"Yes, but how can you be like this"

Faced with his daughter who caused the tragedy because of his negligence, the heart of the homeowner was also full of guilt.

But the situation in front of him is beyond his cognition.

Who knows, as soon as his voice fell, Mr. Gan Er stepped forward and blocked them.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. I can promise Yu Hua not to kill you, so you can take care of your life here."

Finally, Mr. Gan Er anxiously pulled Yu Hua's sleeve.

In his plan, there was indeed a resurrection Yuhua.

But it shouldn't be at this time, nor in this man's body.

Yuhua stopped at the same place, looking at Master Gan Er with a wry smile.

"Yige, I know what you want to do. But that's all fake, I am indeed dead. The dead person will not survive."

Lord Gan Er's eyes turned red because of his anger, but now he was full of panic.

"Isn't it possible that you will survive now? As long as we can do it again according to the original plan, you can survive."

He was close to each other, as if he wanted to see his lover clearly through the man's face.

"I can do it the first time, I can do it the second time, Yu Hua, you believe me."

He couldn't even listen to the other party's words, and walked away while pulling people.

The homeowner wanted to chase it out, but he was helpless.

Because of excessive emotional excitement, Yandu swept through again.

He can only paralyze on the bed and fight against the poison, can't stop the man for half.

"Yi Ge, you give up and let me go like this, I have no worries, don't be obsessed with it anymore"

Yuhua cried in a hurry.

She is just an ordinary person, even if she is very afraid of death, but she doesn't want to survive like that without knowing it.

But Mr. Gan Er was crazy.

This erroneous, short-lived little hope made him completely irrational.

Has only one thought in mind.

He wants Yu Hua to really live

"Your Highness, Your Highness please help me once, I don't want him to go wrong again"

Yuhua cried, begging Long Tianyu.

Before the latter had any reaction, Lord Gan Er turned around and gave him a fierce glance.

"If anyone dares to do bad things, I will kill someone"

His vicious threat is like a wolf completely irritated.

Long Tianyu raised an eyebrow, he was absolutely impossible to be threatened.

But inside, at the same time came Gan Pei's cry for help.

"His Royal Highness, please save my head"

The order of the old head of the family, they promised to "slaughter the son" and said that they had to keep it.

But Lin Mengya knew that this was a rare opportunity.

Not sure this time, she will know the secret of the so-called "eternal life"

At the moment, he sank his voice and said to Long Tianyu, "I'll go and see, you stay here first, save the old master."

"Don't succeed" did not think about it, Long Tianyu refused.

Where did he not know his wife's plan?

But that is too dangerous

"I won't be impulsive, just secretly follow the past to see. Now the Gan family is so chaotic, no one will notice me, let alone, I won't go alone"

She was a little eager.

If it is a little later, she will not find Lord Gan Er.

Therefore, in spite of Long Tianyu's objection, he rushed out directly.


In the courtyard, Long Tianyu's face was covered with a layer of dark clouds.

Emotional turbulence in his eyes finally settled on a demise.

"Let people follow their wives and strangle everything in advance if necessary."

There is only an ethereal response in the air.

Then, Long Tianyu could only sigh quietly.

Hopefully, the Gan family has not been "saturated" too deeply, otherwise, he will wipe this family together.

Came out of the yard, Lin Mengya only had time to see the tangled back of the two, and then turned a corner.

She followed quickly.

Second master is going to kill his homeowner, it must not be his plan alone.

The Gan family ’s hidden disputes were finally placed on the water today.

Although it does not cause blood to flow into the river, it is ultimately a family infighting and is very chaotic.

She was careful along the way, and finally followed the two of them, slipping into the forbidden ground of the Gan family.

At this time, it became the last piece of pure land of the Gan family.

"Yige, listen to me, I really don't want, don't become that look anymore"

Yuhua used his strength to resist.

But the strength of men is surprisingly large.

He appeased Yuhua again and again, but his eyes became more paranoid.

"Yu Hua don't be afraid that it will be okay soon, and Brother Yi promises that you will come out soon to reunite with me and Dan Dan."

"Dan Dan Yi Ge, Dan Dan"

Mentioned his desperate daughter, Yu Hua finally had such a slight expectation.

Has such a chance, she is dead without regret.

If you can look at the child again, it is God's extra gift.

Mentioned his daughter, and the face of Master Gan Er softened a little.

"Dandan is very good, she looks more and more like you. She is very safe now, I will take you to see her"

He excitedly pulled people to walk inside, but Yu Hua was more anxious.

She dared not look behind her.

Just now, she saw that the little medicine boy next to Her Royal Highness secretly followed.

It must have been sent by His Royal Highness

But he is so slender, how can he stop Yi Ge?

In desperation, Yu Hua could only try to cover up his uneasiness, but pinned the last little hope on the little drug boy.

They pulled between them and came to the courtyard where Lin Mengya was previously held.

Lin Mengya hides behind the wall and sees that it has almost become a ruin.

"Dandan hurry up and meet your mother"

Second Master shouted with joy.

Soon, Dan Dan's figure ran out.


In her tone, she also cried a bit, and drilled into her father's arms as soon as she saw her, as if she was greatly shocked.

"Dandan, why are you so scared?"

Yuhua, who loves her daughter sincerely, has no regard for her appearance as a man and asks anxiously.

Dan Dan glanced at the strange big brother, and stuffed himself deeper into his father's arms.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan she, she is going to kill me"

This sentence made the couple stunned.

Followed by Lin Mengya, frowning.

Before, she gave Dan Dan a life-saving method.

It seems that she should use it.

Master Gan Er was even more angry.

"Xiaoyan, you get me out. I said, you can use the rest of the Gan family, except for my daughter, you can't touch her hair"

"Oh, you are really a good dad. But, between your daughter and your wife, it seems that there can only be one left."

Let Lin Mengya slightly familiar arrogant female voice appeared.

Afterwards, she saw the maid who had been with Dan Dan before and walked out slowly from the inside.

And she seemed to be dragging the root system of a certain plant in her hand. The soil above was still moist. It seemed that she was forced to pull it out of the soil.

"You" Lord Gan Er stared at each other with a dizzying eye.

"I am my second old man, daughter or wife, you should make a choice."

Xiaoyan's face, with a cold smile.

Lin Mengya immediately realized that the root system of the plant dragged in the other party's hand should be the key to the second lady's "resurrection".

She narrowed her eyes and tried to see more clearly.

Under the soil, she could only vaguely see what seemed to be the root system of some kind of plant that wrapped up something.

And the part that Xiaoyan grasped in his hand was more like some kind of thick vine, rather than the trunk of the plant.

In an instant, she remembered the scene through the door.

Is inevitable. At the time, this thing was the plant in the house opposite.

"Let go of it, I will kill you"

The second master is really irritated.

He has lived for his wife and daughter all his life.

Now, some people dare to use these two men to threaten him

"Mr. Hum, do you have the right to negotiate with me?"

She lifted the sturdy vine up, her slender and sharp fingertips, and instantly cut out the thick stems and leaves.

And Lin Mengya actually saw that milky juice was dripping on the column of vines

Second Master immediately seemed like a duck with his neck pinched, and could only be slaughtered by the other party.

"Stop, stop quickly"

"Afraid" Xiaoyan smiled very proudly.

"Since you are afraid, give me Miss Dan Dan. Second lord, she is just an idiot who knows nothing. If you give her to me, you may still do a good thing. Big deal, I will give you back Just a clever and smart daughter. This time, you do n’t lose money, do you? "

Xiaoyan tells her vicious intentions.

Is clearly a soft whisper, but it reveals a devilish strangeness.

Lin Mengya suddenly thought that Dan Dan, as a child with impaired mind, if it meets their selection criteria for the "resurrection", it should be easier to control than ordinary people, and it can easily erase the original consciousness.

So, Dan Dan said that someone was standing in front of her bed, maybe this guy was preparing for taking Dan Dan's body

Second master obviously, also thought of this.

He gritted his teeth and stared at each other.

"Dan Dan who farts me is unique, you never want to apply those things to my daughter"

Ke Xiaoyan, but scornfully picked the corner of her lips.

"Huh, you guys are so hypocritical. Do you want to resurrect your wife and do the same thing as I do? I only allow you to use other people's children to achieve your purpose. Will the daughter do it? "

The second old man was stunned by her words.

Xiaoyan was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, carrying vines, and coldly said, "I will give you the last chance, who do you choose?"

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