Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2519: Heavy rain

Concealed the cold intention in his heart, and followed his wife intently.

These days she has no way to take a bath, especially in the recent two nights, she has to stay awake almost all the time so as not to become the next victim.

Apart from exhaustion, she was too dirty to look directly.

As soon as she filled her stomach, she hurried into the warm tub.


She could not help but express heartfelt admiration.

Why didn't she think that it was really comfortable for a wife to take a bath

"Right, guess what I saw before I came out"

She lay on the bath tub and told Long Tianyu what she saw and heard with a sound that only two people could hear.

The latter's eyes were gentle, pushing the wheelchair over and rubbing her sore shoulders.

"I don't know."

"I saw that Mr. Gan Family 2 had a strange flower in the house."


"Mm" Lin Mengya nodded.

Until now, she has not recovered from the shock.

"Before they released me, it happened that they also released a young man who had entered before. I also saw it a little bit by coincidence, the thing looked like some kind of vine, and climbed A whole wall. But there are branches, and I do n’t know what is going on. Anyway, it ’s strange. "

They covered too tightly.

To the extent that she is not systematic, she can return to the pictures she has deliberately recorded countless times, and I am afraid that she cannot see it.

In spite of this, she could only give a rough description.

"It turned out to be the case, this world is really nothing strange."

Long Tianyu's voice was as calm as ever, but his eyes exuded a little bit of complex meaning.

"That is to say, but we have seen a lot of weird plants before, and the flowers and grass that can be grown in the house are not rare, that is"

Her words stopped involuntarily.

After thinking hard for a while, she concluded with a lighter voice, "That's what I always think is that the flowers are not very good."

Yu's deep laughter came, and her big hand turned to gently rubbing her long hair.

"It's just a flower, and you can distinguish between good and bad. I don't know. My wife actually has the craftsmanship of a gardener. That being the case, afterwards, let her wife take care of the garden. He also raised a sum of money for Huofu, so that he could become a private house. "

The serious and serious atmosphere can be destroyed by this guy's sentence or two.

Lin Mengya turned her head away, dissatisfied with her long hair, and glared at each other.

"It's bad for you, and now you dare to hide the money from the private house, let's talk about it, how much is hidden"

Long Tianyu smiled, so it was difficult to count the slender fingers.

"Not many now, mainly because my wife is very strict, and I have no big expenses."


Lin Mengya glanced at the other party.

"Where do I have the patience you said, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful with me. The group of brothers around you may not help you hide me much."

She glared at the other person angrily, then got up and got out of the tub.

"Forget it, I am too lazy to care about you."

After changing into a clean and soft blouse, she sat in front of Long Tianyu.

While wiping his hair, he asked, “Although I do n’t know why Lord Gan Er changed his mind and let me go, but I do n’t think he will give up so easily. Let ’s continue to stay here.”


Yu looked directly at her eyes.

"I'll listen to you."

However, no one would dare to take her away from his side, he secretly vowed.

"Actually, I think it's already at this stage. Even if we can leave, I can't swallow this breath."

She has never been a character who will swallow her voice.

Was confusingly counted, not only suffered from white eyes, but also had a bad name on his back, and even was almost used as a pet in captivity.

If she really left like this, she would have to vomit to death whenever she remembered.

She had to be angry at that time, and hate her also had to report.

Whether it was sunny or cloudy above her head, she had to lift it up and look again.

"Well, just do what my wife said."

Long Tianyu let go of all his strong to crazy thoughts.

As long as she wants, she will help her achieve her wish.


She covered her mouth and yawned.

"Sleep, I can finally get a good night's sleep."

Long Tianyu moved himself to bed.

Rubbed his daughter-in-law in her arms, and soon she heard her long breath, sometimes with two cute little snoring.

She must be tired, he thought.

Hugged for a while, and when he was sure that his wife was sleeping peacefully and would not wake up at random, he quietly moved himself out of bed.

"Well, where are you going"

Lin Mengya, who suddenly left the heat source and the big pillow, asked him sleepily.

"I'm going to drink some saliva, you go to sleep."

He whispered softly and comfortably, and put a pillow as his substitute.

Was probably really tired. She mumbled and slept with her pillow in her arms.

Long Tianyu looked back at her for a long time, and then pushed the wheelchair out of the room.

The moonlight was blocked by the dark clouds, and the air smelled of earthy smell.

This is a sign of rain.

Since the injury, every rainy day, his legs were faintly painful.

Think about it, there should be a heavy rain tonight.

Under the eaves of the corridor, a dozen guards wearing night clothes waited for his order.

"Did you know the location of the detained wife"

First nodded on the left hand side.

"That's good."

Long Tianyu gave orders without expression.

"I don't like my wife thinking about it, so, what should you do, you should be very clear"

As an iron guard he cultivated personally, they would only execute his orders meticulously without ever questioning them.

"Subordinate understands."

"I don't want to leave any traces, and I don't like trouble."

He looked up and looked at the dark sky.

"I'm afraid there will be some storms tonight, so finish it early and come back early."


Soon, two people were left in the courtyard.

Others, like ghosts, scattered and ran towards their target location this time.

The storm came as he predicted.

Lin Mengya was awakened by the sound of thunder and lightning.

"What's wrong but scared you"

As soon as he looked up, Yu's voice rang immediately.

In an instant, the startled soul immediately returned to its place.

She looked like a little rabbit in a nest, and collected herself into his arms.

"No. But okay, how come it rains, it looks like the rain is not small yet"

Long Tianyu caressed her back.

"Well, I was also a little surprised. This rain really came suddenly."


She suddenly remembered something and immediately got out of bed to turn over her salute.

Soon, she found two thick cloth bags, and lit a few pieces of low-temperature charcoal she carried with her.

The remaining smoke, the charcoal incense burned by the charcoal fire, broke through the wet smell brought by the rain.

Seeing that the low-temperature charcoal had been completely ignited, she quickly picked these charcoal blocks into the cloth bag sewed with thick cowhide, and then quickly knotted the seal.

"I know you must be uncomfortable on rainy days, so I gave you a pair of warm leggings and waist support, you try it."

She carefully tied his leggings first, then concocted it according to the law, and tied him a waistband.

Had to say that the warm temperature with a hint of medicinal fragrance greatly relieved his discomfort.

Looking at his wife's bright eyes, he smiled and whispered, "Very comfortable, thank you."

"As long as you know"

Lin Mengya still reached out and probed the temperature. It happened, and because there was a layer of cowhide and cotton cloth, there was no danger of low temperature burns.

She retracted back into the bed again, but she was sleepless.

"I thought about your injury, it still needs to be cured. I don't think you are inconvenient to move, but it's just too uncomfortable as soon as the sky changes. The non-Yecheng is not as good as the Beijing of Jin State. Although it is also clear of the four seasons, it is finally wet. Some. We will live there in the future. You must suffer from your legs and feet. "

He lay quietly beside her, listening to her whispering about the trivial life, but not bored at all.

"Well. However, I don't care anymore."

He smiled, remembering his wife knowing he was injured, carefully coaxing himself.

Maybe at the beginning, he still had a strong desire to recover.

Then, because of the utter disappointment, there was so little self-abuse.

But since returning to his wife, he couldn't even give a hint of negative thoughts.

The injured person's low self-esteem, sensitivity, and even irritability are actually just fear of being left behind and disgusted. In the end, he can only live his entire life alone.

But his wife did not give him such a crisis at all.

Even, he can now say for sure that if he really can't stand up all his life, she will stay with her all her life.

Since his heart was firm, he was not afraid to talk about it.

"You don't care how to do it. You have to cooperate with me to say it again. Before leaving, the teacher told me that maybe in the ancient tribes, there is really a way to cure you."

She said, she was a little worried.

"You said that the people of this ancient presbyterian society are sick? Where did we offend them? They have to fight against us. Alas, I am afraid that there is really a way, and they refuse to say."

Long Tianyu just wanted to comfort, he heard the urgent footsteps outside the courtyard.

"His Royal Highness, the Gan family's forbidden land was struck by thunder, and the outside has become a mess. Gan Pei's manager personally confessed to his subordinates, so you should never go out to avoid accidents.


It seems that the people he sent have already succeeded.

Long Tianyu hugged his wife's thin waist, thinking that he would not go out to join in the excitement

Is Lin Mengya, very surprised.

"Which one was hacked by thunder"

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