"Because it is my wife's intention, I have no reason to cooperate."

Long Tianyu raised an eyebrow.

This matter is really not a big deal for him.

As soon as the two had negotiated, they invited the restless butcher.

"His Royal Highness, can you really do me a favor"

Long Tianyu, who had rejected him before, finally nodded, and Tu Gongzi was already excited with red eyes.

"Thank you, Your Highness, let's go right away. I'm afraid that later, the second master will do something that he will regret."

Faced with Tu Gongzi's eagerness, Long Tianyu and Lin Mengya didn't say anything, but the strange feeling in their hearts was even stronger.

The three of them quickly rushed to the homeowner's yard.

They just happened, the second old man raised the knife and made a big deal, broke into it.

Seeing those clan people who were beaten with blood on their faces, Tu Gongzi frowned, and straightly wanted to break in.

It was Lin Mengya who grabbed him, and then Long Tianyu was pushed in first.


Long Tianyu sighed, and then the sling arrow shot out in his hand, which made the steel knife that Mr. Gan Er claimed in his hand, dangerously chopped down next to his homeowner.

The blade was half submerged in the thick bedplate.

Visible this knife, he really wanted the life of his homeowner

"Mr. Murong, why are you here?"

The old owner who had already promised his life was suddenly rescued, and the person who saved him was not the Gan family.


Long Tianyu's eyes have been staring at Lord Gan Er.

The latter couldn't do it in one blow, it was already angry and angry.

Effortlessly withdrew the steel knife and looked into the eyes of the person who was in the way, already filled with fear and madness.

"His Royal Highness, did you really not see it before, and you are actually a nosy person." Lord Gan Er said ecstatically.

Long Tianyu can't bear this black pot.

"I didn't even want to come, but some people are really worried that you will regret it, so I begged me to come and rescue you both."

"Oh, is it?" Lord Gan Er's eyes were cold, and he looked at Long Tianyu with bad intentions.

"Then I want to know, who is so kind"

"Yige, you can't kill him"

The voice of the youth, with a little choked and trembling.

Lin Mengya stood silently at the door, watching Tu Tuzi lose his soul, and slowly walked to the side of Lord Gan Er.

Grandpa Gan was shocked.

This name, he probably hasn't heard people call it for many years.

His eyes fell on the young man in shock, and then, as if he had been struck by thunder, he could only stand on the spot and watched the young man walk in.

"Yige, you can't go wrong anymore."

Tu Gongzi slowly reached out his hand, and effortlessly grabbed his knife.


Only one word was spoken, and Mr. Gan Er choked into his throat.

'S eyes changed from shock to some extremely complicated emotions.

"I asked to come down from the temple, I don't want you to make a huge mistake for this. Brother Yi, promise me not to kill him, okay"

Master Gan Er could only nod.

Under the soft and pleading eyes of the youth, he could only choose to defeat the battle.

At this time, the old owner on the side was full of disbelief.

"The second son, you

, You guys, what's going on? "

This is more terrifying than his brother's attempt to kill him, but also to make him unclear about the state of his mind.

The young man in front of him also knew and knew that he was a member of the Presbyterian Church who had just come to Ganjia as a guest.

But, but when did he and his second son get together

Between the two

What is going on all the time, the eyes of the homeowner are full of confusion.

Is he too old to be able to keep up with the rhythm of the young man

Tu Gongzi took a deep breath and turned to respectfully said to Long Tianyu, "Your Highness, I don't know if I can trouble you to go out first. I have some words, I want to tell them both privately, please do it for convenience."

Long Tianyu was a little dissatisfied.

Is this person using him as a tool to move away

But before he could lose his temper, Lin Mengya immediately stepped forward and pushed the people out, and said to Tu Gongzi by the way, "Slow talk, we are outside."

The other party looked at Lin Mengya, his face filled with gratitude.

"Thank you."

In the yard, the tool man Long Tianyu rarely lost his temper.

It was Lin Mengya, who had never left the door.

"Go in if you want to listen." He came because of the curiosity of his wife.

Moreover, if he was there, who would dare to stop her

"It's something else, just leave some time for her."

Lin Mengya shook her head.

What's wrong with Tu Gongzi's body is still not completely clear to her.

But she can already be sure that at least the person who now dominates the consciousness of Master Tu should be almost the deceased wife of Lord Gan Er.

If this is really the case, what a shocking world

A person who was supposed to die for many years now is "resurrected" again.

Anyway, she also thought that this idea was crazy.

However, the reaction of Lord Gan Er just now has already explained everything.

This made her unable to help, her back chills.

The previous cases were only transfers between living people, or people who were dying, and wanted to regain a new body through this method.

If it is in Tu Gongzi's body, it is really Mrs. Gan's second wife.

That matter is even more terrifying.

If this method is really successful, then by some means, the dead can be "resurrected" in the body of others.

By then, things will really get crazier.

While she was thinking, it was between three people, but it was full of embarrassment.

Grandpa Gan Er and Tu Gongzi looked at each other with emotion, and the extra Gan family heads on the side only felt more and more impetuous.

"The second son, this, what the **** is going on"

His old man covered his chest.


Didn't expect that he was getting old and was facing this situation.

This is really not as good as a thunder to kill him

"Tu Gongzi" wiped tears from the corner of his eyes and turned to kneel in front of his homeowner.

"I have a limited time, so I will make a long story short. My hometown, maybe you don't believe it, but I am Yu Hua."

As soon as the name "Yuhua" appeared, the Gan family head was stunned.

"I was dead, but my death was not an accident, and it was definitely not your hand."

The eyes of the Gan family head suddenly changed

Got a lot sharper.

Stared at the young man kneeling in front of him, but his words were full of inquiry.

"How can you be a young Yuhua, although I am old, but I am not confused. I look at your age, just a few years older than the girl Dandan, I don't care who you know Yu Hua Zhi. But here with me, I will never allow you to swindle her. "

Soon, "Slaughter Son" said one thing that only the two of them knew.

"When I was about to give birth to Dan Dan, a doctor saw that I had a problem with my baby, and it was very likely to be difficult to give birth, so he told you about it. Later you found me and told me about it. I also knew my life for the first time. But I still insisted on giving birth to this child. That night, you persuaded me to fail. I was furious with Yi Ge and said that only I beat this child and vowed never to regenerate. , You just let me in. Otherwise, I will not be the second lady in my life.

When "Slaughter Son" choked out these words, both men of the Gan family were stunned.

Gan Er didn't expect that he thought he was embarrassed, but in fact he was still mixed with such inside information.

And the homeowner of the Gan family is pure shock.

Because this time involved the face of the Gan family, when he found Yu Hua and advised her not to give birth to a child, only the two of them were present, and absolutely no third person knew

"You, really Yuhua" Gan family head has been completely stupid.

"Slaughter son" No, the person who is speaking now is indeed Yu Hua, Mrs. Gan Jia Er who died of dystocia.

"Yes, I am really Yu Hua"


Hometown shouted, people, almost fainted to the ground.

"Yu Hua, why didn't you tell me these things before, and what is your life experience, are you not an orphan?"

Grandpa Er's second master accepted it much faster than his elder brother.

In the first place, the reason why Yu Hua could become like this is actually his one hand.

Secondly, he really missed his wife.

Although this is an unexpected situation, it does not hinder his ecstasy.

At least, the person he loves has "returned"

Ke Yuhua, but not as optimistic as he is.

"Yige, I am indeed an orphan. But my father was separated from my mother for some reason. Later, after the mother was seriously ill, I entrusted her to her relatives. Therefore, my father did not know The presence."

Yuhua's eyes gave his homeowner a complicated look.

The latter listened to her and sighed quietly.

In fact, Yu Hua's father is the homeowner.

When he was young, he secretly fell in love with foreign women.

Didn't want to be discovered by his parents later, and beat the mandarin duck.

But when he was separated from the woman at the time, he did not know that the other party was pregnant.

Plus the second master and his age are more than ten years old. Until the second son took the man home, he did not expect such a violation of human relations.

It was just that Yu Hua was already pregnant.

Plus he didn't dare to tell this thing, when the time came, not only the Gan family was ashamed, but Yuhua's life could not be guaranteed.

So, he took it wrong and concealed it.

Thought that as long as he didn't speak, no one would know.

Who knows, Yuhua has a problem with this baby.

Remembering all the past, the homeowner couldn't help but sigh.

All his mistakes started with him, so he thought about it, so let him finish it.

So he didn't resist, he was determined to die.

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