"Four lords, there seems to be some movement in the forest"

Outside Lin Zi, more than twenty heavily armed men fixed their eyes on Lin Zi.

The four masters headed by are also dignified, but they cannot conceal the faint excitement in his eyes.

Their Gan family and Li family, although they are close neighbors, are world feuds.

As soon as he thought of what the owner told him, Master Gansi couldn't help but want to laugh three times.

The dog mongrels of the Li family should have been expelled from the ancient tribe

"Let's go with me to meet Liu Gongzi"

Twenty people are the elite of the Gan family, more than enough to take care of it.

The movement inside is getting closer and closer, they are also indistinct, can see the figure flashing inside.

Grandpa Gan quickly walked over, but the flattering smile on his face, but at the next moment, solidified in the corner of his mouth.

"How are you"

, Li Ao also wanted to ask.

He took the Jade Dolphin King along with the clan, and saw that Lin Zi was about to reach the boundary of the Gan Family, but he didn't want the Jade Dolphin King but turned around and ran back.

He was afraid that there would be a leaky fish, so he divided the people he brought into two ways.

Followed him all the way and continued to follow Lin Zi, the other way, he followed the whereabouts of Jade King.

Did not want to, but actually met the Gan family.

He panicked, thinking that the other party had successfully joined with Liu Gongzi, so he united together to deal with his own.

Silently put on a defensive posture, and the atmosphere on both sides was triggered at once.

Lord Gan Si narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "Li Family Young Master, you have time to reflect at home. Instead, you ran to my Gan family site to cause trouble. Why, your grown-up acquiesced Are you so pretentious? "

Liao understands that the other party is a bad comer and deliberately finds faults.

At the moment, it just responded stiffly: "The agreement between the Li family and the Gan family, as long as this piece of wood, is not a step into the boundary of your Gan family. Lord Gan, the juniors have not violated the agreement between our two families. . "

"Hum, you are clearly impure, if it is not for me and my people here, I am afraid that your family will invade our Gan family again"

"Grandpa Gan, you are an elder, and you can speak empirically."

Liao was also provoked, and confronted the other party with impunity.

Grandfather Gan's anxiety about the six sons, for fear that because of these Li's little kings and eight lambs, the big things will be delayed.

Glared coldly at them, killing heart.

"In any case, since it is your Li family that broke the contract first, I want to teach you parents today and give you a good lesson"

Liao is not a good bully.

With a long sword in his hand, he decided to say: "Senior Gan, if you insist on doing this, then blame the juniors for being rude."

Both sides were about to fight, and at this moment, only saw many figures in the forest.

In an instant, those twenty people of the Gan family were surrounded by those people.

Four Lord Gan was instantly awake a lot.

Ke hated Li Ao even deeper.

The little boy actually counted him

Li Ao was a little dazed at first.

However, he quickly recognized that the other party was the person brought by Gongya and the main hall.

Was too late to think about why they appeared here. On the other side, Lord Gan Si quietly wanted to quit Lin Zi.

"Let them go."

Eventually, Li Ao shook his head and let the people go.

Not long after, Lin Mengya and Qinghu came out.

Liao was a little surprised, received the sword, and asked two

Why are people here.

Qinghu disdainfully laughed and said, "It's up to you, where can I get rid of these difficult ghosts"

Lin Mengya glared at Qinghu, stopping the output of his mouth gun.

"I'm afraid they will use tricks, so I brought someone to help you."

Liao was not so careful, but he was a little disappointed.

"He was right, I was really useless, or let the six sons run away"

He punched the tree trunk beside him, venting his guilt and unwillingness.

Is almost a bit

If he didn't look forward and back like that, he would call out the jade porpoise earlier, so that he could protect his people.

He really disappointed his father's expectations and entrustment, and he was not a qualified young master.

Lin Mengya smiled Yan Yan.

"You mean, do they?"

As soon as her words fell, someone took a few light pigs who were bound to be slaughtered and threw them in front of them.

Liao's eyes widened.

"This, this is not how you did it"

Couldn't help but be surprised.

It must be known that he and his family are familiar with this forest, and they used full efforts to track it.

Ke Linmengya, how did they catch people?

"It's very simple. The people I brought, the martial arts are extraordinary, of course, the speed is faster than you."

She didn't speak the truth, and also installed a 13 by the way.

Is not that she did not say that the main reason why they can take a short cut is because they were not familiar with the situation in the forest when they were tracking up the mountain, so they strayed into one of the underground caves that had been hidden for unknown years.

Know that the Li family has kept jade dolphins in the ground for 500 years.

Guang is the home of the Li family. The jade porpoise must have been hollowed out below.

Therefore, under the forest near Li's house, the underground caves are in all directions.

If ordinary people get in by mistake, I ’m afraid I ’m exhausted and I ca n’t find directions.

And they are different.

Under Lin Mengya's sense of direction that was different from ordinary people, they hurried in front of Li Ao and intercepted the group of Liu Gongzi in advance.

If you do n’t want to say anything, there are some things that do n’t end up, and you do n’t know what you can do.

For example, Li Jia has engaged in underground aquaculture for more than 500 years.

Look, is n’t it useful?

The children and their parents were saved.

Under the **** of Lin Mengya and Li's family, everyone returned to Li's home in peace.

"Master Gong." Liao lowered his head and thanked her sincerely: "If it weren't for you, I'm just afraid that my people would be in danger. You have helped us so much, I don't know how to thank you."

Lin Mengya said generously: "Aren't we friends? Before friends, don't need to say these outliers."

Is just in her heart, but her little abacus crackled.

This time, the entire Li family will become a solid base for her in the ancient tribe.

Although the process is a bit tortuous, but I can find a big helper who can safely hand over the back, this transaction is not a loss

Liao's mood is very complicated.

Especially sincerely respected the eyes of the woman next to him.

This person looks steady, but in fact, he is also a little young.

For example, the man he admired more in the past was the temple master.

Even if my father asked Li Wushuang to ask her for help, in fact, he secretly hoped for His Highness's help.

But now it seems that he was wrong.

Is of great ability, but the woman in front of him is not bad.

For a time, I felt a lot of emotion.

It was Lin Mengya ’s emotions that were not as complicated as his, so he asked, "The one who was in conflict with you before"

"It's the Gan family." Li Ao added.

She nodded and continued, "Yes, that's the Gan family. You just let him go, so you're not afraid that he will make a small report with the elders when he returns"

Liao proudly smiled and sighed.

"Ah, I'm afraid, I'm not afraid, but there are too many conflicts between Li's family and Gan's family. The current situation of Li's family is not suitable for head-on conflict with Gan's family."

This is true.

With these old, weak and sick people of the Li family, I am afraid that the Gan family will come over and they will not be able to stop them for a day.

"What about the elders?" She asked.

The other party will definitely not appear there for no reason.

The answer is naturally related to Liu Gongzi.

Liao's expression sank, and the words were already sharp.

"They still have faces. Those elders from whom I have asked people to come from the Xia clan family. They treat me like this today, so that their family will be affected by such a disaster tomorrow."

In addition, all the non-human tortures that my Li family experienced have been recorded in every detail. Now the six sons are in my hands, and the certified physical evidence is all there. I ’m going to see how this elders ’meeting can make my family harder.”

This trick is really high.

Lin Mengya nodded, greatly appreciated.

How to say, don't bully honest people.

The rabbit is anxious and kicks the eagle, not to mention that Li's family has never been a persimmon to let others learn.

Thinking for a while, she whispered again.

"There is also a matter of divination, it is better for the younger family head to mention it together."

"Why is this?" Li Ao didn't understand.

She smirked tightly.

"Bu people are a scar of the upper chords. Since those elders from the lower chords want to fight with those people, you have to grind the knives for them."

Li Ao suddenly understood, but he was worried.

"But this is not the same as uncovering other people's scars, Huo Ye, I'm afraid I won't agree"

"How can I tell you the truth, this time Lord Huo came not only to bring people to support us, he even brought some tokens that can prove the origins of those bu people."

With these things, I want to look at those, where to put the face of a **** who dismantles the family's appearance to put aside. "

Speaking, Huo Xiao they all hated the elders of the upper-string clan.

Is even more eager to have such an opportunity to disgust them.

It would be better if they made them feel sleepless at night.

Large rock fell to the ground, and Li Ao also had a good deal in mind.

"Well, the Palace Master please rest assured, I will definitely help those people and get justice."

Lin Mengya shook her head with a smile.

"It ’s okay to get justice. If you do n’t revenge, you have nothing to do with it."

Those people owe these "bu people", not just a place, but more importantly, they have taken away the chance of reunion.

How much blood has passed, Huo Xiao they can look forward to today.

This must be paid by someone.

After discussing these matters, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu received an invitation from Li Ao at the same time.

And this time, they were to take out the news they wanted to know from Liu Gongzi's mouth.

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