Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2522: Brothers look back

"You can be a coolie"

She glanced at the guy, and Long Tianyu immediately expressed his loyalty with a firm attitude.

"Even if it's ten or eight, it's not as good as my wife's"

"Oh, it's your acquaintance."

Lin Mengya was too lazy to continue to play with this guy.

"I really think that something is going to happen to the Gan family, whether it's the second Gan family, or the owner of the Gan family. They are anxious to find a talisman for the people they care about. It is impossible for this Gan family to change. ""

Long Tianyu also speculated about this issue.

After pondering for a while, he whispered, "The last time I saw Lord Gan, although he was venomous, he was rock-solid. When I saw it today, I thought he seemed too urgent. . Maybe. It ’s the reason why the Gan Family ’s Forbidden Land was destroyed. "

Lin Mengya thinks it is possible, but thinks that the forbidden land is important for the homeowner, but it is not necessarily for the second master Gan Er.

After all, a person who can use the forbidden land as his secret stronghold and can also shut in outsiders at will is enough to show that Mr. Gan Er does not necessarily fear that forbidden land.

On the contrary, I just feel that this is a secluded place, so it is convenient to do things.

In the evening, the owner of Gan, who was thinking about the day with a frown on his face, had just rested, and he heard a very loud noise from outside.

The homeowner's brow furrowed and called out Gan Pei.

But after a while, Gan Peicai ran in and changed his look.

"It's not good, the second master, the second master, he's crazy"


The homeowner reprimanded with dissatisfaction.

But as soon as the words fell, Master Gan Er rushed in with a knife.

"Youngest, what are you doing?"

The homeowner was shocked.

The eyes of the two brothers were red, and there was a breath of death all over him.

Such a second child, he had seen it once, after the death of Dan Dan's biological mother.

It was only that his body was still strong at that time, so he could stop his nearly frantic second brother.

Now, staring at those scarlet eyes, he even felt a trace of unspeakable fear.

"Big Brother, my good brother"

Grandpa Gan's words, clenched his teeth.

"Sixteen years ago, when Yu Hua died, I should have done so"

Finished, he mentioned that he wanted to step forward.

But the loyal Gan Pei, but clenched his teeth, blocked in front of his homeowner.

"Second Master, you can't do this"

"Gan Pei, you really think I dare not kill you"

Grandpa Gan has already lost all reason, but Gan Pei still has no fear of blocking.

"You can kill me, but you must not kill the house owner. If the second wife is there, she will not allow it"

"shut up"

Grandpa Gan swung his knife heavily and chopped directly to Gan Pei's shoulder.

"Gan Pei, if you let me go I want to see, how can he kill me"

Hometown deserves his prestige.

Despite knowingly losing to the opponent, he still has no fear.

Gan Pei flashed a little slower, and his shoulders were cut away with a sharp long knife.

Xu Shi's scarlet color slightly eased the anger of the second master. He just looked at his elder brother squintingly and did not chase Gan Pei.

The homeowner looked down.

Has a very deep scar on his arm.

Several decades have passed, but there are obvious traces left here.

He raised his head and looked at his brother quite calmly.

"If it is you who killed me for Yu Hua, then you can do it now."

Gan Er sneered with a sneer, the tip of the knife approached a little.

"After so many years, you finally know that you regret it. So, why did you force her to die in the end, what did you do wrong"

Homeowner sighed a long time.

"After so many years, why can't you put down the second son, this is my fault, but I am also for your good."

"For my good"

Second Master sneered.

"So, you don't let Dan Dan enter Gan's family tree, let her be bullied, this is also for my good"

The homeowner was silent.

Looked up again, he was already tired.

"If you kill me to calm down your years of anger, then you can do it."

Grandpa Er thought he could hear the stubborn elder brother apologize, but did not expect that the other party would rather die than admit mistakes.

He pressed his lips tightly, holding a sharp steel knife, and raised it high

"His Royal Highness, there is a young butcher outside to see."

Lin Mengya was taken aback for a moment, then he glanced at his man.

"Slaughter son, isn't that a member of the Presbyterian Church? What did he do with you?"

Long Tianyu was also puzzled.

Except at the banquet, the two did not meet at all.

Besides, the other party once became an excuse for the Gan family to stolen him.

Even, if it was n’t Ya'er who said that this guy was really secretly calculated, he would have thought that this was a conspiracy made by them for the sake of rape

"Ask him anything."

Lin Mengya went back outside and dropped the pen by the way.

She had discussed with Yu.

Gan's family head's illness is currently unable to go.

But they really did not have a position to desperately for the family.

Therefore, she has written a prescription that can suppress the poison

According to this prescription medicine, plus the iron jade sent by Long Tianyu, the homeowner will not suffer much pain at least until the lamp runs out.

As for the others, I can only follow the fate.

Soon, the guard came back and forth, saying that Tu Gongzi hoped that Long Tianyu could stop the Gan family's 2nd master and let go of the monstrous mistake.

This request is really a bit weird.

The two discussed briefly, and invited the butcher to come in.

"Villain, I have seen the master."

Compared to that night, the current Tu Gongzi's face was pale and his footsteps were very vain, just like a seriously ill, long-bedded person who had just recovered.

Standing behind Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya quietly looked from head to toe.

I don't know what happened that night in the opposite room.

How can this butcher be weird?

"Tu Gongzi is very kind, you and I are all guests of the Gan family, please forgive me for not being able to answer your request."

Long Tianyu simply refused, so that Tu Gongzi's face was full of sad clouds.

"Here, I know my presumptuousness, but apart from Your Highness, I really don't know who can stop him."

"He" Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes.

"It's Lord Gan Er." Tu Gongzi added.

Lin Mengya felt that the weird feeling was even heavier.

She always feels that the slaughter boy in front of her should be very familiar with the Gan family.

But that night

Grandpa Gan's father was obviously unwilling.

This victim actually wants to help those who hurt themselves to plead.

Is either a ghost or sick

"This is the Gan family. Even if the 2nd Master is going to do something, I am afraid that an outsider can't stop it."

Long Tianyu said unhurriedly, but his eyes took a closer look at Tu Gongzi's every move.

"Again, your relationship with the 2nd lord should be much closer than my relationship with him. I have a discord with the 2nd lord, and if I want to persuade him, he will not listen.

Tu Gongzi was a little disappointed, but he insisted on lobbying Long Tianyu.

"If he doesn't listen, you will tie him up. I know he did something wrong before, I just don't want him to be wrong, so I came to ask you for help"


Lin Mengya couldn't help her little gossip.

Listening to this tone, it is impossible that this is another brotherly relationship

No longer, this picture is so beautiful, she thinks that all goose bumps have risen.

But the concern in Tu Gongzi's eyes does not seem to be fraudulent, which made her more firm in her belief in gossip.

"His Royal Highness, son."

She stepped forward and said to Master Tu, "It's not that our Highness doesn't help, but you also know the temper of the Second Master. At first, I took away the small one with a word, which made my Royal Highness angry. In doing so, it is indeed a little embarrassing to my family. "

"That is all misunderstanding" Tu Gongzi anxiously explained to her.

"I know that you are very good to Dan Dan, there is no bad thoughts at all. His two masters have shut you down for so long, it is indeed his wrong, I apologize for him. Please, help me persuade Your Highness. Can do me a favor, I will definitely repay him "

"Don't worry, so you go out and wait for the younger one to persuade my highness."

Mr. Tu Tu had no choice but to nod and got up and went to the yard to wait.

As soon as the talent left, Lin Mengya's face sank.

"You won't, let me help them"

Long Tianyu is not unable to do it, but it is also a family affair in the end of the family of Gan family, he is an outsider, not easy to intervene.

Another one, he was too troublesome.

"There is a problem with this butcher."

After her careful thinking, Lin Mengya reached this conclusion.

"What question" Long Tianyu raised an eyebrow.

"Have you seen him before, did you feel that this person has changed in temperament"

Long Tianyu sneered.

"Indeed, it used to be a two-faced school with a smile on the skin, but now, it is more sincere."

"That's right, there is one more thing, Dan Dan came to the yard and played with me a few times, but only two of us were present at the time. Whether it was Mr. Gan Er or his men, or the girls-in-law , I do n’t know the details of our relationship. How did he know? "

Long Tianyu's expression suddenly took off, the five fingers placed on the armrest, unconsciously squeezed into a fist, and then released.

'S emotions were hidden by him. Even Lin Mengya, who knew him best, didn't see the slightest abnormality.

"So, you want me to help him first, and then to explore his relationship with the Gan family"

"Is it possible" Lin Mengya first asked his wishes.

"After all, this is the family of the Gan family. If you mix it in, I'm afraid it will cause you trouble."

If Tu Gongzi's reaction was too weird, she would not agree to Yu Yu's muddy water.

In her heart, there was already a vague guess.

How could this idea be so shocking that she actually hoped that she had guessed wrong this time.

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