Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2493: Fake her name

Lin Mengya stared closely at Long Tianyu, her eyes bright, like a kitten staring at a fat fish.

Long Tianyu couldn't help but poked her on the cheek with her finger, but she was avoided by frowning.

"Do you know what to say quickly and don't let you go around"

Presumably really anxious, Lin Mengya almost put most of her body in Long Tianyu's arms, he couldn't help but lowered his head and pecked at her lips, then he said slowly: "Any powerful There is a price. The people of Xiancheng ca n’t leave the underground city of Xiancheng, and the same is true of the Tianren family. So, I tried some way to test it. I did n’t expect it to hide deeper than those people. At the same time, it was even more impossible. Easily leave its nest. "

This result is indeed good news for her.

At the same time, it also made her think of more.

"In this case, as long as we can completely cut off its tentacles, can it let itself die out"

Long Tianyu picked the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, but its existence is far deeper than we thought. You can't screen everyone in this world."

This is true.

But she also knew that the rush is not in a hurry now.

But since she knew that "it" also has weaknesses, she no longer feared.

Looking at her wife's renewed fighting spirit, Long Tianyu couldn't help being relieved.

Touched her long hair before turning to ask: "How do you determine Li Man's death is related to it?"

To tell the truth, if it were n’t for Long Tianyu who had been walking in front of her on certain issues, I am afraid that she would have been confused by her for a long time, and I do n’t know how to communicate.

Lin Mengya heard the words, then frowned and said, "Because Li Man is also a body that can be replaced."

"Are you sure" this time, but caused him to be alert.

Before he was ready, Long Tianyu tried his best to separate her pursuit of "Eternal Life", after all, it might involve "it".

But what I didn't expect was that this thing was like a dark cloud covering their heads, approaching step by step, they couldn't get rid of it.

If this is not a coincidence, it is someone who deliberately leads them step by step.

But who is this person, what is his purpose, and what is it

Lin Mengya did not know the worries in his heart, but just said the truth: "I had a physical examination for Li Man before, and her body also has the same traces of being modified by drugs, and this time it was taken away, that is, by drugs. part."

The reason why she didn't say it was because Li Man was already about to run out of the lamp.

Did not want to, the other party's method was so vicious.

Long Tianyu also felt that things were very strange.

Could it be said that even if it is a failure

Lin Mengyacha asked Li's family, saying that Li Man had lived in Li's family since childhood and rarely went outside.

So, how did she get transformed by drugs?

The husband and wife couldn't help but think of one place.

After looking at each other, she hurried out and greeted Bai Su and Cai Ru aloud.

"Quickly protect the children and children we rescued before, yes, and their parents"

I just didn't expect that the road from her yard to the big house where Li's family took a break was only a few tens of meters. When they arrived, something had happened there.

Li Ao has already taken people to chase, and the rest of Li's family members are still feeling terrified.

They never dreamed that the people who usually seem intimate with them would actually help those outsiders to deal with their own people.

Lin Mengya just came in,

Was keenly aware that the atmosphere here was somewhat wrong.

Fortunately, most of Li's family still trust her, but there are a few people who look at her with a little doubt.

"What's going on here"

She just arrived, and she didn't know what happened.

Fortunately, Li Wushuang didn't worry about his family, so he always took care of him in the big yard.

Saw her coming and immediately greeted her.

"Palace of the palace."

Lin Mengya had just asked him, but saw Li Wushuang gave her a wink.

Except the courtyard, Li Wushuang told her what happened just now.

It turned out that just half an hour ago, there was a woman who claimed to be sent by the palace owner, saying that she wanted to see the children and asked if they saw any suspicious people when they hid.

Although Li's family was blundering at that time, the other party was under her banner.

In addition to those people who worked before, it was indeed seen that this woman had entered and exited the yard where Lin Mengya was located, which allowed her to smoothly take away the children.

But when they were about to leave, they just happened to meet Cairu who sent someone in the past.

The woman saw her identity was broken, and wanted to take those children forcibly.

As a result, somehow in Li's family, there were more than a dozen traitors who took their children and left with their parents.

"So, Li family now thinks that I took them away"

Lin Meng Ya Ke is full of injustice.

According to her previous examination results, the drugs on Liman's body just relieved the symptoms of the genetic disease caused by their people.

But this genetic disease is brought from their birth.

If you want to achieve the best therapeutic effect, you must take medicine from an early age.

And the children of the parents who had been rescued before were outsiders, the symptoms of hereditary diseases were much lighter than the children of both family members.

Therefore, she roughly guessed why these people were desperately catching these children.

Is still a trick, it's really abominable

Li Wushuang shook his head, looking sad.

"Everyone doesn't think so, but who did it?"

He was in the room at that time, and rushed out until there was movement outside.

Therefore did not see the woman with the fake identity.

Lin Mengya thoughtfully.

"You said, those people who worked before saw them enter and leave our yard"

Li Wushuang nodded.

She narrowed her eyes, and she already had an answer in her mind.

"You go back first, save the child, give it to me first."

In the entire Lijiazhuang, the people brought by Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu searched for those who had fled before.

She called Cairu, and after instructing herself to do a few things, she returned to Long Tianyu.

At this time, he also knew the ins and outs.

But, besides worrying about the safety of those children, he cares about another thing.

What does it mean this time?

"Yu, do you remember the girl named Binu"

Long Tianyu ’s first reaction was that his wife was looking for a future account

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

"She has a relationship with those people"

"Well, I doubt it that way."

Originally, the people she brought, except Bai Su and Cairu, were counted by Li's family several times.

Outside of, the remaining few were sent over by Song Jian, the four women who separated her from Yu.

Among them, the one named Binu is particularly prominent.

And the balm that caused adverse reactions to both Yu and Qinghu was also brought by Binu

"If it is really her, then the elder will be related to Song Jian, I am afraid it is also related to it." He whispered.

Lin Mengya frowned unconsciously.

"If this is really the case, then the entire ancient tribe is afraid that it will be dangerous."

Recently, a series of movements of the Presbyterian Church puzzled her.

If there is really the manipulation behind "it", then everything will make sense.

The search outside continues.

Although Li Ao, a native Li family, was a guide, they knew nothing about it.

"Young Master, this is not the way to find it"

Liao looked at Lin Zi not far away.

They have searched for three hours, and now it will be dark soon.

They had a brief encounter with those people before.

As a result, he lost several brothers in vain.

Fortunately, there were people from Gongya and the lord who came to reinforce them, otherwise, they were afraid that the damage would be more serious.

Eyes were cold, he pressed his lips tightly and tried to restrain the anxiety in his heart.

Li family can no longer have an accident

Otherwise, when the hearts of the people are gone, the Li family will lose the qualification to come back

"You hold on, I go to the ancestral hall."

"it is good."

Hearing this, the brothers nodded slightly.

Lin Mengya, who was also waiting for the news, was sent by Li Ao just at night and invited to the ancestral hall.

The front yard is a mess.

Those li family members were imprisoned here, and they spent those desperate days diligently.

Now, this once solemn and sacred place has become a nightmare for Li's family.

She walked slowly to the backyard.

The potholes have stabilized a lot, and there will be no more sudden collapse.

Outside of the huge shadow, Li Ao was long standing, and his back appeared lonely.

Hearing the movement behind him, he turned around and watched her nod.

"Master Gong, you are here."


I don't know why, Lin Mengya always feels that today's arrogance looks more different than usual.

Xu is because of what happened recently, let him have some changes in his mood.

Is no wonder, if thinking empathically, she must be the same.

Said hello, Li Ao turned around and stared at the pothole.

Lin Mengya didn't think he wanted to go down, but was just curious, why he chose to be here, and asked himself to come here.

"Palace, do you know why my Li's ancestral hall was built so empty"

She looked around.

To be honest, she has seen a lot of ancestral homes and temples.

Take their own.

Is at least solemn, simple and simple.

The ancestral hall of the Keli family, although it covers a large area, the house is too concentrated.

The remaining large open space, I do n’t know what it is for.

She shook her head.

But Li Ao did not look at her, but continued to stare at the hole, as if trying to see through the layers of darkness.

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