very optimistic, it's deep inside. Almost all the houses in the backyard fell."

Chen Long Tianyu immediately understood the meaning of her words.

After thinking for a while, Xun said, "Li Ao is setting up Li's family, for he is afraid he will not die if he does not see it with his own eyes."

She can understand Li's mood.

It is too dangerous for Sui Na to go down, and she cannot watch Li Ao openly to take risks.

She tried every means to save people, but not for him to give people away.

When thinking about it, he could only use Li's family to hold him for a while.

But this is not a long-term solution.

He scratched his head, Lin Mengya was a little irritable.

Well, how do you say the backyard collapses?

I was really scared to come, just when Lin Mengya was worried about how to stop Li Ao, she got the news of Li Wushuang and hurried over.

When he saw the shrine suddenly turned into ruins, his eyes almost blacked out.

Fortunately, Bai Su helped him in time, tremblingly walked to Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu.

这 "This, what's going on?"

Li Lishuang's face was already pale.

He also heard the previous movements, but he never thought of the consequences.

Lin Mengya, who was stunned, had to tell the truth.

"Don't be excited before. I heard from other Li family members that the Li family's owner was locked in the backyard with several old people. Earlier, Song Jian and the new six-year-old boy held the owner over and didn't know where to find him. what."

Before she finished speaking, Li Wushuang couldn't hold it.

The whole person's head collapsed in Bai Su's arms, and the tears fell instantly.

"Father, father, they are there, right?"

She looked at the expectations in Li Wushuang's eyes, and this head could not be clicked.

What a pity, that is the case.

Wu Lishuang was finally stronger, wiped the tears on his cheek fiercely, and suddenly said to her.

"I'm going to find them."

"No! The situation below is still unstable, and anyone who goes down is in danger!"

Lin Lin Mengya resolutely stopped.

Not to mention the possibility that they are alive is too small, even if they are to be rescued, they must be able to ensure the safety of the people above.

This time, Li Wushuang committed 倔.

He grasped Lin Mengya's wrist tightly, and even Bai Su's advice was regarded by his ears.

"I have to go on a trip! It used to be that they were protecting me desperately, and this time, it was my turn to desperately."

Lin Lin Mengya managed to get rid of him

Strike, but Li Wushuang is extremely determined.

"If you don't help me, then I will go on my own! Even if you tied me with a rope, I must get it!"

She hasn't seen Li Wushuang look like this.

I thought for a moment, she said the ugly words first.

"It's okay to go down, but how can you guarantee that you can survive?"

Her attitude is serious.

"Do n’t forget, you told me personally that you would take care of Bai Su forever. Now, do you want to repent?"

At a critical moment, she had to move out of Bai Su to persuade Li Shuang.

She just made her unexpected that Bai Su, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

"Master, let him go."

A word, in return, surprised two people.

Li Liwushuang seemed to be suddenly awakened, looking back to catch Bai Su's hand, but the latter flashed away.

"I'll prepare the rope."

Xi Baisu, as always, kept her calm and calm.

But this time, Lin Mengya read out the hidden anger of this girl.

我 "I, I didn't mean to ignore her."

Wu Lishuang bowed his head, with some frustrated explanations in his tone.

Gao Linmengya gave him a white look and said angrily, "What's the use of telling me?"

This moment, Li Wushuang's momentum is even more dispirited.

He's really useless.

既然 Now that Mengya has reached this stage, Lin Mengya doesn't want to persuade her anymore.

Maybe from the standpoint of Bai Su, she will feel that Li Wushuang is doing this because she is irresponsible for the relationship between the two.

But his relatives are buried under the pit.

His heart is not made of stone, how can he remain indifferent?

After a short while, Bai Su went back.

I just have some professional tools in her hand.

"Bai Su, listen to me and explain, I am not incapable, nor am I going to die, how can I and I be willing to leave you?"

Although he has explained for a long time, Bai Su didn't say a word.

Finally, Li Wushuang could only sigh.

"Is it in your eyes that I am a waste of nothing?"

He paused for a moment while the hands that were tying him a rope, and then a cold voice came.


I heard Bai Su's answer, he was very surprised.

She grabbed her hands in a hurry and said excitedly, "I really did not go down, Bai Su, do you believe me, okay?"

Bai Su shook his hand calmly and retreated expressionlessly.

I only know Lin Mengya who knows her best, but she can see the tension and worry hidden by this girl under the surface.

Lin Mengya divided one hand and gently held Bai Su's left hand, soothing softly: "It's all right, our people will look at him at any time, and if there is any danger, they will try their best to rescue him. "

Wu Baisu sighed softly.


旁 Next to the huge pit, Li Wushuang made the final adjustments.

He changed into a man's clothing that was easy to move, and his hair was neatly draped over his head. The whole man looked different and neat.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood next to him and made a final decision.

"Don't be stubborn, once you encounter any danger, you pull the rope, our people will always pull you up."

The situation below is unclear, and any slight movement may cause the next collapse.

If really trapped inside, these ropes are simply not enough.

That's why she didn't agree to search and rescue now.

Limited by objective conditions, she can't joke about other people's lives whimsically.

Wu Lishuang nodded earnestly, his gaze was not willing to shift away from Bai Su's body.

Despite the latter, he has been deliberately hiding behind the crowd.

"I know."

Suddenly, Wushuang stunned for a moment before asking sincerely.

"If I can come up safely and securely, can you please help me?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the two men silently.

I don't remember each other, but I want to be awkward.

And Bai Su's temperament is not unknown, and he wants to let her out, just let her fight.

Why do you have to be so troublesome?

Lin Mengya shook her head, and under the disappointed eyes of Li Wushuang, she said softly: "You know that as long as I say a word, Bai Su will forgive you. But you are too bullying, I do n’t care, I want to coax you Coax myself. I said ugly in the front, if you dare to make my family Bai Su wronged, I can't spare you! "

Her warning was a mixed bag for Li Wushuang.

But now is not the time to say this, let's wait until he comes up.

Xu glanced deeply at Bai Su, Li Wushuang turned and walked to the edge of the big pit.

In a shallower place, Lin Mengya tried it just now, it's not too difficult.

I just walked about a meter inside, and there was no place for me.

Lin Lin Mengya they stood on the edge, looked at Li Wushuang with some worry.

Who knows, the man's body twisted, and it landed lightly and ingeniously on a broken house beam.

Then, he wanted to be a butterfly dancing lightly, showing a light figure and constantly jumping.

Even if there is only a large slap, it is enough for him to lift his one foot and land his toes, but his movement is still not slow and steady.

Finally, he came to the middle of Dakeng.

Everyone followed up.

It is very likely that there is a part that is temporarily suspended. If you step on the air with one foot, it will most likely be a terrible collapse.

Wu Baisu couldn't help getting angry, and squeezed beside Lin Mengya, grabbing her sleeve nervously.

"Don't worry, look first."

She whispered to comfort Bai Su, then saw Li Wushuang, took another step again.

Lin Lin Mengya subconsciously took a breath.

估计 According to her estimate, that little foothold is now just maintaining a delicate balance, and external forces will likely break this balance.

The fact is, as she expected, Li Wushou, who had been stable before, was now vacillating.

There was a groaning "creak" in the cricket.

Even Lin Mengya may blurt out in the next second, causing people to pull him up.

But Li Wushuang gradually stabilized after shaking a few times.

"Qingyun footwork?"

I do not know when I slipped here to see the lively fox, secretly muttered.

She Lin Mengya was too focused just now, so she saw him, and at the same time, she also heard what he said.

"What‘ Qingyun Footwork ’?”

Wu Qinghu nodded, but with a little confusion in his eyes.

"I also forgot where I saw it. Rumors of Qingyun's footwork can make people as light as hair. Dacheng can even walk on the wind."

She has heard similar rumors.

In this way, he said that the reason why Li Wushuang can be so powerful is because he is good at finding the point that can just support him.

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