Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2525: Stick to one's heart

Xiaoyan seems to have settled on the idea of ​​Master Gan Er, the strength of his hands is getting tighter, and the smile on his face is more proud.

In her opinion, this choice is not at all difficult.

One is that Gan Er's burden has been burdened for many years, and the other is only the hope of this time.

She believes that with the man's obsession, he will definitely abandon Dandan.

But Xiaoyan underestimated the power of a mother.

From the moment Dan Dan appeared, Yu Hua's eyes had not left her.

Looked greedily and guiltily at the baby he gave birth to.

In fact, her consciousness has only gradually regained consciousness until recently.

But she couldn't see her daughter like a normal person, she could only feel vaguely.

She knew there was another person in the yard, she knew which was her little Dandan, and she knew that Dandan liked to play with that person.

Therefore, she took advantage of Tu Gongzi's body.

Now, she has met the person she misses day and night, and even if the true soul returns to the earth, she has no regrets.

When Xiaoyan confronted the second master, Yu Hua still couldn't hold back, and touched her daughter's face with her fingers.

Dan Dan ignorantly looked at each other.

She saw the "brother" in front of her and smiled softly towards her.

She also raised her lips and gave the other party a brilliant sweet smile without hesitation.

"My Dandan"

Yuhua couldn't speak with excitement.

She calls her daughter's name with love in a very small voice.

But then, Yu Hua pushed away Gan Er suddenly, and before everyone could react, she rushed to the root system of the plant in Xiaoyan's hands.

Lin Mengya looked at the woman with her eyes open, and opened the root system under the soil with her bare hands.

There is a human head

"Yu Hua Don't Be Impulsive"

Master Gan Er was scared crazy.

Ke Yuhua, without hesitation, pulled the head out of the root system.


The second master shouted and rushed straight up.

Unfortunately, he was always one step slower. The head that he had carefully guarded for more than ten years had been completely destroyed.

This change made Xiaoyan stunned.

Then, her complexion turned blue.

Hearts across, threw down the plant in his hand, and even grabbed directly towards Dan Dan.

"Save people"

Fortunately, Lin Mengya has always followed.

After anticipating that Xiaoyan would not give up, she issued an order earlier.

The next moment, Dan Dan was escorted behind him.

Did not succeed at the blow, Xiao Yan stared somberly at the person in front of him.

But she knew very well that Master Gan Er would not let her go.

At the moment, he withdrew and retreated directly to the depths of the forbidden land.

"The two of you, go chase, be careful, get her secret calculations"

Lin Mengya was busy directing the man to chase, and then she ran to Dan Dan to check her situation up and down.

"Fortunately, did she hurt you before"

Dan Dan shook her head happily when she saw her.

Was just looking, but fell on the "brother" involuntarily.

"He, I like it"

Lin Mengya was startled.

All say that mother and child are born because of blood connection.

Mrs. Er, even the gender has changed, but Dan Dan still feels keenly.

Perhaps the relationship between mother and child is far from being as simple as blood relationship.

When a child comes into the world, not only the flesh comes from the mother, but the soul is also cut on the mother's soul, so Dan Dan will have a good impression of such a second lady.

On the other side, the second master only had fear.

"No, Yuhua put it back, put it back quickly"

But Yu Hua let go of her hand, her face was all relieved.

"Useless brother Yi, even if it is put back, this thing is dead."


Second master grabbed her tightly, her face full of madness.

"Why did you ruin the hope of reuniting with our father and daughter Yu Hua, don't you want to make our family happy?"

Yuhua was already in tears.

She dropped the head and knelt in front of the second master.

"This was my biggest wish."

She held out her hand and once again painted the eyebrows of the person in front of her.

"Yige, my life is so long, even if you can resurrect me again, but I am not the same as me. By that time, it was just deceiving myself."

Mrs. Yu Hua's words made Lin Mengya couldn't help but think more.

It can be seen that the second husband is a very intelligent person.

Indeed, perhaps with this method, in theory, as long as the conditions are met, one's consciousness can be passed on forever.

But she didn't think that this was eternal life.

For example, if this person's consciousness is copied, then the body is dead.

Can the copied consciousness really be my own consciousness?

Who has accepted this copy consciousness?

Can really be the original person

Even if it is not a copy, it really retains the consciousness of the last person.

Well, for the "replicas", his consciousness was wiped out by people, and it was not from his own will.

This kind of life-changing method, she has never understood.

No one has the right to decide the life or death of others

Besides, it is still in this way.

No matter what aspect she is from, she is unacceptable.

"No Yuhua can, you are you, no matter what you become, I can recognize you Yuhua, I will not let you leave me, no"

Years of paranoid desires have made the second master a bit abnormal.

Yuhua looked at him silently and shook his head bitterly.

"Yige, I'm running out of time, don't be busy, listen to me, okay"

Is clearly a man's voice, but miraculously appeased Mr. Gan Er.

He just sat blankly, staring at the person in front.

Yuhua greedily touched his face.

"I didn't expect that I would become a man in the end."

She withdrew her hand in embarrassment.

Ke Er, but grabbed her hand.

"No, you are still you."

"Yige, I secretly occupied his body while you were not paying attention. I have a hunch that he will wake up soon. And once she wakes up, I will disappear. So Yige, you Can you stay with me. Also, and our daughter "

She looked at Dan Dan.

Lin Mengya sighed and patted Dan Dan gently.

The latter glanced at her, and then step by step, towards his parents.

Is also a woman and a wife and mother. Lin Mengya felt the same about Yu Hua's experience.

Some things are really strange.

When she took a few steps back, leaving the space for their family of three alone, she seemed to see a man who was a man's butcher, and became a woman.

She rubbed her eyes, only to realize that nothing had changed.

In fact, the reason why she doubted Tu Gongzi's identity was actually because of the change of the opponent's every move.

Yuhua is a woman.

So despite her different body, in some details, she still maintained her habit of life.

Actually, a man's body makes a woman's demeanor, after all, there is a sense of disobedience.

Unless like Li Wushuang, strict training from an early age, plus some special methods, so that his body bones become not as strong as ordinary men.

Therefore, she could see the difference of Tu Gongzi at a glance.

As for why she would guess that "she" is the second lady, it is because of her eyes.

A woman who really worried about her husband's eyes is not fake.

Finally proved that she really guessed.

It was only this result, but it was mixed with the blood and tears of some unknown people.

"What did you think of"

Behind, Yu's familiar voice came.

Lin Mengya turned around and looked at the man who smiled softly at himself, his mind blurted out.

"No matter who you become, I will recognize you at first sight"

An unfathomable complex emotion quickly churns out of my heart.

Is like a mischievous and dexterous little snake, covering the dark mist under his heart, hitting a small hole.

Those worries that she could not know, gradually surfaced.

He rubbed his eyebrows and took the opportunity to sort out his emotions.

"What stupid things do I say, if I become a woman, you still have to be worthy of my sister"

Lin Mengya thought about it seriously.

"Well, it's not impossible. But if you become a woman, you can't be the boss all day, it's too ugly."


Long Tianyu could not help raising a strong sense of crisis.

If you really become a woman, you must not be a sister with her

The borderless conversation between the two soon came to an end.

There, Yu Hua has almost finished saying goodbye to her husband and daughter.

Actually can see her husband is well, her daughter grew up safely, she is already very satisfied.

People can't be too greedy, or God will punish them.

And at the last moment, she discussed with the second master and decided to tell your highness something.

"Your Highness."

Yuhua walked to the couple in the company of her husband and daughter.

"This thing is all wrong with Brother Yi, but he is just the same thing, please don't blame him."

Yuhua is a man who knows how to be reasonable.

In fact, although only knowing for a short time, but the woman's transparency makes Lin Mengya appreciate it.

She had seen too many people, and she showed all kinds of ugliness in order to covet the things that she shouldn't get.

But Yu Hua calmly let go of those temptations.

It is not easy to do this, it is not difficult to understand why the second master will be so persistent to her.

"I won't blame him."

Long Tianyu and Master Gan Er glanced at each other.

The latter has only his wife in his eyes.

As a man, husband and father, he thought that the second master's thoughts, he can guess how much.

If it is the same situation, if you change to him, you may make the same choice as him.

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