Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2492: Mysterious existence

From the home of Ji Fangcun and Li Man, Lin Mengya shut herself in the house.

All night long, Long Tianyu was sitting in the yard without looking away from the door.

In the early morning, Bai Su carried a bowl of boiled millet porridge, and served two dishes of light and light side dishes before walking to him.

"His Royal Highness, the Master hasn't moved yet?"

Long Tianyu glanced at the food and shook his head gently.

"These things"

"Leave it first." He said casually.

Bai Su nodded, but there was some worry in his eyes.

Although this kind of situation is rare, Li Man and Master have no deep feelings.

But she still worried that her master would be too blameful.

Long Tianyu's hand has never left the armrest of the wheelchair.

Yesterday, Yaer said that Li Man is very similar to her mother.

He lowered his eyes and covered up a bit cold.

The person who made her sad, he will never let go!

Finally, she came out of the house.


Bai Su immediately walked up, followed by Long Tianyu.

"Well. I'm just hungry, haven't you eaten yet? Come in and eat together."

She looks as usual, except that she looks tired.

Bai Sumo silently brought things in and then backed out, leaving the space to both of them.

Lin Mengya drank a big mouthful of rice porridge, only to feel that she was warm from the inside.

Looking at her appetite, Long Tianyu finally fell into a heart.

When she was full, he handed her a cup of hot tea and asked with concern: "Do you want to make up?"

"Not going to sleep first, Yu, I haven't been idle in this half-night, I finally thought about something."

Long Tianyu motioned for her to sit down. A pair of slender hands fell on her shoulders and kneaded her acupuncture points.

"Look, this is the picture I made and the table I made. Although it is a bit sloppy, you should be able to understand it?"

Lin Mengya sent a stack of paper to him, and then squinted, enjoying the top massage technique of his man.

Long Tianyu's movements in his hands kept on, he looked at the rough sideways.

Just the more you look, the tighter your brows will be.

Finally, she thought it was almost the same and patted his hand gently. Long Tianyu took a closer look at the charts.

Holding the tea cup, Lin Mengya only felt that her hand was warm.

"From the first time we came into contact with the technique of" eternal life ", I paid attention to the abnormalities in these people. Later, I discovered that they are actually different."

Although she has never encountered a real success case, it may be because the other party is hiding deeply, but she has carefully studied many failure cases.

The so-called "eternal life" is actually a way to transfer the memory of the predecessors to a suitable person.

As for what was transferred, Lin Mengya has not studied it yet.

But one thing is certain, in fact, there are certain rules in the choice of future generations.

"Here is the news I asked them to collect."

She pointed to a few pages, and Long Tianyu glanced at her, and squeezed her thin lips.

It says that those people who have encountered the pursuit of "eternal life" before, the spare body in their phases are more or less, and they have a blood relationship.

Although a few seem irrelevant, after digging deeper, they all got the same information.

"So, before you and Qinghu, you almost got transplanted may also be the memory of people who are related to you."

Lin Mengya said softly, while Long Tianyu was more and more ugly.

"It's him?"

Lin Mengya nodded.

"It is indeed possible that your father, Long Qinghan's fool, was almost abducted by him as your substitute."

Thinking of this, Lin Mengya couldn't help but spurn the cruelty of that person again.

Is obviously his own flesh and blood, but he can do such a thing.

Long Tianyu had no sad emotions. After all, he already knew the true face of the man.

It's just that now that he knows what the other party wants to do, he can't help but worry.

"Since he wants to do something with us, it is hard to guarantee that he will not hit Ning Er's body! If not, I will send more people to protect him!"

"Don't worry if you want."

Looking at his anxious look, Lin Mengya couldn't help but laugh.

"This is another question I want to tell you. In the bodies of these losers, I have found some traces of drugs that have been modified. The kind you eat with Qinghu before can make you temporarily lose memory. The medicine may also be one of them. According to my speculation, if there is no blank memory, transplantation will fail in all cases.

From this point of view, the little thing in our family is naturally immune to it. "

Long Tianyu froze for a moment, and immediately sounded the physique of the little guy.

Sometimes it's really a coincidence. At first, the physique that Yaer obtained after all the hardships, did not expect to become the amulet of the little guy.

However, he was relieved for less than a second, and he was worried again.

"But, we know this, they don't know! And, we can't tell them with great fanfare, no, I have to go"

"They should have been tested." Lin Mengya said lightly.

Long Tianyu frowned.


"Sister Hui, that's when my sister-in-law and the two of them were arrested. Did you find a strange thing? Ordinarily, Sister Hui's relationship with me. Sister Hui was taken as a hostage, not just as a slave to abuse. So I suspect that their purpose of arresting people in the first place may have a deeper meaning. "

Lin Mengya's words are by no means simple guesses.

Indeed, she had doubted at the beginning, maybe they caught someone close to them, that's why the revenge would threaten her.

But she overlooked a key issue.

In terms of identity, she was considered quite a place when she was in Jin.

But when she came to Weiguo, the Gong family was just a broken settler.

Who would deal with her so painstakingly?

Moreover, the coup d’ état of the Jin Kingdom almost swept the other three countries.

This force is definitely not something she can resist.

Can also be said that her grade was not touched at all.

Now, with the increase of the power in her hand, she also seems to have spied a little bit, something she could not have imagined.

It's just that those things are like black holes in the universe eating everything.

She didn't dare to approach, but she could vaguely feel the existence of "it".

The room was quiet for a while.

Long Tianyu no longer read the charts, but his eyes kept blinking.

He is thinking.

Should you tell her what she knows?

After a long time, he made a decision.

"What are you going to do?" He wanted to hear her thoughts first.

Lin Mengya shook her head blankly.

"To tell the truth, I don't know. Li Man's death made me start to have some bogey."

The wound on Liman's body was something she had never seen before.

Human bones are very hard.

Although it can be done with the technical support of modern medicine.

But as far as the current technology is concerned, she simply cannot imagine.

This made her realize that there has always been a detached, mysterious, yet extremely deep force in the world where she lives.

When she faced "it", all the struggles and resistances were in vain.

Therefore, "it" could take Li Man's life under her eyelids, but did not deal with her at all.

This is the arrogance of "it".

Because of himself, he cannot pose any threat to it at all.

They are like a little white rat who was only kept in the breeding room.

Their earth turned upside down. "It" doesn't care at all. "It" just needs their existence. "It" is the existence far above them.

In a sense, "it" is "God".

Long Tianyu thought for a moment before speaking.

"Are you afraid of fighting them?"

Lin Mengya shook her head.

"I'm never afraid of failure, I just shudder."

She is not afraid of fighting with "God", besides, she only feels that the other party is just ahead of the technology they know.

At this point, the modern and cutting-edge technology she carries can make up for some.

But the unknown and powerful enemy made her fears impossible to manifest.

Is like everyone is afraid of beasts like tigers and lions, but everyone knows that there is a way to subdue each other, so you can relax and watch in the zoo.

She is a pragmatic person. Once she has a specific goal, she will try it no matter how difficult it is.

But for now, she knows nothing, which makes her feel nowhere to focus.

Long Tianyu could roughly guess her thoughts, so he decided to tell her some news.

"They are not without weaknesses."

Opened his mouth, Lin Mengya looked at him suspiciously.

Long Tianyu try to use some relaxed expression and tone.

"For example, this time they killed Li Man, the person who started it was the six sons."

She was a little confused.

But after thinking about it for a moment, she suddenly realized: "Yes! From the past to the present, we have come into contact with people with traces."

"Do you mean that they can't shoot us directly?"

Is really smart!

Long Tianyu couldn't help but appreciate it in his heart and nodded gently.

"From the current situation, this is the case. Although we don't know how people like Liu Gongzi have anything to do with each other. But the people I contacted with Qinghu before should not belong to‘ it ’.”

"I have been tracing this matter, I can only see the shadow and influence of" It ", and the people who really belong to" It ", I have not seen it once."

Lin Mengya seemed to have figured out something suddenly. The eyes that had been wrapped in layers of sorrow suddenly brightened up.

"It's true!"

If "it" is compared to God, then from God, one cannot directly deal with "man".

God, there are rules of God!

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