Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2543: Inexplicable

  Although someone noticed them, today's protagonist is still the Sheng family.

  If you are in trouble at this time, it is equivalent to offending the Sheng family. The people present are smart people, and naturally know what to do.

  After Lin Mengya had eaten and drank for a while, he also reviewed the main guests of the banquet.

   "The one sitting in the master seat is not the owner of the Sheng family"

   She whispered to Li Ao.

  Now she and Long Tianyu are both blinded. The source of the information depends on Li Ao, the "predecessor" who once had a date with Miss Sheng.

   Liao also glanced and nodded and said, “That is the uncle of the Sheng family, and one of the ten elders of the Presbyterian Church. Miss Sheng, who is going to marry tomorrow, is his daughter.”

   Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes.

   This grand elder is an interesting person.

   Generally speaking, the host should come out to entertain on such occasions.

  Although he is the elder of the Presbyterian Church, he should not be above the owner of the Sheng family in his position.

   But today, the head of the Sheng family did not appear, and Elder Sheng did not see any dissatisfaction on his face.

  Think of it, such things should be commonplace for them.

   She lowered her head and took a sip of tea.

  As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. She really wants to know how the relationship between the Sheng family owner and the elder Sheng is.

   At this moment, the old parent Bai Sheng, who was being secretly conceived by Lin Mengya, was fighting his old rival.

   "Brother Baishan, I heard that your good son-in-law, but you are a dragon and a phoenix, why don't you come out today, let our big guy see and see"

   speaks of a middle-aged man a few years younger than Sheng Baishan.

   The man was carrying a sneering smile, and the needle in the cotton wool stabbed Sheng Baishan's heart.

   so-called "good son-in-law", this time can make him lose face.

  If his daughter had already been married to the useless guy, and really shouted that he was not going to marry, he would have kicked someone and chose another bed.

   "Tomorrow will be married, he naturally has many things to deal with."

   "Also, the background of small households like him is naturally full of fear. If tomorrow also has the same mistakes as before, wouldn't it be wronged for you, Miss Sheng Family?"

  Sheng Baishan can't hear it, this is the other party's allusion to go to Gan's house.

   Suddenly, his face sank, his voice lowered and threatened, "Song Zixing, you don't have to take advantage of it, just be a good servant. This time it was just a negligence, so that you Song family picked up a bargain. The next time, I'm afraid I'm not so lucky."

  Song Zixing was not afraid of him. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and laughed wildly.

   "Ouch, I can't understand this. It's obviously that your good son-in-law is not good at doing things, and it has nothing to do with us."

  Sheng Baishan did not continue to be led by the other party, but just gave him a cold look.

   "Really, then we will wait and see to see who can laugh to the end."

   Song Zixing continued to give the old man a winning smile.

   But in my heart, it is not so easy.

  After fighting with the old thief of the Sheng family for so many years, he knew the strength of the old thief too well.

   I'm afraid, this old guy really has a strategy to turn over.

   The confrontation between the two ended temporarily.

  Although the two families do not match, they cannot be ashamed in front of these small families.

  It seems that the guest and the host are full of joy and tightness.

   They didn't expect that Lin Mengya sitting in the corner, put the performance of the two

   is in my eyes.

   "Speaking of it, Song Jian also came from the branch of the Song family. I heard my father mentioned that the relationship between Song Jian's father and their current owner is still a cousin."

  'S remarks on the side responsible for explaining the relationship to them caught her attention.

   "Song Jian and that person belong to a family"

Li Ao nodded and added, "However, many years ago, Song Jian's father offended the head of the family because of an incident and was almost expelled from the family. Speaking of that, he is also a child of the big family, but his father is also good Well, they have made a mistake, and they will never be able to recover from it."

  Speaking of Song Jian, there is nothing to resent in the hearts of several people.

  He is just a chess piece, and has already sent his life.

   People die, they can learn not to be angry.

   What's more, seeing that the elder of the Song family was able to fight with Elder Sheng for a while, it must have been of great strength.

   They don't need to come up and make themselves enemies.

  After the banquet was opened, Li Ao, as the young head of Li's family, naturally also wanted to make good friends with him.

  Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu both felt that he didn't have to stay by their side, so they asked Li Ao what he should do.

   As for the two of them, even if there is no one nearby, they can enjoy themselves.

   The calm and calm appearance of the faction made many people look at it secretly.

   Covering his mouth, Lin Mengya yawned.

   "This banquet is not interesting, otherwise, let's slip"

  The outsiders said dignified, elegant, and distinguished, the palace owner said in a small voice.

  Long Tianyu also agreed.

   It's crowded and noisy. It's better to go back to the inn and chat with his wife.

   "Qinghu, please help me tell Li Ao, let's go back first so that he doesn't have to worry."

   Lin Mengya said happily.

   Then, the two of them were quietly leaving the Sheng family while the surrounding guests were not paying attention.

   On the street, there are lanterns everywhere, like a Chinese New Year.

   But Shengjiacheng is not as prosperous as her non-Yecheng.

   However, it is also good to see the scenery of foreign land.

   They walked and talked, and there was always a smile on their faces.

   But soon, they noticed that someone behind them seemed to be following.

   glanced at each other and continued a calm conversation, but the route they took was a street with a lot of people.

   "Why are you still following us?"

  Lin Mengya said in his ear by Kung Fu's effort to tidy up his clothes.

  Long Tianyu pretended to glance inadvertently behind him, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

   "Find a secluded place, treat people first, then talk."

"it is good."

   finished, Lin Mengya was ready to push people to walk into an alley beside.

  People like this, their husband and wife did a lot.

   But what I didn't expect was that those who followed her before suddenly appeared in front of them when they were about to turn into the alley.

   "Who are you and why do you want us?"

   Lin Mengya looked at the people who were blocked in front of her with a bad look.

   They are all dressed as followers. From the perspective of clothing, the host should have some status.

   And the other party's performance is considered polite.

   "Small said just now that our young master watched the two dragon Zhang Fengzi and had a heartfelt relationship."

   They just blocked

That's what I said when I was a person.

   But Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu are not stupid.

  If you really just want to know them, why don’t you dare to walk along several streets with them

   changed his mind, Lin Mengya directly refused.

   "The two of us are just coming out to relax, don't want to make any new friends, please come back a few."

  She pushed the wheelchair and wanted to go, but the other party got entangled in them.

   "Mrs. Do this before she angered, we really did not think about it. But my son is really sincere, please also be able to understand the sincerity of my son"

   How come it sounds so awkward?

   It seemed that Long Tianyu thought of something, and his eyes became sharper immediately.

   "Then thank you for your son's kindness for me, but we really have to go back, please let go."

  Looking at her unmoved look, the entourage feels that they are a little bit wrong.

   "My wife is afraid I don't know who my son is, if my wife knows it"

   "What can I do if I know it"

   Lin Mengya just thought they weren’t funny

   "Who is your son, what is your relationship with me, don't let me say it again, let go"

   See if she is really going to be angry, and a few followers are not good to stop.

   just looked at her back, a little bit more chill.

   "Hmm, really a woman who doesn't know the heights of the sky. Let's go, we will go back and sue the young master. Later, she cried and begged us the day

   Lin Mengya actually heard it, so she immediately rolled her eyes.

   "Does the ancient people have the arrogance of Yelang? My family is tens of thousands of miles, where are they confident?"

  Although the people of the ancient tribe do not value the palace and the temple very much, in fact, if they are placed in the ancient tribe, they can rank well.

   What's more, both of them hold other unknown forces.

   didn't dare to say that they could destroy the ancient tribe, but at least they could keep both of them in retreat.

   But the people here don't understand, so they still underestimate them again and again.

   Bian'an has a short-sighted vision, which is really big.

   It hurts that she really wanted to broadcast it with a big speaker. The waist pole of the old lady is much thicker than most of them.

   But obviously, not many people understand this truth.

   After such a shortcoming, the two of them had no idea of ​​shopping.

  After returning to the inn to take a rest, this waited until Liao.

   It's just that when this man came back, his body was like he had just crawled out of the tank.

   The most amazing thing is that just looking at the face, I am afraid that no one will think he has drunk too much.

   "Palace, palace head, why do you have two"

   One second before, a serious one, and the next second, Liao swayed and fell down.

   Fortunately, he was held up by his entourage, so he did not fall.

   Lin Mengya ordered Cairu some helplessly to make him some sober soup.

   "How did he drink like this"

   The entourage asked was also innocent.

   It turned out that there were a few people who knew that the Li family and the Sheng family had a blind date.

   Li Ao didn't want them to hang this thing on his lips anymore, so the generous comers refused to show that he was open-minded.

  Finally, everyone believed that he had put down, but this wine did drink too much.

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