Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2553: Shengjia panic

   Elder Sheng narrowed his eyes, his expression turned from anger to shame at the beginning, and gradually turned into a cold killing intention.

  Although Song Zixing wins on the surface, he is actually a more cautious person.

   Otherwise, he would not think of nephew when he was young, he was arranged to live in a small family.

   first came to avoid the harm of the person with heart, and second came to make enough plans to be able to avenge the elder brother.

   Now that this step has been reached, he must be retreating irrevocably!

   "Old thief of Sheng family, you are waiting to be buried with my elder brother!"

  Song Zixing's voice just fell, and there were dozens of figures in an instant. He emerged from the crowd, and his arms shone with cold light, which was obviously prepared.

   The guests present panicked, but they just wanted to go out, but they saw that the door had been strictly guarded.

   This time, they can only let others dominate.

   "Oh, Song Zixing, you are really willing to sacrifice your blood to kill me."

   Elder Sheng looked at those people and said with a sneer: "Your Song family's "Blood Blood Ride" only has a total of one hundred people, so many people can be transferred, I am afraid that the price you pay is not small."

   "As long as it can avenge my brother, it is the greatest price, I don't care. Moxueqi listens to the order and wins this old family thief!"

  Song Zixing was already desperate to fight with Elder Sheng.

  Moxueqi moved quickly, leaving only a few afterimages in a blink of an eye, and went straight to Elder Sheng.

   But what I didn't expect was that the man didn't know if he was stupid or he didn't put those people in the eye.

   Stand still without any hassle, hiding or hiding.

   At this moment, a horrified scream suddenly broke out in the crowd.


   Then, a man standing not far from Elder Sheng scratched his back neck like crazy.

   But after only a few seconds, the man was like a mess of mud, paralyzed on the ground.

   And where he stood, there was a **** spine!

   The next moment, the spine was dragged away by something like a rattan.

   Strange and terrifying scene, so that everyone could not help but stand up, even forgot to call.

   is almost the first time to see such a scene, only Lin Mengya, his face changed in the first time.

   "It's exactly the same!"

Although she had never seen the scene of Li Man's tragic death, she was still impressed with the body.

   Before this, she had also puzzled about what kind of tools could cause such harm.

  Now seeing the scene reappear, it really surprised her.

   The man's tragic death did not slow down Mo Xueqi's movements, the two happened almost simultaneously.

   But after the tragic death of the man, the ink-blood ride, which had not been covered up, was suddenly blocked by a tangled mass of vines.

  Not only that, the weird vines can even be entangled with them.

   was a little careless, and another Moxueqi also got the trick, and died exactly like the previous one.

   Bloody smell spreading in the red hall.

   "What the **** is this?"

   Li Ao was totally ignorant.

   He grew so big, he saw this strange and inexplicable plant for the first time.

   This time, even more terrified.

   "Be careful, I guess that thing should be controlled by Elder Sheng."

   Lin Mengya made a reminder.

  But unlike other people, her eyes are constantly staring at the large group of vines.

   "Hahahaha, why do you think I suffered this crime over the years? Song Zixing, you have to thank your good brother. If it weren't for him, I couldn't find such a good helper!"

   In the gap between the vines, the appearance of the elder Sheng looming.

   He was still normal just now, now he is like an old tree demon who has always become a fine.

   Numerous vines burrowed out of his body, breaking open his skin, leaving him covered with blood.

   But as Vine attacked others, his condition gradually improved.

   Finally, he showed a soothing expression indulged in it, and he couldn't be more perverted.

   The attack of the vines is indistinguishable, and besides the Ink Blood Ride, guests have also been affected a lot.

   Especially the head of the Chen family.

   At the beginning, he was so scared that he wanted to run.

  How could it be more chaotic outside, and finally, he ran to Elder Sheng as soon as he gritted his teeth.

   originally thought that the relationship between the Chen family and the Sheng family was great. No matter who the Sheng family was, he needed help.

  In any case, Elder Sheng will also give him a face.

   But he didn’t know. Elder Sheng knew that he could not keep anyone who knew it, otherwise he would die.

   Therefore, the self-proclaimed Chen family owner quickly became one of the vine's victims.

   And his death made the big guy even more confused.

   I am afraid that those vines that are indifferent to each other, or the more ruthless elder Sheng will kill himself.

In the chaos, Long Tianyu and Li Ao reluctantly guard Lin Mengya behind.

   They were lucky, they soon found a corner, and the three had a chance to breathe.

   "Damn grand family! He clearly wants to kill people!"

   shouted arrogantly.

   Long Tianyu narrowed his eyes, rubbed his fingers on the armrest of the wheelchair for a moment, but was just watching Lin Mengya's reaction.

   In the system, Xiaoyao almost didn't turn up.

   "Tentacle vines! Oh! God! This is also very rare, Master, I want samples! Samples! Samples!"

   Lin Mengya almost did not beat the dead child.

   "Don't even think about it! This vine is simply a murder weapon, and I want to live a few more years!"

   One more thing, if Xiaoyao wants specific data, then she has to get in touch.

   In other words, she had to eat the vines.


  No way!

  Thinking about it, she feels uncomfortable. Whoever loves to go for this kind of devotion to science, she is impossible anyway!

"Master, you misunderstood, how can this kind of thing let you eat? In fact, now the functions of the system have been evolved, I can use your body to get the information of the sample, without the sample entering your body at all. clatter!"

   "Well? Why didn't I know before?"

   Lin Mengya was even more puzzled.

  The little medicine hesitated for a while before saying, "You were too busy before, so I forgot"

   "If you forgot to say that you forgot, find me a reason to fart!"

   Lin Mengya is just crying and laughing.

   This little guy has become more and more humanized since he became self-conscious.

   She was raised as a child, but did not expect the "child" to be too clever, and actually had some minor problems.

   "Good master! I will pay attention in the future. However, I do not think you need to fear these tentacles."

   Small medicine is quite reliable.

  After a while, she sent the results of her analysis to her.

"I analyzed the plant we encountered last time and found that it is neither an animal nor a plant. It is a very special life form. If you use the existing things as an analogy, it should be 'Gu'. However, that kind of vine does not belong to any kind of'Gu' that exists in the system, it's just similar."

  Now that there are similar types of "Gu", there must be some similar characteristics.

   Lin Mengya is well aware of his blood poison and its impact on those Gu Gu.

   It is no exaggeration to say that if her blood poison is a kind of Gu, then at least it must be the status of Wan Gu.

   "Do you mean, that tentacle vine is also afraid of my blood poison?" Lin Mengya quickly scanned the data and concluded.

   "Theoretically, this is the case. In fact, your blood poison is really too special. Until now, I haven't figured out why there are such characteristics."

   The voice of Xiaoyao is a little proud.

   As an artificial intelligence, the most thing he does every day is to try to unlock the secret of the host's blood poison, so as to ensure the health of the host.

   But it is a pity that he still knows nothing so far.

   Fortunately, he has also collected some sample materials in these years.

  At least he is very clear, from the position of the poison world, the blood poison of his master is absolutely invincible!

   heard this, Lin Mengya was a little worried.

   She wanted to find out the secret of the tentacle vine, but if she exposed her blood poison, she would not know what the consequences would be.

  In her Kung Fu skills, a vine that had been hidden in the dark suddenly hit her.

  Lin Mengya almost subconsciously let go of her control of blood poison.

  Who expected the tentacle vine to be like meeting his own natural enemies, quickly wanting to retreat.

   But the next moment, it was cut down by people and became the most common vine.

   "Are you all right?"

   The key moment was that Long Tianyu cut off the vine with a hidden weapon and rescued her.

   Lin Mengya was also in a blink of an eye, gathering all the blood poison again.

  The tacit understanding between the husband and wife allows her to understand what she means without having to explain too much.

  Looking at his wife shook her head, Long Tianyu already understood that it would be inappropriate to stay here for a long time.

   "Let's go first, we will meet with Qinghu outside the city!"

   I'm afraid that the movements here will not be able to pass through for a while.

   Long Tianyu sent a signal immediately, and under the protection of all the guards, he finally rushed out of the hall.

   The yard is even more messy.

  Escaped are all desperate, some people even abandoned their loved ones.

   looks like they are neat and tidy, but it is a minority among the very few.

  Long Tianyu looked at the sky: "If they want to rush in, it will take at least a quarter of an hour, let's be more careful."

   In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, they left people outside except for the personal guard.

  Who wants to know that so many things happen in such a short night?

   The big Sheng family has long lost half of its joy.

   Most people are not familiar with the structure of the Sheng family’s yard, so some even ran into the yard in a hurry.

  Long Tianyu originally wanted to go to the gate position. Who knows, was stopped by Lin Mengya.

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