Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2497: Human pain

Goodbye Liu Gongzi, this man's situation is much more miserable than before.

Li's family was suffocated enough by Song Jian, but now he is dead, but the six sons are still alive and even trying to abduct those children.

Although Li Ao handled it and took care of the people, some people wanted to kill Liu Gongzi under the anger of the group.

When they arrived, there was already a mess.

"What are you doing?"

Liao quickly walked over.

Upon looking at it, I found out that it was a few young generations who took the lead in making trouble.

"The young master is here!"

The people in charge of interception are also miserable.

They also wished to kill the guy inside with a stick. But the young master gave an order, and no one was allowed to enter until he returned.

Are all of the same race, and they feel the same.

Has a dilemma for a while, and his heart is really anxious.

Liao nodded and looked at the young men with severe eyes.

"Not good self-cultivation, why are you here?"

Those people, you look at me, I look at him, and finally under pressure, indignant questioning.

"Young Master, he killed Xiaoman! He **** it!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"Kill him and avenge Xiaoman!"

The death of Li Man is a scar on the heart of all Li family.

Liao sighed quietly in his heart, his tone could not help but eased a lot.

"He owes a life to Xiaoman, I will definitely let him pay it back, but not now."

What he said as a young family head still weighs a lot.

Lin Mengya had no intention to blend in with others' family affairs, but her eyes were thieves, and she saw the lonely Ji Fang village hiding behind the crowd.

She walked over and saw the man crouched down and hugged her head tightly.

Originally, he should be the most excited and sad, but now, he is like a fish thrown ashore, quietly desperately suppressing the hate and impulse in his heart.

She crouched down and patted his shoulder gently.

Jifang Village raised his head.

A dark face, eyes red and swollen, whitening of lip bites.

"The palace, the head of the palace"

"I will persuade Liao to leave you to your disposal."

She can only do so much.

Ji Fangcun shook his head with a wry smile.

"Even if he slashed him, Xiaoman couldn't come back."

Mentioned his beloved wife, his sad and affectionate, sour her inexplicable eyes.

He was right.

The deceased is dead, even if it is a hand-to-hand, how about three feet of blood?

After all, it just made the living breath out.

"Master Gong, I will not do stupid things."

When he said this, Lin Mengya only saw the sadness in his eyes.

"I will raise Xiaobao up, he is the only bloodline between me and Xiaoman, as long as he is alive, it means that part of Xiaoman is still alive."


Is also a way.

Young couples are deeply affectionate, if this will enable Ji Fangcun to have more motivation to live, it is not necessary.

"Alright, if you don't want to see Wusi people every day, I can introduce you to Sitai College."

In fact, she also mentioned this to Li Ao before.

Now the Li family is afraid that it will no longer be safe.

Fortunately, as long as you have a good body, you can continue fighting with those people


But the children are much more troublesome.

Moreover, they are likely to be the targets of the Presbyterian attack.

Therefore, she proposed to let Li's children go to school in the college.

First came to avoid the limelight, and secondly, Sitai College's education level far exceeded that of Li's ethnology.

Be able to study well in a relatively stable environment. For the children of Li family, it is indeed a good thing.

Ji Fangcun wiped his face indiscriminately, nodded and agreed.

"Give you Xiaobao, I can rest assured."

Lin Mengya asked, "What do you mean by that? Are you not going to accompany Xiaobao?"

Ji Fangcun didn't answer her positively, just whispered: "I'm a useless waste. I can't protect my children nor my wife. The palace owner, Xiaobao, though naughty, is a smart child. I hope he can become a talent, as long as he grows up safely. "

How can I hear this more and more wrong?

When Lin Mengya wanted to grab him and continue to ask, Liao happened to be calling her over there.

"Hey, you"

Ji Fangcun disappeared quickly in front of her.

Lin Mengya looked at his direction away and shook his head gently.

It doesn't matter, when the matter of Liu Gongzi is over, she goes to Ji Fangcun to ask a question.

Six sons were kept in a small fire room.

The ropes on his body were almost dense enough to be woven into a suit, and the most powerful thing was that the knots cleverly cleverly tied his limbs to an angle that could not exert force.

Qinghu was sitting gracefully in a chair, watching her coming, and raised her eyebrows.

"How? Has he recruited?" She asked.

In the question of interrogating prisoners, I am afraid that a few hundred arrogance is not as good as a Qinghu professional.

Of course, Qinghu is not just torture.

The most important question is to defeat the opponent's psychological defense.

Some people are afraid of beating, and some people will not say even if they are killed.

Obviously, Liu Gongzi belongs to the latter.

"The mouth is still stiff, but I always have a way to let him speak."

Qinghu said an understatement, but several Li family members who were in charge of helping around quietly changed their faces.

This master's method is terrible!

They swear in their hearts that they will never do bad things in the future, and even if they do, they should never fall into this hand.

Lin Mengya did not show a disappointed look.

She walked to Liu Gongzi's side.

Half of Liu Gongzi's face is now bloody.

But those eyes are still like a beast, exuding a thick **** murder.

His mouth was tightly shut, and he could only scream in his throat.

She suddenly bent the corner of her mouth and smiled.

"Six sons, hey, do you think we have no way to take you?"

Although the other party did not speak, she could see it.

The movement outside can be heard clearly inside.

For this kind of heartless pervert, what he likes most to see is the appearance of these people, like a mouse.

What if he killed them?

As long as he does not speak, they are not afraid to kill him!

This feeling of overriding everyone is enough for him to survive all torture.

"But you know, I have a habit. As long as I want to know, even if you chew and press on my heart, I can dig it out for you."

The other party gave her a provocative look.

"Do not believe? Then we can try it."

Liu Gongzi looked at her with disdain, but was not afraid of her so-called means.

Lin Mengya still had a faint smile, and casually commanded: "Hang him in the cellar, and eat and drink at night. No one is allowed to say a word to him, nor to hear anything."

Liu Gongzi didn't take it for granted, but Qinghu showed a somewhat positive expression.

Liao proudly frowned when he was pulled away.

"Does this really work?"

Qinghu sneered, "The most feared thing about people like him is that no one cares about it. Rest assured, letting him dry for a few days, he certainly can't stand it."

People who always want to be the focus of everyone, how can they endure loneliness?

Liao feels a little tricky.

"But we can't afford the time, what if my father is waiting for us to save?"

Lin Mengya asked him.

"Jade Dolphin King is in your hands, have they gone to your father?"

Li shook his head proudly.

"No, I took the Jade Dolphin King around Li's house and did not see my father."

"So, now Li's old owner should not be in Li's territory anymore."


Liao is incredible.

"How is this possible? But my people didn't find my father's trace at the intersection."

Heard the words, she pointed to the underground.

"The road on the ground, they did not go, but underground, but there are countless roads."

Liao was stunned, random, and there was a burst of ecstasy in his eyes.

"Yes! Now it seems that the entrance of the jade dolphin's lair should be in the backyard of the ancestral hall."

Although the reason for the appearance of the pit was unknown, she asked people to find it, and indeed found several holes that could lead to the Jade Dolphin's underground kingdom.

But it is too big inside, and there are no laws at all.

Even if she was a good hand to distinguish the direction, she had to get lost after entering.

But Li's family is different.

What's more, the former owner of Li's family also personally mentioned the matter of Li Aoyu.

Wanted to come, it was already such a plan.

It's just that they finally escaped, why didn't they come back, but went away?

She thought the answer to this question would only be known to the Li family head.

Although there is no conclusive evidence, Li Ao feels that Dashi has fallen to the ground.

Although the six sons didn't speak, he still had friends.

Those people don't have that kind of perverted strength, and can't bear the means of Qinghu, especially the evil taste of Qinghu, and let them come one by one, to "visit his interrogation of Liu Gongzi."

After watching those people, one by one, they became as if they were sentenced to death.

Hasn't waited for the trial, so he said everything he knew.

But Lin Mengya and Li Ao were surprised that these people were not sent by the elders.

But was hired by the family of Heaven and Man in order to transport the child to a certain place before grabbing the child.

And the most frightening thing is that their sale started as early as five or six years ago.

Roughly calculated, there are only a few children who have been handled by these people.

However, Li Ao knew nothing about such a big thing.

"Have you not lost your child before Li Family?" She asked after reading the confession.

Li Ao just wanted to nod, but hesitated.

"What did you think of?"

"Although the children of our own family have not been lost, but every few years, we have to send a few children to the Tianren family to learn art."

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