Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2542: Look familiar

   "Women, what woman?" she asked curiously.

   Qinghu didn't know much, just listened to that ear.

   said that they were the disobedient female slave who ran out of the Sheng family a few days ago, and the female slave also stole some valuable things of the Sheng family.

   Looking for someone is the Sheng family guard, even when they enter the inn, they have to be checked one by one, and the situation is very big.

   "Just for a female slave, as for? After all, those who are in the city now are all guests of the Sheng family."

  Intuition made her immediately notice the strangeness.

   It is said that the Sheng family girl's big marriage is on the spot, even if it is something important, there is no need to be so big.

   She looked downstairs and said to Qinghu, "You help me get a portrait back."

   They do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse during this trip. They must be awake in any situation, so as not to be pitted or not known.

   Qinghu nodded and left.

  Here Lin Mengya had dinner, and Long Tianyu sent Liao back.

   Just looking at their faces, Lin Mengya knew that the situation might not be too optimistic.

   "What happened?" she asked softly.

  Long Tianyu saw her, and his face eased a lot.

   Liao also cautiously looked outside for a few times, and after confirming that no one was watching around, this closed the door.

  Looking at this posture, she couldn't help but get nervous.

  Did the Sheng family feel sorry for them?

   "We are in the Sheng family, but have not seen the Gan family." Li Ao said softly.

   "They haven't arrived yet?" Lin Mengya also felt something was wrong.

  Forget the time.

  The Gan family walked a day earlier than them, and like them, they drove day and night, and would only be faster than them, or they would arrive at the same time.

   If it is not there, unless something happened on the way.

   "It should be delayed on the way, but as long as they can arrive before the wedding, the problem is not great."

  Long Tianyu is still somewhat sure.

  Today when they went to visit the head of the Sheng family, they just caught up with the Sheng family to entertain the rival who had taken the position of the elder Tu Tuzi.

   The two men and women don't mention how to talk about each other's swords, but they are the Gan family who are chess pieces. They are mentioned several times.

   Later, the owner of the Sheng family was angry, even in front of everyone, and the blame of the yin and yang blame Gan family did not know the depth. Until now, it is clearly not to give the Sheng family face.

   When they heard this, they squeezed a lot of sweat for the Gan family.

   felt incredible again, so he asked someone to inquire after leaving.

   Sure enough, the Gan family has not really come yet.

   However, judging from the current situation, if the Gan family arrives on time, I am afraid that they will also be troubled by the Sheng family.

   Not to mention, they all have a bad hunch.

  Lin Mengya thought for a while and said, "Send our people out to meet, at least to remind the Gan family, lest they know nothing, and let the Sheng family catch more handles."

   "Alright." Long Tianyu thought the same way.

   As soon as several people had finished speaking, Qinghu knocked on the door and came in.

   also holds a piece of drawing paper in his hand.

   "Girl, take a look."

   She took the drawing paper, and just stunned when she saw it for the first time.

   But a few people around, only felt that the woman in the painting was very strange.

   But soon, Lin Mengya converged her expression.

   No one but Long Tianyu

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  The latter pondered for a moment, and everything was sent away as usual.

  After only two of them were left in the room, Long Tianyu held the man in his arms and asked softly in her ear, "What's wrong? Do you know her?"

   Know? She knows more than that.

   stared at the woman in the painting. She looked very carefully. She looked at every detail many times, and she was sure that the person in the painting was her appearance in another time and space!

  She grabbed Long Tianyu's hand violently, only to feel that her heart was beating more than once.

  If someone in this world knew where she came from, what would she do then?

  Long Tianyu immediately noticed something wrong with her, pressed the person firmly into her arms, and gently calmed her back.

   "No fear, no matter whether it is a person or a ghost, no one can hurt you, I will protect you."

  Under the gentle appeasement of the man, Lin Mengya finally calmed down.

  It was only a moment, and she was still a little difficult to accept.

   After taking a few deep breaths, she said with a little trembling, "Yu, can you remember what I told you, I once lived in another time and space?"

  Long Tianyu subconsciously tightened his hands.

   But fortunately, he still remembered to control his strength, which didn't hurt her.

   This incident is also a touch of grief in his heart.

  Although he usually can't see it, he never stopped worrying about it.

   One day when he was afraid, his most beloved girl disappeared in front of him.

   But he pretended to be very good, even Lin Mengya never knew that this man had been sleeping innumerably for countless nights, just held her hand and watched her all night.

   "Well, but what does this have to do with this picture?"

   "This person is me in another time and space, I can be sure."

  Although people are similar, each person's spirit is different.

   So even if it is the same face, as long as you look closely, you can tell who is who.

   The woman in the painting has a beautiful face, but her eyes are clear and cold.

   This is very similar to her modern state.

  After all, a person who can actively climb the test bed, she did not care about life or death at all.

   And this portrait just captured her mood at the time.

   If it is placed now, even if she is still holding that face, it should be completely different.

   Therefore, Lin Mengya was afraid.

  Long Tianyu is also full of surprise.

   He carefully reviewed it and whispered, "Although you used to look good, compared to what you have now, it seems that you are missing something. However, you are you, no matter which one I like."

   Really, defeated by him.

   "How come this time, you don't forget to say your love words for those tired people!"

   Lin Mengya glanced at the other party, and the tense atmosphere instantly dissipated.

   It was Long Tianyu who smiled and kept holding him in his arms.

   "It's not too much to say a lot of love words. Are you afraid of someone and know your origin?"

  She nodded gently.

   "I personally don't care, but if someone comes from there like me, then we are in danger."

   Even if she has a systematic bonus, she may not be able to compare with each other.

   But Long Tianyu is much calmer than her.

  After thinking about it, I said, "I think you don't have to be so nervous."

   "How can I not be nervous? You don’t know, in us

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   There are a lot of things that must not appear here. Otherwise, everything here will be completely destroyed! "

  Long Tianyu held her tight little face and smiled and said, "Fool, if the other person really came from the same place as you, would he still find you in the same way as a haystack?"

   "What do you mean?" Lin Mengya asked doubtfully.

  Long Tianyu gently flicked her smooth forehead.

   This girl is sometimes a fool!

   "The things you do must be recognized by your people. If someone really is in the same country as you, you must have been exposed for a long time."

   Lin Mengya blinked.

   Right! Why didn't she think of it!

  With such great movements that she tossed out, unless the other party is a caveman living in modern times, otherwise she will be able to see the clues and guess her true identity.

She patted her breast and said, "It's right, then I'm relieved, but what about their portrait of me spreading all over the street? It's true, this Sheng family really has something with me Is it exactly the same slave girl?"

  Long Tianyu was not sure.

   "Anyway, there must be a reason for the Sheng family to do this. In the future, let's pay more attention to it."

   Lin Mengya also feels reasonable.

   She looked at the portrait again.

   Just now she was preconceived. Now it seems that this portrait is slightly different from her time in modern times.

  However, no matter who the woman in the portrait is, she is facing this similar face, and she has to figure out what is going on.

   They revised one day in the inn, and in the evening of the next day, the Sheng family officially feasted all the guests.

  Shall we say that people are rich and wealthy?

   It was their inn, and they lived for hundreds of people.

   I heard that other large and small inns are also full, not just those who are serving as followers, but there are hundreds of guests just going to the banquet.

  Lin Mengya only brought Qinghu today. Bai Su was left by her and Li Wushuang to take care of Li's family. Cai Ru was also left by her in the inn to watch.

   Among the heads of a small family, the appearance of several people is quite dazzling.

   Plus Long Tianyu, who is unique in a wheelchair, they were recognized almost as soon as they entered the door.

   But apart from the Sheng family servants who came to greet, no one came up to greet them actively.

  Here, Lin Mengya once again realized the feeling of little transparency.

  Perhaps in the eyes of others, they will have a little psychological gap, feel unbalanced and not used to anything.

   But for her, it couldn't be better.

  Banquet, you should eat and drink.

   Every time the giant panda is surrounded by people, it really makes her lose her appetite.

   It's just right now, to find an inconspicuous position to let her make up for her wantlessly, and the gastrointestinal tract that has been ruined recently is also good.

   So she was happily brought to a corner by other servants.

   didn't know that she was too gorgeous, but she was stared at.

   That line of sight followed her until she sat down, and then quietly turned away.

   "This grand family is really generous!"

   As soon as he sat down, Lin Mengya took the pastry on the table and took a bite.

  Fragrant fruit is not as good as those of their pastry chefs, but it is also a rare good.

  Long Tianyu smiled and said nothing, but just poured a cup of tea and let her drink with the fruit.

   He just noticed the sight of the man just now.

   Therefore, he specially made his wife walk in front of him, so that Qinghu and Li Ao covered up.

   (End of this chapter)


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