Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2552: The storm is rising

   Watching the Sheng family infight soon, Lin Mengya's brows became tighter and tighter.

   Today's view is designed in advance, but Song Zixing's purpose, is it just to make the Sheng family mess up?

  She didn't think it was necessary.

   Anyway, this is an internal matter of Sheng Family.

   And once Elder Sheng was relieved, he would launch a crazy revenge on Song Zixing.

   For Song Zixing, it's almost worth the loss.

   Unless, he is fully sure that this time the Sheng family can no longer climb up.

  Lin Mengya, who was thinking, did not notice that there seemed to be fewer people in the courtyard.

   looked at Long Tianyu, who was always alert, looked around quietly.

   He cleared his throat and attracted Li Ao's idea.

   "His Royal Highness?"

   "Look here, are there only the families that have made good relationships with the Sheng family?"

   Liao was still puzzled before, but after looking around, his heart sank.

   "I don't know the others, but the several families who are in the same line with the Sheng family are indeed present."

   "Be careful."

  After reminding this sentence, Long Tianyu stopped talking.

   Their situation is indeed a bit dangerous, and may be affected by others.

The contradiction between Elder Sheng and Master Sheng has been completely provoked by Song Zixing.

   The two didn't care about each other's faces, they clamored in front of everyone.

  Mrs. Sheng's tough style also played a role in fueling the fire.

   Just as everyone stretched their necks and wanted to hear all the secrets of the Sheng family, suddenly, they rushed in from the outside in a hurry and fell down in front of Elder Sheng.

   "Master, someone broke into the backyard secret and robbed things!"

   was so angry that the elder, who was blushing and thick neck, was furious.

   "Fuck things! Who snatched it? Let the old man know that he must be slashed!"

   Everyone can't help but shrink their necks.

   Elder Sheng's sentence, but the anger that he just quarreled with the Sheng family master is not at all a magnitude.

   Lin Mengya not only heard the anger to kill, but even a trace of unnatural fear from his tone.

   "Ha ha ha ha, old dog, you have today!"

   Song Zixing laughed loudly at this moment.

After   , he looked at Sheng Family Master's eyes, and there was an inch of cold killing opportunity.

   "At first, my elder brother was calculated by you in secret. I never found evidence. Now, I can finally avenge my elder brother!"

  Song Zixing's eyes with fierce hatred pulled out the short sword hidden in his sleeve, and pierced the chest of Elder Sheng fiercely.



   The sound of exclamation did not let the dagger deviate half an inch.

   But Elder Sheng also responded very quickly. The next moment, he tried his best to roll in place, but the dagger still opened his chest.

   It's just that he didn't see the corner of mouth secretly raised by Song Zixing.

   Elder Sheng, who had escaped from death, couldn't help but roar at Song Zixing.

   "What a courage! You as the elder monitor, dare to deal with me! You wait, I must go to the elders to impeach you!"

   "Really? Then you go. I'll see if those colleagues in the Presbyterian Church will listen to you as a traitor."

"what did you say

  ? "

  Elder Sheng was furious, but soon he realized something was wrong.

   bowed his head, he was shocked to find that his front had been opened, and most of his chest was exposed.

   And on his chest, there was a tangled scar.

   Those who were present were all dumbfounded when they saw clearly.

Long Tianyu whispered Li Ao softly, the latter also eased a bit, and then lowered his voice and said, "That's a "sinner brand". Only traitors who are impeached by the elders and expelled will have such scars. But before I have never heard that Elder Sheng has been punished in this way."

  However, compared with Li Ao's surprise, the followers of other Sheng families are not so pretty.

  Many of them put their future lives on the Sheng family.

  If this brand is true, then their disappointment may be lost.

   "Really, it seems that when you calculated my elder brother, you shot it yourself."

  Song Zixing has achieved all his goals.

   Next, it was time for him to harvest the fruits.

  'S eyes could not help revealing the light of excitement.

   "Oh, if it wasn't for him that he didn't know what to do, I wouldn't have dealt with him personally."

   Elder Sheng was slow and tidy, and arranged his shirt.

Since    has already been seen, he has no intention of concealing it.

  All the hidden things were forced to tear apart, but instead made Elder Sheng look like a different person.

   and was shocked by this change, there were Mrs. Sheng and the head of the Sheng family.

   "You, who the **** are you?"

  Lady Sheng shook her hands, as if she was too stimulated.

   But Elder Sheng at this time glanced at her in disgust.

   "If it weren't for you, the waste that wasn't enough, I wouldn't have exposed your identity so early. Since you know what you shouldn't know, then shut up forever!"

  'S voice was not down, he actually looked like a ghost, with his hands like claws straight to take Mrs. Sheng's throat.

  When everyone thought that Mrs. Sheng would die, there was a small crossbow arrow in the palm of his hand. Elder Sheng took a step first and went straight to his wrist.

   Elder Sheng had noticed that the arrival was not good, and immediately avoided it, before the small crossbow arrow hit his wrist.

   "Who? How dare you stop me!"

   Lin Mengya silently twisted his right hand.

  Why is it so much, look, and make yourself an enemy?

  Lady Sheng did many wrong things, but her maintenance of her husband and daughter was true.

   She could see Mrs. Sheng being punished, but she did not want her to die in front of Elder Sheng.

   Fortunately, her movements were more concealed, and with the cover of Long Tianyu and Li Ao in front, Elder Sheng just glanced towards them, but did not see who the secret weapon came from.

  With such a delay, Master Sheng had already guarded the person behind him, and together with his lover, protected it.

   "Since your Excellency is not one of my grand family, may I ask who you are and where is my real uncle?"

   "Of course I am the Sheng family, why don't you even know me? My dear nephew, you are pushed to the position of the head of the house by me. Whoever forgets me, you should not forget me."

   Elder Sheng said one by one, and said it very presumptuously.

   It seems that he is not afraid of being disassembled at all.

  The Master Sheng wrinkled and thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the person in shock in shock.

   "You, you are--"

   Elder Sheng grinned and smiled in vain.

   "Are you my father? But aren't you already dead?"

   can't be wrong!

   Sheng Shi clenched his fists in order to restrain his inner fear.

His father used to be one of the strongest candidates for the Sheng family head. However, his father's poor conduct, arrogant temper and rashness, so the last head of the house, his grandfather, did not pass the position of the head of the house to his father. It was passed directly to grandson.

   Father was too disappointed, unfortunately passed away.

   But the uncle's action expression just now, even if the appearance is not the same, but for him, it is a nightmare that has troubled him for more than 20 years.

   The moment, he shouted.

   "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that you can still remember you and me. Good children can rest assured that as long as you obediently obey, the position of the head of the Sheng family is still up to you."

   was present, the quickest reaction, but Lin Mengya and his wife.

   "He is a successful case?"

   asked Long Tianyu in a low voice, while Lin Mengya next to him was staring at the seal of Elder Sheng.

   She has a habit, but whenever she encounters unrecognized text or patterns, she likes to try it with the decryption function.

  Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains!

  The seemingly messy mark on the man's chest is actually a secret word of "Palace".

   Moreover, it is still written in that ancient script!

   Lin Mengya didn't have many surprises at this time. It is said that since this brand is to deal with traitors, the meaning should be related to the ancient people.

   is not her passionate, but one of the ancient families before the palace.

   Could it be said that the original Gong family was responsible for supervision and punishment, so the brand name would only be the word “Gong”?

   Lin Mengya felt a little puzzled, and the mystery in her heart was bigger.

   "I am not very clear, but it is very similar, it should be well integrated, so we did not see it at the beginning."

  After careful observation, Lin Mengya made a conclusion.

   The previous failure cases can be detected by the system.

   But Elder Sheng was very normal.

   This is likely to indicate that once consciousness and body are fully integrated, no one can see the strangeness.

   Of course, it may be that she has not studied such a complete case of integration, so the data is missing.

  Once it was determined that Elder Sheng was a near-perfect case, Lin Mengya and Xiaoyao's old problems had recurred.

   Her eyes were fiercely staring at Elder Sheng.

   made the latter have some scalp numbness.

   killed him, he couldn't think of it. After his identity was revealed, another research man wanted to slice him.

  If he wins today, if he loses, I am afraid that the end will be particularly miserable.

  Elder Sheng has taken the initiative by himself.

   He looked at Song Zixing with a playful expression.

   "Do you think you won?"

  Song Zixing narrowed his eyes. Although he was not at ease in his heart, he never lost his mouth.

   "Isn't this an obvious thing? No matter who you are, today you have to pay for your mistakes."

"Hahaha, Song Zixing you are a good strategist. Not only did you hear my secret, but you also found my secret room. I guess, that little **** should be your elder brother's deceased son? No wonder his appearance is the same as your elder brother. It’s a little bit similar. If it’s not clean with your hands and feet, I must have pulled him out long ago.”

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