Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2526: Meet briefly

But Long Tianyu is not a saint.

Although he promised Yu Hua, he would not embarrass him because of this incident, but he will still have to get back the revenge of the hostile imprisonment of his wife.

Yuhua, who didn't know anything, was naturally grateful to the Lord.

So, when Lin Mengya asked if she could talk to her alone, she still persuaded her husband, who was unwilling to share her remaining time with anyone, to answer Lin Mengya's questions in the other's sight.

"When did the second lady recover her consciousness?" She couldn't wait to know.

She has seen cases of transplantation consciousness failure, and she has seen almost success.

But I have never seen such a special one.

Originally in her cognition, she thought that in order to find a new "copy", it must be carried out within a very short time after death.

It seems that perhaps the key to the matter is that peculiar plant.

Unfortunately, after the second lady pulled the head wrapped by the root system, the plant quickly withered and liquefied.

Finally, it became a pool of transparent water stains.

This made Lin Mengya deeply regret.

Even if she can let her study it!

Alas, I do not know if there will be such opportunities in the future.

Yuhua lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then he shook his head and smiled a bit ignorantly.

"In fact, if it is a specific day, I can't remember it. I only know that I can gradually feel everything outside. At first, I could only perceive the inside of the house, and later, the entire courtyard.

That feeling is very mysterious.

And Yu Hua also told her that the reason why Yu Hua's consciousness can enter the body of this Tu Gongzi is because his body has been "transformed" by others.

Specifically speaking, it is like an empty flower pot.

Yuhua had a strong will at the time, and then entered the body of Tu Gongzi by mistake.

In fact, after Tu Gongzi awakened in the forbidden area, her dominant consciousness was already hers.

Therefore, she can quickly understand the situation, and then seek the help of Long Tianyu.

"It turns out this way, I still have a question. Do you know where the second master got this thing?"

Facing Lin Mengya's question, Yu Hua was silent.

After about a minute, she said with some regret: "I know some, but I can't tell you."

"Why?" The reason, Lin Mengya can roughly guess, but still a little unwilling.

"Because I want to protect my husband and daughter."

Yuhua's tone is very gentle, but his attitude is very firm.

Even though she will leave them soon, her love will never disappear with her consciousness.

As soon as he said this, Lin Mengya knew that he couldn't ask anything today.

On the other side, Mr. Gan has already reached the limit.

He came over and dragged Yu Hua directly behind him, and he politely ordered Lin Mengya to **** him.

"The question is over, now, please leave immediately. Otherwise, I'm welcome."

"Yige, don't do this."

Yu Hua frowned, but she also wanted to stay with her loved one for a while, and then apologized to her: "My time is running out. Before I promised you something, I will definitely do it for me When you arrive, your peace of mind is that he is a man of great promise. "

Grandpa Gan took his wife's hand, his tight lip line with a hard


But in his eyes, there was deep tenderness.

Lin Mengya really didn't want to be a light bulb. She nodded to Yuhua and walked to her man's side.

The latter, staring at the pool of liquid, was enchanted.

"It's useless, but don't worry, we will still encounter it in the future."

She thought her own man was the same as her, but it was a pity that he failed to study a result this time.

Long Tianyu in turn patted her hand to comfort.

"Well, next time I will get you a plant for you to study enough."

She smiled. In fact, her perception of the plant was quite complicated.

She is indeed interested in that thing.

Can save or copy human consciousness, and even allow people to restore part of their consciousness. Finally, they can maintain human consciousness for more than ten years without dissipation.

Observed Yu Hua deliberately, and found that the other party was a little uncomfortable except for behavior and behavior, whether it was speech or memory, or emotion, was not damaged.

Perhaps this is the special role of this plant.

Was lucky to see this magical plant, for her, it was like a dream.

On the other hand, the cultivation of this thing is definitely a different kind of suffering.

From Yu Hua's attitude, seeing that she would rather die than return to the plant again, Lin Mengya could feel that this kind-hearted woman actually knew something.

But she did not dare to say that it was a pity.

The family of three had already left, and the forbidden land was now in a state of embarrassment because of repeated encounters.

Even because of the order of Mr. Gan Er, there is no other Gan family besides a few of them.

She thought of the room that was used to grow plants before, and she couldn't help but glanced inwardly.

"Go whenever you want. However, I'm afraid it's already burned out."

Long Tianyu immediately guessed her thoughts and said generously.

Lin Mengya secretly blinked at him and pushed the other party to the previous yard to find clues.

Here, because of the fire point, the damage was extremely tragic.

Just as Yu said, from the appearance, it is already in ruins, and I couldn't find the original appearance.

But Lin Mengya did not give up.

After she put Long Tianyu in a safe place, she pulled out a piece of wood from the ruins, and kept digging around in the place where it used to be the yard.

"Do you want them to help?" Long Tianyu didn't know what she was looking for, but she was reluctant to do such rough work with her beautiful hands.

Lin Mengya didn't find it here, so he changed places. At the same time, she also explained quickly.

"I heard Mrs. Yu Hua said that she could perceive the house at first, and then the whole yard. But as a plant, she has no eyes or ears. What does she perceive by?"

Long Tianyu condensed his thoughts and asked a little uncertainly: "Is it impossible, is it the root system of the plant or the leaves?"


She had such a guess, so she came to dig the soil.

It's just that there is little hope. After all, the whole plant is destroyed, and those root systems are likely to die faster.

But she just couldn't be reconciled and had to try it before she knew it.

Soon, she excavated the broken masonry and a layer of floating soil on the surface.

Then her movements became more cautious, and kept rummaging through the dirt.

at last,

When she dug down more than half a meter, the board accidentally cut off a dark, like root.

And there was a small amount of milky white slurry in the wound of that thing.

Lin Mengya can hardly believe his eyes.

"Look, I found it!"

She exclaimed in a low voice, and then quickly pulled off a dress, carefully picking up the contents inside.

But she had just got it, and before she even had time to observe it, a female voice suddenly sounded.

"What are you doing here? This is a forbidden place in my home, no outsiders are allowed to enter!"

Looked up, Lin Mengya saw a slender and beautiful woman.

And the other party was a little surprised after seeing them clearly.

But soon the other party calmed down and saluted Long Tianyu.

"Feng Yi has seen His Royal Highness, Your Highness, why are you here?"

Know that this is not the first time for their couple.

Even the two of them can straighten up and lie, without lying blushing.

"This is the second master's account, we happen to be leaving."

Said that Long Tianyu pushed the wheelchair calmly and walked past Gan Fengyi.

The latter looked at the location where they had dug.

Is also Lin Mengya hand fast.

After hearing the sound, he quickly threw the board, and pushed the soil he had dug out back into the pit.

It's because this is a messy fire scene, otherwise, it is really easy to see something.

Gan Fengyi naturally wanted to reach out and push Long Tianyu. Who knows, was cut off by the medicine boy beside him.

"Miss Lao Lao, just the younger one."

The rejected Gan Fengyi had to follow behind Tian Tianyu properly.

Seeing that she was about to step out of the forbidden ground, she bit her lip and walked forward two steps to stop Long Tianyu.

"Your Highness."

Like the soft waves of spring water, I was deeply nervous.

But more, it is some kind of unspeakable expectation.

"Are you really no longer thinking about grandfather's proposal? I promise, I will live in peace with the owner of the palace, and will never embarrass you."

Dig in the corner in front of her "original".

Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows secretly and pouted her lips.

Easy, the owner of the Gan family is really lucky.

It seems that for certain herbs in the prescription, she can change some to have the same effect, but the taste is slightly strange.

All medicines must be bitter and beneficial to the disease, and the life-saving medicine will naturally be as painful as possible.

Long Tianyu's eyebrows could not stop tightly together.

Although he knew very well that his wife would never eat this kind of shadowless vinegar, he dare to guarantee that if he does not handle it well, it is inevitable that he will be cleaned up.

Didn't like it for the sake of irrelevant people, it affected their husband and wife relationship, and he refused mercilessly.

"My wife and I love Jin Jian, and I will never be able to plug in other people. Girl Gan, the homeowner is just confused for a while, so don't take it seriously. Besides, I never meant it."

Finished speaking, and looked at his wife with her eyes, trying to show off her loyalty.

He Gan Fengyi did not understand his pain.

"His Royal Highness, Feng Yi knows that he ca n’t compare with the Palace Master. However, Feng Yi has no regard for his name and just wants to stay with His Royal Highness. If His Royal Highness only cares about the Palace Master, then Feng Yi is willing to be a maidservant for life I'm satisfied. "

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