Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2564: Parasitic characteristics

   She frowned.

  Looking at the woman's wound, it reminds her of the plants in the plant kingdom who have been deprived of nutrients because they grew too close, and finally died because of weakness.

   Therefore, although this vine can use thorns to stab living creatures, it even pierces its own parasitic daughter strain directly into the living creatures.

  But no matter how many child plants there are, only the strongest one survives in the end?

   This is really a cruel competition rule.

   It is the same whether it is for vines or for people parasitized by them.

   Soon, the man and the little girl brought what she needed.

   "You retreat first, and no matter what you see in a moment, don't say anything, you know?" she asked.

  Father and daughter nodded in fright, then the two retreated to a corner of the room.

  The two of them could not help but curled up together and became each other's support, looking at the woman in bed worriedly.

  Fortunately, Lin Mengya made preparations before coming in.

   She brought some powders of various colors, as well as those scalpels and silver needles that she usually used.

   First, she carefully checked with her hand and found that the only surviving vine seed strain near the wound was hard, about ten centimeters in diameter, and was decreasing in a radial pattern.

   This means that the daughter plant may also develop.

Although    can't be seen outside, it is possible that the root system already exists inside.

   She can't carelessly.

   Otherwise the woman's life will be gone.

  After sterilizing the scalpel, she didn't know how to start.

   "Aunt, girl?"

  Middle-aged man swallowed, and called her weakly.

She questioned the past with her eyes, and the other person rubbed her hands and said dryly: "Just cure it. In fact, these mouths of my family have always been so painful to die or alive these days, if it is really gone, it is also to let her come sooner. Happiness is gone."

  Despite that, she still saw the man's eyes turn red.

   This man is not a weak person.

  In the face of the strange vine attack in the city, he chose to protect his wife and daughter and those strangers.

  However, he could not relieve the pain for his wife, and he almost killed the girl because of unknown people.

   Therefore, his current mood should be complicated and anxious that others cannot imagine.

   But in the face of his wife's only hope, he stood up and wanted to find a result for his wife.

   How brave and steady is this?

  At this moment, she also seemed to be infected by the man, and her mind could not help but calm down.

   She nodded slightly.

"I know."

  Frustrated, she took the first knife slowly and forcefully according to the previously selected part.

  As the cuticle was cut open, there was no blood left in it, but after opening the skin, it was found that the inside was dark green.

   This is the reason why the vines take root inside.

   While carefully opening the wound for the woman, the other side was still thinking about how she looked when she saw Madam Elder going crazy.

   At that time, the vines on Elder Sheng came out directly.

  He also became **** because of those wounds.

   But there is no blood in the wound she opened now, that is to say, if the vines are parasitic to a certain extent, maybe they will not **** the human flesh and blood, but only to achieve symbiosis in another way?

   She continued to plan inside.

   Soon, she discovered that the little child plant had developed into a fist-sized mass.

  It's just because they are hidden in the skin of women, so it doesn't look so scary outside.


   behind, the girl couldn't help but whispered, but immediately thought of her command, and covered her mouth.

   But in those clear eyes, there was still some fear.

   That is a living person!

   The group of creepy vines, like snakes, was rooted in the blood of mother.

   From that moment on, the girl became more obsessed than fear.

   That vine is a disaster, a ghost, it is unknown!

   She must find a way to completely remove this thing in the future!

  Lin Mengya didn't look at the girl, she changed her hands to silver needle.

  Although she is not very clear about the usual trajectory of the vines, one thing is certain, the so-called nutrients the vines absorb are the blood of living people.

  The needle fell under her hand, and she sealed several veins on the back of the woman, completely cutting off the nutritional source of the vine.

   She can't seal it for too long, otherwise the sealed place will die.

   Therefore, she is betting.

   Time passed a little bit.

   Watching the woman's sealed part gradually becoming white, Lin Mengya was also anxious.

   The vines remained silent.

  In the system, small medicines are also constantly being analyzed.

   "Aren't we guessing wrong? Doesn't vines rely on blood vessels to absorb blood?"

   But with the blood in the back part, how can the vines' nutrition be enough?

   Lin Mengya has raised her hand.

  As long as there was no response after another ten seconds, she had to immediately pull out the silver needle to let that part of blood bleed.

   Suddenly, the vine moved.

   She thought she was dazzling, but did not expect the next moment, the vines that had been licked on the woman's body were pulled out from the woman's wound like an octopus.

   This time, everyone took a breath.

   Lin Mengya has been staring intently.

   It seems that the vines really want to transfer.

   But why did Lin Mengya give it such a chance?

  She quickly applied the needle.

   used just a few seconds to seal all the places where the vines can be transferred.

   Then, just after the last rhizome of the vine was pulled out of the woman's body, Lin Mengya quickly pulled out the vine with his bare hands, and the other hand also pulled out the silver needle on the woman's back almost at the same time.


   She snorted, and the guard immediately reached her in front of the brazier.

   Lin Mengya knotted the vines, then put a cover with a cloth and threw them into the red charcoal basin.

   The cloth was soaked with a lot of kerosene, and almost as soon as it touched the Martian seed, it burned up.

   Afterwards, Lin Mengya smelled a scorched smell.

   She only glimpsed that the charred vine struggled violently a few times before turning to ashes.

   The whole process is actually only a few minutes in total.

   But for the people around, it is enough to remember a lifetime.

   Especially the father and daughter.

   They are almost directly subverted.

   Is that thing really just a vine?

   "Now that the patient is losing a lot of blood, the best way is to recuperate. As for whether there will be any sequelae, it is not easy to say."

   Lin Mengya quickly cleaned the other wounds, and then sutured, took off the gut gloves and told the father and daughter.

   It seems that she just guessed well.

   This kind of vine strain depends on sucking the blood of the parasite

   fluid survival and development.

  If the parasitic person dies, the child will leave and look for a new parasitic person.

   This is a terrible feature.

  If there are really people who are parasitized or leave here, then once the conditions are met, the vines will parasitize, causing a catastrophe.

   It's just that she couldn't figure it out.

   Why did the vines tighten when she opened the woman's skin?

  She found several small holes in the back of the woman.

   It is obvious that this is a trace left when the vine's child strain wants to expand outward.

   Perhaps, the disappearance of the vines in the whole family, like a woman, was completely retracted?

  In her heart, she suddenly had some extremely bad hunches.

   "Brother, before the vine suddenly disappeared, could anything strange happen here?"

   she asked.

  The middle-aged elder brother who is busy taking care of his wife is also surprised.

   Of course, he knew everything about his wife's life-saving benefactor.

  Thought for a while, then patted his head and said: "To say something strange, last night my girl seemed to smell a bouquet of flowers."

  He pushed the little girl.

  The latter is still timid, but at least he spoke to her bravely.

   "I, I smelled it when I gave my mother medicine in the yard last night."

   The taste of medicine is bitter, so the little girl will notice the distinctive floral fragrance in the air.

   Plus those people are very timid and have been hiding in the house all the time. They refused to come out at all and refused to open the window, which didn't smell.

   "Master, I think we may have to escape."

In the    system, Xiaoya couldn't help but warn her.

  Zizi is in its infancy, so those huge vines that can almost wrap up the whole Shengjiacheng are probably in their adulthood.

   Elder Sheng was wounded when he was just broken out of the vine, but then all of them disappeared.

   Obviously, part of the energy absorbed by the vines can be fed back to the parasite.

   So many lives in Shengjia City, to what extent can vines develop?

   Lin Mengya's complexion became more and more heavy.

   "Notify people outside to respond and send all the survivors out of the city! Others, go to Shengfu with me to explore the situation."

  Before that, she had to thoroughly check the physical condition of those people, lest they take the daughters out.

   When I heard that I could go out of the city, most people were in tears of joy.

   also rarely contradicted the inspections mentioned by Lin Mengya and his colleagues.

   However, such things as **** sticks are inevitable no matter where they are.

   "Remove your dirty hands! If you dare to touch this young master again, I will chop your hands!"

   is still the most happily surnamed Zhao.

   Lin Mengya wrinkled her eyebrows, but saw that the man was desperate to go with her.

   "What are you doing?"

   The time is tight, and the delay is a second, and the people here, including them, will be in danger.

   But Zhao surnamed Duan stared at her fiercely.

   "My son wants to go, I don't need your good intentions!"

   This is really a dog biting Lv Dongbin, and he doesn't know good people.

   "Just let you take off your clothes for inspection, the situation is special, I hope you can understand the cooperation."

   "Oh, if you want me to take it off."

   Zhao surnamed Wan pointed at her, a wretched smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "Let her and the little girl come to serve the young master, I will undress and I will promise!"

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