Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2495: Jade dolphins

"But, what's the use of calling this jade dolphin now?"

In fact, she has guessed some answers vaguely, but Liao still needs to confirm.

The man held the heavy jade porpoise king in his hands and said in a straight voice: "My ethnic records have recorded that jade porpoise is one of the important credentials used by the Li family to pass messages and lack identity. My father also said If one day the family members of Li Family had to be scattered in various places, they could call out Jade Dolphins to find their loved ones scattered around. "

So exaggerated?

Lin Mengya poked out her finger and wanted to touch the lovely jade king, but this time she was not disadvantaged in the small pet circle, but was hit hard.


Jade King Dolphin issued a sharp voice to warn her that even a sharp large die was exposed.

Fortunately, her hand is fast, or she will have to hang up.

"True fierce!"

She stood aside unwillingly, envying and jealously staring Li Ao with the jade king in his arms.

Isn't it just a fluffy meat ball?

Liao feels a little funny, but fortunately he didn't dare to really laugh, but just consciously hugged the jade dolphin more tightly.

One is the jade porpoise king who can be called the ancestor level, and the other is his strongest reinforcement.

If the two of them don't agree, the headache is probably their own.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya was not stingy, and instead thought of another problem.

"It seems that your father and those relatives may not be dead."

Heard the words, Li Ao touched the back of Jade King.

"I just guessed that before I left, my father told me how to recall the jade porpoise. The location should be in the pothole."

So, after the grief, he realized that the jade porpoise did not appear, plus the same missing six sons actually appeared again.

This gave him a bolder guess.

Perhaps, my father and those uncles were not dead or even trapped in the pothole.

As for why they did not show up, I am afraid there are some special reasons.

Moreover, the jade porpoise has a special meaning for the Li family.

It's just that this is the secret of their Li family. It can't be told to anyone without the permission of the owner.

She nodded.

"So it turns out, then we can follow the jade dolphins, can't we find those children?"

Liao nodded.

During the conversation between the two, a scream of scream suddenly came from outside.

"It is Musou!"

Lin Mengya immediately ran out.

Outside the ancestral hall, Li Wushuang wailed and hid behind Bai Su, trembling, and a small face was bloodless.

"You, don't come over!"

On the opposite side of Bai Su, the gray jade dolphin, which has always been the size of the palm, is holding his two pink and tender small claws, looking at the human in front of him curiously.

That look is so cute.

"Sister is not, Wushuang brother, what's wrong with you?"

Liao asked with some worry.

Who knew he didn't show up, Li Wushuang still had the energy to jump on his feet. Now when he saw the "fatty" giant jade dolphin king in his arms, he instantly collapsed on the ground as soon as his legs and feet were soft.

"Old, mouse!"

Li Mushuang could not help Lao tears.

It was the little jade porpoise who had “faced off” with him before. He looked at the right moment, and immediately burrowed into his clothes. He came to his chest in an instant, and even rubbed his chest with his head like an intimate one


Li Wushuang rolled his eyes, let him die!

In this way, it is obvious that it is too frightening.

I don't know who was the first to laugh out loud, then everyone seemed to be unable to hold back anymore, and the laughter after laughter became one piece after another.

Bai Su kicked him with some helplessness.

"Hurry up, don't be ashamed!"

He Li Wushuang feels that all three souls and six souls have passed the ghost gate now.

What he was most afraid of was such dirty mice and the like.

Just now, the ghost thing actually got into his clothes.

Might as well let him die!

Obviously, Li Wushuang was hit too hard this time, and I will be there for a while, I am afraid it will not be overwhelmed.

Lin Mengya's heart was balanced.

Although she doesn't have it, some people may not be able to withstand it?

Walked to Li Wushuang's side, she squatted down and looked at the little jade dolphin lying on his chest.

Fortunately, this one did not resist her like Jade King.

"Okay, this little thing is not dirty at all, you smell it, it still has a scent on it! In the future, you will save even the sachet."

Li Wushuang wants to cry without tears.

"Master Gong, please don't make fun of me. The mouse is the mouse, how can there be any fragrance?"

Lin Mengya picked up the little thing, deliberately placed it in front of Li Wushuang.

"Did you know it if you smelled it?"

Li Wushuang is desperately desperate, but Lin Mengya's playfulness is so big that Bai Su can hold him.

Finally, the unparalleled beauty of Wushuang's fate, actually turned his head and fell to the ground.

"Master, don't embarrass him."

Bai Su distressed him in the end and whispered pleadingly.

Lin Mengya can only shake her head and sigh, really in the blessing without knowing the blessing.

Try to hand Jade Dolphin to Bai Su.

Although the little things are struggling, it is probably because Bai Su has been in contact with Li Wushuang for a long time, and his body is contaminated with Li Wushuang's breath, so he has not actively attacked.

"You will ask Cairu to find a suitable cloth bag to settle down in a while, I heard Li Ao say, this is a baby."


Bai Su agreed happily, and dragged away his useless lover.

On the other side, some unsuspecting Li family rushed to the ancestral hall with questions.

Except for extremely rare people, such as Li Wushuang who feel terrible, many people only find it strange, and the jade dolphins are so cute that they feel very cute.

Especially a few children in the family, they are all favored by jade dolphins.

Only for a while, the children and the cubs have got along well and become good friends.

Li Ao's complexion became serious, hugging the Jade King, and explained to the tribe.

After hearing that this was the treasure that the ancestors passed on to them, everyone showed a relief expression.

Frankly speaking, after these things, they can't guarantee that they will maintain a bashful attitude towards some abnormal things.

Although this little jade dolphin seems useless, it always gives them a little spiritual sustenance.

Especially after hearing that these little things can actually find their clan, everyone's perception of Jade Dolphin is better.

Lin Mengya stood aside, not acquainted with the private affairs of others.

She always has a feeling that the Li family after finding the Jade Dolphin may get rid of the predicament because of it.

She returned to Long Tianyu and told him what happened to Li's family.

"This Li family is really unusual."

When Lin Mengya heard it, she immediately asked, "You already knew?"

He shook his head and thought for a moment, "Master told me that Li's family has an extraordinary history, and some things may not even be known even by the ancient Presbyterian Church."

Therefore, he would make friends with Li Jia in private, and tried his best to facilitate this trip to Li Jia.

Now it seems that the Li family really has something wrong.

"Master, that person is really mysterious. I think he knows more than we do."

Lin Mengya sincerely sighed.

I heard Long Tianyu telling her teacher that Yu ’s master traveled around the country when he was young.

Want to come now, people who can do this are already extraordinary.

Not to mention, he can maintain the balance of the temple in the storm.

From this point of view, Master is not an ordinary person.


Long Tianyu didn't worry much about this issue, and outside, the news soon came.

Jade King Dolphin is very extraordinary.

Li Ao did not know how to communicate with Jade King, but actually got the general orientation of those people.

For this, Lin Mengya is quite experienced.

There is also such a connection between her and the shepherd beast.

Liao took people to chase, saying that those people were going deep into the ancient clan gathering place.

She looked at the shadows of the mountains in the distance and asked quite a bit: "They don't want to escape, but they want to go deeper?"

Long Tianyu said: "The Li family has faded out the disputes of the ancient tribes. Running outside is not as safe as running inside."

"You mean, someone is responding to them?"

He thinks for a moment.

"Hard to say."

The internal disputes among the ancient people are really complicated. They outsiders can only understand a rough idea.

Is just a matter, as the couple guessed.

The six sons took those people and drilled into the jungle.

And after a long night of running around, they finally came to the tipping point of the Li family and other family territories.

"Quick! As long as you cross this forest, someone will meet us!"

He broke an arm, and his face was more obscure than before.

Damn old master dog!

When he returns to the Presbyterian Church, he must let the elders send troops and let the Li family kill as much as possible!

Followed by the men who did not hesitate at all, a person carrying a child or an adult, but walking vigorously, much better than his state.

But they didn't find out, just under their feet, a few gray figures, had already secretly followed them.

Li Ao also led people into the forest.

With the Jade Dolphin King pointing out their direction, they no longer turn around like headless flies.

The deeper, the more cautious Li Li's complexion.

He knew that after this forest, he was the territory of another family.

The family has always been in disagreement with Li's family. For many years, because of territory ownership and resource problems, they have been in friction with Li's family.

If they were really escaped by them, it would be difficult for them to try to chase them back.

In case of disturbing the people in that family, I am afraid that things will become more complicated.

Dawn is approaching, Liu Gongzi narrowed his eyes, and vaguely saw the mottled fire outside the forest, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Is finally going to escape!

Li family, wait to bear his monstrous anger!

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