Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2494: Summon Jade Dolphin

Liao's expression is a little complicated.

Lin Mengya only when he was stressed, patted his shoulder gently, Quan Quan comfort.

"This thing can't blame you, they can't run far."

Ke Liao just turned his head and looked at her fixedly.

"Master Gong, actually my father told me the day I left."

She subconsciously felt that Li Ao was definitely talking about their secrets, and there was no temptation to snoop, but Li Ao seemed to be suffocated and grabbed her wrist with her backhand.

"He said that our Li family hid a big secret. But no matter whether it was him or my grandfather's life, there was no such opportunity to confirm. Now, the Li family is finally at the juncture of life and death, I can't watch the clan die!" "

Lin Mengya screamed secretly.

Liao's situation is obviously something wrong!

Don't worry about his big secrets, this man wouldn't go crazy at this critical point?

In order to be safe, she can only drag people out indifferently.

"Of course not. Let's go find someone now. May I let them go with you?"

Can be proud of nothing.

However, he let go of Lin Mengya's hand and his face was determined.

"I am going to go, but before that, I have to do one thing."

This tone is clearly to be a demon!

Lin Mengya couldn't care about the others, and immediately shouted, "Come here, take Li Gongzi out!"

But the guy's movements are much faster than hers.

She only saw a flash of silver light, and then, she smeared bright red and fell on Liao's strong arm.

"Liao! You can't be crazy!"

This guy, why is it hanging at this time?

Lin Mengya's heart tightened, and she couldn't care about others to save her.

When Li Ao's blood flowed into the big pit, an extremely subtle voice came from inside.

However, no one found.

Lin Mengya grabbed Li Ao's arm and pressed his wound.

"Good, what are you doing?"

She knew he was under a lot of pressure.

But is it useful for those who seek death? It's better to keep this life and try to make up for it.

"Palace Master you misunderstood"

Li Ao tried to explain with some laughter, but he couldn't make up for Lin Mengya's big eyes.

"I misunderstood you? Why is it so uncomfortable for such a big person? Besides, if you die, what should the rest of the Li family do?"

Faced with her doubts, Li Ao opened his mouth without explaining.

Let her wrap her arms, but her eyes turned around in the pit.

A look of disappointment climbed into his eyes.

After such a moment, Lin Mengya has simply stopped his blood from the wound.

"You can be deep enough this time, even if you are lucky enough to meet me, otherwise, your little life will be gone!"

She blamed a little angry.

No matter what, you shouldn't joke about life.

But Li Ao always looked at the big pit, and it seemed that he didn't care about his safety at all.

Lin Mengya was really angry with his careless attitude, and his green fingers pricked his forehead twice.

At this time, her keen sense of hearing captured some unusual sounds.

"Have you heard anything?" She asked in a low voice.


Looked a little puzzled, but shook his head honestly.


"No, that sounds like--"

She pointed to the pothole and said in surprise: "It seems to be coming from here!"

In an instant, Li Ao seemed to be crazy, shook her hand away, and ran to the edge of the pot in two steps.

"I knew that my father would never lie to me!"

With his excited voice, the next moment, a lot of small things resembling a mouse suddenly climbed into the pothole.

It was the sound of small things "squeaky", all of them were very fat, their ears were round and big, and they didn't feel like a mouse.

In the air, there were mysterious fragrances, and the little things circled around her and Liao one after another.

After a while, he crawled out of it and there were small things about half a piglet in size.

It should be the boss of these little things.

The gray fur wraps the fat little body. The whole looks like a large chinchilla!

"This, is this your family?"

Lin Mengya stared closely at the large chinchilla, the little thing twisted and twisted, and it made her rat's heart stunned.

Although there is a similar one in her family, she is not as big as her body, and there is not much meat on her body, and Mao does not seem to be soft.

Liao is stupid.

He watched the little things swaying in front of him, and then his hands and feet simply climbed up to his shoulders.

Lin Mengya swears that he definitely saw Li Ao's body shaking.

Then carried the shoulder of the Totoro, and was lowered a little.

It seems that this little guy should not just have thick hair.

Outside the door, the group of people who heard her voice come in were also stupid.

The hairy and fragrant Totoro army, no one can resist it?

"Well, can you-introduce me?"

What she actually wanted to say more was whether she could borrow her.

Fortunately, braking in time, this did not collapse in front of Li Ao.

The main house of the palace, the lady of the temple, is actually a furry and fat toot.

If this is known, how will she mix up later?

But it is clear that Li Ao is also outside the situation.

If it wasn't the warm touch on his shoulders, he had been making him recognize it clearly, he must have thought that he might still be in his dreams?

"This is the biggest secret of our Li family."

Liao turned his head, wherever he touched, it was a warm blue-grey fluff.

Touched it unconsciously, and the soft touch immediately removed most of the haze in his heart.

There are rats who do n’t go together, is it okay to eat a single food?

Lin Mengya barely concealed her jealousy, crouched down, and gently touched a little cutie under her feet.

"do not--"

Li Ao was too late to stop, and saw the little cutie that was not yet half her palm size, and actually cleverly climbed into her hand.

Suddenly swallowed the warning back to his stomach.

Although you can't touch the big ones, the small ones are also very popular!

She should still be a cub. The brown fluff on her body has not completely faded away. The small ball is not afraid of life at all.

Lin Mengya, who can be stunned, is obviously in a great mood.

It is Liao that feels very wonderful.

"Listen to my father, these" Jade Dolphins "should be very fierce to others besides our Li family."

Jade dolphin?

Lin Mengya heard the correct names of these little cuties and couldn't help smiling and bent her eyes.

Dolphin, which means pig.

She glanced at Liao's shoulder and nodded secretly in her heart.

Not to mention, it really makes sense.

As soon as they finished speaking, someone over there exclaimed.

"Oh, this thing, so fierce!"

It turned out that some people saw these jade dolphins so cute and couldn't help but want to get closer.

The result was almost torn by Jade Dolphin's sharp little claws.

Liao immediately warned everyone not to despise them.

Afterwards, he dipped the blood left over from his fingers and fed it to the jade king on his shoulder.


Jade Dolphin King made a very excited sound.

Afterwards, all the jade dolphins spread out as if they had received the order.

Lin Mengya didn't keep the cute little teasing in his palm.

These little guys are very well trained!

"Oh, what is the origin of this jade dolphin and your Li family? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

At this time, Lin Mengya was too stupid to guess that the abnormalities of Li Ao before should be to find these jade dolphins.

Li Ao used his hands slightly to move Jade King from his shoulder to his arms.

At this time, the jade king is very compliant, but with sharp teeth and claws, you can see at a glance that it is not ordinary.

Lin Mengya can only press his own itchy heart, this jade dolphin king, the hand must be very good.

"Does the Palace Master remember our Li family's emblem?"

Li Ao carefully supported the Jade Dolphin King and explained to Lin Mengya the origin of these small things and their Li family.

Lin Mengya remembers it.

Although the family emblem of the Li family has been changed, it is vaguely recognizable, what is the shape of an animal.

It was just that she hadn't paid attention before.

"Isn't that the image on your national emblem that is it?"

Liao nodded.

"Yes, our emblem is also known as the jade dolphin emblem. I heard from my father that this emblem was determined when the Li family first existed. He also said that the jade dolphin will guard us because this is the last thing our ancestors left us Life-saving method. "

"Your Li family has existed for at least a few hundred years, right?"

Lin Mengya is a little unbelievable.

But Liao shook his head and told her.

"It has been recorded for more than 500 years, but I heard the old man in the clan say that the ancestor more than 500 years ago moved our Li family from elsewhere. So, apart from this emblem and jade With the exception of dolphins, the records of the Li family more than 500 years ago have been lost. "

In his tone, a little regret.

But Lin Mengya felt incredible.

Li family has been raising a Totoro for more than 500 years?

Under the ground, aren't all furry little cute?

But obviously, Li Ao's idea did not grow so much as she did.

"It's just that our ancestors said that if the jade dolphins were called out, the fate of our Li family would change."

He lowered his head and gently stroked the little guy in his hand.

"Although I don't know if it's good or bad, if the palace is gone, what's the use of keeping these things?"

Lin Mengya didn't know what to say.

Has been cultivating underground for more than 500 years, and she really wants to see something.

But now, she obviously has more important things to deal with.

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