Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2554: Aroma source

   "Don't go there first."

   seems to be because of the feeling brought about by the moment when the blood poison broke out. Compared with the overcrowded front yard, she always feels that the back yard makes her feel safer.

  Long Tianyu chose to believe her almost without hesitation.

   In a crowd running wildly, the actions of several people are very conspicuous.

   But no one followed them.

   And the group of people who ran to the front, when they were about to see the door of the Sheng family, after a few voices of "嗖嗖嗖", the strange and inexplicable vine suddenly popped out of the ground and struck them

   The **** massacre in the front yard continued. On the other hand, it was Lin Mengya's side. Since entering the back yard, the surroundings were quiet.

   But everyone's mood is tense, for fear that the snake's dexterous vines will jump out from a tricky angle and beat them by surprise.

   Lin Mengya only feels that she has smelled the smell of scent after her close to the backyard.

   She can't tell whether the taste is floral or fruity. In short, if the taste gives her the deepest feeling, I am afraid it is two words-familiar.

   Yes, it is familiar.

   But she was pretty sure that at least she had never smelled it before.

   She instinctively wanted to chase this taste, and suddenly realized that she was taking everyone to the house of Miss Sheng together.

"what happened?"

   asked Long Tianyu softly.

  Although he knew that Yaer was not quite right, but with his understanding of his wife, he still followed her with no turning back.

   "Nothing, you will stand behind me for a while, don't worry, that thing is afraid of my blood poison."

   has arrived at this, Lin Mengya had to make a full plan.

   She was also very annoyed. Just a moment ago she did not notice her and took everyone to this place.

   But now the arrow is on the string, she can only do what she can to protect everyone.

  Long Tianyu hesitated for a moment before whispering, "It turns out to be true."

   Lin Mengya glanced at him suspiciously, and then he said: "I saw just now that the vine seems to be a little afraid of you. That's why I shot it. Don't expose your secrets unless they can be exposed."

   Her heart moved slightly, her brows nodded softly.

   This person always thinks of her safety in the first place.

   Lin Mengya gently opened the door.

   Compared to the liveliness of the front yard, this place is a little quieter than usual.

   just came in, the taste became more intense.

   seemed to be welcoming her, and it seemed to lure her into a trap.

   But now Lin Mengya can easily keep awake.

   It is probably that the influence of the fragrance on her is weakening. In the end, except for her inexplicable familiarity, she will not be affected by the fragrance anymore.

   To her surprise, the source of the fragrance was in a small room next to Sheng Wuyou's room.

   At this time, the narrow door was locked.

   She turned up her sensitivity and only heard shallow breathing sounds, just like the breathing rhythm of the human body entering deep sleep.

  I don't know who is so leisurely, but I can still sleep here at this moment.

  Lin Mengya turned around and discussed with Long Tianyu, who always had her safety first.

   After repeatedly confirming that there was no fatal danger in it, Lin Mengya hid behind him and he opened the door.

  Long Tianyu did not rush to get started, but directly pulled out the armrest of the wheelchair.

  Although Lin Mengya had long known that Yu had installed a lot of hidden devices on her wheelchair, she did not want even the armrest to be a long sword.

   Soon, the door was gently opened by Long Tianyu.

   Everyone's heart can't help but also hang up, fearing that something like a hidden weapon suddenly burst out inside.

   After confirming the safety, people just came in.

   The room is not big, but there is something like a shrine in the deepest part.

   Sheng Wuyou in a wedding dress put her hands on her chest, her eyes closed, her breathing calm, and the whole person seemed to be asleep.

   "Miss Sheng?"

   Lin Mengya recognized Sheng Wuyou at a glance and hurried over to help people.

   lightly called a few times, but the person didn't respond at all, and his heart sank slightly.

  She knew that Tu Gongzi was uneasy and kind, and that Elder Sheng might not really care about this daughter.

   but did not know whether he was so desperate that he would start with this innocent girl.

   Quickly checked the other party's condition, but fortunately it was nothing.

   Lin Mengya had to put down the person first and turn to observe the shrine.

   The fragrance that just brought her to here just seemed to come out of it.

   There are no other gods and Buddha statues except for a wooden base.

  She picked up the base and found that the rich fragrance was indeed there.

   But she was pretty sure that this base was definitely not what she was looking for.

   It is very likely that the things inside have been taken away!

   Just when she secretly speculated about what kind of **** the Buddha shrine was offering, Sheng Wuyou, who didn't wake up just now, suddenly opened her eyes.

"who are you?"

   The girl's cold and soft voice is particularly abrupt at the moment.

   Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu didn't react at all, but Li Ao was taken aback by her, some stunned explanation.

   "Miss Sheng, we, we are not bad people, right outside, your father is not your father, I don't know how to say this, in short, you have to believe that we will never harm you."

   Sheng looked at the young man in front of her without worries, and then her eyes were attracted by the two figures behind him.

   "Is it you?"

   Lin Mengya nodded and put the base back calmly.

   "I have seen Miss Sheng, the outside is very chaotic, I think you should hide with us."

  Since Elder Sheng has been replaced by others, when faced with Sheng Wuyou, I am afraid that the other party will not leave behind.

   But Sheng Wuyou looked at her with strange eyes.

   "You don't know me anymore."

   is not a question, but a fact.

   Lin Mengya also hesitated for a moment, but she felt that she should not have admitted the wrong person.

   "Of course I recognize the girl, but now is not a good time to reminisce. The girl should get up quickly, Mrs. Sheng must also hope you can leave safely."

  She was about to reach out but she was carefree, but the other party escaped.

   Sheng Wuyou stood up and looked at her with a smile, which made her look very uncomfortable.

   "I didn't expect you to become so useless. Also, you didn't agree with that at first. But now it seems that I still won!"

   Lin Mengya finally realized the anomaly.

   The woman in front of her may not be "Sheng Wuyou".


   Elder Sheng can be replaced without knowing it, so Sheng Wuyou can do the same.

   "Who are you? Why do you want to occupy Sheng Wuyou's body?"

   She was clearly alert.

  But before waiting for the other party to answer her question, the body of "Sheng Wuyou" began to tremble violently.


   The other person's throat seemed to be stiffly stuck. Then, Sheng Wuyou, who was still alive and kicking just now, collapsed instantly.

   It's just that she still twitched like a certain illness, which was really scary.

   It didn't take long for her to spit out something suddenly, and then the person really fainted.

   They all saw that the thing that Sheng Wuyou spit out was like a seed, but it was the size of a quail egg and the whole body was dark.

  From the moment the seed appeared, Long Tianyu and Li Ao also frowned.

   "Yaer, do you smell anything?"

  Long Tianyu adjusted his breath in time, lowered his voice and asked.

   The latter was a little surprised: "You smell it too?"

   nodded, Long Tianyu cautiously asked again: "Is this thing poisonous or not?"

   "No, it means that the fragrance will drift far away. And I suspect that this kind of thing is just what was enshrined in the Buddhist altar just now."

   But she didn't expect why Sheng Wuyou would swallow it.

   And she is not sure whether the other party's abnormality is related to this seed.

  Liao also felt relieved.

   He raised Sheng Wuyou, his emotions complex and whispered: "We are already overwhelmed now, what should we do next?"

   Lin Mengya couldn't care about getting dirty, and took out her handkerchief and wrapped the seeds directly.

   "Did you not find that we did not encounter vines along the way?"

  When she was in the Gan family, she had studied this thing.

   Judging from its root system, if this thing grows intentionally, it may be able to crawl the entire yard.

   The second wife of the Gan family relied on the roots of the vines to perceive the situation in the courtyard.

  Although I don’t know the situation of Elder Sheng, at least Lin Mengya can be sure that the other party must have covered the entire courtyard with roots.

   But when they walked to the backyard, they didn't even see one.

   "Then let's run from the back door? I always feel that this place is too gloomy."

   Liao's tone was full of helplessness.

   He did not expect that he was just here to attend a wedding, how could it be so unfortunate to encounter such a thing.

   Lin Mengya nodded, hiding the seeds and a group of people wanted to escape along the backyard.

   didn't want to, but someone stopped them.

   "Liao, put my wife down!"

   Changed the costume of Tu Gongzi's temperament suddenly changed.

   holds a long sword in his hand, his eyebrows are as cold as a sword, only when he comes into contact with Sheng Wuyou in Li Ao's arms, he will be a little complicated.

  Liao is not willing to hand over people.

   "If you are still a man, don't involve innocent people. You have used her once to avenge your father. Now, do you want to use her a second time?"

   "What happened between me and her, it's not your turn to talk!"

   Tu Gongzi's face was a little bit angry.

   "Take people only, otherwise, I will let you stay here forever!"

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